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Contents of /joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-01.html

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Revision 1.76 - (show annotations)
Mon Jan 27 11:03:29 2003 UTC (22 years, 1 month ago) by joko
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.75: +19 -4 lines
File MIME type: text/html
+ AUTOCOMMIT: updated/added content

1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <title>joko's sample notes - 2003-01 - InventoryCleanupAndRefactoring</title>
4 <link href="/horde/css.php?app=chora" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
5 </head>
6 <body>
9 <pre>
12 <hr/>
14 AIMS:
15 - Convert this document into a data-structure and back.
16 - Don't loose a bit of information.
17 - Make possible to link to all resources available.
19 for working with it
20 - global metadata
21 - cvs-loginfo/commitinfo
22 - ItemMetadata
23 - ItemStatus (open, closed and stuff)
24 - ItemAuthor
25 - ItemType
26 - ItemIdentifier
27 - references/associations to/from
28 - word metadata
29 - link to target
30 - show target as ...
31 - overview of all gathered metadata (at the bottom)
33 for rendering it
34 - render <target> at <locator> as <that-type> [in <this-mode>] [to this <othertarget>]
36 <hr/>
38 joko@netfrag.org - sample stack:
40 o [task by joko] introduced "dispatchmail" to add mail2news-functionality to "recieveMail" (collector@netfrag.org)
41 x [task by joko] migrated joko_mail from "receiveMail" to "dispatchmail"
42 x [bug from joko] what about mailing from the cli / mails sent from the system (e.g. via CVSSpam):
43 mail is sent out coming from <username>@quepasa.netfrag.org
44 --> how to configure just having <username>@netfrag.org right here???
45 x [resolved by jonen] CVSSpam: janosch@netfrag.org:
46 x cd /etc/mail
47 x nano sendmail.mc
48 x add/replace line: MASQUERADE_AS(`netfrag.org')
49 x make
50 x /etc/init.d/sendmail reload
51 o [bug from joko] "su root" is needed sometimes
52 else PATH is not set correctly
53 and maybe something other
54 compiling fails always
55 x [task by joko] these items already have been refactored into other Tasks, Notes and/or Bug Requests - this Note is just FYI.
56 o [task by joko] dispatchmail - project work
57 x README.pod -> README.html
58 x link with "topics.html" properly
59 x write something about data-/control-flow to README.pod
61 o look (in detail) at Cyrus Netnews
62 [...]
63 The IMAP server can export netnews newsgroups as IMAP mailboxes.
64 [...]
65 o collectnews, rmnews, syncnews
66 x seems to make an external web-based newsreader unneccessary!!!
68 o tie together mail, news and html
69 c write mini-howto
71 o link with erfrakon
73 o sieve?
75 o post some old mails to news.netfrag.org!
77 o what about "dev@netfrag.org"?
79 o nfo/perl/libs
80 x ts
81 x outlook2ldap
82 x dispatchmail
83 o get the essence (project- and development work - the whole workflow) out of it! write it down! in detail!
85 o netfrag.org-workflow:
86 o technical questions to support@netfrag.org?
87 o publish them via news!
88 o queue them into / integrate with TUTOS somehow!!!
90 o new threads@news.netfrag.org:
91 x ctlinnd newgroup nfo.support.queue
92 x ctlinnd newgroup nfo.support.faq
94 x new account for janosch@news.netfrag.org
95 x nano /etc/news/nnrp.access
96 x added line: *:Read Post:janosch:janosch:*
98 o check out from cvs-repository:
99 o joko/doc -> /home/joko/public_html/computing/overview/topics/
100 o leaded to (A, B and C): see <a href="../topics/home2web.html">home2web</a>
102 o added user@netfrag.org:
103 x adduser: collector/colĀ§$
105 o about: some sample items occoured 2003-01-17 until 2003-01-26.
106 what to do with that?
107 o have all items stored in other applications conveniently.
108 o be able to have items or references to them *archived* centrally
109 o be able to access informations via *one* interface.
110 actually *multiple* interfaces should be possible
111 - the aim here is to get everything together (INTEGRATE!) (mnoGoSearch first! Torus::Archive later?)
113 o refactor topics:
114 o make global-accessible@netfrag.org
115 o introduce subtopics
116 o sysadmin tasks
117 o janosch's, jonen's and joko's tasks
119 o start project "admintools" @ nfo/perl/scripts - including
120 o getip.pl
121 o notify.pl
122 x on uml-event: up/down/reboot
123 o on news-post (dispatchmail: mail2news)
124 o on cvs-checkout (done on interval with joko/doc - see above)
125 o on build (build.pl)
126 o some tools from dispatchmail
127 o dispatchmail itself!
128 o
130 o [idea] ;-) for symbols (in general)
131 - o = Open Task
132 - x = Closed Task
133 (- [<TopicName>] = name of topic - fixed/proposed)
134 - [<TopicType> by|for <UserName>] =
135 - type of topic - fixed/proposed
136 - username who submitted this item / should this item be assigned to
137 - this could become a language for describing the workflow
138 - this proposal should be the shortcut-form in wiki-style: (e.g. make 'tiki-workflow' from that?)
139 - more verbose (e.g. XML) - forms could/should become possible (e.g. 'WFML') (WorkFlow Markup|Modeling Language)
140 - TODO: refactor this document after further commits to show off refactoring process through cvs-revisioning!
141 o required for this: link to a page which shows the history of a document not as verbose as (e.g.) chora does
142 - d = from 'tbd': to-be-discussed
143 - c = cancelled
145 o [idea] ;-) for symbols (in _this_ document here) (parser|engine behaviour modification)
146 - R = from 'tbr': to-be-refactored
147 - r = already refactored elsewhere
148 - an "r" may also mean "reference" ;-)
149 - make 'r-http://netfrag.org/to/another/reference/wrapped/via/http/' possible in documentation
150 - also the shortcut form: [r:/to/another/reference/wrapped/via/http/]
151 - this - and only this - should be the minimalst requried definition of a "reference"
152 - an internet "link" - however needs some more metadata around it: an "url" and a "caption" - what about these?
153 - either fetch them from archive-metadata of this reference ...
154 - ... or use the name directly as caption and build the url against a known redirector handler which
155 accesses the archive-metadata
157 o rename "thread" to "newsgroup" in all scripts!
159 o what about:
160 Torus::Xyz - solution to reuse concepts of Apache 2 and Cyrus 2!!! (and OpenLDAP???) for building an open collaboration server?
