--- joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-03.twingle	2003/03/18 10:26:11	1.126
+++ joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-03.twingle	2003/03/25 00:08:25	1.141
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 @sequence meta
-  $Id: joko_2003-03.twingle,v 1.126 2003/03/18 10:26:11 joko Exp $
+  $Id: joko_2003-03.twingle,v 1.141 2003/03/25 00:08:25 joko Exp $
   Revision 1.93  2003/03/14 14:55:57  joko
@@ -1905,3 +1905,511 @@
   root      4982  4981  0 11:16 pts/1    00:00:27 /data/opt/tools/php-4.3.1/php /data/opt/tools/phpdocumentor/phpdoc -s --title elib - some old php code - just vops might be interesting --defaultpackagename org.netfrag.elib --target /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/api/org.netfrag --output HTML:frames:phpedit --directory /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/code/elib --customtags module,license,license-url,author-url --sourcecode on -q
   www-data  5031   477  0 11:17 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi
+i caesar - the better sourceforge?
+o integrate staging:
+  x make publish
+  o make stage[1|2|3]
+  o 'make review|approve'???
+x cd /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo
+  x refactor using gnu make
+  o include raw-code to docs!!!
+  o via make: run jobs in parallel (phpDocumentor!)
+  o generate & publish Autodia xml!!!
+o make custom 404-page for netfrag.org
+o StaticExplorer!!! (CD-ROM & Co.)
+i quepasa.netfrag.org:/data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/
+  root@quepasa:/data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo# ./.start
+  root@quepasa:/data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo# ./.check_agents
+  check_agents - quepasa.netfrag.org - Wed Mar 19 22:20:17 CET 2003
+  root     18573 18571  0 23:46 pts/1    00:00:00 /bin/sh -c ./.run sync;
+  root     18575 18574  0 23:46 pts/1    00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl /data/opt/tools/synccvs.pl nfo/php/libs/org.netfrag.glib code/org.netfrag.glib
+  ready.
+  root@quepasa:/data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo# ./.check_agents
+  check_agents - quepasa.netfrag.org - Wed Mar 19 22:21:16 CET 2003
+  root     18628 18571  0 23:47 pts/1    00:00:00 /bin/sh -c ./.run build-api;
+  root     18631 18628  0 23:47 pts/1    00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl ./.phpdocrc glib phpedit
+  root     18632 18631  0 23:47 pts/1    00:00:00 /data/opt/tools/php-4.3.1/php /data/opt/tools/phpdocumentor/phpdoc -s --title org.netfrag.glib - a component library --defaultpackagename org.netfrag.glib --target /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/api/org.netfrag --output HTML:frames:phpedit --directory /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/code/org.netfrag.glib --customtags module,license,license-url,author-url --sourcecode on -q
+  ready.
+  root@quepasa:/data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo# ./.check_agents
+  check_agents - quepasa.netfrag.org - Wed Mar 19 22:22:49 CET 2003
+  No agents running.
+o news.netfrag.org/nfo.journal
+i #> go debian|suse|redhat|home
+  switches linux base-system(!!!)
+  is this possible?
+  required:
+    o prepared fs-parts
+    o alien-like program for converting complete package-system-databases 
+       (not just single packages) between distris/packaging concepts
+o make 'rap' available globally on a linux system (/usr/sbin?)
+  e.g.: #> rap docu
+  (target 'docu' is defined in /etc/rap.xml)
+i quepasa.netfrag.org
+  root@quepasa:/data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo# ./.start
+  root@quepasa:/data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo# ./.publish
+  linking /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/api/build-log.html
+  linking /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/api/error-log.html
+  linking /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/api/org.netfrag
+  linking /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/build/var
+  root@quepasa:/data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo# ./.check_agents
+  check_agents - quepasa.netfrag.org - Thu Mar 20 03:49:42 CET 2003
+  root     20544 20542  0 05:28 pts/1    00:00:00 /bin/sh -c ./.run sync;
+  root     20546 20545  0 05:28 pts/1    00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl /data/opt/tools/synccvs.pl nfo/php/libs/org.netfrag.glib code/org.netfrag.glib
+  ready.
