--- joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-02.html 2003/02/02 21:03:29 1.4
+++ joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-02.html 2003/02/09 17:14:36 1.48
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@
b) human-readable material (e.g.: generated indexes, overviews, details, descent-documents)
o add collaboration on top of that!
o (technical) annotations, pbb, etc.
+ o what is already there?
+ x found: ProArc, OpenArc - but nothing seems to be truly *open*!
o Gtk Rules | phpRules - an abstract rule chain editor
o modes: dispatchmail, dispatchrequest, ipchains?
@@ -126,13 +128,407 @@
o maybe cc: to or integrate with tutos or other ticketing system (bugzilla)???)
o this should be the basic functionality needed to implement known features as "autoresponder" or "vacation" on top of this
+o write about:
+ o path-structure inside dev-cvs (->bareface, ->janosch)
+ o path-structure inside sysadmin-cvs (hosts, skels) (->jonen)
+ o path-structure at web/pub (->jonen)
+o enhance newsportal
+ o features for ArticleViewer:
+ o embedded images
+ o MIME capability
+ o HTML frameset capability
+ o show in external window
+ o convert to HTML tables!?
+o a StartingPoint: TUTOS Project/Product Overview
+o generate some documentation for flib and glib automagically
+ o use JavaDoc? see ->phpHtmlLib
+ o use phpDoc? see ->Xyz
+o yakka:
+ o SeperationOfWikiCoreFeatures
+ o revisioning
+ o EnhancementOfCoreFeatures
+ o object oriented linking/referencing
+ o reference maintenance capabilities (copy, move, unlink) (+clone, +deep_copy)
+ o reference structuring (make set, add more metadata)
+ o use RDF and/or RDFS?
+ o look at RDFWiki....
+ o EnhancementOfFrontend
+ o ReIntegrationOfWikiCoreFeatures
+o "outsource" mysql from quepasa.netfrag.org to h1.service.netfrag.org
+o establish slapd on h1.service.netfrag.org
+o faxabruf für w2hfax (sendfax -d -p)
+ o konvertiere empfanges dokument von ps nach pdf, tiff?
+o look at bonsai?
+o scripts from janosch
+o LookAt php-4.3.0???
+o emacs?
+o check if backend-logging still works!?
+o LookAt PythonInPhp
+ o integrate python-library from w2hfax (hfaxlib) into Horde!?
+o task list
+ start apache1 (click)
+ start mysql (type net start mysql)
+ start internet explorer (click)
+ start explorer (press win-key & e)
+ navigate to target
+ open in ultraedit
+o php-enhancements!?
+ o mixin inheritance for php?
+ o manipulating the symbol table?
+o integrate timestamp into log-output of CPAN's Log::Dispatch!?
+o integrate autogenerated api-documentation for code@netfrag.org
+ use PhpDocumentor: http://phpdocu.sourceforge.net/
+o phpLdapBrowser using components from
+ o PEAR (DB_ldap)
+ o smarty (maybe some parts for gui rendering)
+ o phpHtmlLib (abstraction of basic html tags and more highlevel widgets, gui/forms-to-data binding)
+ o netfrag.org
+ o yakka as navigation-backend
+ o on-the-fly generation of navigation-structure
+ o page-rendering, -dispatching and -layout
+ o maybe integrate these together to get max. overview over all details
+ to be able to provide enough abstraction in implementation:
+ o current dispatcher from yakka (Engine 1.0?, Engine 2.0?)
+ o dispatchrequest (the generic dispatcher which listens at http://cvs.netfrag.org and http://news.netfrag.org)
+ o glib/Application/AbstractRequest (a component which grew out of a custom application once,
+ but was refactored two times after that ( -> flib/Site/Request -> org.netfrag.glib/Application/AbstractRequest)
+ o org.netfrag.glib for tying all that together
+o nfoweb: "powered by" - page
+ o lamp: linux, apache, mysql, php
+ o other daemon software: inn, OpenLDAP, OpenSSH, Kerberos 5, sendmail, amavis, Cyrus
+ o other software: TWiki, phpWiki, viewcvs, newsportal
+ o other languages: bash, perl, python, ruby, etc., etc.
+ o make links...
+ o include process view???
+ o link to "IntegratesWith"-page: PIMs, Offices
+o Data::Storage and logging via Log::Dispatch - DEEP RECURSION again!!!
+x build content-index of news.netfrag.org
+ o mnoGoSearch's news-extension seems to require some more database-tuning ;-(
+ x ./sbin/indexer -a -v 5 -i -u http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/%
+ o automate this:
+ o cd /usr/local/mnogosearch
+ o ./sbin/indexer
+ x ./sbin/indexer -a -p 1 -u http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/%
+ x deleted all "post.php"-documents from mnoGoSearch-index-database
+ x place entry in indexer.conf *before* the "Allow"-rules: "Disallow Regex \/webnews\/post\.php.*"
+ x ... so we have now (for newsportal)
+ Disallow Regex \/webnews\/post\.php.*
+ Allow Regex \/webnews\/
+ x run: ./sbin/indexer -a -v 5 -p 1 -u "http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/post.php%"
+ x or (faster - and will not blow up your apache):
+ ./sbin/indexer -a -u "http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/post.php%"
+o refactor OEF::Why::Queue
+ o Topics
+ o ORM (Object Relational Mapper)
+ o Data synchronization
+ o Object persistence
+ o Code passivation / Task control
+ o ChangeLog
+ o Todo
+ o Ideas
+ o LookAt PEAR-1.0?