162 o word-search: "identify" and "search" for
164 o establish global "logs/" - like at http://moose.qx.net/logs/
166 o add redirecting page when someone wants to access
167 o http://netfrag.org/~joko/phpChoPro/ or
168 o http://netfrag.org/~joko/w2hfax/
170 o update mail-dispatching-rules - aim: a more flat structure!!!
171 o look at ilo.de/Inbox
172 o marked message to Spam? Newsletters?
173 x move: logs/cvs/quepasa.netfrag.org -> logs/netfrag.org
174 x look at netfrag.org/Inbox
175 x if subject matches "Cron <joko@quepasa>" set target "logs/netfrag.org/joko/cron" [push over cron]
176 x mkdir Mail/SORTED/netfrag.org/joko
177 x touch Mail/SORTED/netfrag.org/joko/cron
178 x if subject matches "quepasa daily usenet report" at begin set target "logs/netfrag.org/system/applications" [push over inn]
179 x if subject matches "[CVS" at begin set target "logs/netfrag.org/cvs" [push over CVSSpam]
180 x if mail is from myself set target "me2myself"
181 x moved some folders
182 x move already existing file to folder
183 x mv logs/netfrag.org/system logs/netfrag.org/system.tmp
184 x mkdir logs/netfrag.org/system
185 x mv logs/netfrag.org/system.tmp logs/netfrag.org/system/applications
186 x mv netfrag.org/Status/h1.service.netfrag.org logs/netfrag.org/system/
187 x mv netfrag.org/Status/TWikiChanges logs/twiki.org/ChangeLog
188 x mkdir logs/twiki.org
189 x do changes in .dispatchmailrc - always - ;-)
190 x mv netfrag.org/Status/quepasa.netfrag.org logs/netfrag.org/system/
191 x blocked email-partition *partition*! - email-partition(!) -> WordFinder
192 x mkdir ../FILTERED
193 x mv netfrag.org/Status/Spam ../FILTERED
194 x mv netfrag.org/Status/Test misc/
195 x mv netfrag.org/Status/Postmaster\ Routing misc/Postmaster
196 x rmdir netfrag.org/Status/
197 x look at netfrag.org/Inbox - again
200 o look at quepasa.netfrag.org/Inbox
201 o [Multisync-users]
202 o [Kroupware]
203 x tested the rules from above
204 x echo This is a testmail. Please ignore it. | mail -s "[CVS hello]" joko
205 o move old mails to MailHistory
207 o write parser and engine to handle above declaration: Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Interface::Script
208 o add "X-"-field (X-Dispatched-By: dispatchmail-0.06 - http://netfrag.org/~joko/computing/dispatchmail/)
210 o release mail from above from joko - introduce another email-address
211 - e.g. work@netfrag.org, event@netfrag.org or tracker@netfrag.org (like collector@netfrag.org)
213 o Multisync & SyncML
214 o post something to mailing-list...!?
216 o the '.cvslink'-mechanism:
217 o type: ln -s /home/joko/public_html/_web/_cvs.php .
219 o LinkContainer
220 - insert via drag & drop
221 - shows links hierarchically
223 o (Self)Info - mails to yourself
224 o convert all "(Self)Info" mails to
225 news-messages - use "formail" and ...?
227 o h1.service.netfrag.org
228 o base os-upgrade: suse X -> debian 3.0
230 o dispatchmail
231 o are Mail-Headers already added?
233 o workflow (PostThisLink)
234 o drag link from done google-search ...
235 o ... to container (at the current Task)
236 o a news-post is created automagically
237 o use this:
238 [smtp-header-fields]
239 From: expanded email-address resolved from Name|Nickname in Addressbook (via LDAP!)
240 Subject: googled for "<search-request>"
241 [body]
242 o include into mime-part if not already included
243 o fetch from web on demand
245 o ssl/tls for inn?
247 o dispatchmail
248 o re-link as sub-/module-project under Torus::Content::Gateway (mail2news, mail2fax)
249 o -> Torus::Content - a content delivery engine
250 o -> additional idea: Torus::Content::Gateway is "just" the API to "Torus::Item::Router" in this case
251 o 'Torus::Content::Gateway' would then route 'Torus::Item::RFC822'-objects using 'Torus::Item::Router'
252 o look at sieve - jonen posted to nfo.links.computing: [r:Message-ID: <b0ppj7$7gv$1@quepasa.netfrag.org>]
253 o re-link as sub-/module-project under Torus::Virtual (mail2folder, mail2mail)
254 o here it acts as a dispatcher from incoming mails - TARGET gets resolved via ldap-resolvement
255 o make possible: MAIL-IN -> mail2mail (via ldap-query) -> mail2fax|mail2news
256 o mail2news
257 x the "via-fetchmail"-solution
258 x su collector
259 x cd ~
260 x chmod og-rwx .fetchmailrc
262 o finally: do actually establish 'Torus' at 'nfo/perl/libs'
264 o pod: checkout how to make references which expand to html-urls
265 o does pod handle this or do we need external link-expansion for this task?
266 o how to make references to news-messages?
267 e.g.:
268 o Message-ID: <b0ppj7$7gv$1@quepasa.netfrag.org>
269 o news://news.netfrag.org/nfo.links.computing
270 o proposal(s) for "news2http" (Torus::Content::Gateway/Torus::Item::???):
271 o http://news.netfrag.org/id=b0ppj7$7gv$1@quepasa.netfrag.org
272 o http://news.netfrag.org/nfo.links.computing/subject=FilteringMailWithSieve of wiki
273 o http://news.netfrag.org/nfo.links.computing/id=b0ppj7$7gv$1@quepasa.netfrag.org
275 o what about the '.nws'-files on ms? (for news-messages)
277 o display-mode: everything strictly hierarchical to get maximum overview!!!