+o phpDocumentIndex
+  o metadata area at bottom (or at side) of shown item:
+    o url of file|item
+    o physical location|url of original document (if embedded)
+    o metadata from directory scope (merged from one level above): .cvslink [->JumpToCvs], CVS/Entries|Repository|Root
+o proof of concept for web-component-framework:
+  tie org.netfrag.app--WebExplorer and org.netfrag.app--YAA together somehow...
+i monitor daily mbox grow-factor by running as a "daily job with captured output" [CapturedDaily]:
+  #> du -sch /home/joko/virtual/joko_mail
+i new ssh-keys for joko@quepasa.netfrag.org
+o enhance nfo-download-page
+  o add docus (link to cvs .tar.gz)
+  o api (offline???)
+i phpDocumentIndex: fs--/data/www/global/apps/phpDocumentIndex/.pdi.php
+o which components should get UUIDs?
+  o org.netfrag.app--YAA
+  o org.netfrag.app--WebExplorer
+  o org.netfrag.app--phpDocumentIndex
+m http://www.rojname.com/windows/windowstr.htm
+  http://www.rojname.com/
+  http://kurdistan.org/newrozdc.html
+    http://www.niluferakbal.com/
+    http://www.niluferakbal.com/yenisite/index_tr.html
+      http://www.sineport.com/
+      http://www.webservis.gen.tr/
+      http://www.turkticaret.net/siberhosting/index.php
+  http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%22konews@netscape.net%22
+i Desktop/TurkToEng.reg
+  --- snip ---
+  [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\LangToLang TurkToEng]
+  @="http://www.langtolang.com/browserMenu/TurkToEng.html"
+  "contexts"=hex:10
+  --- snip ---
+m http://www.thehungersite.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/CTDSites
+  #> whois thehungersite.com?
+    Registrant:
+    greatergood.com, Inc (THEHUNGERSITE5-DOM)
+       <protect>
+       720 Olive Way, Suite 1800
+       Seattle
+       WA,98101
+       US
+       </protect>
+       Domain Name: THEHUNGERSITE.COM
+       Administrative Contact:
+          Gehrt, John  (JG10952)            john@GREATERGOOD.COM
+         <protect>
+          YourSchoolShop.com
+          720 Olive Way, Suite 1800
+          Seattle, WA 98101
+          206 674 8700 (FAX) 206 268 5454
+         </protect>
+       Technical Contact:
+          Hood, Tomas  (TH6073)             tomas@YSS.COM
+         <protect>
+          YourSchoolShop.com
+          1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1501
+          Seattle, WA 98101
+          206 674 8700 (FAX) 206 344 5221
+         </protect>
+  m http://www.greatergood.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/GreaterGood
+    © 2000-2002 GreaterGood.com. All rights reserved. Patent Pending. 
+    Owned and operated by CharityUSA.com, LLC. 
+    Funds are paid by CharityUSA.com, LLC. to the benefiting organization(s) in the form of a royalty payment.
+  m http://charityusa.com/chausa/index.html
+  #> whois charityusa.com
+    Registrant:
+       <protect>
+       110 BRIDGE ST
+       DEDHAM, MA 02026-1702
+       US
+       </protect>
+       Domain Name: CHARITYUSA.COM
+       Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
+          HOMELINE PUBLICATIONS  (HP413-ORG)                timk@thehungersite.com
+         <protect>
+          110 BRIDGE ST
+          DEDHAM, MA 02026-1702
+          US
+          781 461 6161 fax: 781 461 6160
+         </protect>
+  m http://www.gearthatgives.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/CTDStore.woa/wa/item?siteID=220&categoryID=265&itemID=3206&origin=THS_PopUnder1_ecomMCIraqKit
+  m http://imageserv03.yss4.com/images/p/ths/THS_PopUnder1_ecomMCIraqKit.jpg
+  m http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%22HOMELINE+PUBLICATIONS%22
+  #> whois ima.com
+    Registrant:
+    International Messaging Associates Ltd. (IMA-DOM)
+       China Resources Building, 27/F, 26
+       NO CITY, NO STATE 99999
+       CN
+       Domain Name: IMA.COM
+       Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
+          Kehres, Tim  (TK46)               kehres@IMA.COM
+         <protect>
+          International Messaging Associates Ltd.
