--- joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-02.html 2003/02/26 18:56:00 1.71
+++ joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-02.html 2003/02/26 22:51:12 1.81
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
joko's sample notes - 2003-02 - ResourceIntegration
o flib:
@@ -13,30 +12,30 @@
o include-paths
o configKey (servername) => servername/appname
o make glib
- o RPC::Remote: just can talk to single rpc-server!!!!
+ o RPC::Remote: just can talk to single rpc-server!!!!
o app-cleanup:
o replace ../img/ through img/ globally (in all files found)
o grep -ri "../img" | modify.pl --regex=s/\.\.\/img/img/g [--in-type=filelist]
o refactor replace_cvs.pl to:
finder.pl -R --regex=/CVS/Root . | modify.pl --regex=s/:pserver:/:ext:/ [--in-type=filelist]
- o is it possible to actually parse settings && arguments (not just "options") using Getopt::Long??
- o else: look at CPAN more detailed or make a CliCmd::Option + CliCmd::Argument = CliCmd::Setting!!
- O refactor Getopt::Simple to Getopt::Easy and add features!? a) argument/option-mechanism b) restrict option-mech
+ o is it possible to actually parse settings && arguments (not just "options") using Getopt::Long??
+ o else: look at CPAN more detailed or make a CliCmd::Option + CliCmd::Argument = CliCmd::Setting!!
+ O refactor Getopt::Simple to Getopt::Easy and add features!? a) argument/option-mechanism b) restrict option-mech
symbol: O=Ongoing
- c use Getopt::Auto???
- x make Getopt::Easy!!!
- o 0. Oef::Request -> ...
-o 1. CliCmd::Setting -> Oef::Request -> [hibernate] -> [wakup] -> Oef::Engine -> Oef::>Task -> Oef::Response
- o need to freeze a Oef::Request
-o 2. CliCmd::Setting -> Oef::Request -> Oef::Engine -> Oef::Task -> [hibernate] -> [wakup] -> Oef::Response
- o need to freeze a Oef::Engine
- o Oef::Base bases on DesignPattern::Object and DesignPattern::Bridge
+ c use Getopt::Auto???
+ x make Getopt::Easy!!!
+ o 0. Oef::Request -> ...
+o 1. CliCmd::Setting -> Oef::Request -> [hibernate] -> [wakup] -> Oef::Engine -> Oef::>Task -> Oef::Response
+ o need to freeze a Oef::Request
+o 2. CliCmd::Setting -> Oef::Request -> Oef::Engine -> Oef::Task -> [hibernate] -> [wakup] -> Oef::Response
+ o need to freeze a Oef::Engine
+ o Oef::Base bases on DesignPattern::Object and DesignPattern::Bridge
-o refactor DesignPattern::Object::Logger to Oef::Base::Logger
+o refactor DesignPattern::Object::Logger to Oef::Base::Logger
o use phpHtmlLib - widgets in a wiki (yakka!)
-o rename Data::Storage::Handler::NetLDAP to Data::Storage::Handler::LDAP
+o rename Data::Storage::Handler::NetLDAP to Data::Storage::Handler::LDAP
o register: data-storage.[perl.]netfrag.org
@@ -77,11 +76,11 @@
o freier xml-editor für win32? (nicht auf msxml3 basierend?)
-o Data::Storage
- - overview
- - just gives you a handle to a preconfigured data-source.
- - it's a meta-module on our way to unified data access.
- - details
+o Data::Storage
+ - overview
+ - just gives you a handle to a preconfigured data-source.
+ - it's a meta-module on our way to unified data access.
+ - details
It also lets you add additional methods to this handle from
specified Perl-modules acting as "plugins".
It's delivered with "Handlers" ready for talking to rdbms-databases,
@@ -106,16 +105,16 @@
o cvs & kerberos???
-o enhance Mail::Audit::Dispatch
- x recieveMail -> dispatchmail & Mail::Audit::Dispatch
- o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Folder::Mbox (by joko, the main part of the former recieveMail, just uses Mail::Audit)
- o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Spool (by joko, a little part of the former recieveMail, just uses Mail::Audit)
- x Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Newsgate (by joko, uses Net::NNTP)
- o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Folder::Cyrus1 (by jonen, acts as sendmail MDA instead of /usr/sbin/cyrdeliver, but re-dispatches to it again after resolving addresses against an arbitrary data source, see 'Data::Map' stuff....)
