+ x rap.pl hello world
+ x rap.pl hello config
+ x rap.pl hello db
+o Data::Transfer::Sync: wording: descent <-> descendant???
+o Perl:
+ o we have:
+ __PACKAGE__, __FILE__, __LINE__
+ o what about:
+ .... or some other custom defined ones?
+ ... or (at least) an alternative to them!!!
+x OEF
+ # FIXME: this should be encapsulated by a rpc-service
+ # -> see API/Admin
+ # establishing this here is just a step to that
+ # btw: it should also be possible to trigger advanced
+ # jobs from a flat script *without* any rpc stuff.
+x branding:
+ - wetter.msn.de
+ - vwwetter.msn.de
+ - wetter.msn.ch
+ - wetter.msn.at
+x renamed core methods
+ x object2hash -> expand
+ x hash2object -> merge_to
+ x var2utf8 -> latin_to_utf8
+ x var_utf2iso -> utf8_to_latin
+ x trim -> ??? (properly wrapped - hopefully....)
+o break intertwingulation
+o determine how far away a bit of information is...
+ just count the links needed to be visited for that purpose! ;-)
+ x two examples:
+ x XLink - what was that about? (3x)
+ x http://netfrag.org/search/?q=xlink
+ x http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=585&group=nfo.links.computing
+ x http://www.w3.org/TR/xlink/
+ x making '
+ x http://phphtmllib.newsblob.com/
+ x http://phphtmllib.newsblob.com/javadoc.php
+ x http://phphtmllib.newsblob.com/doc/phpHtmlLib/_tag_utils_html_utils_inc.html#functionhtml_img
+o write "Thank You!" to authors of phpHtmlLib! (phphtmllib.newsblob.com)
+ o compare lib with different comparable others (binarycloud, xoom, etc.)
+ o ask jonen!
+o search::txt2regex
+o http://www.osdn.com/osdnsearch.pl?query=sync
+o http://netfrag.org/search/?q=sync
+o synchronize bookmarks between differenty clients and arbitrary types of clients
+o search::miray
+o http://slashdot.org/articles/02/09/09/1246220.shtml?tid=100
+o frontend for amavis quarantine area?
+ see http://www.mailfrontier.com/
+ o frontend for mail system
+ o postmaster mails
+ o 'dead.letter's
+ o routing, aliasing
+o hdup 1.6
+x tune the search-page
+x establish
+ x search IN CNAME quepasa
+ o sync-meta IN CNAME quepasa
+ o docs IN CNAME quepasa
+o refactor joko/doc/topics.html
+o for ViewCVS
+ - link (beside "Download tarball"): "JumpToDocumentation" (Manual, additional Resources, etc.)
+o for phpDocumentIndex
+ - link "Download tarball" (like ViewCVS)
+x nfoweb:
+ link natraj to optix
+x look at:
+o re-enable automation of:
+ o indexer (mnoGoSearch)
+ o document builder (various places)
+ o /docs
+ o /~joko
+ o /~jonen
+ o ... maybe integrate [run now] button for some dot-files (e.g. .fetchdocrc) (as feature of phpDocumentIndex)
+ o ... maybe integrate [run@interval] button for some dot-files (e.g. .fetchdocrc) (as feature of phpDocumentIndex)
+ to display a metadata settings page to let the user build/edit a cron entry easily!
+ o new field for list of DocumentIndex: "last run by/on" (to show the user if a script was run by another script or by a user)
+o Html widgets - final solution!? (q: php|perl?) (a: keep it multifold!)
+ x phpHtmlLib (for now)
+ o later: Perl Widget Library, follow: http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=406&group=nfo.links.computing
+x perl -MCPAN -eshell -- install Apache::FileManager
+ x perl -MCPAN -e "install Apache::FileManager"
+ Apache::FileManager
+ File::Remove
+ File::NCopy
+ CGI::Cookie
+ Archive::Any
+ Apache::Request
+ Archive::Any
+ Class::Virtually::Abstract
+ Class::Data::Inheritable
+ Carp::Assert
+ Class::ISA
+o OO, XML, Directories, Schemas, User Interfaces
+ o Schema for Object-Oriented XML
+ follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=149&group=nfo.links.computing
+ o DSML: RDF <-> LDAP
+ follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=215&group=nfo.links.computing
+ o CC-PP - A user side framework for enhanced content negotiation
+ follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=152&group=nfo.links.computing
+o PoweredBy page for netfrag.org
+ o from hetzner
+ o over suse, uml, debian
+ o to gnu, apache, perl, php and stuff
+o ViewableBy page for netfrag.org
+ o from lynx
+ o over netscape 2-, ie 3-
+ o to mozilla x and kde x
+ o (what about syndicator-clients?)
+ o AccessableBy page:
+ o ListenTo (e.g. say.exe)
+ o FeelIt (some braille driver)
+ o ??? integration to ie|moz ???
