--- joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-02.html 2003/02/09 17:44:39 1.49
+++ joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-02.html 2003/02/26 12:26:06 1.61
@@ -525,6 +525,351 @@
o use PEAR::Tree!
+o backup of quepasa.netfrag.org on meister.ultrajan.de
+ o cd /home/joko
+ o cvs -d :ext:joko@netfrag.org:/var/lib/cvs checkout joko/virtual/joko_backup_ultrajan
+o org.netfrag.glib
+ function getObjectList() {
+ // -------------------- clone this & modify ----------
+ $rpcinfo = $this->rpcinfo;
+ $cache_key = session_id() . "-" . "ObjectTypeList";
+ $objectTypeList = mkObject('Data::Driver::Proxy', $cache_key, array( key => 1, command => 'getObjectList', remote => 1, rpcinfo => $rpcinfo, cache => array( db => 0, session => 1 ) ) );
+ $result = $objectTypeList->getAttributes();
+ return $result;
+ // -------------------- clone this & modify ----------
+ }
+o check out xoops: www.xoops.org
+o search::Manuel Lemos
+o use XOOPS (uses smarty) and PRAX (instead / together with RPC::XML?)
+o collaborative Dynabooks, Constructionism, Intertwingulation
+o search::RBAC
+o check out
+ o squeakland.org
+ o binarycloud: http://greenhell.com/BinaryCloud
+ o http://dev.greenhell.com/
+ o http://greenhell.com/phpWebForm
+ o http://greenhell.com/dataMiner
+o binarycloud FormBuilder!!!
+o for Perl??
+ o ant
+ o wsif
+o search::Beaming Files - OpenOBEX
+o winscp!
+o OBEX!!!
+o Generic object exchange profile (GOEP)
+o Object push profile (OPP)
+o l2cap - Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol
+o http://www.bluetoothsig.org/upf/
+ UnPlugFest-12 (FULL) - Europe - October 2003
+o ISO 13250
+o XML::RPC --> XMLRPC::Lite???
+o in search for a native perl make solution:
+ - gnu make: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/
+ - java ant: http://ant.apache.org/
+ - perforce jam (just another make): http://www.perforce.com/jam/jam.html
+ - perl make: http://search.cpan.org/author/MHOSKEN/Font-TTF-0.32/pmake.bat
+ pmake - a perl 'make' replacement
+ based on:
+ - CPAN Make: http://search.cpan.org/author/NI-S/Make-1.00/
+ Make - module for processing makefiles
+ - Phing: http://webstract.org/
+ Phing is a build system, similar to Gnu make, and Apache ant,
+ though it's concept is closer to ant than it is to gnumake.
+ In fact, Phing was written with ant's design in mind to create a build system.
+ Phing stands for "PHphmake Is Not Gnumake".
+ - nant: http://nant.sourceforge.net/
+ NAnt is a free .NET build tool. In theory it is kind of like make without make's wrinkles.
+ In practice it's a lot like Ant. NAnt has been tested with the .Net Release.
+ - cons - A Make replacement
+ http://www.dsmit.com/cons/
+ - SCons: http://www.scons.org/
+ a Software Construction tool
+ - a-a-p: http://www.a-a-p.org/
+ - Data::Flow - Perl extension for simple-minded recipe-controlled build of data
+ http://search.cpan.org/dist/Data-Flow/Flow.pm
+ - OpenOffice.org - Build tool
+o CPAN:
+ o JHI
+ o Text::Starfish
+ o Meta-0.08 > java_run.pl
+ o Jvm
+ o Java
+ o Inline::Java
+ o PBJ::JNI
+ o PDL::IO::HDF5
+o look at mini-xml (php and perl!)
+o search::perl- and php- development
+o bonobo
+ o 1.
+ perl -MCPAN -eshell
+ install Bonobo
+ Gtk::Perl didn't work
+ cd /root/.cpan/build/Gtk-Perl-0.7008
+ perl Makefile.PL --with-gtk-force --without-guessing
+ install XML::Writer
+ (install GNOME::GNORBA)
+ o 2.
+ perl2html
+ CPAN: GDA GNU Data Access (GDA) Perl Module Library (libgda)
+ o 3.
+ The Perl Shell (psh): http://www.gregorpurdy.com/gregor/psh/
+ o 4.
+ apt-get install bonobo-python
+o rap: Request and Process
+ or: Ant for Perl
+ o use:
+ o Data::Flow
+ o psh (http://search.cpan.org/src/GREGOR/psh-1.8/)
+ o HDF?
+ o XML::Simple
+ o XPC.pm - XML Procedure Call Classes (http://search.cpan.org/src/GREGOR/XPC-0.2/lib/XPC.pm)
+ o POE::Component::JobQueue
+ o Schedule
+ o Term::ShellKit
+ o IPC::Run
+ o XML Procedure Call (XPC)
+ o alternative to XML::Simple?
+ o XML::Twig
+ o Scalar::Util
+ o WeakRef
+ o XML::UM
+ o XML::TreeBuilder
+ o XML::STX
+ o XML::SAX
+ x XML::Parser(Style=Tree)!