+          Hong Kong Computer Center, 20/F
+          HK
+          +852-2520-0300 +852 2648-5913
+         </protect>
+  m http://www.ima.com/
+    http://www.ima.com/about/index.html
+    http://www.ima.com/contacts/index.html
+    http://www.ima.com/pricing.html
+m some links pointing to different google language-interfaces:
+  http://www.google.com/intl/xx-bork/
+  http://www.google.com/intl/ia/
+  http://www.google.com/intl/xx-hacker/
+  http://www.google.com/intl/xx-piglatin/
+  http://www.google.com/intl/la/
+  http://www.google.com/intl/eo/
+o prevent 'uml_boot --vhost={hostname} --kill' trying to kill it's own 'ps ax | grep {hostname}'
+i startup of quepasa.netfrag.org on 2003-03-23
+  Cleaning: /tmp /var/lock /var/run.
+  Initializing random number generator... done.
+  Recovering nvi editor sessions... done.
+  Setting up X server socket directory /tmp/.X11-unix...done.
+  INIT: Entering runlevel: 2
+  Starting system log daemon: syslogd.
+  Starting kernel log daemon: klogd.
+  Starting AMaViS Daemons: amavis-milter amavisd.
+  Starting NFS common utilities: statd.
+  Starting internet superserver: inetd.
+  INND:  PID file exists -- unclean shutdown!
+  Starting news server: innd.
+  Starting jabberd: jabberd.
+  Starting MySQL database server: mysqld.
+  Starting Mail Transport Agent: sendmail.
+  Starting network management services: snmpd snmptrapd.
+  Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd.
+  Starting deferred execution scheduler: atd.
+  Starting periodic command scheduler: cron.
+  Starting web server: apache[Sun Mar 23 17:59:51 2003] [error] Cannot resolve host name service.netfrag.org --- ignoring!
+  [Sun Mar 23 18:00:38 2003] [error] Cannot resolve host name cvs.netfrag.org --- ignoring!
+  [Sun Mar 23 18:01:20 2003] [error] Cannot resolve host name news.netfrag.org --- ignoring!
+  [Sun Mar 23 18:02:02 2003] [error] Cannot resolve host name search.netfrag.org --- ignoring!
+  [Sun Mar 23 18:02:44 2003] [error] Cannot resolve host name lashlarue.de --- ignoring!
+  configuring dynamic domain "golf5.de"
+  configuring dynamic domain "smartmen.de"
+  configuring dynamic domain "ballonflug.de"
+  [Sun Mar 23 18:02:45 2003] [error] Cannot resolve host name golf5.de --- ignoring!
+  .
+  Starting the Bacula File daemon
+  quepasa login:
+i quepasa.netfrag.org on 2003-03-23
+  Mar 23 18:28:51 quepasa kernel: BLOCKED TCP PACKET: IN= OUT=eth0 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=255 ID=0 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=113 DPT=37568 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK RST URGP=0
+  Mar 23 18:28:54 quepasa kernel: BLOCKED TCP PACKET: IN= OUT=eth0 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=255 ID=0 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=113 DPT=37568 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK RST URGP=0
+i quepasa: no space left on device!!!
