--- joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-01.html 2003/01/30 03:04:15 1.101
+++ joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-01.html 2003/01/30 05:34:25 1.106
@@ -1388,28 +1388,59 @@
Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/PageGroupTestThree
Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/PageGroupTestTwo
Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/RandomPage
- ... same with "http://www.netfrag.org/rrr/index.php/" - it's a phpWiki, too
+ o ... same with "http://www.netfrag.org/rrr/index.php/" - it's a phpWiki, too
=> make up a robots.txt?
x exclude http://www.netfrag.org/docs/build/!!!
x Disallow Regex http://www.netfrag.org/docs/build/.*
o FeatureRequest: remember (via cookie!) last issued searches
x how to clear a mnogosearch-index-database?
x indexer -C
x how to re-index?
x just run 'indexer'
+ o index more resources on netfrag.org (news, cvs)
+ o exclude unwanted resources (wiki-test-& default-pages & co.)
+ o establish http://search.netfrag.org/
+ o place DispatchRequest there, let it redirect to an application "mnoGoSearch"
+ o "mnoGoSearch" is currently installed at http://netfrag.org/search/
+ o => (e.g.) http://search.netfrag.org/dust -> http://netfrag.org/search/?q=dust
+o http://w-a-c.com: Inhalt unter "Clubtreffen" besser positionieren!
+o http://lashlarue.de: inhalte und struktur überarbeiten
+x patch cvs-permissions:
+ x cd /var/lib/cvs/nfo
+ x chown -R .src doc patches perl php
+ x chown -R .rootsrc hosts layouts
+ o do this regularly
+o run indexer and '.runrc' on interval!
+o amo@grasshopper: cleanup local repository 'nfo' from cvs.netfrag.org!!!
+o categorization:
+ o document-type:
+ o file-type:
+ o suffix: .xyz (guess application-relationship of file from this)
+ o content-encoding: ASCII, EBCDIC, UTF-8, etc.
+o shortcut for:
+ o ctlinnd newgroup nfo.dev.php
+ o nano /data/www/global/apps/newsportal/groups.txt
+ add: nfo.dev.php Php Development
+o look at slurp:/var/www/docbook-dsssl/
+o make ResourceGroups (group - what else? - resources together - from netfrag.org or other urls/urns or WikiTags)
-$Id: joko_2003-01.html,v 1.101 2003/01/30 03:04:15 joko Exp $
+$Id: joko_2003-01.html,v 1.106 2003/01/30 05:34:25 joko Exp $