611 |
o TODO: RefactorThisHtmlRef to WebNews |
o TODO: RefactorThisHtmlRef to WebNews |
612 |
o view message in some MimeViewer or HtmlViewer (Horde?) |
o view message in some MimeViewer or HtmlViewer (Horde?) |
613 |
o -> use a MessageViewer with MimeCapabilities and HtmlCapabilities |
o -> use a MessageViewer with MimeCapabilities and HtmlCapabilities |
614 |
x Why newsportal and no other? |
615 |
x directly connects to nntp-daemon |
616 |
x has local spool (o TODO: purge regularly?) |
617 |
x highly customizable |
618 |
x added custom css-stylesheet and changed something at content-rendering-level without any problems |
619 |
x visit cvs.netfrag.org to look at the changes made to the newsportal codebase: |
620 |
x -> <a href="http://cvs.netfrag.org/nfo/hosts/quepasa.netfrag.org/data/www/global/apps/newsportal/">newsportal at cvs.netfrag.org</a> |
621 |
o TODO: RefactorThisLink |
622 |
x it's just easy! |
623 |
x setup dispatchrequest for http://news.netfrag.org |
624 |
x cd /data/www/virtual/netfrag/sites/news/ |
625 |
x create symlink |
626 |
x ./.symlinkrc |
627 |
x copy over from webcvs |
628 |
x cp ../webcvs/index.php . |
629 |
x mkdir .dispatch |
630 |
x cd .dispatch |
631 |
x cp ../webcvs/.dispatch/config.php . |
632 |
x cp ../webcvs/.dispatch/index.php . |
633 |
634 |
x rework apache-layout - check into repository as something root is responsible for! |
x rework apache-layout - check into repository as something root is responsible for! |
635 |