279 x Inventory: cleaned up local and master code repositories
281 o add "last-updated" to "README.html"
283 o search.netfrag.org
285 o tool for the "DoThis", "DoHere", "DoAll" - series
286 o FaxThis (joko/ToolBox/Windows/FaxThis)
287 o tool "WinSync": (WinSync All)
288 x RsyncHere
289 o Contacts2Ldap
291 o statistics-page:
292 o for cvs.netfrag.org: cvs-statistics (activeness, ...), sloccount
294 x home2web
295 x finally - added complete /home/joko/ to cvs-repository in order to get a revisioned ".dispatchmailrc"
296 x ~/.bashrc - added line: export CVSROOT=/var/lib/cvs
297 x relogin: logout/login
298 x cd ~
299 x joko@quepasa:~$ cvs checkout -d . joko (Fri Jan 24 00:43:18 CET 2003)
300 x cvs add TODO
301 x cvs add .bashrc .cronrc-hourly .forward
302 x added /home/joko/virtual/joko_mail
303 [as joko]
304 x cvs add virtual
305 x chmod g+w virtual/CVS/*
306 [as joko_mail
307 o shortcut for (e.g.): cvs commit -m "initial check-in" .bashrc .cronrc-hourly .forward
308 o cvsadd <abc> <def>
309 o add /home/root (and maybe include there some other things "lying around")
311 o alternative to all that Cyrus-stuff: just use the very "normal" imapd together with kerberos
313 o make screenshots of log-output of dispatchmail when it's ready
315 o base logging of 'dispatchmail' on DesignPattern::Object::Logger
317 o dispatchmail-mail2folder: add feature to create folders recursively
319 x archive mails
320 x su joko_mail
321 x cd ~
322 x mv ilo.de/Inbox ~/MailHistory/ARCHIVED/ilo.de/2002-05-30\ -\ 2003-01-24
323 x mkdir ~/MailHistory/ARCHIVED/netfrag.org/2003-01
324 x mv netfrag.org/Info ~/MailHistory/ARCHIVED/netfrag.org/2003-01/
325 x changed rule which formerly targeted to 'netfrag.org/Info' into 'me2myself'
326 x mv netfrag.org/Inbox ~/MailHistory/ARCHIVED/netfrag.org/2003-01/
327 x mkdir ~/MailHistory/ARCHIVED/netfrag.org/2003-01/Status
328 x mv netfrag.org/Status/cashew.netfrag.org ~/MailHistory/ARCHIVED/netfrag.org/2003-01/Status/
329 x mv netfrag.org/Status/h1.service.netfrag.org ~/MailHistory/ARCHIVED/netfrag.org/2003-01/Status/
330 x mv Sent ~/MailHistory/ARCHIVED/Sent/Sent_2002-11-13_-_2003-01-24
333 o investigate LDAP-entry "mailForwardingAddress"
335 o establish "Mini-HowTo"
337 o search (allover): /^.*\.netfrag\.org/ => find all hostnames to register
338 (they are scattered around in to-be-installed (web-)applications)
340 o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Lookup (csv-file, ::NetLDAP, => Data::Storage::Handler::Xyz => Data::Map)
342 x switched mailing completely in outlook
343 o Evolution!
344 x now talking to 'wu-imapd' via ssl, too! - thanks to jonen!
345 Jan 24 04:55:17 quepasa imapd[11508]: connect from
346 Jan 24 04:55:17 quepasa imapd[11508]: imaps SSL service init from
347 Jan 24 04:55:18 quepasa imapd[11508]: Login user=joko_mail host=pD9E77B39.dip.t-dialin.net []
348 x now my outlook sends via 'mail.netfrag.org' using 'TLS' - thanks to jonen!
349 Jan 24 04:53:09 quepasa sm-mta[11499]: STARTTLS=server, relay=pD9E77B39.dip.t-dialin.net [], version=TLSv1/SSLv3, verify=NO, cipher=RC4-MD5, bits=128/128
350 Jan 24 04:53:10 quepasa sm-mta[11499]: h0O3r91D011499: from=<andreas.motl@ilo.de>, size=435, class=0, nrcpts=1, msgid=<008c01c2c35c$5701d2a0$240aa8c0@grasshopper>, proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, relay=pD9E77B39.dip.t-dialin.net []
352 o use <a href="http://imapfilter.hellug.gr">IMAPFilter</a>!!!
354 o refactor old TODOs using 'home2web'
356 o webgate (like dispatchmail)
358 o zeit anhalten! (alle grauen mƤnner umbringen!)
360 o add to cvs:
361 o /home/service/
362 o /home/service/virtual/collector
363 o /home/service/virtual/tracker
364 o /home/service/virtual/fetcher
365 o /home/service/virtual/archiver
367 o use 'wCron' to automagically do a 'cvs commit -m "+ updated/added content" joko/doc'
368 x mkdir -p C:\Programme\WCron
369 x unzip -j "C:\home\amo\develop\netfrag.org\rabit\wCron\releases\WCron-0.62-pre.zip" -d C:\Programme\WCron
370 o win2000: change/check permissions: right-click/Properties/Security Settings/Read, Execute = enabled
371 x run it
372 x add task
373 x implement shortcut-script: joko/Scripts/shortcuts/cvs_commit_joko-doc.bat
374 x add lines:
375 x cd C:\home\amo\develop\netfrag.org\joko
376 x cvs commit -m "+ updated/added content" doc
379 o on Windows it's called "QuickLaunch" ....
381 o plugins for nautilus/gnome/kde:
382 show arbitrary data-structures (from anywhere): here we may get the drag & drop - functionality "on-the-fly"
384 o new user "gateway":
385 x adduser --home /home/service/virtual/gateway gateway (pass: gw%R%)
386 x mkdir /var/lib/cvs/gateway
387 x chown -R gateway.gateway /var/lib/cvs/gateway
388 x su gateway
389 x cvs -d /var/lib/cvs checkout -d ~ gateway
391 x error on quepasa:
392 Jan 24 19:00:09 quepasa sm-mta[17960]: STARTTLS=server, relay=pD9E77B39.dip.t-dialin.net [], version=TLSv1/SSLv3, verify=NO, cipher=RC4-MD5, bits=128/128
393 Jan 24 19:00:09 quepasa sm-mta[17960]: h0OI081D017960: ruleset=check_rcpt, arg1=<janosch@ultrajan.de>, relay=pD9E77B39.dip.t-dialin.net [], reject=550 5.7.1 <janosch@ultrajan.de>... Relaying denied. Proper authentication required.
394 x add to /etc/mail/default-auth-info
395 sendmail
396 sendmail
397 sendmailpwd
398 quepasa.netfrag.org
399 x /etc/init.d/sendmail restart
401 o Torus::Publish::Research::Web
402 o googling for something automagically opens a new task
403 o all links directly or indirectly coming out of this are sorted below this task
404 o the user can end this task on demand: timetracking is done automagically as well
406 o register tutos.netfrag.org
408 o qpopper with tls, sasl and kerberos5?
410 o off realtime! the only thing that happens at realtime is MailMiltering.
411 x cvs checkout of joko/doc is done via cron
412 x mail2news-dispatching is now done via cron (would be possible "in realtime" via '.forward'ing the mail *directly* to dispatchmail)
414 o ctlinnd newgroup nfo.csm (Collaborative System Management)
416 o make possible:
417 o after "cvs update" make question: "Found new items in "" while scanning. Should i add them to the repository?"
