--- joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-01.html 2003/01/28 09:33:41 1.79
+++ joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-01.html 2003/02/02 18:33:40 1.131
@@ -37,6 +37,194 @@
joko@netfrag.org - sample stack:
+o get (and refactor) from janosch:
+ - serial-interface-perl-scripts (3?)
+ - aquastar.pl
+ - relais.pl
+ - xyz
+ x faxGate.pl: mail-handler (Faxversandmodul)
+o gtk radiant
+o serial-line to eagle.psl.netfrag.org
+o rabit: php-gtk-ide (phpMole?)
+x mail links to jonen
+o Quake SDK (bots, ....)
+o 3dmax: Reactor
+o look at tools @ perl/bin!!!
+o trim ~joko/Mail/.rules.pm for new Mailing Lists and CVS Logs (from CVSSpam)
+o get into ExtUtils::MakeMaker!!!
+o glossary: sync = get|send new mail & publish|announce
+x new mechanism to pass configuration-metadata to Torus: 'config_metadata => { file => '../etc/syncOutlookContacts.ini' }, ' and stuff....
+o TUTOS - to (static) report:
+ o Overview - All Projects: http://www.netfrag.org/tutos/php/product_overview.php?name=
+ o Statistics - All Projects: http://www.netfrag.org/tutos/php/product_overview.php?format=&start=0&format=stat
+ o Timetrack Summary - per User: http://www.netfrag.org/tutos/php/timetrack_overview.php?worker=1036
+ look at:
+ http://www.netfrag.org/tutos/php/res_cal.php?id=1036
+ http://www.netfrag.org/tutos/php/timetrack_overview.php?worker=1036
+o Torus/XML
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Torus::addItem
+ -
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+o register: archive.netfrag.org
+x already archived somewhere in mail-history
+ Data::Transfer::Sync::API::syncNodes
+ Data::Transfer::Sync::Core::_syncNodes
+ Data::Transfer::Sync::StorageInterface::_getNodeList( source )
+ Data::Transfer::Sync::StorageInterface::_resolveNodeIdent( source )
+ Data::Transfer::Sync::StorageInterface::_statloadNode( target )
+ Data::Transfer::Sync::Compare::Checksum::_readChecksum( source )
+ Data::Transfer::Sync::Core::_buildMap
+ Data::Transfer::Sync::Core::_doTransferToTarget( insert|update )
+ Data::Transfer::Sync::StorageInterface::_statloadNode( target )
+ Data::Transfer::Sync::Compare::Checksum::_readChecksum( target )
+ (Data::Transfer::Sync::Core::_doModifySource_IdentChecksum)
+o shortcut url: Detailed History (Tracker): http://www.netfrag.org/tutos/php/history_show.php?id=1054
+o glossary: "bind data" (add relationships and stuff...)
+o accounts for jonen, janosch and bareface (and all others) for inn@news.netfrag.org
+x outlook2ldap: win32, perl-5.8.0:
+ ---> App::Config (CPAN, force)
+ Tie::IxHash (CPAN)
+ Log::Dispatch (CPAN)
+ Log::Dispatch::Config (CPAN, force)
+ mixin (ppm)
+ DBI (ppm)
+ Hash::Merge (ppm)
+ Tie::SecureHash (ppm)
+ ---> Date::Manip (CPAN)
+ ---> Net::LDAP (own)
+o integrate TUTOS and sloccount!? the "costs"?