- o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Faxgate (by janosch, uses /usr/bin/sendfax; still inside 'mail-handler', tbr)
- o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Smsgate (by janosch, uses /usr/bin/yaps; still inside 'mail-handler', tbr)
+o enhance Mail::Audit::Dispatch
+ x recieveMail -> dispatchmail & Mail::Audit::Dispatch
+ o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Folder::Mbox (by joko, the main part of the former recieveMail, just uses Mail::Audit)
+ o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Spool (by joko, a little part of the former recieveMail, just uses Mail::Audit)
+ x Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Newsgate (by joko, uses Net::NNTP)
+ o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Folder::Cyrus1 (by jonen, acts as sendmail MDA instead of /usr/sbin/cyrdeliver, but re-dispatches to it again after resolving addresses against an arbitrary data source, see 'Data::Map' stuff....)
+ o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Faxgate (by janosch, uses /usr/bin/sendfax; still inside 'mail-handler', tbr)
+ o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Smsgate (by janosch, uses /usr/bin/yaps; still inside 'mail-handler', tbr)
o could also use /usr/bin/smssend or some module from CPAN
- o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Response (by joko, notifies sender that his/her mail was processed by arbitrary system)
+ o Mail::Audit::Dispatch::Response (by joko, notifies sender that his/her mail was processed by arbitrary system)
o send autoresponse with subject: "Your bug-request was filed." when mailing to bugs@netfrag.org (done by gateway@netfrag.org)
o actually do file the message at nfo.support.queue (done by gateway@netfrag.org)
o maybe cc: to or integrate with tutos or other ticketing system (bugzilla)???)
@@ -183,7 +182,7 @@
o mixin inheritance for php?
o manipulating the symbol table?
-o integrate timestamp into log-output of CPAN's Log::Dispatch!?
+o integrate timestamp into log-output of CPAN's Log::Dispatch!?
o integrate autogenerated api-documentation for code@netfrag.org
use PhpDocumentor: http://phpdocu.sourceforge.net/
@@ -213,7 +212,7 @@
o include process view???
o link to "IntegratesWith"-page: PIMs, Offices
-o Data::Storage and logging via Log::Dispatch - DEEP RECURSION again!!!
+o Data::Storage and logging via Log::Dispatch - DEEP RECURSION again!!!
x build content-index of news.netfrag.org
o mnoGoSearch's news-extension seems to require some more database-tuning ;-(
@@ -231,7 +230,7 @@
x or (faster - and will not blow up your apache):
./sbin/indexer -a -u "http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/post.php%"
-o refactor OEF::Why::Queue
+o refactor OEF::Why::Queue
o Topics
o ORM (Object Relational Mapper)
o Data synchronization
@@ -244,7 +243,7 @@
o LookAt PEAR-1.0?
x remove custom patches
x re-integrate functionality from these patches at another place
o enhance patches
@@ -254,31 +253,31 @@
o "could not connect to remote server, failed to open socket"
o "could not send data, but socket is open"
- x LookAt PEAR::Log-1.5.3
+ x LookAt PEAR::Log-1.5.3
x does it have log-level-constants defined inside itself? yes!
x re-integrate patches to have timestamp formatted in a different way
- o integrate PEAR::Translation with smarty
+ o integrate PEAR::Translation with smarty
o look at http://pear.php.net/package-info.php?pacid=124&release=1.2.3
o look at http://smarty.php.net
o refactor flib/Application/i10n/LocaleText.php
o send patch for PEAR/Log/file.php
o make patch for PEAR/XML/RPC.php
- o refactor to PEAR::DB - drivers
+ o refactor to PEAR::DB - drivers
o glib/Data/Driver/Proxy.php
o glib/Data/Driver/RPC/Remote.php
- o the name??? (DB::RPC?, DB::Remote?, DB::Virtual?)
- o PEAR::Auth::Kerberos???