418 o drag & drop arbitrary items out of outlook (.msg, .nws, etc.) - search for them while scanning the fs and sync them
419 against *original* source. (e.g. 'Message-ID: <b0s5v9$j7d$1@quepasa.netfrag.org>')
421 x CVSSpam -> nfo.log.cvs
422 x su root
423 x cd /etc/mail
424 x nano virtusertable
425 x add line:
426 x cvs-log@netfrag.org gateway
427 x make virtusertable
428 x su gateway
429 x cd ~
430 x nano .dispatchmailrc
431 x add lines:
432 $self->copy('Newsgate', 'nfo.log.cvs')
433 if $to =~ m/cvs-log/;
434 x exit (to logout)
435 x cvs update CVSROOT/loginfo
436 x add to CVSROOT/loginfo (to the end of the line starting with '^nfo '):
437 --to cvs-log@netfrag.org
438 x cvs commit -m "+ added new notification target: 'cvs-log@netfrag.org'" CVSROOT/loginfo
439 x tested with some mini-howto
440 x removed '--to joko@netfrag.org --to jonen@netfrag.org --to bareface@netfrag.org --to janosch@netfrag.org '
441 from CVSROOT/loginfo for module 'nfo'
442 x announce this
443 x added to '/etc/news/nnrp.access':
444 *:Read Post:bareface:bareface:*
445 x /etc/init.d/inn reload
447 x add 'gateways'-repository to chora
448 x nano /data/www/doc/horde/chora/config/cvsroots.php
449 x add lines:
450 # 2003-01-24, joko
451 $cvsroots['gateway'] = array(
452 'name' => 'gateway',
453 'location' => '/var/lib/cvs/gateway',
454 'title' => "$titlePrefix gateway's CVS Repository",
455 'cvsusers' => $cvsusers,
456 );
458 x configured Apache for serving news.netfrag.org
459 x cleaned up /data/www/virtual/netfrag/conf/httpd.conf
460 x ./test.conf
461 x comments
462 x /etc/init.d/apache reload
463 x test: http://news.netfrag.org/
465 o new module for cvs-repository?
466 o nfo/layouts/fs/skel/data2
467 o checkout to /data on quepasa.netfrag.org
468 x done:
469 x su root
470 x cd /var/lib/cvs
471 x mkdir -p nfo/layouts/fs/skel/data
472 x mkdir -p nfo/layouts/fs/skel/data2
473 x mkdir -p nfo/hosts/quepasa.netfrag.org/data
474 x cvs -d /var/lib/cvs checkout -d /data nfo/hosts/quepasa.netfrag.org/data
475 x *mungle everything and commit!* look at the repository!
476 x add special group with access to this repository: 'rootsrc'
477 x groupadd rootsrc
478 x usermod -G src,staff,rootsrc joko
479 x usermod -G src,staff,rootsrc jonen
480 x usermod -G rootsrc root
481 x change permissions
482 x cd /var/lib/cvs/nfo/
483 x chown -R .rootsrc hosts
484 x chmod -R g+w hosts
487 x add to system-conf-repository:
488 x /etc/mail
489 x php: cvs-redirect
490 x
492 o extend WCron
493 x show (per-task) if it's currently running or not: provide buttons to (start, stop, pause, resume or cancel a task...)
494 x use as a frontend for administering nfo/libs/perl/ - backend - tasks(???)
496 x install Horde/Troll
497 x install troll
498 x cd /home/service/download
499 x mkdir horde
500 x cd horde
501 x wget ftp://ftp.horde.org/pub/troll/troll-0.0.2.tar.gz
502 x tar -xzf troll-0.0.2.tar.gz --directory=/data/www/doc/horde/
503 x configure horde
504 x cd /data/www/doc/horde/
505 x nano config/registry.php
506 x add lines:
507 $this->applications['troll'] = array(
508 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../troll',
509 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/troll',
510 'icon' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/troll/graphics/troll.gif',
511 'name' => _("News"),
512 'allow_guests' => true,
513 'show' => true
514 );
515 x configure Troll
516 x cd troll/config
517 x conf.php
518 x cp conf.php.dist conf.php
519 x nano conf.php
520 x edit:
521 x $conf['news']['server'] = 'news.netfrag.org';
522 x $conf['news']['mailserver'] = 'mail.netfrag.org';
523 x servers.php
524 x cp servers.php.dist servers.php
525 x add:
526 $servers['netfrag.org'] = array(
527 'name' => 'news.netfrag.org',
528 'server' => 'news.netfrag.org',
529 'port' => 119,
530 );
531 x prefs.php
532 x cp prefs.php.dist prefs.php
533 x html.php
534 x cp html.php.dist html.php
535 x permissions
536 x chmod o+r *.php
539 x test: http://netfrag.org/horde/
540 o another (more bright) skin for horde@netfrag.org!!!
542 o Warum nicht Ć¼berall Horde? Sondern TUTOS?
543 o Horde ist sehr breit angelegt, dafĆ¼r fehlt es jedoch an vielen Stellen noch ein wenig im Detail.
544 o mittlerweile: mit Hermes & Co.? nochmal ansehen!
546 o just do automated operations (like cvs commit) only if system is idle
548 o automagically redirect http://netfrag.org/horde/ to https://netfrag.org/horde/
549 o with an Apache - rewrite-rule?
551 x how to map TUTOS-groups to newsgroups?
552 x ctlinnd newgroup nfo.tutos.sysadmin
553 x add dispatching for sysadmin@netfrag.org
554 x add to /home/service/virtual/gateway/.dispatchmailrc
555 $self->copy('Newsgate', 'nfo.tutos.sysadmin') if $to =~ m/sysadmin/;
556 x add to /etc/mail/virtusertable:
557 # --- news.netfrag.org - joko, 2003-01-24
558 sysadmin@netfrag.org gateway
559 make virtusertable!
560 x write welcome-mail
561 root@quepasa:~$ mail sysadmin@netfrag.org
562 Subject: Welcome to the sysadmin-newsgroup at netfrag.org!
563 Have fun!
564 greets, joko.
566 .
567 Cc:
568 x test: do "refresh newsgroups" at your favourite news-reader
569 x this has been refactored to: <a href="http://news.netfrag.org/nfo.tutos.sysadmin/id/b0shbj$l9s$1@quepasa.netfrag.org">[news:id=b0shbj$l9s$1@quepasa.netfrag.org]</a>
570 x HEADERS:
571 x Message-ID: <b0shbj$l9s$1@quepasa.netfrag.org>
572 x Subject: Re: Welcome to the sysadmin-newsgroup at netfrag.org!
