--- joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-01.html 2003/01/24 23:33:48 1.23
+++ joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-01.html 2003/01/26 15:35:35 1.52
@@ -433,8 +433,25 @@
o new module for cvs-repository?
- o nfo/layouts/fs/skel/data
+ o nfo/layouts/fs/skel/data2
o checkout to /data on quepasa.netfrag.org
+ x done:
+ x su root
+ x cd /var/lib/cvs
+ x mkdir -p nfo/layouts/fs/skel/data
+ x mkdir -p nfo/layouts/fs/skel/data2
+ x mkdir -p nfo/hosts/quepasa.netfrag.org/data
+ x cvs -d /var/lib/cvs checkout -d /data nfo/hosts/quepasa.netfrag.org/data
+ x *mungle everything and commit!* look at the repository!
+ x add special group with access to this repository: 'rootsrc'
+ x groupadd rootsrc
+ x usermod -G src,staff,rootsrc joko
+ x usermod -G src,staff,rootsrc jonen
+ x usermod -G rootsrc root
+ x change permissions
+ x cd /var/lib/cvs/nfo/
+ x chown -R .rootsrc hosts
+ x chmod -R g+w hosts
x add to system-conf-repository:
@@ -527,8 +544,336 @@
o http://news.netfrag.org/nfo.tutos.sysadmin/id/b0shbj$l9s$1@quepasa.netfrag.org
o http://news.netfrag.org/nfo.tutos.sysadmin/subject/Re: Welcome to the sysadmin-newsgroup at netfrag.org!
+o Erkenntnis aus UML (Kernel 2.4): schwierig mit gleichzeitigem Zugriff
+o gave up trying to get Troll running
+x setup alternatives to Horde for public access
+ o viewcvs
+ x apt-get install libapache-mod-python
+ o WebNewsViewer
+o release the user from having to send email-messages to actually post urls with content (e.g. "FirstPage")
+o parse .url-files!
+o have newsgroup-structure backed in ldap-container (ou) somehow (Data::Map!)
+x new email-addresses@netfrag.org:
+ x sysadmin@netfrag.org
+ x faq@netfrag.org
+x setup newsportal (by Florian Amrhein)
+ x url: http://florian-amrhein.de/newsportal/
+ x cd /home/service/download
+ x mkdir newsportal
+ x cd newsportal
+ x wget http://florian-amrhein.de/newsportal/download/newsportal-0.24.tar.gz
+ x mkdir -p /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/news/apps/newsportal/
+ x tar -xzf newsportal-0.24.tar.gz --directory=/data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/news/apps/newsportal/
+o rework apache-layout - check into repository as something root is responsible for!
+o NfoWeb
+ o add WikiPages:
+ o Overview
+ o Projects
+ o MiniHowTo
+ (o Search)
+ o modify HomePage
+ o change Projects to Overview
+o yakka & pod
+ o convert pod to tavi
+ o perl first (pod2tavi)
+ o php afterwards (pod2tavi-php)
+ o then refactor to a YakkaPlugin (an "input-filter"?) ('yakka-filter-pod'?)
+ o address "files" outside the normal/configured default YakkaRepository
+ o introduce: "ExplicitAddressingOfArbitraryTargets"
+ o via HttpHeader (GET/POST) (HtmlUrlArgument, HtmlFormField)
+ o introduce "YakkaContainers": aim: group a bunch of targets/items together as a kind of "MetaRepository"
+o viewcvs & yakka
+ o a filesystem-adapter for yakka's storage-handler-system
+ o show "view in yakka" if document-type eq 'tavi|tavi,v|pod'
+o IconForNetfrag.Org?
+ o fav.ico?
+x install viewcvs
+ x apt-get install viewcvs
+ x configured:
+ x /var/lib/cvs
+ x email-address (new): cvs-admin@netfrag.org -> dev@netfrag.org
+ x no forbidden modules (do this via unix permissions!)
+ x allow tarball generation? yes!
+ x Hint: add "Alias /viewcvs/ /usr/share/viewcvs/" to /etc/apache/conf/httpd.conf for online documents and icons
+ x added to '/data/www/virtual/netfrag/conf/applications.conf' in our case
+ x added '' to '/etc/viewcvs/templates/header.ezt'
+o rendering proposals for TaviWorkflow
+ o Linking|Referencing (WikiWords, PureExplicitLinkExtrapolation, NamedLinks)
+ o Coloring
+ o [o=red, x=green, R=red, r=green]
+o shortcut: TestApache to run 'apachectl configtest' (WikiForSystemAdministration)
+x web-based newsreader? twig!
+ x apt-get install twig
+o shutdown horde (for now: "pause")
+o viewcvs & apache-mod-python?
