- joko's sample notes - 2003-01
+ joko's sample notes - 2003-01 - InventoryCleanupAndRefactoring
@@ -434,8 +434,6 @@
x /etc/init.d/apache reload
x test: http://news.netfrag.org/
o new module for cvs-repository?
o nfo/layouts/fs/skel/data2
o checkout to /data on quepasa.netfrag.org
@@ -568,16 +566,85 @@
x sysadmin@netfrag.org
x faq@netfrag.org
-x setup newsportal (by Florian Amrhein)
+x --rework|*reworked*-- apache-layout - check into repository as something root is responsible for!
+x --setup|*setting up*-- newsportal (by Florian Amrhein)
x url: http://florian-amrhein.de/newsportal/
x cd /home/service/download
x mkdir newsportal
x cd newsportal
x wget http://florian-amrhein.de/newsportal/download/newsportal-0.24.tar.gz
x mkdir -p /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/news/apps/newsportal/
- x tar -xzf newsportal-0.24.tar.gz --directory=/data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/news/apps/newsportal/
-o rework apache-layout - check into repository as something root is responsible for!
+ x tar -xzf newsportal-0.24.tar.gz --directory=/data/www/global/apps/newsportal/
+ x add to /data/www/virtual/netfrag/conf/applications.conf
+ Alias /webnews/ /data/www/global/apps/newsportal/
+ x configure in /data/www/global/apps/newsportal/config.inc
+ // newsserver setup
+ $server="news.netfrag.org";
+ $server_auth_user="webnews";
+ $server_auth_pass="web123";
+ x add to /etc/news/nnrp.access:
+ # 2003-01-26, joko
+ *:Read Post:webnews:web123:*
+ x modify groups.txt
+ x add to the index-page:
+ xR set INSERTION=""
+ x grep -rin "
+ doc/faq.html:4:
+ doc/history.txt:234:- fehlender Tag ergaenzt
+ doc/readme-english.html:4:
+ doc/history.txt~:233:- fehlender Tag ergaenzt
+ extras/frames/thread_frameset.php:10:
+ head.inc:5:
+ x cvs add head.inc
+ x cvs commit -m "+ initial commit" head.inc
+ x
+ x nano head.inc
+ x STRG+W + T: 5
+ xR
+ xR
+ x STRG+O + [ENTER]
+ x test: http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/>
+ o TODO: RefactorThisHtmlRef to WebNews
+ o view message in some MimeViewer or HtmlViewer (Horde?)
+ o -> use a MessageViewer with MimeCapabilities and HtmlCapabilities
+ x Why newsportal and no other?
+ x directly connects to nntp-daemon
+ x has local spool (o TODO: purge regularly?)
+ x highly customizable
+ x added custom css-stylesheet and changed something at content-rendering-level without any problems
+ x visit cvs.netfrag.org to look at the changes made to the newsportal codebase:
+ x -> newsportal at cvs.netfrag.org
+ o TODO: RefactorThisLink
+ x it's just easy!
+ x setup dispatchrequest for http://news.netfrag.org
+ x cd /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/news/
+ x create symlink
+ x ./.symlinkrc
+ x copy over from webcvs
+ x cp ../webcvs/index.php .
+ x mkdir .dispatch
+ x cd .dispatch
+ x cp ../webcvs/.dispatch/config.php .
+ x cp ../webcvs/.dispatch/index.php .
+ x cvs add ...
+ x cvs commit ...
+ x added|*adding* dispatcher at http://news.netfrag.org
+ x used and mungled DispatchRequest(->cvs, ->doc, ->search) for this purpose
+ o IdeaFor ParseDoc: expand: cvs=JumpToCvs, doc=JumpToDoc, search=SearchFor
+ x examples for the JumpToCvs mechanism are shown on ' to '/etc/viewcvs/templates/header.ezt'
-o rendering proposals for TaviWorkflow
+o rendering *proposals* for TaviWorkflow
o Linking|Referencing (WikiWords, PureExplicitLinkExtrapolation, NamedLinks)
o Coloring
o [o=red, x=green, R=red, r=green]
-o shortcut: TestApache to run 'apachectl configtest' (WikiForSystemAdministration)
+o *shortcut*: TestApache to run 'apachectl configtest' (WikiForSystemAdministration)
x web-based newsreader? twig!
x apt-get install twig
@@ -903,6 +970,10 @@
o link-checker for netfrag.org
o dispatcher for style.netfrag.org redirecting to ?
+ o styleme.php
+ o brandme.php
o mini-howto: "HttpRedirect"
@@ -918,15 +989,72 @@
o look at the various WikiPluginArchitectures
o look at YakkaDev!
-o render this with [[yakka]] and [[tavi-workflow]]!
+o a LinkageExample: RenderThis(html4|text|html3|pdf) with [[yakka]] and [[tavi-workflow]]!
+o proposal for hierarchical structure (and HomePage) of netfrag.org
+ ~overview -> SomeWiki -> Overview
+ ~projects (include some common text here)
+ ~users (include some common text here)
+ - Page: UserArea
+ - Page: ~users
+ ~projects -> SomeWiki-> Projects
+ ~users (include former page "User area" (now UserArea) automagically at the bottom here! (WikiInclude?))
+ ~rabit (raBit's router - psl.no-ip.com)
+ ~natraj (sam's place - optix)
+ ~joko (joko's)
+ ~bareface (->yakka)
+o MasterWorkflow:
+ -> TheThreeGoodThings
+ -> HaveIdea -> WriteDown (RefactorLater) -> WriteDownMore -> WriteDownAssociations -> WriteDownEvenMoreIfNotStoppedByExternalInfluences
+ -> RefactorIdeas -> Categorize -> AddNotes -> AddTasks
+ -> DoThings -> ReadTasks -> DoTasks
+ -> TheFourthBadThing: TimeTrackAllThis ;-) (it seems to be not so far away....)
+o what do we need / what do we do?
+ --- researcher
+ o OnlineReading
+ (o SelectItemsForDownload) <- want-to-have
+ (o DownloadItems) <- want-to-have
+ --- researcher
+ o OfflineReading
+ x ClumsyOfflineReading <- status-quo
+ (o NiceOfflineReading) <- want-to-have
+ (o OfflineArchiving) <- want-to-have
+ o OfflineEditing (text, html, pod, tavi)
+ o OnlinePublishing ()
+ --- engine
+ o LiveDispatching (ContentEncoding, ContentConversion, EnvelopeEncapsulation, GatewayToXyz)
+ o OfflineRendering (html, text, pdf, chm)
+ --- reader
+ o OnlineReading ()
+ (o SelectItemsForDownload) <- want-to-have
+ (o DownloadItems) <- want-to-have
+ o OfflineReading (pdf, chm)
+o link to http://teamsonar.no-ip.com
+o mail announces to announce@netfrag.org
+o no symlinks in webroot anymore? use ApacheAliases?
+o MiniHowto: NfoLinkageSystem
+o php: appcontrol: reads .appcontrolrc-files recursively from directories and adds/removes users or sets passwords
+ according to specification in there
+o source-code parser which creates documentation with wiki techniques
+ o pod2tavi -> tavi2html
+ o phpDoc <- tavi-plugin?
-$Id: joko_2003-01.html,v 1.53 2003/01/26 16:03:30 joko Exp $
+$Id: joko_2003-01.html,v 1.64 2003/01/27 01:33:26 joko Exp $