+ x remove custom patches
+ x re-integrate functionality from these patches at another place
+ o enhance patches
+ o look at http://cvs.php.net/co.php/pear/XML_RPC/RPC.php
+ o look at http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=pear-dev&m=103578377822397&w=2
+ o provide better patch introducing new error-codes and messages for "local errors":
+ o "could not connect to remote server, failed to open socket"
+ o "could not send data, but socket is open"
+ x LookAt PEAR::Log-1.5.3
+ x does it have log-level-constants defined inside itself? yes!
+ x re-integrate patches to have timestamp formatted in a different way
+ o integrate PEAR::Translation with smarty
+ o look at http://pear.php.net/package-info.php?pacid=124&release=1.2.3
+ o look at http://smarty.php.net
+ o send patch for PEAR/Log/file.php
+ o make patch for PEAR/XML/RPC.php
+ o refactor to PEAR::DB - drivers
+ o glib/Data/Driver/Proxy.php
+ o glib/Data/Driver/RPC/Remote.php
+ o the name??? (DB::RPC?, DB::Remote?, DB::Virtual?)
+ o PEAR::Auth::Kerberos???
+ o integrate glib/Data/Driver/Proxy with PEAR::Cache
+ o use DB::RPC for this!
+ o integrate Application::Config with PEAR::Config
+ o use PEAR::Tree
+ o look at http://opensource.visionp.de/modules/project/tree.php
+ o as base data container for "app::menu", "phpHtmlLib::TreeNav"
+ o integrate Data::Encode with PEAR::I18N - Internationalization???
+ o prepare patches for pear.php.net
+ o configurable timestamp format for PEAR::Log::file
+ o no fatal php errors from PEAR::XML::RPC
+ x why not PEAR::Config?
+ * This class allows for parsing and editing of configuration datasources.
+ * Do not use this class only to read datasources because of the overhead
+ * it creates to keep track of the configuration structure.
+o auf "tune": Programm beenden... "should not see me"
+o non-proportional-font-angebots-generator
+o archiving: manager & cataloguer
+o schema-convertors
+ o ldap-schema -> rdfs?
+ o tangram-schema -> rdfs?
+ o DBIx::DBSchema <-> rdfs?
+ o => web-based rdfs-browser/-editor???
+o glossary: Abstract Syntax Notation Basic Encoding Rules (ASN.1/BER) records
+o add some notes about licenses:
+ o code: use GPL/LGPL? (GNU General Public License)
+ ->http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
+ o documentation and stuff: use OpenContent License (OPL)?
+ ->http://opencontent.org/opl.shtml?
+o found: LDSU
+o what about the missing posts to news.netfrag.org?
+ o e.g. "Wo finde ich .pod-Dokumente auf netfrag.org?"
+ o auto-rotated to some nirvana by a cron-daily?
+o nfo/Overview
+ o edit
+ ~natraj: redirect to ../optix
+ ~xabbu: redirect to vortex.sytes.net
+ ~janosch: fill with scripts/PerlFileMover.pl, scripts/mail-handler.pl and scripts/conrad-c-control-xyz
+ download: link to http://psl.no-ip.com/public/download/
+ o change css-styles?
+ o reduce width of inner text-field?
+o netfrag.org - IntegrationPhase2
+ o integrate user-accounts and passwords
+ o inn
+ o phpWiki
+o mnoGoSearch - modify search-interface
+ o simpler form:
+ o just two fields/areas: a) searchword b) (restrict) searcharea-/scope (by word, by checkboxing)
+ o remember "last recent searches"
+ o give user possibility to "mark search as private"
+ o focus input-field on page load (javascript!)
+o describe how to add a button to ie (via javascript) (or moz? via XUL?) which triggers
+ a "search at netfrag.org" automagically
+o distributed backup system with central/global administration point
+ o it's just metadata
+ o transportable via xml
+ o storable in xml, rdbms, ldap
+o search::OpenContact
+o add copyright information to source-code!!!
+o import directory layout (esp. /home/service) of h1.service.netfrag.org to cvs.netfrag.org
+o add possibility to search for *arbitrary* *unlinked* words against a pre-configured WordExpander,
+ which expands words to refs (e.g. http-url) automagically
+ o add javascript-link: "search for selected word/phrase" against search.netfrag.org
+o add new topic: "filter"
+ o Regexp::Group
+ o Data::Filter
+ o Mail::Audit
+ o Content-Filters
+ o wiki, tavi, etc.