+o home2web, .home2webrc
+ --before: buildhtml --source=pod|tavi
+ --after: say "ready"
+x added root of quepasa to cvs
+ x su root
+ x cd /var/lib/cvs/nfo/hosts/quepasa.netfrag.org
+ x mkdir root
+ x chown -R .rootsrc root/
+ x chmod -R g+w root/
+ x cd /tmp
+ x cvs -d /var/lib/cvs checkout -d / nfo/hosts/quepasa.netfrag.org/root
+ x start with /etc
+ x cd /etc
+ x cvs add etc
+ x cvs add viewcvs
+ x cd viewcvs
+ x cvs add ....
+ x cvs commit -m "+ initial commit"
+x How to get a single file from cvs for download: (e.g.)
+ wget http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/viewcvs/viewcvs/templates/header.ezt?rev=1.2
+x cvsgraph still missing: apt-get install cvsgraph
+x chora -> viewcvs
+ o change logo at /usr/share/viewcvs/images
+ x removed from template
+ x cvsview-query.cgi didn't work yet!
+ x error was:
+ x tail -f /data/www/virtual/netfrag/log/error_log
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/viewcvs-query.cgi", line 50, in ?
+ import query
+ File "/usr/lib/python2.1/viewcvs/query.py", line 42, in ?
+ import cvsdb
+ File "/usr/lib/python2.1/viewcvs/cvsdb.py", line 34, in ?
+ import dbi
+ File "/usr/lib/python2.1/viewcvs/dbi.py", line 17, in ?
+ import MySQLdb
+ ImportError: No module named MySQLdb
+ [Sat Jan 25 11:16:55 2003] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/viewcvs-query.cgi
+ x solution is:
+ x apt-get install python-mysqldb
+ x use mysql;
+ x insert into db values ('localhost', 'ViewCVS', 'viewcvs', 'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y');
+ x insert into db values ('%', 'ViewCVS', 'viewcvs', 'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y');
+ x insert into user (host, user, password) values ('localhost', 'viewcvs', password('viewcvs'));
+ x flush privileges;
+ x cd /usr/lib/viewcvs
+ x ./make-database
+ x
+ o mail to author of viewcvs
+o docu about uml and filesystem-layer running on gharb for MiniHowTo?
+o search.php?wiki=1&cvs=1&index=1
+o get mnoGoSearch running
+ e apt-get install mnoGoSearch
+o it's not tavi nor tavi-workflow - it's: JustWrite? it's todo! (.todo -> .justdo -> .justwrite -> .done)
+o ScanToWeb
+o look at Mailman: http://www.list.org/features.html
+o use cvsup!?
+o alien.netfrag.org - (package-conversion) --> alien.packages.netfrag.org
+o chora2viewcvs - How to migrate from Horde/Chora to viewcvs.
+o LinuxInCvs (linux2cvs)
+o TestApacheConfig, StopApache, StartApache have to work without any running Apache - of course!
+o through "viewcvs" we loose the ability to "publish" documents via former chora:
+ viewcvs takes care to keep documents like they are in their original - so ".html"-files should be shown with text/plain
+o re-integrate .cvslink/JumpToCvs with dispatchurl
+o WikiWords in CvsCommitMessages? (via yakka?)
+x http://cvs.netfrag.org/bareface/yakka/?tarball=1
+o [source:/link/to/source-code] (most times a '.cvslink' - hmmm?)
+ [source:]
+o HelpMe
+o [snapshot:/link/to/snapshot]
+ [snapshot:]
+o dispatchrequest - a multipurpose request dispatcher
+ o integrate:
+ x redirector at cvs.netfrag.org ...
+ o ... and news.netfrag.org
+ o JumpToCvs (.cvslink-mechanism)
+ o how was it done?
+ x cd /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/webcvs/.dispatch
+ x ln -s /data/www/global/apps/dispatchrequest .
+o buildhtml -> docmaker
+o TWIG & yakka?
+o rename: dispatchmail -> dispatchmessage
+c rename: dispatchrequest -> forwardrequest?