+o refactor DesignPattern:: to Data::Code::Object
+o create apache conf statically|dynamically from some declaration stored in ldap
+o misc
+ cd /tmp
+ umount /data
+ recover /dev/ubd/2
+o implement rmtray!!! -> mv xyz /lost+found/tray/xyz
+ -> [ insert project found by jonen here ]
+o apache startphrase: quepasa.netfrag.org
+o TUTOS FATAL ERROR Wednesday 22. Jan 2003
+ =================================================================
+ TUTOS FATAL ERROR Wednesday 22. Jan 2003
+ 14:15
+ Error:
+ Opening the MYSQL database MYSQL:tutos@localhost
+ Detail:
+ 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
+ TUTOS Version: 1.0.20021113
+ PHP Version: 4.2.3 Linux
+ PHP Config: /etc/php4/apache/php.ini
+ APACHE Version: Apache/1.3.26 (Unix) Debian GNU/Linux PHP/4.2.3 mod_ssl/2.8.9 OpenSSL/0.9.6g mod_perl/1.26
+ Called from: http://www.netfrag.org/tutos/php/product_show.php?id=1108
+ Called by:
+ PHP Info Page
+ =================================================================
+o Perl::Module::AutoInstall
+ - detect dynamically
+ - download from CPAN
+ - install || force install
+ - continue
+o perl -MCPAN -eshell
+ install Hash::Merge
+ install Bundle::CPAN
+ install Hash::Merge
+ force install Clone
+ install Hash::Merge
+o apt-get install libtrash!!!
+o enhance-apache-perl-configuration:
+ - bug:
+ root@quepasa:/tmp# /etc/init.d/apache start
+ Starting web server: apacheconfiguring dynamic domain "golf5.de"
+ - features!!!
+ - have declaration stored in ldap:
+ - ldap-company-hierarchy-containers
+ - ldap-account-containers
+ - metadata (nsswitch)
+ - contact-information (pim (outlook|horde), notify, etc.)
+ - ldap-data-containers
+ - data-transfer (column/property -> column/property) mappings (via Data::Map)
+ - sendmail-virtusertable & -aliases
+ - mapped apache-config
+o news-accounts for all@netfrag.org
+o move data directories of mysql and ldap physically below /data (/var/lib/...)
+o backup-scripts:
+ - lowlevel: /data
+ - highlevel:
+ - mysql-databases
+ - ldap-databases
+ - news-spool
+ - cvs-repository
+o backup.pl <- backupThis.pl, backupMe.pl, backupHost.pl
+o https-only-mode (configurable) for horde and tutos!
+o make MX entry for news.netfrag.org!!!
+o backup-MX?
+x links-computing@netfrag.org -> newscollector -> recieveMail -> Mail::Audit -> news.netfrag.org:nfo.links.computing
+o convert content in nfo/doc/computing/.... to DocBook - publish and link generated content @ nfoweb
+o make "build.pl" read metadata from directory given (isCode? isDocBook? getFilelist!(?) getItems)
+o dispatchmail - prerequisites
+ Mail::Audit
+ Getopt::Long
+ Hash::Merge
+ mixin
+ nfo/perl/libs
+ DesignPattern::Object
+o check in joko's dispatchmail-rules
+o misc
o [task by joko] introduced "dispatchmail" to add mail2news-functionality to "recieveMail" (collector@netfrag.org)
x [task by joko] migrated joko_mail from "receiveMail" to "dispatchmail"
x [bug from joko] what about mailing from the cli / mails sent from the system (e.g. via CVSSpam):
@@ -673,11 +861,19 @@
x JumpToArticle: http://news.netfrag.org/nfo.links.computing/id/44
e.g. ->http://netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=44&group=nfo.links.computing
-o NfoWeb
+x NfoWeb
o add WikiPages:
o Overview
- o Projects
- o MiniHowTo
+ o News
+ o news.netfrag.org
+ o Users
+ o Development
+ o Projects
+ o cvs.netfrag.org
+ o Documentation
+ o Topics
+ o MiniHowto
+ o Download
(o Search)
o modify HomePage
o change Projects to Overview
@@ -788,8 +984,65 @@
o search.php?wiki=1&cvs=1&index=1
-o get mnoGoSearch running
+x get mnoGoSearch running
e apt-get install mnoGoSearch
+ e apt-get install mnogosearch-common mnogosearch-doc mnogosearch-pgsql mnogosearch-php
+ x apt-get install mnogosearch-common mnogosearch-php
+ x don't overwrite configuration files
+ x use 'crc-multi'
+ x use 'postgres'
+ x use 'mnogosearch'
+ x apt-get install postgresql
+ x use 'Enter default encoding (SQL_ASCII):'
+ Success. You can now start the database server using:
+ /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster -D /var/lib/postgres/data
+ or
+ /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgres/data -l logfile start
+ PostgreSQL database now installed.
