--- joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-02.html 2003/02/18 18:45:29 1.50
+++ joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-02.html 2003/02/26 14:56:03 1.64
@@ -677,14 +677,227 @@
x Data::Rap
x Log::Dispatch::Config::Object
-o netfrag.org - new shortcuts
- export PATH=$PATH:/home/max/dev/netfrag.org/nfo/perl/scripts/shortcuts
- run-there.pl ~/dev/netfrag.org/nfo/perl "cvs -q update -d"
- rap.pl
+x netfrag.org - new shortcuts
+ x prepare:
+ export PATH=$PATH:/home/max/dev/netfrag.org/nfo/perl/scripts/shortcuts
+ x run-there:
+ run-there.pl ~/dev/netfrag.org/nfo/perl "cvs -q update -d"
+ x rap:
+ rap.pl
+ x rap.pl hello world
+ x rap.pl hello config
+ x rap.pl hello db
o Data::Transfer::Sync: wording: descent <-> descendant???
+o Perl:
+ o we have:
+ __PACKAGE__, __FILE__, __LINE__
+ o what about:
+ .... or some other custom defined ones?
+ ... or (at least) an alternative to them!!!
+x OEF
+ # FIXME: this should be encapsulated by a rpc-service
+ # -> see API/Admin
+ # establishing this here is just a step to that
+ # btw: it should also be possible to trigger advanced
+ # jobs from a flat script *without* any rpc stuff.
+x branding:
+ - wetter.msn.de
+ - vwwetter.msn.de
+ - wetter.msn.ch
+ - wetter.msn.at
+x renamed core methods
+ x object2hash -> expand
+ x hash2object -> merge_to
+ x var2utf8 -> latin_to_utf8
+ x var_utf2iso -> utf8_to_latin
+ x trim -> ??? (properly wrapped - hopefully....)
+o break intertwingulation
+o determine how far away a bit of information is...
+ just count the links needed to be visited for that purpose! ;-)
+ x two examples:
+ x XLink - what was that about? (3x)
+ x http://netfrag.org/search/?q=xlink
+ x http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=585&group=nfo.links.computing
+ x http://www.w3.org/TR/xlink/
+ x making '
+ follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=215&group=nfo.links.computing
+ o CC-PP - A user side framework for enhanced content negotiation
+ follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=152&group=nfo.links.computing
+o PoweredBy page for netfrag.org
+ o from hetzner
+ o over suse, uml, debian
+ o to gnu, apache, perl, php and stuff
+o ViewableBy page for netfrag.org
+ o from lynx
+ o over netscape 2-, ie 3-
+ o to mozilla x and kde x
+ o (what about syndicator-clients?)
+o AccessableBy page:
+ o ListenTo (e.g. say.exe)
+ o FeelIt (some braille driver)
+ o ??? integration to ie|moz ???
+x Auszug aus "Gesammelte Weisheiten" von http://isgwww.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/~raab/wisdom.html
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/41./
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/35./
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/28./
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/av.. Murphy's Gesetz/
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/w.. Clarke's Gesetz der revolutionären Ideen/
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/11.|12./
+x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/search/?q=rap
+ or (alternative): follow::http://search.netfrag.org/rap
+o todo, 2003-02-26
+ o better shortcut syntax for search.netfrag.org, e.g.:
+ o http://search.netfrag.org/hello world
+ o http://search.netfrag.org/phpHtmlLib
+ o re-enable yakka
+ o begin twingle (proj./lang.)
+ o start twingle-impl. (in perl)
+ o link-extrapolation (http://...)
+ o proposal: search::Intertwingularity should be resolved to
+ x http://www.netfrag.org/search/?q=Intertwingularity
+ x http://search.netfrag.org/Intertwingularity
+ o search::..., follow::..., etc.
+ o auto-colouring:
+ o '^(\s|\t)*o' => 'red'
+ o '^(\s|\t)*x' => 'green'
+ o namespace detection - find 'Word::Word::Word' style things
+ o '\w::|::\w' => 'orange'
+ o propose twingle-impl. (for php/yakka)
+ o phpDocumentIndex
+ o re-enable "stat" for symlinks - if possible
+ o "last run by/on"
+ o sync-meta:
+ o website (TWiki): http://sync-meta.netfrag.org
+ o newsgroup (inn): news://news.netfrag.org/nfo.sync-meta
+ o mail-address (sendmail, dispatchmail, inn): sync-meta@netfrag.org
+ o first content
+ o refactor stuff from joko/doc
+ o contact (addresses from above)
+ o add responses to gde-post
+ o announce internally
+ o announce otherwhere?
+ o mkProject@sourceforge?
+ o tree for html, follow http://search.netfrag.org/?q=tree:
+ x view layer: (frontend/dhtml) use joust or (maybe better) XTree, follow http://search.netfrag.org/?q=xTree
+ x model layer: look at PEAR::Tree, follow http://search.netfrag.org/?q=pear::tree
+ o controller layer: to be implemented! (php!) (as phpHtmlLib component/lib? what about ->NavTree?)
+ o backend layer: maybe use File::List (perl) for directory traversal backend, follow http://search.netfrag.org/?q=pear::tree
+ o lookat: search::TreeNav (http://search.netfrag.org/TreeNav) this is from search::/news/nfo.links.*/phpHtmlLib
+o integrate rendering of phpHtmlLibWidgets as YakkaPlugins (via special TaviTags)
+o scan true papers and find "rap" on them (kinda adaptive ocr required!)
+o add to search-page:
+ "Search-System is running under high load: The indexer is refreshing it's database!"
+ o required for this: trigger from /usr/local/mnogosearch/sbin/indexer
+o search desktop - functionality across *nix and windows
+o again: FaxThis
+x arcor:
+ https://www.kunden.arcor.de/ksc/impressum.jsp
@@ -692,7 +905,7 @@
-$Id: joko_2003-02.html,v 1.50 2003/02/18 18:45:29 joko Exp $
+$Id: joko_2003-02.html,v 1.64 2003/02/26 14:56:03 joko Exp $