+o readrc of bashrc|perlrc|xmlrc
+x setup TWIG
+ x cd /usr/share/doc/twig
+ x cd /data/www/virtual/netfrag/conf/
+ x nano applications.conf
+ x add line: Alias /twig/ /usr/share/twig/
+ x had to modify /etc/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
+ x added: 'index.php3'
+ DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.shtml index.cgi index.php index.php3
+ x added: '.php3'
+ AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3
+ x /etc/init.d/apache reload
+ x cd /etc/twig
+ x modify config.inc.php3
+ x cd /usr/share/twig/setup
+ x mysql
+ x use mysql
+ x insert into user (host, user, password) values ('localhost', 'www-data', password(''));
+ x insert into db values ('localhost', 'twig', 'www-data', 'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y');
+ x create database twig;
+ x flush privileges;
+ x database-schema
+ x gunzip twig.table.mysql.gz
+ x mysql twig < twig.table.mysql
+x setup arbitrary packet and bind to csm-system (Collaborative Software Management)
+ x pinstall twig
+ x apt-get install twig
+ x cd /etc
+ x cvs add twig
+ x cd twig
+ x cvs add *
+ x cvs add .htaccess
+ x cvs commit -m "+ initial commit"
+o remove html from phpWiki: ('http://'!!!) (->https!!!)
+o force https for: (authentication purposes - anonymous is http!)
+ o horde
+ o tutos
+x dpkg -x twig_2.7.5-4_all.deb tmp/
+o TWIG & OpenLDAP!?
+x quepasa.netfrag.org:
+ x removed /data/www/doc to /data/www/global/apps
+ x test:
+ x cd /data/www/virtual
+ x grep -ri "/data/www/doc" *
+ x cd /data/www/global
+ x grep -ri "/data/www/doc" *
+ x apps/twiki/
+ x lib/TWiki.cfg
+ x bin/.htaccess
+ x conf/twiki-httpd
+ ---> just change between 'global' and (e.g.) 'virtual/netfrag' for switching between scopes ;-)
+ ---> the container (folder)-structure at global and sub-virtual level must match almost exactly to make this possible!!!!!
+ x conf/virtualdomains-httpd/
+ x doc/twiki/
+ x removed: /data/www/virtual/netfrag/pub to /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/public
+ x cd virtual/netfrag/conf
+ x grep -ri "/pub" *
+ x modify httpd.conf and applications.conf
+ x apachectl configtest
+ Syntax error on line 345 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
+ DocumentRoot must be a directory
+ x disabled there completely
+ x now in /data/www/global/conf/httpd.conf
+ DocumentRoot /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/public
+ x apachectl configtest
+ fopen: No such file or directory
+ apache: could not open document config file /data/www/conf/twiki-httpd.conf
+ x mv /data/www/global/conf/twiki-httpd.conf /data/www/virtual/netfrag/conf/
+ x nano /data/www/virtual/netfrag/conf/applications.conf to match new path
+ x apachectl configtest
+ fopen: No such file or directory
+ apache: could not open document config file /data/www/conf/tutos-httpd.conf
+ x cd virtual/netfrag
+ x grep -rin "www/conf" *
+ x edit applications.conf:21
+ x was: Include /data/www/conf/tutos-httpd.conf
+ x is: Include /data/www/global/conf/tutos-httpd.conf
+ x apachectl configtest
+ Warning: DocumentRoot [/data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/webnews] does not exist
+ fopen: No such file or directory
+ apache: could not open document config file /data/www/conf/dynamic.conf
+ x grep -rin webnews *
+ x edit applications.conf:30
+ x was: Alias /webnews/ /data/www/global/apps/newsportal/
+ x is: Alias /webnews/ /data/www/global/apps/newsportal/
+ x edit httpd.conf:74
+ x was: DocumentRoot /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/webnews
+ x is: DocumentRoot /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/news
+ x cd global/conf
+ x grep -rin www/conf *
+ httpd.conf:14:#Include /data/www/conf/httpd-php-perl.conf
+ httpd.conf:16:#Include /data/www/conf/virtualdomains-httpd.conf
+ httpd.conf:29:Include /data/www/conf/dynamic.conf
+ ->FILE-MODIFY: httpd.conf:29:Include /data/www/global/conf/dynamic.conf
+ x apachectl configtest
+ root@quepasa:/data/www/global/conf# apachectl configtest
+ configuring dynamic domain "golf5.de"
+ configuring dynamic domain "smartmen.de"
+ configuring dynamic domain "ballonflug.de"
+ Syntax OK
+o register:
+ public.netfrag.org -> http://netfrag.org
+ secure.netfrag.org -> https://netfrag.org
+o netfrag.org: dispatchrequest for http://netfrag.org/nfoweb/!
+o netfrag.org: dispatchrequest for http://netfrag.org/rrr/!
+o merge at http://netfrag.org/doc/
+ o MiniHowto
+ o faqs (e.g. from news://news.netfrag.org/nfo.faq.users
+o what about an "AUTOSAVE"-feature for UltraEdit when leaving the window or
+ o an AUTOCOMMIT on that very event (maybe integrated with a counter)
+$Id: joko_2003-01.html,v 1.52 2003/01/26 15:35:35 joko Exp $