+ Use /usr/bin/createdb to create a specific database and
+ /usr/bin/createuser to enable other users to connect to a
+ PostgreSQL database.
+ In the first instance, these commands must be run by the
+ user 'postgres'.
+ Restarting PostgreSQL database: postmaster
+ No /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/postmaster found running; none killed.
+ Starting PostgreSQL postmaster.
+ postmaster successfully started
+ .
+ Enabling the PL procedural language in all PostgreSQL databases...
+ plpgsql added to template1
+ x apt-get install postgresql-dev
+ e apt-get install libpostgresql
+ e apt-get install libpgtcl
+ x apt-get install mnogosearch-pgsql mnogosearch-pgsql-dev
+ x dpkg-reconfigure mnogosearch-common
+ x su postgres
+ x /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/createuser mnogosearch
+ x /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/createdb mnogosearch
+ x changed to "mysql" in /etc/mnogosearch/indexer.conf and
+ e deployed schemas at /usr/share/doc/mnogosearch-common/create/mysql/
+ x mysql -e "insert into user (host, user, password) values ('localhost', 'mnogosearch', password('mno123'));" mysql
+ c mysql -e "insert into user (host, user, password) values ('%', 'mnogosearch', password('mno123'));" mysql
+ x mysql -e "insert into db values ('localhost', 'mnogosearch', 'mnogosearch', 'Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y');" mysql
+ x mysql -e "create database mnogosearch;"
+ x cd /usr/share/doc/mnogosearch-common/create/mysql/
+ x mysql mnogosearch < categories.txt
+ x mysql mnogosearch < crc-multi.txt
+ x deployed schemas at /usr/share/doc/mnogosearch-common/create/pgsql/
+ x psql -U mnogosearch mnogosearch < create.txt
+ x ...
+ x added to /data/www/virtual/netfrag/conf/applications.conf
+ php_value include_path /usr/share/mnogosearch-php:/etc/mnogosearch-php
+ Alias /search/ /var/www/search.php
+ x apt-get install php4-pgsql
+ x !!! jonen made mysql-mode apts for mnogosearch-common_3.2.6-2.SU.1_all.deb !!!
+ use them: [...] ->archive:/path/to/debs
o it's not tavi nor tavi-workflow - it's: JustWrite? it's todo! (.todo -> .justdo -> .justwrite -> .done)
@@ -1168,14 +1421,348 @@
o phpLdapAdmin
o use Horde's Ldap-driver!
+ o tryout http://www.enaliath.com/phpLDAPadmin.tgz
+o david-addons (Freeware)
+o MacOsX (Shareware)
+o POE - mailing-list???
+o publish all ldap-schemas seperately
+o copyright information for nfo/docs/schemas (horde & janosch)
+o notify of new news-entries / bug-requests
+o scan urls from channel nfo and post to nfo.links.misc
+o write current topic of #nfo to some page on http://netfrag.org and link to irc-channel there
+o FeatureForTUTOS: ConvertNoteToTask
+o FeatureForTUTOS: mark items in MiniTaskView as open or closed (by their respecrive state)
+o wiki.de?
+o increase memory for quepasa.netfrag.org (128?)
+o have a look at /usr/share/mail-audit-tools/popread
+o ModeWorkflow:
+ o OnlineMode:
+ o GoOnline
+ o SyncHome2Web
+ o BrowseInternet, SelectItemsForDownload (SeeOtherNote "what do we need / what do we do?")
