--- joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-03.twingle 2003/03/18 10:26:11 1.126
+++ joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-03.twingle 2003/04/02 01:58:37 1.173
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
@sequence meta
- $Id: joko_2003-03.twingle,v 1.126 2003/03/18 10:26:11 joko Exp $
+ $Id: joko_2003-03.twingle,v 1.173 2003/04/02 01:58:37 joko Exp $
Revision 1.93 2003/03/14 14:55:57 joko
@@ -1905,3 +1905,1125 @@
root 4982 4981 0 11:16 pts/1 00:00:27 /data/opt/tools/php-4.3.1/php /data/opt/tools/phpdocumentor/phpdoc -s --title elib - some old php code - just vops might be interesting --defaultpackagename org.netfrag.elib --target /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/api/org.netfrag --output HTML:frames:phpedit --directory /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/code/elib --customtags module,license,license-url,author-url --sourcecode on -q
www-data 5031 477 0 11:17 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi
+i caesar - the better sourceforge?
+o integrate staging:
+ x make publish
+ o make stage[1|2|3]
+ o 'make review|approve'???
+x cd /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo
+ x refactor using gnu make
+ o include raw-code to docs!!!
+ o via make: run jobs in parallel (phpDocumentor!)
+ o generate & publish Autodia xml!!!
+o make custom 404-page for netfrag.org
+o StaticExplorer!!! (CD-ROM & Co.)
+i quepasa.netfrag.org:/data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/
+ root@quepasa:/data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo# ./.start
+ root@quepasa:/data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo# ./.check_agents
+ check_agents - quepasa.netfrag.org - Wed Mar 19 22:20:17 CET 2003
+ root 18573 18571 0 23:46 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/sh -c ./.run sync;
+ root 18575 18574 0 23:46 pts/1 00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl /data/opt/tools/synccvs.pl nfo/php/libs/org.netfrag.glib code/org.netfrag.glib
+ ready.
+ root@quepasa:/data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo# ./.check_agents
+ check_agents - quepasa.netfrag.org - Wed Mar 19 22:21:16 CET 2003
+ root 18628 18571 0 23:47 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/sh -c ./.run build-api;
+ root 18631 18628 0 23:47 pts/1 00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl ./.phpdocrc glib phpedit
+ root 18632 18631 0 23:47 pts/1 00:00:00 /data/opt/tools/php-4.3.1/php /data/opt/tools/phpdocumentor/phpdoc -s --title org.netfrag.glib - a component library --defaultpackagename org.netfrag.glib --target /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/api/org.netfrag --output HTML:frames:phpedit --directory /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/code/org.netfrag.glib --customtags module,license,license-url,author-url --sourcecode on -q
+ ready.
+ root@quepasa:/data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo# ./.check_agents
+ check_agents - quepasa.netfrag.org - Wed Mar 19 22:22:49 CET 2003
+ No agents running.
+o news.netfrag.org/nfo.journal
+i #> go debian|suse|redhat|home
+ switches linux base-system(!!!)
+ is this possible?
+ required:
+ o prepared fs-parts
+ o alien-like program for converting complete package-system-databases
+ (not just single packages) between distris/packaging concepts
+o make 'rap' available globally on a linux system (/usr/sbin?)
+ e.g.: #> rap docu
+ (target 'docu' is defined in /etc/rap.xml)
+i quepasa.netfrag.org
+ root@quepasa:/data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo# ./.start
+ root@quepasa:/data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo# ./.publish
+ linking /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/api/build-log.html
+ linking /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/api/error-log.html
+ linking /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/api/org.netfrag
+ linking /data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo/build/var
+ root@quepasa:/data/www/virtual/netfrag/docs/nfo# ./.check_agents
+ check_agents - quepasa.netfrag.org - Thu Mar 20 03:49:42 CET 2003
+ root 20544 20542 0 05:28 pts/1 00:00:00 /bin/sh -c ./.run sync;
+ root 20546 20545 0 05:28 pts/1 00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl /data/opt/tools/synccvs.pl nfo/php/libs/org.netfrag.glib code/org.netfrag.glib
+ ready.
+o phpDocumentIndex
+ o metadata area at bottom (or at side) of shown item:
+ o url of file|item
+ o physical location|url of original document (if embedded)
+ o metadata from directory scope (merged from one level above): .cvslink [->JumpToCvs], CVS/Entries|Repository|Root
+o proof of concept for web-component-framework:
+ tie org.netfrag.app--WebExplorer and org.netfrag.app--YAA together somehow...