- o integrate glib/Data/Driver/Proxy with PEAR::Cache
- o use DB::RPC for this!
- o integrate Application::Config with PEAR::Config
- o use PEAR::Tree
+ o the name??? (DB::RPC?, DB::Remote?, DB::Virtual?)
+ o PEAR::Auth::Kerberos???
+ o integrate glib/Data/Driver/Proxy with PEAR::Cache
+ o use DB::RPC for this!
+ o integrate Application::Config with PEAR::Config
+ o use PEAR::Tree
o look at http://opensource.visionp.de/modules/project/tree.php
- o as base data container for "app::menu", "phpHtmlLib::TreeNav"
- o integrate Data::Encode with PEAR::I18N - Internationalization???
+ o as base data container for "app::menu", "phpHtmlLib::TreeNav"
+ o integrate Data::Encode with PEAR::I18N - Internationalization???
o prepare patches for pear.php.net
- o configurable timestamp format for PEAR::Log::file
- o no fatal php errors from PEAR::XML::RPC
- x why not PEAR::Config?
+ o configurable timestamp format for PEAR::Log::file
+ o no fatal php errors from PEAR::XML::RPC
+ x why not PEAR::Config?
* This class allows for parsing and editing of configuration datasources.
* Do not use this class only to read datasources because of the overhead
* it creates to keep track of the configuration structure.
@@ -292,7 +291,7 @@
o schema-convertors
o ldap-schema -> rdfs?
o tangram-schema -> rdfs?
- o DBIx::DBSchema <-> rdfs?
+ o DBIx::DBSchema <-> rdfs?
o => web-based rdfs-browser/-editor???
o glossary: Abstract Syntax Notation Basic Encoding Rules (ASN.1/BER) records
@@ -338,7 +337,7 @@
o transportable via xml
o storable in xml, rdbms, ldap
-o search::OpenContact
+o OpenContact
o add copyright information to source-code!!!
@@ -349,27 +348,27 @@
o add javascript-link: "search for selected word/phrase" against search.netfrag.org
o add new topic: "filter"
- o Regexp::Group
- o Data::Filter
- o Mail::Audit
+ o Regexp::Group
+ o Data::Filter
+ o Mail::Audit
o Content-Filters
o wiki, tavi, etc.
o QuickNote to HTML (what about the name 'iNote'?)
o janosch's PerlFileMover
- o use unlink together with File::Spec instead of doing a "del" via system
- o use File::List (look at File::Iterator also)
+ o use unlink together with File::Spec instead of doing a "del" via system
+ o use File::List (look at File::Iterator also)
o use some directory watcher module or make one from that?
- o POE::Component::DirWatch
+ o POE::Component::DirWatch
o replace? look at sandr! (Search AND Replace?) (from french university/organization...)
o install? look at DLAI! (DownLoad And Install?) (from french university/organization...)
-o search::phpDocServ
+o phpDocServ
-o search::[outlook contact sync]
+o outlook contact sync
o pages for patches
@@ -379,15 +378,15 @@
o setup cvstrac on quepasa.netfrag.org
-o search::[trouble ticket]
+o trouble ticket
o try lxr? (from sf.net)
-o search::lyra
+o lyra
-o google::[outlook ldap]
+o outlook ldap]
-o search::LDAP Search Error
+o LDAP Search Error
o nice layout: http://depts.washington.edu/cac/cchome/mis.html
@@ -396,15 +395,15 @@
o *both* may have contexts (are associated with one or more other arbitrary items)
o these may be StartingPoints when having a number of things cross referenced
-o [search::some news posts got purged, sorry]
+o some news posts got purged, sorry]
-o [search::quepasa moves slow]
+o quepasa moves slow]
o mail output from "df" at quepasa.netfrag.org
o tell rabit about ps-lxr (lxr-ps?) (the ps filter and link-expander)
-o OnlinePayment
+o Business::OnlinePayment" target="_blank">Business::OnlinePayment
o enhance CVSSpam's ruby-scanner's keywords (TODO, FIXME, etc.)
@@ -417,9 +416,9 @@
o couple the inn-perl-filters with the mentioned InterpolWebService ;-)
o or should we name it "ExtrapolWebService"?