573 o newsgate
574 o http://news.netfrag.org/nfo.tutos.sysadmin/id/b0shbj$l9s$1@quepasa.netfrag.org
575 o http://news.netfrag.org/nfo.tutos.sysadmin/subject/Re: Welcome to the sysadmin-newsgroup at netfrag.org!
577 o Erkenntnis aus UML (Kernel 2.4): schwierig mit gleichzeitigem Zugriff
579 o gave up trying to get Troll running
581 x setup alternatives to Horde for public access
582 o viewcvs
583 x apt-get install libapache-mod-python
585 o WebNewsViewer
587 o release the user from having to send email-messages to actually post urls with content (e.g. "FirstPage")
589 o parse .url-files!
591 o have newsgroup-structure backed in ldap-container (ou) somehow (Data::Map!)
593 x new email-addresses@netfrag.org:
594 x sysadmin@netfrag.org
595 x faq@netfrag.org
597 x --rework|*reworked*-- apache-layout - check into repository as something root is responsible for!
599 x --setup|*setting up*-- newsportal (by Florian Amrhein)
600 x url: http://florian-amrhein.de/newsportal/
601 x cd /home/service/download
602 x mkdir newsportal
603 x cd newsportal
604 x wget http://florian-amrhein.de/newsportal/download/newsportal-0.24.tar.gz
605 x mkdir -p /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/news/apps/newsportal/
606 x tar -xzf newsportal-0.24.tar.gz --directory=/data/www/global/apps/newsportal/
607 x add to /data/www/virtual/netfrag/conf/applications.conf
608 Alias /webnews/ /data/www/global/apps/newsportal/
609 x configure in /data/www/global/apps/newsportal/config.inc
610 // newsserver setup
611 $server="news.netfrag.org";
612 $server_auth_user="webnews";
613 $server_auth_pass="web123";
614 x add to /etc/news/nnrp.access:
615 # 2003-01-26, joko
616 *:Read Post:webnews:web123:*
617 x modify groups.txt
618 <nfo.* - add all groups here>
619 o TODO: AUTOUPDATE here!
620 x add to the index-page:
621 xR set INSERTION="<link href="/horde/css.php?app=chora" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />"
622 x grep -rin "<head" *
623 doc/readme-deutsch.html:4:</head>
624 doc/faq.html:4:</head>
625 doc/history.txt:234:- fehlender </head> Tag ergaenzt
626 doc/readme-english.html:4:</head>
627 doc/history.txt~:233:- fehlender </head> Tag ergaenzt
628 extras/frames/thread_frameset.php:10:</head>
629 head.inc:5:</head>
630 x cvs add head.inc
631 x cvs commit -m "+ initial commit" head.inc
632 x <modify head.inc>
633 x nano head.inc
634 x <jump to line 5> STRG+W + T: 5
635 xR <insert INSERTION>
636 xR <insert [ENTER]>
637 x <save file> STRG+O + [ENTER]
638 x test: <hit reload on <a href="http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/">http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/</a>>
639 o TODO: RefactorThisHtmlRef to WebNews
640 o view message in some MimeViewer or HtmlViewer (Horde?)
641 o -> use a MessageViewer with MimeCapabilities and HtmlCapabilities
642 x Why newsportal and no other?
643 x directly connects to nntp-daemon
644 x has local spool (o TODO: purge regularly?)
645 x highly customizable
646 x added custom css-stylesheet and changed something at content-rendering-level without any problems
647 x visit cvs.netfrag.org to look at the changes made to the newsportal codebase:
648 x -> <a href="http://cvs.netfrag.org/nfo/hosts/quepasa.netfrag.org/data/www/global/apps/newsportal/">newsportal at cvs.netfrag.org</a>
649 o TODO: RefactorThisLink
650 x it's just easy!
651 x setup dispatchrequest for http://news.netfrag.org
652 x cd /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/news/
653 x create symlink
654 x ./.symlinkrc
655 x copy over from webcvs
656 x cp ../webcvs/index.php .
657 x mkdir .dispatch
658 x cd .dispatch
659 x cp ../webcvs/.dispatch/config.php .
660 x cp ../webcvs/.dispatch/index.php .
661 x cvs add ...
662 x cvs commit ...
663 x added|*adding* dispatcher at http://news.netfrag.org
664 x used and mungled DispatchRequest(->cvs, ->doc, ->search) for this purpose
665 o IdeaFor ParseDoc: expand: cvs=JumpToCvs, doc=JumpToDoc, search=SearchFor
666 x examples for the JumpToCvs mechanism are shown on <a href="http://netfrag.org/~joko/computing/overview/topics/>computing/overview/topics</a>
667 x tested http://cvs.netfrag.org/ - still working...
668 o AddedFeatures to DispatchRequest:
669 x JumpToNewsgroup: http://news.netfrag.org/nfo.tutos.sysadmin/
670 e.g. ->http://netfrag.org/webnews/thread.php?group=nfo.links.computing
671 o JumpToThread: NotYetImplemented! DoWeReallyNeedThis?
672 o JumpToArticle: http://news.netfrag.org/nfo.sysadmin.tutos/id/b0shbj$l9s$1@quepasa.netfrag.org
673 x JumpToArticle: http://news.netfrag.org/nfo.links.computing/id/44
674 e.g. ->http://netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=44&group=nfo.links.computing
676 o NfoWeb
677 o add WikiPages:
678 o Overview
679 o Projects
680 o MiniHowTo
681 (o Search)
682 o modify HomePage
683 o change Projects to Overview
685 o yakka & pod
686 o convert pod to tavi
687 o perl first (pod2tavi)
688 o php afterwards (pod2tavi-php)
689 o then refactor to a YakkaPlugin (an "input-filter"?) ('yakka-filter-pod'?)
690 o address "files" outside the normal/configured default YakkaRepository
691 o introduce: "ExplicitAddressingOfArbitraryTargets"
692 o via HttpHeader (GET/POST) (HtmlUrlArgument, HtmlFormField)
693 o introduce "YakkaContainers": aim: group a bunch of targets/items together as a kind of "MetaRepository"
695 o viewcvs & yakka
696 o a filesystem-adapter for yakka's storage-handler-system
697 o show "view in yakka" if document-type eq 'tavi|tavi,v|pod'
699 o IconForNetfrag.Org?
700 o fav.ico?
702 x --*installed*|install-- viewcvs
703 x apt-get install viewcvs
704 x configured:
705 x /var/lib/cvs
706 x email-address (new): cvs-admin@netfrag.org -> dev@netfrag.org
707 x no forbidden modules (do this via unix permissions!)
708 x allow tarball generation? yes!