+i monitor daily mbox grow-factor by running as a "daily job with captured output" [CapturedDaily]:
+ #> du -sch /home/joko/virtual/joko_mail
+i new ssh-keys for joko@quepasa.netfrag.org
+o enhance nfo-download-page
+ o add docus (link to cvs .tar.gz)
+ o api (offline???)
+i phpDocumentIndex: fs--/data/www/global/apps/phpDocumentIndex/.pdi.php
+o which components should get UUIDs?
+ o org.netfrag.app--YAA
+ o org.netfrag.app--WebExplorer
+ o org.netfrag.app--phpDocumentIndex
+m http://www.rojname.com/windows/windowstr.htm
+ http://www.rojname.com/
+ http://kurdistan.org/newrozdc.html
+ http://www.niluferakbal.com/
+ http://www.niluferakbal.com/yenisite/index_tr.html
+ http://www.sineport.com/
+ http://www.webservis.gen.tr/
+ http://www.turkticaret.net/siberhosting/index.php
+ http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%22konews@netscape.net%22
+i Desktop/TurkToEng.reg
+ --- snip ---
+ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\LangToLang TurkToEng]
+ @="http://www.langtolang.com/browserMenu/TurkToEng.html"
+ "contexts"=hex:10
+ --- snip ---
+m http://www.thehungersite.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/CTDSites
+ #> whois thehungersite.com?
+ Registrant:
+ greatergood.com, Inc (THEHUNGERSITE5-DOM)
+ 720 Olive Way, Suite 1800
+ Seattle
+ WA,98101
+ US
+ Administrative Contact:
+ Gehrt, John (JG10952) john@GREATERGOOD.COM
+ YourSchoolShop.com
+ 720 Olive Way, Suite 1800
+ Seattle, WA 98101
+ 206 674 8700 (FAX) 206 268 5454
+ Technical Contact:
+ Hood, Tomas (TH6073) tomas@YSS.COM
+ YourSchoolShop.com
+ 1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1501
+ Seattle, WA 98101
+ 206 674 8700 (FAX) 206 344 5221
+ m http://www.greatergood.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/GreaterGood
+ © 2000-2002 GreaterGood.com. All rights reserved. Patent Pending.
+ Owned and operated by CharityUSA.com, LLC.
+ Funds are paid by CharityUSA.com, LLC. to the benefiting organization(s) in the form of a royalty payment.
+ m http://charityusa.com/chausa/index.html
+ #> whois charityusa.com
+ Registrant:
+ DEDHAM, MA 02026-1702
+ US
+ Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
+ HOMELINE PUBLICATIONS (HP413-ORG) timk@thehungersite.com
+ DEDHAM, MA 02026-1702
+ US
+ 781 461 6161 fax: 781 461 6160
+ m http://www.gearthatgives.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/CTDStore.woa/wa/item?siteID=220&categoryID=265&itemID=3206&origin=THS_PopUnder1_ecomMCIraqKit
+ m http://imageserv03.yss4.com/images/p/ths/THS_PopUnder1_ecomMCIraqKit.jpg
+ m http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%22HOMELINE+PUBLICATIONS%22
+ #> whois ima.com
+ Registrant:
+ International Messaging Associates Ltd. (IMA-DOM)
+ China Resources Building, 27/F, 26
+ CN
+ Domain Name: IMA.COM
+ Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
+ Kehres, Tim (TK46) kehres@IMA.COM
+ International Messaging Associates Ltd.
+ Hong Kong Computer Center, 20/F
+ HK
+ +852-2520-0300 +852 2648-5913
+ m http://www.ima.com/
+ http://www.ima.com/about/index.html
+ http://www.ima.com/contacts/index.html
+ http://www.ima.com/pricing.html
+m some links pointing to different google language-interfaces:
+ http://www.google.com/intl/xx-bork/
+ http://www.google.com/intl/ia/
+ http://www.google.com/intl/xx-hacker/
+ http://www.google.com/intl/xx-piglatin/
+ http://www.google.com/intl/la/
+ http://www.google.com/intl/eo/
+o prevent 'uml_boot --vhost={hostname} --kill' trying to kill it's own 'ps ax | grep {hostname}'
+i startup of quepasa.netfrag.org on 2003-03-23
+ Cleaning: /tmp /var/lock /var/run.
+ Initializing random number generator... done.
+ Recovering nvi editor sessions... done.
+ Setting up X server socket directory /tmp/.X11-unix...done.