-o hehe: search::interpol
+o hehe: interpol
-o search::it's too hard
+o it's too hard
x what's new in perl 5.8.0?
x Unicode
@@ -428,9 +427,9 @@
x Signals
x Speed
-o use WWW::Mechanize!!!
+o use WWW::Mechanize!!!
-o compare DesignPattern::Bridge with Class::Inner!
+o compare DesignPattern::Bridge with Class::Inner!
o refactor the DesignPattern::-namespace to the Class::-namespace (perl & php!)!!!
@@ -444,14 +443,14 @@
x occupied: look at htmltmpl.sourceforge.net
x it's for python *and* php!!!
-o search::OpenAccess it's already occupied - it's odbc driver stuff
+o OpenAccess it's already occupied - it's odbc driver stuff
x why not rdf right now?
- x search::[RDF -- the reason given usually being "it's too hard."]
+ x RDF -- the reason given usually being "it's too hard."
-o search::syncml
+o syncml
-x search::perl inner class
+x perl inner class
x it works!
x the intended document is found on first place
x this document is also found
@@ -469,39 +468,39 @@
serves as the DSMLv2 analog of LDIF is defined in section 7. The rules for
defining other DSMLv2 compliant bindings are found in section 8.
-o review|search::mail to news gateway
+o review|mail to news gateway
o better: (exact (first) hit)
o try to find: http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/attachment.php/nfo.links.computing/372/2/NewsGateway.xml
- o search::NewsGateway.xml
+ o NewsGateway.xml
-o refactor hash2sql into some module (Data::Storage::Handler::DBI?, shortcuts.pm?)
+o refactor hash2sql into some module (Data::Storage::Handler::DBI?, shortcuts.pm?)
-o use Hash::Merge instead of object2hash
+o use Hash::Merge instead of object2hash
-o make a Object::Merge (maybe patch Hash::Merge) to refactor hash2object somehow
+o make a Object::Merge (maybe patch Hash::Merge) to refactor hash2object somehow
-o use Class::Inner!!!
+o use Class::Inner!!!
-o example faq: Was ist ein search::Buffer-Overrun?
+o example faq: Was ist ein Buffer-Overrun?
-o enhance statistics for Data::Transfer::Sync
+o enhance statistics for Data::Transfer::Sync
o timing
o inote.com?
-o search::quickstart
+o quickstart
-o search::Devel-Metadata
+o Devel-Metadata
-o is there a better alternative for Data::Compare::Struct on CPAN?
+o is there a better alternative for Data::Compare::Struct on CPAN?
o refactor:
- o DesignPattern::Object to Class::Base (perl & php)
- o DesignPattern::Bridge to Class::Bridge (perl)
- o DesignPattern::Bridge to Class::Inner (php)
+ o DesignPattern::Object to Class::Base (perl & php)
+ o DesignPattern::Bridge to Class::Bridge (perl)
+ o DesignPattern::Bridge to Class::Inner (php)
o make mnogosearch quiet / write output to logfile
-o use PEAR::Tree!
+o use PEAR::Tree!
o backup of quepasa.netfrag.org on meister.ultrajan.de
o cd /home/joko
@@ -513,7 +512,7 @@
// -------------------- clone this & modify ----------
$rpcinfo = $this->rpcinfo;
$cache_key = session_id() . "-" . "ObjectTypeList";
- $objectTypeList = mkObject('Data::Driver::Proxy', $cache_key, array( key => 1, command => 'getObjectList', remote => 1, rpcinfo => $rpcinfo, cache => array( db => 0, session => 1 ) ) );
+ $objectTypeList = mkObject('Data::Driver::Proxy', $cache_key, array( key => 1, command => 'getObjectList', remote => 1, rpcinfo => $rpcinfo, cache => array( db => 0, session => 1 ) ) );
$result = $objectTypeList->getAttributes();
return $result;
// -------------------- clone this & modify ----------
@@ -521,13 +520,13 @@
o check out xoops: www.xoops.org
-o search::Manuel Lemos
+o Manuel Lemos
-o use XOOPS (uses smarty) and PRAX (instead / together with RPC::XML?)