+  #> df
+    Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
+    /dev/ubd/0             1007896    854608    102088  90% /
+    /dev/ubd/2             2015824    620952   1292472  100% /data
+  #> rm -r /home/service/virtual/pdumpfs/var/data/2003/03
+  #> df
+    Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
+    /dev/ubd/0             1007896    854608    102088  90% /
+    /dev/ubd/2             2015824    620952   1292472  33% /data
+  #> tail -f /var/log/news/news.err
+    Mar 15 18:54:18 quepasa nnrpd[27242]: pd9e7778d.dip.t-dialin.net cant read Connection reset by peer
+    Mar 17 03:17:00 quepasa innd: SERVER cant write nfo/support/93 No space left on device
+    Mar 17 03:17:00 quepasa innd: SERVER throttle No space left on device writing article file -- throttling
+    Mar 17 03:17:00 quepasa innd: SERVER cant write nfo/support/93 No space left on device
+    Mar 17 03:17:00 quepasa innd: SERVER cant write nfo/support/93 No space left on device
+    Mar 17 18:16:26 quepasa innd: SERVER shutdown system is going down
+    Mar 23 18:18:46 quepasa innd: SERVER cant write nfo/support/99 No space left on device
+    Mar 23 18:18:46 quepasa innd: SERVER throttle No space left on device writing article file -- throttling
+    Mar 23 18:18:46 quepasa innd: SERVER cant write nfo/support/99 No space left on device
+    Mar 23 18:18:46 quepasa innd: SERVER cant write nfo/support/99 No space left on device
+  #> /etc/init.d/inn reload
+    Reloading INN configuration files: Ok
+  #> tail -f /var/log/news/news.err
+    {no messages...}
+  #> tail -f /var/log/news/news.notice
+    Mar 23 18:51:57 quepasa nnrpd[4112]: quepasa.netfrag.org times user 0.000 system 0.000 elapsed 9.970
+    Mar 23 18:54:42 quepasa innd: o::/etc/init.d/inn
+    Mar 23 18:54:42 quepasa innd: overview closed
+    Mar 23 18:54:42 quepasa innd: SERVER history cache final: 2 lookups, 1 hits
+    Mar 23 18:55:07 quepasa innd: overview spawned overview:16:proc:4198
+    Mar 23 18:55:22 quepasa innd: SERVER reload all /etc/init.d/inn
+    Mar 23 18:55:23 quepasa innd: overview exit 0 elapsed 3461 pid 239
+    Mar 23 19:02:34 quepasa innd: ME time 651588 idle 606301(3) artwrite 0(0) artlink 0(0) hiswrite 0(0) hissync 0(2) sitesend 0(0) artctrl 0(0) artcncl 0(0) hishave 0(0)
+    Mar 23 19:02:35 quepasa nnrpd[4360]: quepasa.netfrag.org connect
+    Mar 23 19:02:35 quepasa nnrpd[4360]: quepasa.netfrag.org perl filtering enabled
+    Mar 23 19:02:35 quepasa nnrpd[4360]: quepasa.netfrag.org user webnews
+    Mar 23 19:02:41 quepasa nnrpd[4360]: quepasa.netfrag.org group nfo.links.misc 1
+    Mar 23 19:02:41 quepasa nnrpd[4360]: quepasa.netfrag.org exit articles 1 groups 1
+    Mar 23 19:02:41 quepasa nnrpd[4360]: quepasa.netfrag.org times user 0.000 system 0.038 elapsed 6.087
+  #> ps ax
+   [...]
+   2483 ?        S      0:00 /usr/sbin/apache -DSSL
+   4018 ?        R      0:00 sendmail: MTA: accepting connections
+   4020 ?        S      0:01 sendmail: MTA: ./h2MNWs7u005266 from queue
+   4198 ?        S      0:00 /usr/lib/news/bin/overchan
+   4380 ?        R      0:01 /usr/bin/perl -T /usr/sbin/amavisd --pid_file=/var/run/amavisd.pid --user=
+   4464 ?        S      0:00 /usr/bin/perl -T /usr/sbin/amavisd --pid_file=/var/run/amavisd.pid --user=
+   4475 ?        S      0:00 /bin/login
+   4525 ?        S      0:00 sendmail: MTA: h2NI7smk004525 h1.service.netfrag.org []: DAT
+   4526 ?        S      0:00 /usr/sbin/amavis-milter -D -p /var/run/amavis/amavis-milter.sock
+   4527 ?        S      0:00 sendmail: MTA: startup with
+   4531 ?        R      0:00 /usr/local/f-prot/f-prot -DUMB -ARCHIVE /var/lib/amavis/amavis-milter-XXyw
+   4532 pts/0    R      0:00 ps ax
+   4533 ?        R      0:00 /usr/bin/perl /etc/mail/smrsh/dispatchmail --base=/home/joko/virtual/joko_
+   4534 ?        S      0:00 /usr/sbin/amavis-milter -D -p /var/run/amavis/amavis-milter.sock
+   4538 ?        R      0:00 /usr/local/f-prot/f-prot -DUMB -ARCHIVE /var/lib/amavis/amavis-milter-XXtC  
+  #> mailq
+    MSP Queue status...