+ INIT: Entering runlevel: 2
+ Starting system log daemon: syslogd.
+ Starting kernel log daemon: klogd.
+ Starting AMaViS Daemons: amavis-milter amavisd.
+ Starting NFS common utilities: statd.
+ Starting internet superserver: inetd.
+ INND: PID file exists -- unclean shutdown!
+ Starting news server: innd.
+ Starting jabberd: jabberd.
+ Starting MySQL database server: mysqld.
+ Starting Mail Transport Agent: sendmail.
+ Starting network management services: snmpd snmptrapd.
+ Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd.
+ Starting deferred execution scheduler: atd.
+ Starting periodic command scheduler: cron.
+ Starting web server: apache[Sun Mar 23 17:59:51 2003] [error] Cannot resolve host name service.netfrag.org --- ignoring!
+ [Sun Mar 23 18:00:38 2003] [error] Cannot resolve host name cvs.netfrag.org --- ignoring!
+ [Sun Mar 23 18:01:20 2003] [error] Cannot resolve host name news.netfrag.org --- ignoring!
+ [Sun Mar 23 18:02:02 2003] [error] Cannot resolve host name search.netfrag.org --- ignoring!
+ [Sun Mar 23 18:02:44 2003] [error] Cannot resolve host name lashlarue.de --- ignoring!
+ configuring dynamic domain "golf5.de"
+ configuring dynamic domain "smartmen.de"
+ configuring dynamic domain "ballonflug.de"
+ [Sun Mar 23 18:02:45 2003] [error] Cannot resolve host name golf5.de --- ignoring!
+ .
+ Starting the Bacula File daemon
+ quepasa login:
+i quepasa.netfrag.org on 2003-03-23
+ Mar 23 18:28:51 quepasa kernel: BLOCKED TCP PACKET: IN= OUT=eth0 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=255 ID=0 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=113 DPT=37568 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK RST URGP=0
+ Mar 23 18:28:54 quepasa kernel: BLOCKED TCP PACKET: IN= OUT=eth0 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=255 ID=0 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=113 DPT=37568 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK RST URGP=0
+i quepasa: no space left on device!!!
+ #> df
+ Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
+ /dev/ubd/0 1007896 854608 102088 90% /
+ /dev/ubd/2 2015824 620952 1292472 100% /data
+ #> rm -r /home/service/virtual/pdumpfs/var/data/2003/03
+ #> df
+ Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
+ /dev/ubd/0 1007896 854608 102088 90% /
+ /dev/ubd/2 2015824 620952 1292472 33% /data
+ #> tail -f /var/log/news/news.err
+ Mar 15 18:54:18 quepasa nnrpd[27242]: pd9e7778d.dip.t-dialin.net cant read Connection reset by peer
+ Mar 17 03:17:00 quepasa innd: SERVER cant write nfo/support/93 No space left on device
+ Mar 17 03:17:00 quepasa innd: SERVER throttle No space left on device writing article file -- throttling
+ Mar 17 03:17:00 quepasa innd: SERVER cant write nfo/support/93 No space left on device
+ Mar 17 03:17:00 quepasa innd: SERVER cant write nfo/support/93 No space left on device
+ Mar 17 18:16:26 quepasa innd: SERVER shutdown system is going down
+ Mar 23 18:18:46 quepasa innd: SERVER cant write nfo/support/99 No space left on device
+ Mar 23 18:18:46 quepasa innd: SERVER throttle No space left on device writing article file -- throttling
+ Mar 23 18:18:46 quepasa innd: SERVER cant write nfo/support/99 No space left on device
+ Mar 23 18:18:46 quepasa innd: SERVER cant write nfo/support/99 No space left on device
+ #> /etc/init.d/inn reload
+ Reloading INN configuration files: Ok
+ #> tail -f /var/log/news/news.err
+ {no messages...}
+ #> tail -f /var/log/news/news.notice
+ Mar 23 18:51:57 quepasa nnrpd[4112]: quepasa.netfrag.org times user 0.000 system 0.000 elapsed 9.970
+ Mar 23 18:54:42 quepasa innd: o::/etc/init.d/inn
+ Mar 23 18:54:42 quepasa innd: overview closed
+ Mar 23 18:54:42 quepasa innd: SERVER history cache final: 2 lookups, 1 hits
+ Mar 23 18:55:07 quepasa innd: overview spawned overview:16:proc:4198
+ Mar 23 18:55:22 quepasa innd: SERVER reload all /etc/init.d/inn
+ Mar 23 18:55:23 quepasa innd: overview exit 0 elapsed 3461 pid 239
+ Mar 23 19:02:34 quepasa innd: ME time 651588 idle 606301(3) artwrite 0(0) artlink 0(0) hiswrite 0(0) hissync 0(2) sitesend 0(0) artctrl 0(0) artcncl 0(0) hishave 0(0)
+ Mar 23 19:02:35 quepasa nnrpd[4360]: quepasa.netfrag.org connect
+ Mar 23 19:02:35 quepasa nnrpd[4360]: quepasa.netfrag.org perl filtering enabled
+ Mar 23 19:02:35 quepasa nnrpd[4360]: quepasa.netfrag.org user webnews
+ Mar 23 19:02:41 quepasa nnrpd[4360]: quepasa.netfrag.org group nfo.links.misc 1
+ Mar 23 19:02:41 quepasa nnrpd[4360]: quepasa.netfrag.org exit articles 1 groups 1
+ Mar 23 19:02:41 quepasa nnrpd[4360]: quepasa.netfrag.org times user 0.000 system 0.038 elapsed 6.087
+ #> ps ax
+ [...]