709 x Hint: add "Alias /viewcvs/ /usr/share/viewcvs/" to /etc/apache/conf/httpd.conf for online documents and icons
710 x added to '/data/www/virtual/netfrag/conf/applications.conf' in our case
711 x added '<link href="/horde/css.php?app=chora" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' to '/etc/viewcvs/templates/header.ezt'
713 o rendering *proposals* for TaviWorkflow
714 o Linking|Referencing (WikiWords, PureExplicitLinkExtrapolation, NamedLinks)
715 o Coloring
716 o [o=red, x=green, R=red, r=green]
718 o *shortcut*: TestApache to run 'apachectl configtest' (WikiForSystemAdministration)
720 x web-based newsreader? twig!
721 x apt-get install twig
723 o shutdown horde (for now: "pause")
725 o viewcvs & apache-mod-python?
727 o home2web, .home2webrc
728 o what?
729 --before: buildhtml --source=pod|tavi
730 --after: say "ready"
731 o hmmm...
732 o buildhtml: automate various SubTasks
733 o synccvs (->cvs.nfo.perl.scripts.shortcuts.synccvs.pl)
734 o buildhtml (->makedoc) (->cvs.nfo.perl.scripts.shortcuts.synccvs.pl)
736 x added root of quepasa to cvs
737 x su root
738 x cd /var/lib/cvs/nfo/hosts/quepasa.netfrag.org
739 x mkdir root
740 x chown -R .rootsrc root/
741 x chmod -R g+w root/
742 x cd /tmp
743 x cvs -d /var/lib/cvs checkout -d / nfo/hosts/quepasa.netfrag.org/root
744 x start with /etc
745 x cd /etc
746 x cvs add etc
747 x cvs add viewcvs
748 x cd viewcvs
749 x cvs add ....
750 x cvs commit -m "+ initial commit"
752 x How to get a single file from cvs for download: (e.g.)
753 wget http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/viewcvs/viewcvs/templates/header.ezt?rev=1.2
755 x cvsgraph still missing: apt-get install cvsgraph
757 x chora -> viewcvs
758 o change logo at /usr/share/viewcvs/images
759 x removed from template
760 x cvsview-query.cgi didn't work yet!
761 x error was:
762 x tail -f /data/www/virtual/netfrag/log/error_log
763 Traceback (most recent call last):
764 File "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/viewcvs-query.cgi", line 50, in ?
765 import query
766 File "/usr/lib/python2.1/viewcvs/query.py", line 42, in ?
767 import cvsdb
768 File "/usr/lib/python2.1/viewcvs/cvsdb.py", line 34, in ?
769 import dbi
770 File "/usr/lib/python2.1/viewcvs/dbi.py", line 17, in ?
771 import MySQLdb
772 ImportError: No module named MySQLdb
773 [Sat Jan 25 11:16:55 2003] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/viewcvs-query.cgi
774 x solution is:
775 x apt-get install python-mysqldb
776 x use mysql;
777 x insert into db values ('localhost', 'ViewCVS', 'viewcvs', 'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y');
778 x insert into db values ('%', 'ViewCVS', 'viewcvs', 'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y');
779 x insert into user (host, user, password) values ('localhost', 'viewcvs', password('viewcvs'));
780 x flush privileges;
781 x cd /usr/lib/viewcvs
782 x ./make-database
783 x
784 o mail to author of viewcvs
787 o docu about uml and filesystem-layer running on gharb for MiniHowTo?
789 o search.php?wiki=1&cvs=1&index=1
791 o get mnoGoSearch running
792 e apt-get install mnoGoSearch
794 o it's not tavi nor tavi-workflow - it's: JustWrite? it's todo! (.todo -> .justdo -> .justwrite -> .done)
796 o ScanToWeb
798 o look at Mailman: http://www.list.org/features.html
800 o use cvsup!?
802 o alien.netfrag.org - (package-conversion) --> alien.packages.netfrag.org
804 o chora2viewcvs - How to migrate from Horde/Chora to viewcvs.
806 o LinuxInCvs (linux2cvs)
808 o TestApacheConfig, StopApache, StartApache have to work without any running Apache - of course!
810 o through "viewcvs" we loose the ability to "publish" documents via former chora:
811 viewcvs takes care to keep documents like they are in their original - so ".html"-files should be shown with text/plain
813 o re-integrate .cvslink/JumpToCvs with dispatchurl
815 o WikiWords in CvsCommitMessages? (via yakka?)
817 x http://cvs.netfrag.org/bareface/yakka/?tarball=1
819 o [source:/link/to/source-code] (most times a '.cvslink' - hmmm?)
820 [source:<projectname>]
822 o HelpMe
824 o [snapshot:/link/to/snapshot]
825 [snapshot:<projectname>]
827 o dispatchrequest - a multipurpose request dispatcher
828 o integrate:
829 x redirector at cvs.netfrag.org ...
830 o ... and news.netfrag.org
831 o JumpToCvs (.cvslink-mechanism)
832 o how was it done?
833 x cd /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/webcvs/.dispatch
834 x ln -s /data/www/global/apps/dispatchrequest .
837 o buildhtml -> makedoc
839 o TWIG & yakka?
841 o rename: dispatchmail -> dispatchmessage
843 c rename: dispatchrequest -> forwardrequest?
845 o readrc of bashrc|perlrc|xmlrc
847 x setup TWIG
848 x cd /usr/share/doc/twig
849 x cd /data/www/virtual/netfrag/conf/
850 x nano applications.conf
851 x add line: Alias /twig/ /usr/share/twig/
852 x had to modify /etc/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
853 x added: 'index.php3'
854 <IfModule mod_dir.c>
855 DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.shtml index.cgi index.php index.php3
856 </IfModule>
857 x added: '.php3'
858 AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3
859 x /etc/init.d/apache reload
860 x cd /etc/twig
861 x modify config.inc.php3
862 x cd /usr/share/twig/setup
863 x mysql
864 x use mysql
865 x insert into user (host, user, password) values ('localhost', 'www-data', password(''));
866 x insert into db values ('localhost', 'twig', 'www-data', 'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y');
867 x create database twig;
868 x flush privileges;
869 x database-schema
870 x gunzip twig.table.mysql.gz
871 x mysql twig < twig.table.mysql
873 x setup arbitrary packet and bind to csm-system (Collaborative Software Management)
874 x pinstall twig
875 x apt-get install twig
876 x cd /etc
877 x cvs add twig
878 x cd twig
879 x cvs add *
880 x cvs add .htaccess
881 x cvs commit -m "+ initial commit"
884 o remove html from phpWiki: ('http://'!!!) (->https!!!)