+ o SyncWeb2Home
+ o GoOffline (switches to DisconnectedMode)
+ o DisconnectedMode:
+ o ReadMails, WriteMails
+ o ReadNews, PostAnswers
+ o BrowseIntranet, PublishStuff
+ o GoHome (switches to ShutdownMode)
+ o ShutdownMode
+ o all (important - more or less...) messages are redirected to pre-configured
+ addresses and/or notifications are sent on incoming messages at specific
+ targets to pre-configured addresses as well.
+o Hack: ModifyWord to *only* load and save HTML-Documents
+ o MyTUTOS:
+ o on http://www.netfrag.org/tutos/php/mytutos.php ...
+ o "Open Tasks" (below|above "Products & Projects")
+ o ... display http://www.netfrag.org/tutos/php/task_overview.php?id=1036
+ o columns: Taskname (linked to task), Projectname (linked to project), created
+ o Calendar:
+ o collapse Items (cut away Project-relationship)
+ o limit column width
+ o smaller font
+ o evtl.: vertically
+ o create Task:
+ o a "pre"-task doesn't need dates (neither from nor to) (use the creation-date for displaying in overview)
+ o an "ongoing"-task needs a begin date only
+ o a "finished" task needs both!
+o look at docbook.m4 at /home/service/download/mnogosearch/mnogosearch-3.2.7/
+o /home/service/download/mnogosearch/
+x all attempts to install some recent mnoGoSearch-version working together with mysql
+ from some debian packages failed, now trying mnogosearch-3.1.20
+ x configure --with-mysql
+ x apt-get install libmysqlclient10-dev
+ x configure --with-mysql
+ x make && make install
+ x configure /usr/local/mnogosearch/etc/indexer.conf
+ x cd /home/service/download/mnogosearch/mnogosearch-3.1.20/create/stopwords
+ x ./stopword.pl stop.de.txt stop.en.txt > stopwords.txt
+ x mysql mnogosearch < stopwords.txt
+ x seems to work perfectly with "single"-mode!
+ o now switching to crc-multi again....
+ x cd /usr/local/mnogosearch
+ x ./sbin/indexer -a -v 5
+o phpHtmlLib
+ o quick2pick-code: refactor TreeView to *new* phpHtmlLib-component
+ o new: add EditingFeature to phpHtmlLib's "InfoTable"-component
+ o quick2pick-code: refactor to feature "IntegratedEditing" of phpHtmlLib's "Xyz List" - component
+x indexing netfrag.org
+ x lookup examples:
+ sendmail (->rank!) (exclude http://www.netfrag.org/docs/build/?)
+ sync (ok)
+ kerberos (exclude http://www.netfrag.org/docs/build/?)
+ xabbu (ok)
+ polygon (ok)
+ textur (ok)
+ 3d (ok)
+ parkvilla (ok)
+ stonie (ok)
+ lash la rue (ok)
+ sendmail (ok)
+ kerberos (ok)
+ o not needed urls (exclude somehow (mnogosearch-directive|robots.txt!):
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/HowToUseWiki
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/FindPage
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/SandBox
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/WikiWikiWeb
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/RecentChanges
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/AddingPages
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/TextFormattingRules
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/UserPreferences
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/PhpWikiDocumentation
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/MoreAboutMechanics
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/EditText
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/WabiSabi
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/RecentVisitors
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/SteveWainstead
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/RecentEdits
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/PhpWiki
+ (Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/HomePage)???