+o use XOOPS (uses smarty) and PRAX (instead / together with RPC::XML?)
o collaborative Dynabooks, Constructionism, Intertwingulation
-o search::RBAC
o check out
o squeakland.org
@@ -541,7 +540,7 @@
o ant
o wsif
-o search::Beaming Files - OpenOBEX
+o Beaming Files - OpenOBEX
o winscp!
@@ -558,56 +557,56 @@
o ISO 13250
-o XML::RPC --> XMLRPC::Lite???
+o XML::RPC --> XMLRPC::Lite???
o in search for a native perl make solution:
- - gnu make: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/
- - java ant: http://ant.apache.org/
- - perforce jam (just another make): http://www.perforce.com/jam/jam.html
- - perl make: http://search.cpan.org/author/MHOSKEN/Font-TTF-0.32/pmake.bat
+ - gnu make: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/
+ - java ant: http://ant.apache.org/
+ - perforce jam (just another make): http://www.perforce.com/jam/jam.html
+ - perl make: http://search.cpan.org/author/MHOSKEN/Font-TTF-0.32/pmake.bat
pmake - a perl 'make' replacement
based on:
- - CPAN Make: http://search.cpan.org/author/NI-S/Make-1.00/
+ - CPAN Make: http://search.cpan.org/author/NI-S/Make-1.00/
Make - module for processing makefiles
- - Phing: http://webstract.org/
+ - Phing: http://webstract.org/
Phing is a build system, similar to Gnu make, and Apache ant,
though it's concept is closer to ant than it is to gnumake.
In fact, Phing was written with ant's design in mind to create a build system.
Phing stands for "PHphmake Is Not Gnumake".
- - nant: http://nant.sourceforge.net/
+ - nant: http://nant.sourceforge.net/
NAnt is a free .NET build tool. In theory it is kind of like make without make's wrinkles.
In practice it's a lot like Ant. NAnt has been tested with the .Net Release.
- - cons - A Make replacement
+ - cons - A Make replacement
- - SCons: http://www.scons.org/
+ - SCons: http://www.scons.org/
a Software Construction tool
- - a-a-p: http://www.a-a-p.org/
- - Data::Flow - Perl extension for simple-minded recipe-controlled build of data
+ - a-a-p: http://www.a-a-p.org/
+ - Data::Flow - Perl extension for simple-minded recipe-controlled build of data
- - OpenOffice.org - Build tool
+ - OpenOffice.org - Build tool
- o Text::Starfish
+ o Text::Starfish
o Meta-0.08 > java_run.pl
o Jvm
o Java
- o Inline::Java
- o PBJ::JNI
- o PDL::IO::HDF5
+ o Inline::Java
+ o PBJ::JNI
+ o PDL::IO::HDF5
o look at mini-xml (php and perl!)
-o search::perl- and php- development
+o perl- and php- development
o bonobo
o 1.
perl -MCPAN -eshell
install Bonobo
- Gtk::Perl didn't work
+ Gtk::Perl didn't work
cd /root/.cpan/build/Gtk-Perl-0.7008
perl Makefile.PL --with-gtk-force --without-guessing
- install XML::Writer
- (install GNOME::GNORBA)
+ install XML::Writer
+ (install GNOME::GNORBA)
o 2.
CPAN: GDA GNU Data Access (GDA) Perl Module Library (libgda)
@@ -619,26 +618,26 @@
o rap: Request and Process
or: Ant for Perl
o use:
- o Data::Flow
+ o Data::Flow
o psh (http://search.cpan.org/src/GREGOR/psh-1.8/)
o HDF?
- o XML::Simple
+ o XML::Simple
o XPC.pm - XML Procedure Call Classes (http://search.cpan.org/src/GREGOR/XPC-0.2/lib/XPC.pm)
- o POE::Component::JobQueue
+ o POE::Component::JobQueue
o Schedule
- o Term::ShellKit
- o IPC::Run
+ o Term::ShellKit
+ o IPC::Run
o XML Procedure Call (XPC)
- o alternative to XML::Simple?
- o XML::Twig
- o Scalar::Util
+ o alternative to XML::Simple?