+ 2483 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/apache -DSSL
+ 4018 ? R 0:00 sendmail: MTA: accepting connections
+ 4020 ? S 0:01 sendmail: MTA: ./h2MNWs7u005266 from queue
+ 4198 ? S 0:00 /usr/lib/news/bin/overchan
+ 4380 ? R 0:01 /usr/bin/perl -T /usr/sbin/amavisd --pid_file=/var/run/amavisd.pid --user=
+ 4464 ? S 0:00 /usr/bin/perl -T /usr/sbin/amavisd --pid_file=/var/run/amavisd.pid --user=
+ 4475 ? S 0:00 /bin/login
+ 4525 ? S 0:00 sendmail: MTA: h2NI7smk004525 h1.service.netfrag.org []: DAT
+ 4526 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/amavis-milter -D -p /var/run/amavis/amavis-milter.sock
+ 4527 ? S 0:00 sendmail: MTA: startup with
+ 4531 ? R 0:00 /usr/local/f-prot/f-prot -DUMB -ARCHIVE /var/lib/amavis/amavis-milter-XXyw
+ 4532 pts/0 R 0:00 ps ax
+ 4533 ? R 0:00 /usr/bin/perl /etc/mail/smrsh/dispatchmail --base=/home/joko/virtual/joko_
+ 4534 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/amavis-milter -D -p /var/run/amavis/amavis-milter.sock
+ 4538 ? R 0:00 /usr/local/f-prot/f-prot -DUMB -ARCHIVE /var/lib/amavis/amavis-milter-XXtC
+ #> mailq
+ MSP Queue status...
+ /var/spool/mqueue-client is empty
+ Total requests: 0
+ MTA Queue status...
+ [...]
+ h2MAnE7v002182 2140 Sat Mar 22 12:30 MAILER-DAEMON
+ (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+ h2MBCq7u002264 188 Sat Mar 22 12:18
+ (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+ h2MAck7v002146 2140 Sat Mar 22 12:19 MAILER-DAEMON
+ (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+ h2MB2v7u002217 188 Sat Mar 22 12:08
+ (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+ h2MASG7v002104 2140 Sat Mar 22 12:07 MAILER-DAEMON
+ (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+ [...]
+ h2M4xl7u000571 156 Sat Mar 22 06:05
+ (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+ h2M4kQ7u000517 188 Sat Mar 22 05:52
+ (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+ h2M4qq7u000534 188 Sat Mar 22 05:58
+ (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+ h2M4tV7u000563 188 Sat Mar 22 06:01
+ (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+ h2M4jg7w000515 169 Sat Mar 22 05:52
+ (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+ h2M4jg7u000515 156 Sat Mar 22 05:51
+ (bestmx map: lookup (h1.service.netfrag.org.): deferred)
+ Total requests: 179
+ [...]
+ #> tail -f /var/log/syslog
+ Mar 23 19:37:14 quepasa sm-mta[5174]: h2MBqP7v002446: to=, delay=1+06:00:01, xdelay=00:00:17, mailer=esmtp, pri=12092012, relay=h1.service.netfrag.org. [], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent (h2NIavM03315 Message accepted for delivery)
+ Mar 23 19:37:16 quepasa sm-mta[4020]: h2MBfm7w002405: to=, delay=1+06:09:51, xdelay=00:00:08, mailer=esmtp, pri=12182012, relay=h1.service.netfrag.org. [], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent (h2NIb8i03354 Message accepted for delivery)
+ Mar 23 19:37:17 quepasa sm-mta[5174]: h2MBfm7v002405: to=, delay=1+06:11:15, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=12182016, relay=h1.service.netfrag.org. [], dsn=5.1.1, stat=User unknown
+ Mar 23 19:37:17 quepasa sm-mta[5174]: h2MBfm7v002405: h2NIVdml005174: return to sender: User unknown
+ #> mailq
+ [...]