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/MagicPhpWikiURLs
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/CalendarPlugin
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/GoodStyle
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/InterWiki
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/LinkIcons
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/PgsrcTranslation
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/PhpWikiAdministration
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/ReleaseNotes
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/WikiPlugin
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/MostPopular
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/InterWikiMap
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/CategoryCategory
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/AllPages
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/BackLinks
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/DebugInfo
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/FullRecentChanges
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/FullTextSearch
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/LikePages
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/PageHistory
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/TitleSearch
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/TestPage
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/OrphanedPages
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/FuzzyPages
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/Info
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/NewMarkupTestPage
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/PageGroupTest
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/PageGroupTestFour
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/PageGroupTestOne
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/PageGroupTestThree
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/PageGroupTestTwo
+ Indexer[23070]: [1] http://www.netfrag.org/nfoweb/index.php/RandomPage
+ o ... same with "http://www.netfrag.org/rrr/index.php/" - it's a phpWiki, too
+ => make up a robots.txt?
+ x exclude http://www.netfrag.org/docs/build/!!!
+ x Disallow Regex http://www.netfrag.org/docs/build/.*
+ o FeatureRequest: remember (via cookie!) last issued searches
+ x how to clear a mnogosearch-index-database?
+ x indexer -C
+ x how to re-index?
+ x just run 'indexer'
+ o index more resources on netfrag.org (news, cvs)
+ o exclude unwanted resources (wiki-test-& default-pages & co.)
+ o establish http://search.netfrag.org/
+ o place DispatchRequest there, let it redirect to an application "mnoGoSearch"
+ o "mnoGoSearch" is currently installed at http://netfrag.org/search/
+ o => (e.g.) http://search.netfrag.org/dust -> http://netfrag.org/search/?q=dust
+o http://w-a-c.com: Inhalt unter "Clubtreffen" besser positionieren!
+o http://lashlarue.de: inhalte und struktur überarbeiten
+x patch cvs-permissions:
+ x cd /var/lib/cvs/nfo
+ x chown -R .src doc patches perl php
+ x chown -R .rootsrc hosts layouts
+ o do this regularly
+o run indexer and '.runrc' on interval!
+o amo@grasshopper: cleanup local repository 'nfo' from cvs.netfrag.org!!!
+o categorization:
+ o document-type:
+ o file-type:
+ o suffix: .xyz (guess application-relationship of file from this)
+ o content-encoding: ASCII, EBCDIC, UTF-8, etc.
+o shortcut for:
+ o ctlinnd newgroup nfo.dev.php
+ o nano /data/www/global/apps/newsportal/groups.txt
+ add: nfo.dev.php Php Development
+o look at slurp:/var/www/docbook-dsssl/
+o make ResourceGroups (group - what else? - resources together - from netfrag.org or other urls/urns or WikiTags)
+o look at R:\staff\public\Research\Mirrored Sites
+o phpw2hfax?
+o look at phpOrgaSync: http://www.ds-services.de/portal/
+ o ->http://www.phprojekt.com/
+o amavis uses 'Net::Server::PreForkSimple':
+ Jan 30 07:52:53 quepasa amavis[25445]: 2003/01/30-07:52:53 Amavis (type Net::Server::PreForkSimple) starting! pid(25445)
+o mnogosearch: use searchd? what's spelld?
+o look at quepasa:/etc/apache/httpd.conf:
+ # MetaDir: specifies the name of the directory in which Apache can find
+ # meta information files. These files contain additional HTTP headers
+ # to include when sending the document
+ #
+ #MetaDir .web
+ #
+ # MetaSuffix: specifies the file name suffix for the file containing the
+ # meta information.
+ #
+ #MetaSuffix .meta
+o look at quepasa:/etc/apache/httpd.conf:
+ # Customizable error response (Apache style)
+ # these come in three flavors
+ #
+ # 1) plain text
+ #ErrorDocument 500 "The server made a boo boo.
+ # n.b. the (") marks it as text, it does not get output
+ #
+ # 2) local redirects
+ #ErrorDocument 404 /missing.html
+ # to redirect to local URL /missing.html
+ #ErrorDocument 404 /cgi-bin/missing_handler.pl
+ # N.B.: You can redirect to a script or a document using server-side-includes.