+x Auszug aus "Gesammelte Weisheiten" von http://isgwww.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/~raab/wisdom.html
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/41./
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/35./
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/28./
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/av.. Murphy's Gesetz/
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/w.. Clarke's Gesetz der revolutionären Ideen/
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/11.|12./
+x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/search/?q=rap
+ or (alternative): follow::http://search.netfrag.org/rap
+ o todo, 2003-02-26
+ x better shortcut syntax for search.netfrag.org, e.g.:
+ x http://search.netfrag.org/hello world
+ x http://search.netfrag.org/phpHtmlLib
+ o re-enable: [Yakka => http://www.netfrag.org/~bareface/yakka/]
+ o test: [Yakka]
+ o run: ./sbin/indexer -a -v 5 -p 1 -u "http://www.netfrag.org/~bareface/%"
+ o begin [Twingle] (proj./lang.)
+ x start Twingle-impl. (in perl)
+ x AutoColouring:
+ x '^(\s|\t)*o' => 'red'
+ x '^(\s|\t)*x' => 'green'
+ o LinkExpansion: link-extrapolation/-expansion (http://...)
+ o proposal: search::Intertwingularity should be resolved/dispatched (via dispatchrequest) to
+ x http://www.netfrag.org/search/?q=Intertwingularity
+ x http://search.netfrag.org/Intertwingularity
+ o search::..., follow::..., etc.
+ o NamespaceDetection - find 'Word::Word::Word' style things
+ o AutoColouring: '\w::|::\w' => 'orange'
+ o LinkExpansion: lookup found name in a KeywordRegistry|ShortcutRegistry (sub-node: "namespace")
+ (a registry-db (has to store classnames from perl and/or php and stuff))
+ o propose Twingle-impl. (for php/yakka)
+ o phpDocumentIndex
+ o re-enable "stat" for symlinks - if possible
+ o "last run by/on"
+ o sync-meta:
+ o website (TWiki): http://sync-meta.netfrag.org
+ o newsgroup (inn): news://news.netfrag.org/nfo.sync-meta
+ o mail-address (sendmail, dispatchmail, inn): sync-meta@netfrag.org
+ o first content
+ o refactor stuff from joko/doc
+ o contact (addresses from above)
+ o add responses to gde-post
+ o announce internally
+ o announce otherwhere?
+ o mkProject@sourceforge?
+ o tree for html, follow http://search.netfrag.org/?q=tree:
+ x view layer: (frontend/dhtml) use joust or (maybe better) XTree, follow http://search.netfrag.org/xTree
+ x model layer: look at PEAR::Tree, follow http://search.netfrag.org/?q=pear::tree
+ o controller layer: to be implemented! (php!) (as phpHtmlLib component/lib? what about ->NavTree?)
+ o backend layer: maybe use File::List (perl) for directory traversal backend, follow http://search.netfrag.org/?q=pear::tree
+ o look at: search::TreeNav (http://search.netfrag.org/TreeNav) this is from phpHtmlLib (search::/news/nfo.links.*::phpHtmlLib)
+ ->http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=89&group=nfo.log.cvs
+ o phpHtmlLib::TreeCSSNav|TreeDHtmlNav?
+o integrate rendering of phpHtmlLibWidgets as YakkaPlugins (via special TaviTags)
+o scan true papers and find "rap" on them (kinda adaptive ocr required!)
+o add to search-page:
+ "Search-System is running under high load: The indexer is refreshing it's database!"
+ o required for this: trigger from /usr/local/mnogosearch/sbin/indexer
+o search desktop - functionality across *nix and windows
+o again: FaxThis
+o arcor:
+ https://www.kunden.arcor.de/ksc/impressum.jsp
+o fax-gateway @ netfrag.org (via jonen, box18?)
+$Id: joko_2003-02.html,v 1.67 2003/02/26 16:56:01 joko Exp $
-o flib:
- o include & boot
- o include-paths
- o configKey (servername) => servername/appname
- o make glib
- o RPC::Remote: just can talk to single rpc-server!!!!
-o app-cleanup:
- o replace ../img/ through img/ globally (in all files found)
- o grep -ri "../img" | modify.pl --regex=s/\.\.\/img/img/g [--in-type=filelist]
- o refactor replace_cvs.pl to:
- finder.pl -R --regex=/CVS/Root . | modify.pl --regex=s/:pserver:/:ext:/ [--in-type=filelist]
- o is it possible to actually parse settings && arguments (not just "options") using Getopt::Long??
- o else: look at CPAN more detailed or make a CliCmd::Option + CliCmd::Argument = CliCmd::Setting!!
- O refactor Getopt::Simple to Getopt::Easy and add features!? a) argument/option-mechanism b) restrict option-mech
- symbol: O=Ongoing
- c use Getopt::Auto???
- x make Getopt::Easy!!!
-o 0. Oef::Request -> ...