885 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
886 "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
887 <link rel="copyright" title="GNU General Public License" href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html#SEC1" />
888 <link rel="author" title="The PhpWiki Programming Team" href="http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/ThePhpWikiProgrammingTeam" />
890 o force https for: (authentication purposes - anonymous is http!)
891 o horde
892 o tutos
894 x dpkg -x twig_2.7.5-4_all.deb tmp/
896 o TWIG & OpenLDAP!?
898 x ApacheMasterLayoutRefactoring: quepasa.netfrag.org:
899 x removed /data/www/doc to /data/www/global/apps
900 x test:
901 x cd /data/www/virtual
902 x grep -ri "/data/www/doc" *
903 x cd /data/www/global
904 x grep -ri "/data/www/doc" *
905 x apps/twiki/
906 x lib/TWiki.cfg
907 x bin/.htaccess
908 x conf/twiki-httpd
909 ---> just change between 'global' and (e.g.) 'virtual/netfrag' for switching between scopes ;-)
910 ---> the container (folder)-structure at global and sub-virtual level must match almost exactly to make this possible!!!!!
911 x conf/virtualdomains-httpd/
912 x doc/twiki/
913 x removed: /data/www/virtual/netfrag/pub to /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/public
914 x cd virtual/netfrag/conf
915 x grep -ri "/pub" *
916 x modify httpd.conf and applications.conf
917 x apachectl configtest
918 Syntax error on line 345 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
919 DocumentRoot must be a directory
920 x disabled there completely
921 x now in /data/www/global/conf/httpd.conf
922 DocumentRoot /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/public
923 x apachectl configtest
924 fopen: No such file or directory
925 apache: could not open document config file /data/www/conf/twiki-httpd.conf
926 x mv /data/www/global/conf/twiki-httpd.conf /data/www/virtual/netfrag/conf/
927 x nano /data/www/virtual/netfrag/conf/applications.conf to match new path
928 x apachectl configtest
929 fopen: No such file or directory
930 apache: could not open document config file /data/www/conf/tutos-httpd.conf
931 x cd virtual/netfrag
932 x grep -rin "www/conf" *
933 x edit applications.conf:21
934 x was: Include /data/www/conf/tutos-httpd.conf
935 x is: Include /data/www/global/conf/tutos-httpd.conf
936 x apachectl configtest
937 Warning: DocumentRoot [/data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/webnews] does not exist
938 fopen: No such file or directory
939 apache: could not open document config file /data/www/conf/dynamic.conf
940 x grep -rin webnews *
941 x edit applications.conf:30
942 x was: Alias /webnews/ /data/www/global/apps/newsportal/
943 x is: Alias /webnews/ /data/www/global/apps/newsportal/
944 x edit httpd.conf:74
945 x was: DocumentRoot /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/webnews
946 x is: DocumentRoot /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/news
947 x cd global/conf
948 x grep -rin www/conf *
950 httpd.conf:14:#Include /data/www/conf/httpd-php-perl.conf
951 httpd.conf:16:#Include /data/www/conf/virtualdomains-httpd.conf
952 httpd.conf:29:Include /data/www/conf/dynamic.conf
953 ->FILE-MODIFY: httpd.conf:29:Include /data/www/global/conf/dynamic.conf
954 x apachectl configtest
955 root@quepasa:/data/www/global/conf# apachectl configtest
956 configuring dynamic domain "golf5.de"
957 configuring dynamic domain "smartmen.de"
958 configuring dynamic domain "ballonflug.de"
959 Syntax OK
960 x /etc/init.d/apache restart
961 x testing "http://netfrag.org/" fails
962 x testing "http://netfrag.org/index.php"
963 x makes redirect to "http://netfrag.org/nfoweb/" but fails there
964 x tail -f tail -f /data/www/virtual/netfrag/log/error_log
965 [Sun Jan 26 15:32:04 2003] [error] [client] File does not exist: /data/www/virtual/netfrag/pub/
966 [Sun Jan 26 15:33:02 2003] [error] [client] File does not exist: /data/www/virtual/netfrag/pub/
967 [Sun Jan 26 16:37:37 2003] [error] [client] Symbolic link not allowed: /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/public/nfoweb/
968 [Sun Jan 26 16:38:08 2003] [error] [client] Symbolic link not allowed: /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/public/nfoweb/
969 [Sun Jan 26 16:40:10 2003] [error] [client] Symbolic link not allowed: /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/public/nfoweb/
972 o register:
973 public.netfrag.org -> http://netfrag.org
974 secure.netfrag.org -> https://netfrag.org
976 o netfrag.org: DispatchRequest for http://netfrag.org/nfoweb/!
977 o netfrag.org: DispatchRequest for http://netfrag.org/rrr/!
979 o IntroduceMergePoint at http://netfrag.org/doc/
980 o MiniHowto
981 o faqs (e.g. from news://news.netfrag.org/nfo.faq.users
983 o what about an "AUTOSAVE"-feature for UltraEdit when leaving the window or
984 o an AUTOCOMMIT on that very event (maybe integrated with a counter)
986 o write scripts to iterate recursively through directories under specified path ...
987 o ... and do some actions on each directory, e.g.
988 o execute some specified .dot-files (e.g. .pod2htmlrc, .symlinkrc, .makedocrc)
990 x CVSSpam in action:
991 10146 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
992 10148 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
993 10149 ? S 0:00 cvs server
994 10150 ? S 0:00 cvs server
995 10151 ? S 0:00 /bin/login
996 10155 ? S 0:00 /usr/bin/ruby -w /var/lib/cvs/CVSROOT/collect_diffs.rb --to joko@netfrag
997 10158 ? S 0:00 /usr/bin/ruby /var/lib/cvs/CVSROOT/cvsspam.rb /tmp/#cvs.loginfo.10149.10
999 x as Chora'sStylesheet has come active (by accident) when viewing this file view web
1000 we should include this as a fixed default making horde our default stylesheet delivery engine (for now)
1002 o link-checker for netfrag.org
1004 o dispatcher for style.netfrag.org redirecting to <link href="/horde/css.php?app=chora" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />?
1005 o styleme.php
1006 o brandme.php
1010 o mini-howto: "HttpRedirect"
1012 o how to refactor the MiniHowtos?
1013 o into a wiki? wikis seem to miss offline/distributed capabilities! (for now)
1014 x into pod
1015 x build offline
1016 o build online
1017 o into DocBook?
1018 o into tavi? (or "TaviWorkflow"?)
1019 o but: LinkWithWikiAutomagically to get everything together
1020 o look at the InterwikiMechanism
1021 o look at the various WikiPluginArchitectures
1022 o look at YakkaDev!