+ o XML::Twig
+ o Scalar::Util
o WeakRef
- o XML::UM
- o XML::TreeBuilder
- o XML::STX
- o XML::SAX
- x XML::Parser(Style=Tree)!
+ o XML::UM
+ o XML::TreeBuilder
+ o XML::STX
+ o XML::SAX
+ x XML::Parser(Style=Tree)!
o ojb
@@ -646,12 +645,12 @@
that allows transparent persistence for Java Objects against relational databases.
x some new perl modules (important for the framework)
- x Data::Code::Module
- x Data::Code::Ref
- x Data::Code::Scalar
- x Data::Code::Symbol
- x Data::Rap
- x Log::Dispatch::Config::Object
+ x Data::Code::Module
+ x Data::Code::Ref
+ x Data::Code::Scalar
+ x Data::Code::Symbol
+ x Data::Rap
+ x Log::Dispatch::Config::Object
x netfrag.org - new shortcuts
x prepare:
@@ -664,7 +663,7 @@
x rap.pl hello config
x rap.pl hello db
-o Data::Transfer::Sync: wording: descent <-> descendant???
+o Data::Transfer::Sync: wording: descent <-> descendant???
o Perl:
o we have:
@@ -682,10 +681,10 @@
# jobs from a flat script *without* any rpc stuff.
x branding:
- - wetter.msn.de
- - vwwetter.msn.de
- - wetter.msn.ch
- - wetter.msn.at
+ - wetter.msn.de
+ - vwwetter.msn.de
+ - wetter.msn.ch
+ - wetter.msn.at
x renamed core methods
x object2hash -> expand
@@ -712,7 +711,7 @@
o compare lib with different comparable others (binarycloud, xoom, etc.)
o ask jonen!
-o search::txt2regex
+o txt2regex
o http://www.osdn.com/osdnsearch.pl?query=sync
@@ -720,7 +719,7 @@
o synchronize bookmarks between differenty clients and arbitrary types of clients
-o search::miray
+o miray
o http://slashdot.org/articles/02/09/09/1246220.shtml?tid=100
@@ -743,10 +742,10 @@
o refactor joko/doc/topics.html
o for ViewCVS
- - link (beside "Download tarball"): "JumpToDocumentation" (Manual, additional Resources, etc.)
+ - link (beside "Download tarball"): "JumpToDocumentation" (Manual, additional Resources, etc.)
o for phpDocumentIndex
- - link "Download tarball" (like ViewCVS)
+ - link "Download tarball" (like ViewCVS)
x nfoweb:
link natraj to optix
@@ -768,27 +767,27 @@
x phpHtmlLib (for now)
o later: Perl Widget Library, follow: http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=406&group=nfo.links.computing
-x perl -MCPAN -eshell -- install Apache::FileManager
- x perl -MCPAN -e "install Apache::FileManager"
- Apache::FileManager
- File::Remove
- File::NCopy
- CGI::Cookie
- Archive::Any
- Apache::Request
- Archive::Any
- Class::Virtually::Abstract
- Class::Data::Inheritable
- Carp::Assert
- Class::ISA
+x perl -MCPAN -eshell -- install Apache::FileManager
+ x perl -MCPAN -e "install Apache::FileManager"
+ Apache::FileManager
+ File::Remove
+ File::NCopy
+ CGI::Cookie
+ Archive::Any
+ Apache::Request
+ Archive::Any
+ Class::Virtually::Abstract
+ Class::Data::Inheritable
+ Carp::Assert
+ Class::ISA
o OO, XML, Directories, Schemas, User Interfaces
o Schema for Object-Oriented XML
- follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=149&group=nfo.links.computing
+ follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=149&group=nfo.links.computing
- follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=215&group=nfo.links.computing
+ follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=215&group=nfo.links.computing
o CC-PP - A user side framework for enhanced content negotiation
- follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=152&group=nfo.links.computing
+ follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=152&group=nfo.links.computing
o PoweredBy page for netfrag.org
o from hetzner
@@ -806,15 +805,15 @@
o ??? integration to ie|moz ???