+o ojb
+ http://db.apache.org/ojb/
+ ObJectRelationalBridge (OJB) is an Object/Relational mapping tool
+ that allows transparent persistence for Java Objects against relational databases.
+x some new perl modules (important for the framework)
+ x Data::Code::Module
+ x Data::Code::Ref
+ x Data::Code::Scalar
+ x Data::Code::Symbol
+ x Data::Rap
+ x Log::Dispatch::Config::Object
+x netfrag.org - new shortcuts
+ x prepare:
+ export PATH=$PATH:/home/max/dev/netfrag.org/nfo/perl/scripts/shortcuts
+ x run-there:
+ run-there.pl ~/dev/netfrag.org/nfo/perl "cvs -q update -d"
+ x rap:
+ rap.pl
+ x rap.pl hello world
+ x rap.pl hello config
+ x rap.pl hello db
+o Data::Transfer::Sync: wording: descent <-> descendant???
+o Perl:
+ o we have:
+ __PACKAGE__, __FILE__, __LINE__
+ o what about:
+ .... or some other custom defined ones?
+ ... or (at least) an alternative to them!!!
+x OEF
+ # FIXME: this should be encapsulated by a rpc-service
+ # -> see API/Admin
+ # establishing this here is just a step to that
+ # btw: it should also be possible to trigger advanced
+ # jobs from a flat script *without* any rpc stuff.
+x branding:
+ - wetter.msn.de
+ - vwwetter.msn.de
+ - wetter.msn.ch
+ - wetter.msn.at
+x renamed core methods
+ x object2hash -> expand
+ x hash2object -> merge_to
+ x var2utf8 -> latin_to_utf8
+ x var_utf2iso -> utf8_to_latin
+ x trim -> ??? (properly wrapped - hopefully....)
+o break intertwingulation
+o determine how far away a bit of information is...
+ just count the links needed to be visited for that purpose! ;-)
+ x two examples:
+ x XLink - what was that about? (3x)
+ x http://netfrag.org/search/?q=xlink
+ x http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=585&group=nfo.links.computing
+ x http://www.w3.org/TR/xlink/
+ x making '
+ o backend layer: maybe use File::List (perl) for directory traversal backend, follow http://search.netfrag.org/?q=pear::tree
+x perl -MCPAN -eshell -- install Apache::FileManager
+ x perl -MCPAN -e "install Apache::FileManager"
+ Apache::FileManager
+ File::Remove
+ File::NCopy
+ CGI::Cookie
+ Archive::Any
+ Apache::Request
+ Archive::Any
+ Class::Virtually::Abstract
+ Class::Data::Inheritable
+ Carp::Assert
+ Class::ISA
+o OO, XML, Directories, Schemas, User Interfaces
+ o Schema for Object-Oriented XML
+ follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=149&group=nfo.links.computing
+ o DSML: RDF <-> LDAP
+ follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=215&group=nfo.links.computing
+ o CC-PP - A user side framework for enhanced content negotiation
+ follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=152&group=nfo.links.computing
+o PoweredBy page for netfrag.org
+ o from hetzner
+ o over suse, uml, debian
+ o to gnu, apache, perl, php and stuff
+o ViewableBy page for netfrag.org
+ o from lynx
+ o over netscape 2-, ie 3-
+ o to mozilla x and kde x
+ o (what about syndicator-clients?)
+o AccessableBy page:
+ o ListenTo (e.g. say.exe)
+ o FeelIt (some braille driver)
+ o ??? integration to ie|moz ???
+x Auszug aus "Gesammelte Weisheiten" von http://isgwww.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/~raab/wisdom.html
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/41./
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/35./
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/28./
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/av.. Murphy's Gesetz/
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/w.. Clarke's Gesetz der revolutionären Ideen/
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/11.|12./
+x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/search/?q=rap
+ or (alternative): follow::http://search.netfrag.org/rap
+o todo, 2003-02-26
+ o better shortcut syntax for search.netfrag.org, e.g.:
+ o http://search.netfrag.org/hello world
+ o http://search.netfrag.org/phpHtmlLib
+ o re-enable yakka
+ o begin twingle (proj./lang.)
+ o start twingle-impl. (in perl)
+ o link-extrapolation (http://...)
+ o search::..., follow::..., etc.
+ o auto-colouring:
+ o '^(\s|\t)*o' => 'red'
+ o '^(\s|\t)*x' => 'green'
+ o namespace detection - find 'Word::Word::Word' style things
+ o '\w::|::\w' => 'orange'
+ o propose twingle-impl. (for php/yakka)
+ o phpDocumentIndex
+ o re-enable "stat" for symlinks - if possible
+ o "last run by/on"
+o integrate rendering of phpHtmlLibWidgets as YakkaPlugins (via special TaviTags)
+o scan true papers and find "rap" on them (kinda adaptive ocr required!)
@@ -532,7 +877,7 @@
-$Id: joko_2003-02.html,v 1.49 2003/02/09 17:44:39 joko Exp $
+$Id: joko_2003-02.html,v 1.61 2003/02/26 12:26:06 joko Exp $