1024 o a LinkageExample: RenderThis(html4|text|html3|pdf) with [[yakka]] and [[tavi-workflow]]!
1025 o this could mean:
1026 o use the declared formats as output filters for viewing target in other formats / styles
1028 o proposal for hierarchical structure (and HomePage) of netfrag.org
1029 ~overview -> SomeWiki -> Overview
1030 ~projects (include some common text here)
1031 ~users (include some common text here)
1032 - Page: UserArea
1033 - Page: ~users
1034 ~projects -> SomeWiki-> Projects
1035 ~users (include former page "User area" (now UserArea) automagically at the bottom here! (WikiInclude?))
1036 ~rabit (raBit's router - psl.no-ip.com)
1037 ~natraj (sam's place - optix)
1038 ~joko (joko's)
1039 ~bareface (->yakka)
1041 o MasterWorkflow:
1042 -> TheThreeGoodThings
1043 -> HaveIdea -> WriteDown (RefactorLater) -> WriteDownMore -> WriteDownAssociations -> WriteDownEvenMoreIfNotStoppedByExternalInfluences
1044 -> RefactorIdeas -> Categorize -> AddNotes -> AddTasks
1045 -> DoThings -> ReadTasks -> DoTasks
1046 -> TheFourthBadThing: TimeTrackAllThis ;-) (it seems to be not so far away....)
1048 o what do we need / what do we do?
1049 --- researcher
1050 o OnlineReading
1051 (o SelectItemsForDownload) <- want-to-have
1052 (o DownloadItems) <- want-to-have
1053 --- researcher
1054 o OfflineReading
1055 x ClumsyOfflineReading <- status-quo
1056 (o NiceOfflineReading) <- want-to-have
1057 (o OfflineArchiving) <- want-to-have
1058 o OfflineEditing (text, html, pod, tavi)
1059 o OnlinePublishing (<all - everything what has been rendered or archived offline>)
1060 --- engine
1061 o LiveDispatching (ContentEncoding, ContentConversion, EnvelopeEncapsulation, GatewayToXyz)
1062 o OfflineRendering (html, text, pdf, chm)
1063 --- reader
1064 o OnlineReading (<everything that has been published>)
1065 (o SelectItemsForDownload) <- want-to-have
1066 (o DownloadItems) <- want-to-have
1067 o OfflineReading (pdf, chm)
1069 o link to http://teamsonar.no-ip.com
1071 o mail announces to announce@netfrag.org
1073 o no symlinks in webroot anymore? use ApacheAliases?
1075 o MiniHowto: NfoLinkageSystem(->news.nfo.announce)
1076 o this declaration could mean:
1077 o UseResources:
1078 o look up "NfoLinkageSystem" as subject in newsgroup "news.nfo.announce" on default newsserver
1079 o RenderThisWay:
1080 o embed into document - html3
1081 o embed into document - dhtml (ExpandTree, CollapseTree)
1082 o LinkToIt (JumpToMechanism(->minihowto))
1084 o php: appcontrol: reads .appcontrolrc-files recursively from directories and adds/removes users or sets passwords
1085 according to specification in there
1087 o source-code parser which creates documentation with wiki techniques
1088 o pod2tavi -> tavi2html
1089 o phpDoc <- tavi-plugin?
1091 o integrate yakka and newsportal:
1092 o make a yakka-page of embedded news-articles / threads / thread-parts (a NewsComposition) (->YakkaPageMetadata)
1093 o article-sources
1094 o all items from one news-server
1095 o !!! from different news-servers !!!
1096 o add a "CommentThis"-links to each item when rendering
1097 o when user posts the answer on YakkaEditPage
1098 o make yakka post to the article's associated news-server (read from YakkaItemMetadata)
1099 o wait until new article is published, then ...
1100 o ... add to NewsComposition (update YakkaPageMetadata) (->AsynchronousBackendDaemon)
1101 o ... use/introduce a MetaItem "New" into YakkaPageMetadata (at TopLevel)
1102 which shows NewItems(->self, ->live) per thread or newsgroup
1104 o download this and that - e.g.:
1105 o phpMyadmin(->archive.software.phpMyAdmin)
1106 o this requires 'archive.software' to have ...
1107 o ... a ListSearchHandler (searches nodelist below 'archive.software' only)
1108 o ... a RecursiveSearchHandler (searches nodelist below 'archive.software' and all subfolders recursively)
1109 o make this available as a ResourceHandler via a DispatchRequest sitting at
1110 o http://netfrag.org/archive/?base=software&search=phpMyAdmin
1111 o http://archive.netfrag.org/
1113 x rename newsgroup nfo.csm to nfo.caesar (Collaborative And Easy System Management)
1114 x ctlinnd newgroup nfo.caesar
1115 x /etc/init.d/inn stop
1116 x cd /var/spool/news/nfo
1117 x cp csm/* caesar/
1118 x cd caesar
1119 (x movearticle ...)
1120 o chown news.news *
1121 o /usr/lib/news/bin/makehistory
1124 o MiniHowto: KerberizedSystem (->~jonen)
1126 o RefWords -> LookUpDb -> SearchDb
1128 x added first news-article which refers/references to another one in another newsgroup
1129 <a href="http://news.netfrag.org/nfo.caesar/id/1">Requirement: LDAP For Aliases, Maps, And Classes</a>
1130 o PARSER-TODO: RefactorThisLink
1132 o check out /usr/sbin/checksecurity - what's that?
1133 x seems to come from /etc/cron.daily/standard
1135 o write mail to the KroupwareMailingList
1137 o ContentIndexer for netfrag.org which should provide a FullTextSearch over AllResources
1139 o run MakeDoc at interval at netfrag.org as ServiceUser
1140 o implement first version of makedoc
1141 o use mkDoc.bat (or similar) for that purpose
1142 o extend: use 'makedoc.bat|.pl' from ->cvs.joko.TestArea.topics.authoring.DocBook
1144 o DispatchRequest to tie all together
1145 o just make a ref from almost everything and see what comes in....
1146 o write handlers for the various refs....
1148 o show foldername in CVSSpam - message
1150 o SoWhyCommands?
1151 o JustUseHumanLanguage!
1152 o StartWithEnglish
1153 o TryGerman
1155 o wrappers around the common used cvs commands
1156 o cvscheckout <what>
1157 o cvsupdate <what>
1158 o cvscommit <what> <message>
1162 </pre>
1164 <hr/>
1165 $Id: joko_2003-01.html,v 1.75 2003/01/27 10:33:27 joko Exp $
1167 </body>
1168 </html>

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