+    /var/spool/mqueue-client is empty
+                    Total requests: 0
+    MTA Queue status...
+    [...]
+    h2MAnE7v002182     2140 Sat Mar 22 12:30 MAILER-DAEMON
+                     (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+                                             <root@h1.service.netfrag.org>
+    h2MBCq7u002264      188 Sat Mar 22 12:18 <rfms@h1.service.netfrag.org>
+                     (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+                                             <joko@netfrag.org>
+    h2MAck7v002146     2140 Sat Mar 22 12:19 MAILER-DAEMON
+                     (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+                                             <root@h1.service.netfrag.org>
+    h2MB2v7u002217      188 Sat Mar 22 12:08 <root@h1.service.netfrag.org>
+                     (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+                                             <joko@netfrag.org>
+    h2MASG7v002104     2140 Sat Mar 22 12:07 MAILER-DAEMON
+                     (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+                                             <root@h1.service.netfrag.org>
+    [...]
+    h2M4xl7u000571      156 Sat Mar 22 06:05 <monit@h1.service.netfrag.org>
+                     (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+                                             <alert@service.netfrag.org>
+    h2M4kQ7u000517      188 Sat Mar 22 05:52 <root@h1.service.netfrag.org>
+                     (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+                                             <joko@netfrag.org>
+    h2M4qq7u000534      188 Sat Mar 22 05:58 <root@h1.service.netfrag.org>
+                     (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+                                             <joko@netfrag.org>
+    h2M4tV7u000563      188 Sat Mar 22 06:01 <root@h1.service.netfrag.org>
+                     (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+                                             <joko@netfrag.org>
+    h2M4jg7w000515      169 Sat Mar 22 05:52 <monit@h1.service.netfrag.org>
+                     (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+                                             <alert@service.netfrag.org>
+    h2M4jg7u000515      156 Sat Mar 22 05:51 <monit@h1.service.netfrag.org>
+                     (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+                                             <alert@service.netfrag.org>
+                    Total requests: 179
+    [...]
+  #> tail -f /var/log/syslog
+    Mar 23 19:37:14 quepasa sm-mta[5174]: h2MBqP7v002446: to=<root@h1.service.netfrag.org>, delay=1+06:00:01, xdelay=00:00:17, mailer=esmtp, pri=12092012, relay=h1.service.netfrag.org. [], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent (h2NIavM03315 Message accepted for delivery)
+    Mar 23 19:37:16 quepasa sm-mta[4020]: h2MBfm7w002405: to=<root@h1.service.netfrag.org>, delay=1+06:09:51, xdelay=00:00:08, mailer=esmtp, pri=12182012, relay=h1.service.netfrag.org. [], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent (h2NIb8i03354 Message accepted for delivery)
+    Mar 23 19:37:17 quepasa sm-mta[5174]: h2MBfm7v002405: to=<monit@h1.service.netfrag.org>, delay=1+06:11:15, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=12182016, relay=h1.service.netfrag.org. [], dsn=5.1.1, stat=User unknown
+    Mar 23 19:37:17 quepasa sm-mta[5174]: h2MBfm7v002405: h2NIVdml005174: return to sender: User unknown
+  #> mailq
+    [...]
+    MTA Queue status...
+    [...]
+                Total requests: 83
+  #> tail -f /var/log/syslog
+o connections to the cvs-daemon seem not to be recorded in syslog!?
+o write monitor for output of 'mailq'!!! (grep the numbers!)
+i found while reviewing Mails returned from the 'Mail Delivery Subsystem':
+  i example error-message response if (e.g.) 'recieveMail|dispatchmail' fails....