+ MTA Queue status...
+ [...]
+ Total requests: 83
+ #> tail -f /var/log/syslog
+o connections to the cvs-daemon seem not to be recorded in syslog!?
+o write monitor for output of 'mailq'!!! (grep the numbers!)
+i found while reviewing Mails returned from the 'Mail Delivery Subsystem':
+ i example error-message response if (e.g.) 'recieveMail|dispatchmail' fails....
+ The original message was received at Tue, 18 Mar 2003 20:45:04 +0100
+ from []
+ ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
+ |~/bin/mail/recieveMail
+ (reason: 255)
+ (expanded from: jonen_mail)
+ ----- Transcript of session follows -----
+ syntax error at /etc/mail/smrsh/recieveMail line 125, near ") {"
+ Execution of /etc/mail/smrsh/recieveMail aborted due to compilation errors.
+ 554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 255
+ o scan for this! (global/default milter.filter? -> "syntax error in line xyz")
+ i another one:
+ The original message was received at Mon, 3 Mar 2003 16:51:28 +0100
+ from []
+ ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
+ |~/bin/mail/recieveMail
+ (reason: 2)
+ (expanded from: jonen_mail)
+ ----- Transcript of session follows -----
+ Can't locate Sys/Hostname.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl/5.6.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.6.1 /usr/share/perl/5.6.1 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/Audit.pm line 6.
+ BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/Audit.pm line 6.
+ Compilation failed in require at /etc/mail/smrsh/recieveMail line 57.
+ BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /etc/mail/smrsh/recieveMail line 57.
+ 554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 2
+ o scan for this! (global/default milter.filter? -> "module not found: "{modulename}" - try to install it? [Y/n] ")
+o dispatchmail-errors!!!
+ #> su joko_mail
+ #> cd ~
+ #> perl .dispatchmailrc
+ Scalar found where operator expected at .dispatchmailrc line 231, near "m/ilo\.de/i $self"
+ syntax error at .dispatchmailrc line 231, near "if $to "
+ Execution of .dispatchmailrc aborted due to compilation errors.
+ #> perl .dispatchmailrc
+ #>
+ means: {ok}
+o dispatchmail-errors!!!
+ #> su {anybody}
+ #> dispatchmail
+ Global symbol "$self" requires explicit package name at /data/libs/nfo/perl/libs/Mail/Audit/Dispatch.pm line 193.
+ Global symbol "$self" requires explicit package name at /data/libs/nfo/perl/libs/Mail/Audit/Dispatch.pm line 194.
+ Compilation failed in require at /usr/local/bin/dispatchmail line 37.
+ BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/bin/dispatchmail line 37.
+x added more verboseness to dispatchmail if rules-file has syntax-errors (hard to debug - sorry...)
+ #> su joko_mail
+ #> cd ~
+ #> echo test | mail -s test joko
+ #> tail -f Mail/.dispatchmail.log
+ ---------------------------------------- TRACE ----------
+ From: Mail Delivery Subsystem
+ To: postmaster
+ Subject: Postmaster notify: see transcript for details
+ ---------------------------------------- TRACE ----------
+ RULES: Loading from "/home/joko/virtual/joko_mail/.dispatchmailrc".
+ ERROR: ERROR: Delivery failed, '/home/joko/virtual/joko_mail/.dispatchmailrc' had syntax errors:
+ syntax error at (eval 6) line 1, near "/home/joko"
+ Forwarding delivery to next handler in queue (probably /var/spool/mail).
+ #> tail -f Mail/.dispatchmail.log
+ ---------------------------------------- TRACE ----------
+ From: joko_mail@netfrag.org
+ To: joko@quepasa.netfrag.org
+ Subject: test
+ ---------------------------------------- TRACE ----------
+ RULES: Loading from "/home/joko/virtual/joko_mail/.dispatchmailrc".
+ RULES: Running Perl sub "rules::dispatch".