x Auszug aus "Gesammelte Weisheiten" von http://isgwww.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/~raab/wisdom.html
- x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/41./
- x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/35./
- x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/28./
- x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/av.. Murphy's Gesetz/
- x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/w.. Clarke's Gesetz der revolutionären Ideen/
- x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing::/11.|12./
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing:/41./
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing:/35./
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing:/28./
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing:/av.. Murphy's Gesetz/
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing:/w.. Clarke's Gesetz der revolutionären Ideen/
+ x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=556&group=nfo.links.computing:/11.|12./
-x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/search/?q=rap
- or (alternative): follow::http://search.netfrag.org/rap
+x follow::http://www.netfrag.org/search/?q=rap
+ or (alternative): follow::http://search.netfrag.org/rap
o todo, 2003-02-26
x better shortcut syntax for search.netfrag.org, e.g.:
@@ -823,6 +822,14 @@
o re-enable: [Yakka => http://www.netfrag.org/~bareface/yakka/]
o test: [Yakka]
o run: ./sbin/indexer -a -v 5 -p 1 -u "http://www.netfrag.org/~bareface/%"
+ o tree for html, follow http://search.netfrag.org/tree
+ x view layer: (frontend/dhtml) use joust or (maybe better) XTree, follow http://search.netfrag.org/xTree
+ x model layer: look at PEAR::Tree, follow http://search.netfrag.org/pear:tree
+ o controller layer: to be implemented! (php!) (as phpHtmlLib component/lib? what about ->NavTree?)
+ o backend layer: maybe use File::List (perl) for directory traversal backend, follow http://search.netfrag.org/pear:tree
+ o look at: TreeNav (http://search.netfrag.org/TreeNav) this is from phpHtmlLib (search::/news/nfo.links.*::phpHtmlLib)
+ ->http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=89&group=nfo.log.cvs
+ o phpHtmlLib::TreeCSSNav|TreeDHtmlNav?
o begin [Twingle] (proj./lang.)
x start Twingle-impl. (in perl)
x AutoColouring:
@@ -830,11 +837,12 @@
x '^(\s|\t)*x' => 'green'
o LinkExpansion: link-extrapolation/-expansion
x simple mode: http://... to $url
- o proposal: search::Intertwingularity should be resolved/dispatched (via dispatchrequest) to
+ x proposal: Intertwingularity should be resolved/dispatched (via dispatchrequest) to
x http://www.netfrag.org/search/?q=Intertwingularity
x http://search.netfrag.org/Intertwingularity
- o ..., etc.
- o NamespaceDetection - find 'Word::Word::Word' style things
+ x "..."
+ o "follow::..."
+ o NamespaceDetection - find 'Word::Word::Word' style things
o AutoColouring: '\w::|::\w' => 'orange'
o LinkExpansion: lookup found name in a KeywordRegistry|ShortcutRegistry (sub-node: "namespace")
(a registry-db (has to store classnames from perl and/or php and stuff))
@@ -853,14 +861,6 @@
o announce internally
o announce otherwhere?
o mkProject@sourceforge?
- o tree for html, follow http://search.netfrag.org/?q=tree:
- x view layer: (frontend/dhtml) use joust or (maybe better) XTree, follow http://search.netfrag.org/xTree
- x model layer: look at PEAR::Tree, follow http://search.netfrag.org/?q=pear::tree
- o controller layer: to be implemented! (php!) (as phpHtmlLib component/lib? what about ->NavTree?)
- o backend layer: maybe use File::List (perl) for directory traversal backend, follow http://search.netfrag.org/?q=pear::tree
- o look at: phpHtmlLib)
- ->http://www.netfrag.org/webnews/article.php?id=89&group=nfo.log.cvs
- o phpHtmlLib::TreeCSSNav|TreeDHtmlNav?
o integrate rendering of phpHtmlLibWidgets as YakkaPlugins (via special TaviTags)
@@ -886,9 +886,12 @@
o "http://test"
+o test
-$Id: joko_2003-02.html,v 1.71 2003/02/26 18:56:00 joko Exp $
+$Id: joko_2003-02.html,v 1.81 2003/02/26 22:51:12 joko Exp $