--- joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-01.html 2003/02/01 04:03:33 1.125
+++ joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-01.html 2003/02/02 18:33:40 1.131
@@ -1758,64 +1758,11 @@
o dispatchmail: make option "--user=" work again!
-o flib:
- o include & boot
- o include-paths
- o configKey (servername) => servername/appname
- o make glib
- o RPC::Remote: just can talk to single rpc-server!!!!
-o app-cleanup:
- o replace ../img/ through img/ globally (in all files found)
- o grep -ri "../img" | modify.pl --regex=s/\.\.\/img/img/g [--in-type=filelist]
- o refactor replace_cvs.pl to:
- finder.pl -R --regex=/CVS/Root . | modify.pl --regex=s/:pserver:/:ext:/ [--in-type=filelist]
- o is it possible to actually parse settings && arguments (not just "options") using Getopt::Long??
- o else: look at CPAN more detailed or make a CliCmd::Option + CliCmd::Argument = CliCmd::Setting!!
- O refactor Getopt::Simple to Getopt::Easy and add features!? a) argument/option-mechanism b) restrict option-mech
- symbol: O=Ongoing
- c use Getopt::Auto???
- x make Getopt::Easy!!!
-o 0. Oef::Request -> ...
-o 1. CliCmd::Setting -> Oef::Request -> [hibernate] -> [wakup] -> Oef::Engine -> Oef::>Task -> Oef::Response
- o need to freeze a Oef::Request
-o 2. CliCmd::Setting -> Oef::Request -> Oef::Engine -> Oef::Task -> [hibernate] -> [wakup] -> Oef::Response
- o need to freeze a Oef::Engine
-o Oef::Base bases on DesignPattern::Object and DesignPattern::Bridge
-o refactor DesignPattern::Object::Logger to Oef::Base::Logger
-o use phpHtmlLib - widgets in a wiki (yakka!)
-o rename Data::Storage::Handler::NetLDAP to Data::Storage::Handler::LDAP
-o register: data-storage.[perl.]netfrag.org
-o look at ''!!!
- o better use 'utf-8' to achieve full i18n?
-o add descriptive words (undelete, etc.) and references to similar projects to mini-howto_trashcan-under-linux_libtrash.html
-o proarc - professional document archiving, indexing, distributing and publishing
- o archiver
- archive --reference|meta|content --check-descents=*.txt
- o indexer
- index , use mnoGoSearch's indexer
- o manager
- o build sets of data
- o make distribution lists
- o manage global settings (base-paths/-urls, etc.)
- o edit object details (public-url, acls, etc.)
- o distributor
- o publisher
-$Id: joko_2003-01.html,v 1.125 2003/02/01 04:03:33 joko Exp $
+$Id: joko_2003-01.html,v 1.131 2003/02/02 18:33:40 joko Exp $