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Contents of /joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-02.html

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Revision 1.8 - (show annotations)
Mon Feb 3 04:34:13 2003 UTC (22 years ago) by joko
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.7: +14 -2 lines
File MIME type: text/html
+ AUTOCOMMIT: updated/added content

1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <title>joko's sample notes - 2003-02 - ResourceIntegration</title>
4 <link href="/horde/css.php?app=chora" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
5 </head>
6 <body>
9 <pre>
12 <hr/>
14 o flib:
15 o include & boot
16 o include-paths
17 o configKey (servername) => servername/appname
18 o make glib
19 o RPC::Remote: just can talk to single rpc-server!!!!
20 o app-cleanup:
21 o replace ../img/ through img/ globally (in all files found)
22 o grep -ri "../img" | modify.pl --regex=s/\.\.\/img/img/g [--in-type=filelist]
23 o refactor replace_cvs.pl to:
24 finder.pl -R --regex=/CVS/Root . | modify.pl --regex=s/:pserver:/:ext:/ [--in-type=filelist]
25 o is it possible to actually parse settings && arguments (not just "options") using Getopt::Long??
26 o else: look at CPAN more detailed or make a CliCmd::Option + CliCmd::Argument = CliCmd::Setting!!
27 O refactor Getopt::Simple to Getopt::Easy and add features!? a) argument/option-mechanism b) restrict option-mech
28 symbol: O=Ongoing
29 c use Getopt::Auto???
30 x make Getopt::Easy!!!
33 o 0. Oef::Request -> ...
34 o 1. CliCmd::Setting -> Oef::Request -> [hibernate] -> [wakup] -> Oef::Engine -> Oef::>Task -> Oef::Response
35 o need to freeze a Oef::Request
36 o 2. CliCmd::Setting -> Oef::Request -> Oef::Engine -> Oef::Task -> [hibernate] -> [wakup] -> Oef::Response
37 o need to freeze a Oef::Engine
39 o Oef::Base bases on DesignPattern::Object and DesignPattern::Bridge
41 o refactor DesignPattern::Object::Logger to Oef::Base::Logger
43 o use phpHtmlLib - widgets in a wiki (yakka!)
45 o rename Data::Storage::Handler::NetLDAP to Data::Storage::Handler::LDAP
47 o register: data-storage.[perl.]netfrag.org
49 o look at '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />'!!!
50 o better use 'utf-8' to achieve full i18n?
52 o add descriptive words (undelete, etc.) and references to similar projects to mini-howto_trashcan-under-linux_libtrash.html
54 o proarc - professional document archiving, indexing, distributing and publishing
55 o archiver
56 archive --reference|meta|content --check-descents=*.txt <path> --type=file|document
57 o indexer
58 index <all>, use mnoGoSearch's indexer
59 o manager
60 o build sets of data
61 o make distribution lists
62 o manage global settings (base-paths/-urls, etc.)
63 o edit object details (public-url, acls, etc.)
64 o edit global and/or per-object metadata
65 o to-be-published (@)
66 o to-be-indexed
67 o build manager-rules on top of that
68 o distributor
69 o prepare/distribute sets of data
70 o publisher
71 o publish data to given url@server
72 a) prepared machine-readable sets for distribution
73 b) human-readable material (e.g.: generated indexes, overviews, details, descent-documents)
74 o add collaboration on top of that!
75 o (technical) annotations, pbb, etc.
76 o what is already there?
77 x found: ProArc, OpenArc - but nothing seems to be truly *open*!
79 o Gtk Rules | phpRules - an abstract rule chain editor
80 o modes: dispatchmail, dispatchrequest, ipchains?
81 o look at Outlook 2000, Ximian Evolution, Horde
83 o iSerienbrief (mac & win32)
85 o freier xml-editor für win32? (nicht auf msxml3 basierend?)
87 o Data::Storage
88 - overview
89 - just gives you a handle to a preconfigured data-source.
90 - it's a meta-module on our way to unified data access.
91 - details
92 It also lets you add additional methods to this handle from
93 specified Perl-modules acting as "plugins".
94 It's delivered with "Handlers" ready for talking to rdbms-databases,
95 flat-file databases (csv, etc.), structured files (INPADOC, XML) and
96 oo-rdbms-mappers (orms) - in our case "Tangram" (from CPAN).
98 o Resources, Ontologies, Information Delivery
101 o modifier.pl
102 o soap <-> rpc-xml
103 o Tangram-Schema <-> RDF Schema (RDFS)
105 o use nntp//rss!!!
107 o cvssync
108 o option AUTOCOMMIT
109 o option AUTOADD
110 o mode GUI
112 o sieve & XML???
114 o cvs & kerberos???
116 o enhance Mail::Audit::Dispatch
117 x recieveMail -> dispatchmail & Mail::Audit::Dispatch
118 o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Folder::Mbox (by joko, the main part of the former recieveMail, just uses Mail::Audit)
119 o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Spool (by joko, a little part of the former recieveMail, just uses Mail::Audit)
120 x Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Newsgate (by joko, uses Net::NNTP)
121 o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Folder::Cyrus1 (by jonen, acts as sendmail MDA instead of /usr/sbin/cyrdeliver, but re-dispatches to it again after resolving addresses against an arbitrary data source, see 'Data::Map' stuff....)
122 o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Faxgate (by janosch, uses /usr/bin/sendfax; still inside 'mail-handler', tbr)
123 o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Smsgate (by janosch, uses /usr/bin/yaps; still inside 'mail-handler', tbr)
124 o could also use /usr/bin/smssend or some module from CPAN
125 o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Response (by joko, notifies sender that his/her mail was processed by arbitrary system)
126 o send autoresponse with subject: "Your bug-request was filed." when mailing to bugs@netfrag.org (done by gateway@netfrag.org)
127 o actually do file the message at nfo.support.queue (done by gateway@netfrag.org)
128 o maybe cc: to or integrate with tutos or other ticketing system (bugzilla)???)
129 o this should be the basic functionality needed to implement known features as "autoresponder" or "vacation" on top of this
131 o write about:
132 o path-structure inside dev-cvs (->bareface, ->janosch)
133 o path-structure inside sysadmin-cvs (hosts, skels) (->jonen)
134 o path-structure at web/pub (->jonen)
136 o enhance newsportal
137 o features for ArticleViewer:
138 o embedded images
139 o MIME capability
140 o HTML frameset capability
141 o show in external window
142 o convert to HTML tables!?
144 o a StartingPoint: TUTOS Project/Product Overview
146 o generate some documentation for flib and glib automagically
147 o use JavaDoc? see ->phpHtmlLib
148 o use phpDoc? see ->Xyz
150 o yakka:
151 o SeperationOfWikiCoreFeatures
152 o revisioning
153 o EnhancementOfCoreFeatures
154 o object oriented linking/referencing
155 o reference maintenance capabilities (copy, move, unlink) (+clone, +deep_copy)
156 o reference structuring (make set, add more metadata)
157 o use RDF and/or RDFS?
158 o look at RDFWiki....
159 o EnhancementOfFrontend
160 o ReIntegrationOfWikiCoreFeatures
164 </pre>
166 <hr/>
167 $Id: joko_2003-02.html,v 1.7 2003/02/03 04:03:31 joko Exp $
169 </body>
170 </html>

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