-o 1. CliCmd::Setting -> Oef::Request -> [hibernate] -> [wakup] -> Oef::Engine -> Oef::>Task -> Oef::Response
- o need to freeze a Oef::Request
-o 2. CliCmd::Setting -> Oef::Request -> Oef::Engine -> Oef::Task -> [hibernate] -> [wakup] -> Oef::Response
- o need to freeze a Oef::Engine
-o Oef::Base bases on DesignPattern::Object and DesignPattern::Bridge
-o refactor DesignPattern::Object::Logger to Oef::Base::Logger
-o use phpHtmlLib - widgets in a wiki (yakka!)
-o rename Data::Storage::Handler::NetLDAP to Data::Storage::Handler::LDAP
-o register: data-storage.[perl.]netfrag.org
-o look at ''!!!
- o better use 'utf-8' to achieve full i18n?
-o add descriptive words (undelete, etc.) and references to similar projects to mini-howto_trashcan-under-linux_libtrash.html
-o proarc - professional document archiving, indexing, distributing and publishing
- o archiver
- archive --reference|meta|content --check-descents=*.txt --type=file|document
- o indexer
- index , use mnoGoSearch's indexer
- o manager
- o build sets of data
- o make distribution lists
- o manage global settings (base-paths/-urls, etc.)
- o edit object details (public-url, acls, etc.)
- o edit global and/or per-object metadata
- o to-be-published (@)
- o to-be-indexed
- o build manager-rules on top of that
- o distributor
- o prepare/distribute sets of data
- o publisher
- o publish data to given url@server
- a) prepared machine-readable sets for distribution
- b) human-readable material (e.g.: generated indexes, overviews, details, descent-documents)
- o add collaboration on top of that!
- o (technical) annotations, pbb, etc.
- o what is already there?
- x found: ProArc, OpenArc - but nothing seems to be truly *open*!
-o Gtk Rules | phpRules - an abstract rule chain editor
- o modes: dispatchmail, dispatchrequest, ipchains?
- o look at Outlook 2000, Ximian Evolution, Horde
-o iSerienbrief (mac & win32)
-o freier xml-editor für win32? (nicht auf msxml3 basierend?)
-o Data::Storage
- - overview
- - just gives you a handle to a preconfigured data-source.
- - it's a meta-module on our way to unified data access.
- - details
- It also lets you add additional methods to this handle from
- specified Perl-modules acting as "plugins".
- It's delivered with "Handlers" ready for talking to rdbms-databases,
- flat-file databases (csv, etc.), structured files (INPADOC, XML) and
- oo-rdbms-mappers (orms) - in our case "Tangram" (from CPAN).
-o Resources, Ontologies, Information Delivery
-o modifier.pl
- o soap <-> rpc-xml
- o Tangram-Schema <-> RDF Schema (RDFS)
-o use nntp//rss!!!
-o cvssync
- o option AUTOCOMMIT
- o option AUTOADD
- o mode GUI
-o sieve & XML???
-o cvs & kerberos???
-o enhance Mail::Audit::Dispatch
- x recieveMail -> dispatchmail & Mail::Audit::Dispatch
- o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Folder::Mbox (by joko, the main part of the former recieveMail, just uses Mail::Audit)
- o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Spool (by joko, a little part of the former recieveMail, just uses Mail::Audit)
- x Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Newsgate (by joko, uses Net::NNTP)
- o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Folder::Cyrus1 (by jonen, acts as sendmail MDA instead of /usr/sbin/cyrdeliver, but re-dispatches to it again after resolving addresses against an arbitrary data source, see 'Data::Map' stuff....)
- o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Faxgate (by janosch, uses /usr/bin/sendfax; still inside 'mail-handler', tbr)
- o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Smsgate (by janosch, uses /usr/bin/yaps; still inside 'mail-handler', tbr)
- o could also use /usr/bin/smssend or some module from CPAN
- o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Response (by joko, notifies sender that his/her mail was processed by arbitrary system)
- o send autoresponse with subject: "Your bug-request was filed." when mailing to bugs@netfrag.org (done by gateway@netfrag.org)
- o actually do file the message at nfo.support.queue (done by gateway@netfrag.org)
- o maybe cc: to or integrate with tutos or other ticketing system (bugzilla)???)
- o this should be the basic functionality needed to implement known features as "autoresponder" or "vacation" on top of this
-o write about:
- o path-structure inside dev-cvs (->bareface, ->janosch)
- o path-structure inside sysadmin-cvs (hosts, skels) (->jonen)
- o path-structure at web/pub (->jonen)
-o enhance newsportal
- o features for ArticleViewer:
- o embedded images
- o MIME capability
- o HTML frameset capability
- o show in external window
- o convert to HTML tables!?
-o a StartingPoint: TUTOS Project/Product Overview
-$Id: joko_2003-02.html,v 1.6 2003/02/03 00:05:26 joko Exp $