+    The original message was received at Tue, 18 Mar 2003 20:45:04 +0100
+    from []
+       ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
+    |~/bin/mail/recieveMail
+        (reason: 255)
+        (expanded from: jonen_mail)
+       ----- Transcript of session follows -----
+    syntax error at /etc/mail/smrsh/recieveMail line 125, near ") {"
+    Execution of /etc/mail/smrsh/recieveMail aborted due to compilation errors.
+    554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 255
+    o scan for this! (global/default milter.filter? -> "syntax error in line xyz")
+  i another one:
+    The original message was received at Mon, 3 Mar 2003 16:51:28 +0100
+    from []
+       ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
+    |~/bin/mail/recieveMail
+        (reason: 2)
+        (expanded from: jonen_mail)
+       ----- Transcript of session follows -----
+    Can't locate Sys/Hostname.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl/5.6.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.6.1 /usr/share/perl/5.6.1 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/Audit.pm line 6.
+    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/Audit.pm line 6.
+    Compilation failed in require at /etc/mail/smrsh/recieveMail line 57.
+    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /etc/mail/smrsh/recieveMail line 57.
+    554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 2
+    o scan for this! (global/default milter.filter? -> "module not found: "{modulename}" - try to install it? [Y/n] ")
+o dispatchmail-errors!!!
+  #> su joko_mail
+  #> cd ~
+  #> perl .dispatchmailrc
+    Scalar found where operator expected at .dispatchmailrc line 231, near "m/ilo\.de/i $self"
+    syntax error at .dispatchmailrc line 231, near "if $to "
+    Execution of .dispatchmailrc aborted due to compilation errors.
+  #> perl .dispatchmailrc
+  #> 
+  means: {ok}
+o dispatchmail-errors!!!
+  #> su {anybody}
+  #> dispatchmail
+    Global symbol "$self" requires explicit package name at /data/libs/nfo/perl/libs/Mail/Audit/Dispatch.pm line 193.
+    Global symbol "$self" requires explicit package name at /data/libs/nfo/perl/libs/Mail/Audit/Dispatch.pm line 194.
+    Compilation failed in require at /usr/local/bin/dispatchmail line 37.
+    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/bin/dispatchmail line 37.
+x added more verboseness to dispatchmail if rules-file has syntax-errors (hard to debug - sorry...)
+  #> su joko_mail
+  #> cd ~
+  #> echo test | mail -s test joko
+  #> tail -f Mail/.dispatchmail.log
+    ----------------------------------------  TRACE  ----------
+    From:    Mail Delivery Subsystem <MAILER-DAEMON>
+    To:      postmaster
+    Subject: Postmaster notify: see transcript for details
+    ----------------------------------------  TRACE  ----------
+    RULES:  Loading from "/home/joko/virtual/joko_mail/.dispatchmailrc".
+    ERROR: ERROR: Delivery failed, '/home/joko/virtual/joko_mail/.dispatchmailrc' had syntax errors:
+    syntax error at (eval 6) line 1, near "/home/joko"
+    Forwarding delivery to next handler in queue (probably /var/spool/mail).
+  #> tail -f Mail/.dispatchmail.log
+    ----------------------------------------  TRACE  ----------
+    From:    joko_mail@netfrag.org
+    To:      joko@quepasa.netfrag.org
+    Subject: test
+    ----------------------------------------  TRACE  ----------
+    RULES:  Loading from "/home/joko/virtual/joko_mail/.dispatchmailrc".
+    RULES:  Running Perl sub "rules::dispatch".
