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Contents of /joko/TestArea/vb/MapiAccess/Actions.frm

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations)
Mon Jan 20 18:22:23 2003 UTC (22 years, 1 month ago) by joko
Branch: MAIN
+ initial check-in

1 VERSION 5.00
2 Begin VB.Form Actions
3 Caption = "Form1"
4 ClientHeight = 3825
5 ClientLeft = 60
6 ClientTop = 345
7 ClientWidth = 7065
8 LinkTopic = "Form1"
9 ScaleHeight = 3825
10 ScaleWidth = 7065
11 StartUpPosition = 1 'CenterOwner
12 Begin VB.TextBox Text1
13 Height = 2895
14 Left = 240
15 MultiLine = -1 'True
16 TabIndex = 1
17 Top = 720
18 Width = 6615
19 End
20 Begin VB.CommandButton Command1
21 Caption = "Command1"
22 Height = 375
23 Left = 240
24 TabIndex = 0
25 Top = 120
26 Width = 2415
27 End
28 End
29 Attribute VB_Name = "Actions"
30 Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
31 Attribute VB_Creatable = False
32 Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
33 Attribute VB_Exposed = False
34 ' 2002-07-27
36 Const bool_showProfileChooser As Boolean = True
37 Const outlookProfileName As String = "x"
38 Const outlookProfilePass As String = ""
40 Dim mailer As Outlook.Application
41 Dim bool_mailerAlreadyRunning As Boolean
43 Private Function mailerCheckRunning() As Boolean
44 Dim tmp As Variant
45 On Error Resume Next
46 tmp = mailer.ActiveExplorer.WindowState
47 If Err.Number = 0 Then mailerCheckRunning = True
48 On Error GoTo 0
49 End Function
51 Private Function mailerStart()
53 slog "creating mailer-object"
54 Set mailer = New Outlook.Application
55 DoEvents
56 DoEvents
58 bool_mailerAlreadyRunning = mailerCheckRunning
60 If bool_mailerAlreadyRunning Then
61 slog "*not* logging on, using running mailer"
62 Else
63 If bool_showProfileChooser Then
64 slog "logging in (using Profile-Chooser), this may take some seconds!"
65 mailer.Session.Logon , , 1
66 DoEvents
67 DoEvents
68 Else
69 slog "logging in (auto-selecting profie " & outlookProfileName & "), this may take some seconds!"
70 mailer.Session.Logon outlookProfileName, outlookProfilePass, 0
71 End If
72 End If
74 End Function
76 Private Function mailerShutdown()
78 slog "logging off"
79 mailer.Session.Logoff
81 If bool_mailerAlreadyRunning Then
82 slog "*not* quitting running mailer!"
83 Else
84 slog "closing active mail-explorer"
85 mailer.ActiveExplorer.Close
86 slog "quitting mailer"
87 mailer.Quit
88 End If
90 slog "destroying mailer-object"
91 Set mailer = Nothing
93 End Function
95 Private Function getContactFolder() As Outlook.MAPIFolder
96 slog "getting contacts"
98 ' V1 - get the default "Contacts"-folder
99 ' Set getContactFolder = mailer.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)
101 ' V2 - iterate all folders hierarchically (level 1 & 2)
102 ' Dim myFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
103 ' Dim mySubFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
104 ' For Each myFolder In mailer.Session.Folders
105 ' MsgBox "level1: " & myFolder.Name
106 ' For Each mySubFolder In myFolder.Folders
107 ' MsgBox "level2: " & mySubFolder.Name
108 ' Next
109 ' Next
111 ' V3 - jump to the first "level 1" - folder and continue from there
112 Dim mainFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
113 Dim mySubFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
114 Set mainFolder = mailer.Session.Folders.GetFirst
115 For Each mySubFolder In mainFolder.Folders
116 'MsgBox "level2: " & mySubFolder.Name
117 If mySubFolder.Name = "test" Then Set getContactFolder = mySubFolder
118 Next
120 End Function
122 Private Function readMapiFolder(myFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder)
123 Dim contactItem As Outlook.contactItem
124 Dim objAttribute As Variant
125 'myfolder.Items.Item(
126 Dim buffer As String
127 For Each contactItem In myFolder.Items
128 'MsgBox contactItem.NickName
129 'contactItem.us
130 'MsgBox contactItem.l
131 'Text1.Text = Text1.Text & contactItem.LastName & vbCrLf
132 buffer = buffer & "lastname: " & contactItem.LastName & vbCrLf
133 Next
134 readMapiFolder = buffer
135 End Function
137 Private Sub Command1_Click()
139 Dim dump As String
140 Dim cF As Outlook.MAPIFolder
142 Text1.Text = ""
144 mailerStart
145 Set cF = getContactFolder()
146 MsgBox cF.Name
147 dump = readMapiFolder(cF)
148 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & dump & vbCrLf
149 'mailerShutdown
151 End Sub
153 Private Sub slog(logString As String)
154 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & logString & vbCrLf
155 DoEvents
156 End Sub

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