+ #
+ # 3) external redirects
+ #ErrorDocument 402 http://some.other_server.com/subscription_info.html
+ # N.B.: Many of the environment variables associated with the original
+ # request will *not* be available to such a script.
+o look at quepasa:/etc/apache/httpd.conf:
+ # Allow http put (such as Netscape Gold's publish feature)
+ # Use htpasswd to generate /etc/apache/passwd.
+ # You must unremark these two lines at the top of this file as well:
+ #LoadModule put_module modules/mod_put.so
+ #
+ #Alias /upload /tmp
+ #
+ # EnablePut On
+ # AuthType Basic
+ # AuthName Temporary
+ # AuthUserFile /etc/apache/passwd
+ # EnableDelete Off
+ # umask 007
+ #
+ # require valid-user
+ #
+ #
+o admin:
+ o LoginLists (e.g. User-Account per Service(mail (send & recieve), shell, wiki, news))
+ o IncludeLists (e.g. include newsgroup into newsportal (news2http-gateway), include path to Backup)
+ o ExcludeLists (e.g. exclude from Indexer (mnoGoSearch))
+o a general question: why does a user *still* has to specifiy *two* servers for mail?
+ technical - okay (more than....) - but from the user perspective? no! just one!
+o benchmark dispatchmail:
+ a) started via pipe in .forward-file
+ MTA Queue status...
+ /var/spool/mqueue (3 requests)
+ -----Q-ID----- --Size-- -----Q-Time----- ------------Sender/Recipient-----------
+ h0U8ARv9027686* 16930 Thu Jan 30 09:13
+ h0U8ARv7027686* 56 Thu Jan 30 09:13
+ |"/data/opt/dispatchmail/bin/dispatchm
+ h0U8ARv5027686* 56 Thu Jan 30 09:13
+ |"/data/opt/dispatchmail/bin/dispatchm
+ Total requests: 3
+ b) as milter-handler????
+o lookup: paul verilio
+o review D:\e\home\amo\develop\cvs\nautilux.progressive-media.de\amo !!!
+o make up a Bundle::dispatchmail
+ o install dispatchmail
+ o get dispatchmail.pl from nfo-repository
+ o get Mail::Audit from CPAN
+ o get Mail::Audit::Dispatch from nfo-repository
+ o get dependencies
+ o DesignPattern::Object
+ o DesignPattern::Bridge
+ o org::netfrag::shortcuts
+ o MIME::Lite
+ o Hash::Merge
+ o Log::Dispatch
+ o Log::Dispatch::Config
+ o load a sample .dispatchmrc into your users home-directory
+ o edit it according your needs - see (in future) Mail::Audit::Tour
+ o test your rules by running
+ o ./buildmail | ./dispatchmail --base=/home/username (you'll need MIME::Lite for running buildmail...)
+o cvshistory
+ o draw a graphical / navigatable timeline of a cvs-history
+ o embed urls pointing to arbitrary resources
+o establish: bugs@netfrag.org
+ o automagically create TUTOS-ticket
+x groupwares / time-trackers
+ x phpProjekt
+ o [include tool from janosch here]
+o get together Log::Dispatch(mail) and Mail::Audit::Dispatch
+ o make up a Log::Dispatch::Address
+ o use Data::Map(via ldap) to actually resolve
+o Torus - client-compatibility
+ o Outlook Express, Outlook 2000, 2002 (win32)
+ o Horde (web)
+ o Netscape & Mozilla (win32 & *nix)
+ o Ximian Evolution (*nix)
+ o TUTOS (web)
+ o Twig (web)
+ o PhpProjekt
+o jonen@gharb: patched Mail::Audit::Dispatch (don't ask for ~/Mail any more!)
+o glossary: public bulletin board
+o dispatchmail: make option "--user=" work again!
-$Id: joko_2003-01.html,v 1.79 2003/01/28 09:33:41 joko Exp $
+$Id: joko_2003-01.html,v 1.131 2003/02/02 18:33:40 joko Exp $