+ o QuickNote to HTML (what about the name 'iNote'?)
+o janosch's PerlFileMover
+ o use unlink together with File::Spec instead of doing a "del" via system
+ o use File::List (look at File::Iterator also)
+ o use some directory watcher module or make one from that?
+ o POE::Component::DirWatch
+ http://search.cpan.org/author/CHOLET/POE-Component-DirWatch-0.01/DirWatch.pm
+o replace? look at sandr! (Search AND Replace?) (from french university/organization...)
+o install? look at DLAI! (DownLoad And Install?) (from french university/organization...)
+o search::phpDocServ
+o search::[outlook contact sync]
+o pages for patches
+o pages & screenshots for sync
+o redesign layout of article-/message viewer in newsportal etc.
+o setup cvstrac on quepasa.netfrag.org
+o search::[trouble ticket]
+o try lxr? (from sf.net)
+o search::lyra
+o google::[outlook ldap]
+o search::LDAP Search Error
+o nice layout: http://depts.washington.edu/cac/cchome/mis.html
+o split up custom gui:
+ o two parts (topics): "notes" & "ideas" (& "visions"?)
+ o *both* may have contexts (are associated with one or more other arbitrary items)
+ o these may be StartingPoints when having a number of things cross referenced
+o [search::some news posts got purged, sorry]
+o [search::quepasa moves slow]
+o mail output from "df" at quepasa.netfrag.org
+o tell rabit about ps-lxr (lxr-ps?) (the ps filter and link-expander)
+o search::Business::OnlinePayment
+o enhance CVSSpam's ruby-scanner's keywords (TODO, FIXME, etc.)
+ o think about different mechanism of how to say "to this with that" to 'cvsspam.rb'
+ o couple 'cvsspam.rb' and the not-yet-ready
+ link-expansion/item-interpolation WebService on quepasa.netfrag.org
+ o filter incoming content through that! forward via mail afterwards!
+o do the same thing described above with inn:
+ o couple the inn-perl-filters with the mentioned InterpolWebService ;-)
+ o or should we name it "ExtrapolWebService"?
+o hehe: search::interpol
+o search::it's too hard
+x what's new in perl 5.8.0?
+ x Unicode
+ x Threads
+ x IO
+ x Signals
+ x Speed
+o use WWW::Mechanize!!!
+o compare DesignPattern::Bridge with Class::Inner!
+o refactor the DesignPattern::-namespace to the Class::-namespace (perl & php!)!!!
+o have seperated search-spaces for
+ o nfoweb & co.
+ o news
+ o cvs-logs
+ o .... but: still let the feature to search the whole index ...
+o EasyDoc???
+ x occupied: look at htmltmpl.sourceforge.net
+ x it's for python *and* php!!!
+o search::OpenAccess it's already occupied - it's odbc driver stuff
+x why not rdf right now?
+ x search::[RDF -- the reason given usually being "it's too hard."]
+o search::syncml
+x search::perl inner class
+ x it works!
+ x the intended document is found on first place
+ x this document is also found
+ o just try to strip out the two documents found in between,
+ these are the newsportal overview-pages (ThreadView)
+ where the keywords are found inside the pure titles
+x DSMLv2:
+ from http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=241&group=nfo.links.computing
+ DSMLv2 is defined in terms of a set of XML fragments that are used as
+ payloads in a binding. A binding defines how the DSMLv2 XML fragments are sent
+ as requests and responses in the context of a specific transport such as SOAP,
+ SMTP, or a simple data file. DSMLv2 defines two normative bindings: (1) a SOAP
+ request/response binding is defined in section 6; and (2) a file binding that
+ serves as the DSMLv2 analog of LDIF is defined in section 7. The rules for
+ defining other DSMLv2 compliant bindings are found in section 8.
+o review|search::mail to news gateway
+ o better: (exact (first) hit)
+ o try to find: http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/attachment.php/nfo.links.computing/372/2/NewsGateway.xml
+ o search::NewsGateway.xml
+o refactor hash2sql into some module (Data::Storage::Handler::DBI?, shortcuts.pm?)
+o use Hash::Merge instead of object2hash
+o make a Object::Merge (maybe patch Hash::Merge) to refactor hash2object somehow
+o use Class::Inner!!!
+o example faq: Was ist ein search::Buffer-Overrun?
+o enhance statistics for Data::Transfer::Sync
+ o timing
+o inote.com?
+o search::quickstart
+o search::Devel-Metadata
+o is there a better alternative for Data::Compare::Struct on CPAN?
+o refactor:
+ o DesignPattern::Object to Class::Base (perl & php)
+ o DesignPattern::Bridge to Class::Bridge (perl)
+ o DesignPattern::Bridge to Class::Inner (php)
+o make mnogosearch quiet / write output to logfile
-$Id: joko_2003-02.html,v 1.4 2003/02/02 21:03:29 joko Exp $
+$Id: joko_2003-02.html,v 1.48 2003/02/09 17:14:36 joko Exp $