+    ACCEPT: /home/joko/virtual/joko_mail/Mail/SORTED/me2myself
+i old code from /home/service/virtual/gateway/.dispatchmailrc
+    if ($to =~ /links-computing/) {
+  print "COPY", "\n";
+      #$self->copy('Newsgate', 'alt.test');
+      $self->copy('Newsgate', 'nfo.links.computing');
+      #my $prg = $0;
+      #my $prg = '/data/opt/dispatchmail/bin/dispatchmail';
+      #my $prg = '/etc/mail/smrsh/dispatchmail';
+      #my $pipeTo = $prg . ' --mode=mail2news --thread=alt.test --base=/home/collector';
+      #$self->report("PIPE: " . $pipeTo);
+      #$incoming->pipe($pipeTo);
+    }
+o monitor:
+  o /home/service/virtual/gateway/.mail-delivery_errors.log
+  o /home/service/joko_mail/.mail-delivery_errors.log
+  o /home/service/joko_mail/Mail/.mail-delivery.log
+i quepasa.netfrag.org
+  #> userdel newscollector
+  #> echo test | mail -s test test@netfrag.org
+  i further dispatchmail testing....
+  #> cd /data/opt/tools/dispatchmail/bin-tests
+  #> ./build_dispatch test
+    Can't locate object method "id" via package "Mail::Audit" at /data/libs/nfo/perl/libs/Mail/Audit/Dispatch.pm line 220, <STDIN> line 16.
+  #> ./build_dispatch test
+    Use of uninitialized value in scalar chomp at /data/libs/nfo/perl/libs/org/netfrag/shortcuts.pm line 73, <STDIN> line 16.
+  #> ./build_dispatch test
+  #> 
+  means: {ok}
+i quepasa.netfrag.org - mail2news gateway test routine
+  #> echo test | mail -s test test
+  #> tail -f /var/log/syslog
+    Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa nnrpd[7784]: quepasa.netfrag.org connect
+    Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa nnrpd[7784]: quepasa.netfrag.org perl filtering enabled
+    Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa nnrpd[7784]: quepasa.netfrag.org user collector
+    Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa innd: localhost connected 15
+    Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa innd: localhost:15 closed seconds 0 accepted 1 refused 0 rejected 0
+    Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa nnrpd[7784]: quepasa.netfrag.org post ok <200303232202.h2NM2EZl007775@quepasa.netfrag.org>
+    Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa nnrpd[7784]: quepasa.netfrag.org exit articles 0 groups 0
+    Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa nnrpd[7784]: quepasa.netfrag.org posts received 1 rejected 0
+    Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa nnrpd[7784]: quepasa.netfrag.org times user 0.000 system 0.019 elapsed 0.182
+    Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa sm-mta[7780]: h2NM2EQZ007776: to=|/data/opt/dispatchmail/bin/dispatchmail, ctladdr=<test@quepasa.netfrag.org> (1014/1014), delay=00:00:04, xdelay=00:00:03, mailer=prog, pri=30682, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent
+o metadata for "News-Portal"???  ->MetaBox!
+i mail2news - without context
+  #> tail -f /var/log/syslog
+    Mar 23 23:07:40 quepasa nnrpd[7785]: pd9e77b87.dip.t-dialin.net group alt.test 4
+    Mar 23 23:08:15 quepasa innd: ME time 402022 idle 401938(12) artwrite 1(1) artlink 0(0) hiswrite 2(1) hissync 0(2) sitesend 2(1) artctrl 0(0) artcncl 0(0) hishave 1(1)
+x enhanced dispatchmail:
+  - renamed log- and errorlog-files
+  - header-field 'Message-ID' now included when tracing ( important, of course... ;-) )
+  - example: (e.g.   #> echo test | mail -s test test@netfrag.org  )
+    2003-03-23 23:11:22 - /etc/mail/smrsh/dispatchmail running for user ''.
+    ----------------------------------------  TRACE  ----------
+    From:       "Andreas Motl" <andreas.motl@ilo.de>
+    To:         <test@netfrag.org>
+    Subject:    test@netfrag.org
+    Message-ID: <026701c2f189$6bf13a60$630aa8c0@grasshopper>
+    ----------------------------------------  TRACE  ----------
+    RULES:  Loading from "/data/home/service/virtual/gateway/.dispatchmailrc".
+    RULES:  Running Perl sub "rules::dispatch".
+o make this possible
+  x not: RULES:  Running Perl sub "rules::dispatch". .... [done]
+  o but: RULES:  Loading from LDAP(address|query)
+  o but: RULES:  Loading from XML|RDBMS(address|query)
+i search::Abadan