- joko's sample notes - 2003-01
+ joko's sample notes - 2003-01 - InventoryCleanupAndRefactoring
@@ -434,8 +434,6 @@
x /etc/init.d/apache reload
x test: http://news.netfrag.org/
o new module for cvs-repository?
o nfo/layouts/fs/skel/data2
o checkout to /data on quepasa.netfrag.org
@@ -568,7 +566,9 @@
x sysadmin@netfrag.org
x faq@netfrag.org
-x setup newsportal (by Florian Amrhein)
+x --rework|*reworked*-- apache-layout - check into repository as something root is responsible for!
+x --setup|*setting up*-- newsportal (by Florian Amrhein)
x url: http://florian-amrhein.de/newsportal/
x cd /home/service/download
x mkdir newsportal
@@ -620,8 +620,31 @@
x -> newsportal at cvs.netfrag.org
o TODO: RefactorThisLink
x it's just easy!
-x rework apache-layout - check into repository as something root is responsible for!
+ x setup dispatchrequest for http://news.netfrag.org
+ x cd /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/news/
+ x create symlink
+ x ./.symlinkrc
+ x copy over from webcvs
+ x cp ../webcvs/index.php .
+ x mkdir .dispatch
+ x cd .dispatch
+ x cp ../webcvs/.dispatch/config.php .
+ x cp ../webcvs/.dispatch/index.php .
+ x cvs add ...
+ x cvs commit ...
+ x added|*adding* dispatcher at http://news.netfrag.org
+ x used and mungled DispatchRequest(->cvs, ->doc, ->search) for this purpose
+ o IdeaFor ParseDoc: expand: cvs=JumpToCvs, doc=JumpToDoc, search=SearchFor
+ x examples for the JumpToCvs mechanism are shown on ' to '/etc/viewcvs/templates/header.ezt'
-o rendering proposals for TaviWorkflow
+o rendering *proposals* for TaviWorkflow
o Linking|Referencing (WikiWords, PureExplicitLinkExtrapolation, NamedLinks)
o Coloring
o [o=red, x=green, R=red, r=green]
-o shortcut: TestApache to run 'apachectl configtest' (WikiForSystemAdministration)
+o *shortcut*: TestApache to run 'apachectl configtest' (WikiForSystemAdministration)
x web-based newsreader? twig!
x apt-get install twig
@@ -1013,13 +1036,25 @@
o mail announces to announce@netfrag.org
+o no symlinks in webroot anymore? use ApacheAliases?
+o MiniHowto: NfoLinkageSystem
+o php: appcontrol: reads .appcontrolrc-files recursively from directories and adds/removes users or sets passwords
+ according to specification in there
+o source-code parser which creates documentation with wiki techniques
+ o pod2tavi -> tavi2html
+ o phpDoc <- tavi-plugin?
-$Id: joko_2003-01.html,v 1.58 2003/01/26 18:33:55 joko Exp $
+$Id: joko_2003-01.html,v 1.65 2003/01/27 02:03:28 joko Exp $