+ ACCEPT: /home/joko/virtual/joko_mail/Mail/SORTED/me2myself
+i old code from /home/service/virtual/gateway/.dispatchmailrc
+ if ($to =~ /links-computing/) {
+ print "COPY", "\n";
+ #$self->copy('Newsgate', 'alt.test');
+ $self->copy('Newsgate', 'nfo.links.computing');
+ #my $prg = $0;
+ #my $prg = '/data/opt/dispatchmail/bin/dispatchmail';
+ #my $prg = '/etc/mail/smrsh/dispatchmail';
+ #my $pipeTo = $prg . ' --mode=mail2news --thread=alt.test --base=/home/collector';
+ #$self->report("PIPE: " . $pipeTo);
+ #$incoming->pipe($pipeTo);
+ }
+o monitor:
+ o /home/service/virtual/gateway/.mail-delivery_errors.log
+ o /home/service/joko_mail/.mail-delivery_errors.log
+ o /home/service/joko_mail/Mail/.mail-delivery.log
+i quepasa.netfrag.org
+ #> userdel newscollector
+ #> echo test | mail -s test test@netfrag.org
+ i further dispatchmail testing....
+ #> cd /data/opt/tools/dispatchmail/bin-tests
+ #> ./build_dispatch test
+ Can't locate object method "id" via package "Mail::Audit" at /data/libs/nfo/perl/libs/Mail/Audit/Dispatch.pm line 220, line 16.
+ #> ./build_dispatch test
+ Use of uninitialized value in scalar chomp at /data/libs/nfo/perl/libs/org/netfrag/shortcuts.pm line 73, line 16.
+ #> ./build_dispatch test
+ #>
+ means: {ok}
+i quepasa.netfrag.org - mail2news gateway test routine
+ #> echo test | mail -s test test
+ #> tail -f /var/log/syslog
+ Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa nnrpd[7784]: quepasa.netfrag.org connect
+ Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa nnrpd[7784]: quepasa.netfrag.org perl filtering enabled
+ Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa nnrpd[7784]: quepasa.netfrag.org user collector
+ Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa innd: localhost connected 15
+ Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa innd: localhost:15 closed seconds 0 accepted 1 refused 0 rejected 0
+ Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa nnrpd[7784]: quepasa.netfrag.org post ok <200303232202.h2NM2EZl007775@quepasa.netfrag.org>
+ Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa nnrpd[7784]: quepasa.netfrag.org exit articles 0 groups 0
+ Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa nnrpd[7784]: quepasa.netfrag.org posts received 1 rejected 0
+ Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa nnrpd[7784]: quepasa.netfrag.org times user 0.000 system 0.019 elapsed 0.182
+ Mar 23 23:02:18 quepasa sm-mta[7780]: h2NM2EQZ007776: to=|/data/opt/dispatchmail/bin/dispatchmail, ctladdr= (1014/1014), delay=00:00:04, xdelay=00:00:03, mailer=prog, pri=30682, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent
+o metadata for "News-Portal"??? ->MetaBox!
+i mail2news - without context
+ #> tail -f /var/log/syslog
+ Mar 23 23:07:40 quepasa nnrpd[7785]: pd9e77b87.dip.t-dialin.net group alt.test 4
+ Mar 23 23:08:15 quepasa innd: ME time 402022 idle 401938(12) artwrite 1(1) artlink 0(0) hiswrite 2(1) hissync 0(2) sitesend 2(1) artctrl 0(0) artcncl 0(0) hishave 1(1)
+x enhanced dispatchmail:
+ - renamed log- and errorlog-files
+ - header-field 'Message-ID' now included when tracing ( important, of course... ;-) )
+ - example: (e.g. #> echo test | mail -s test test@netfrag.org )
+ 2003-03-23 23:11:22 - /etc/mail/smrsh/dispatchmail running for user ''.
+ ---------------------------------------- TRACE ----------
+ From: "Andreas Motl"
+ To:
+ Subject: test@netfrag.org
+ Message-ID: <026701c2f189$6bf13a60$630aa8c0@grasshopper>
+ ---------------------------------------- TRACE ----------
+ RULES: Loading from "/data/home/service/virtual/gateway/.dispatchmailrc".
+ RULES: Running Perl sub "rules::dispatch".
+o make this possible
+ x not: RULES: Running Perl sub "rules::dispatch". .... [done]
+ o but: RULES: Loading from LDAP(address|query)
+ o but: RULES: Loading from XML|RDBMS(address|query)
+i search::Abadan
+i some html-meta-tags: (copied from http://www.fas.org/index.html)
+m http://www.un.org/Pubs/chronicle/2000/issue2/0200p29p.htm
+ http://www.unites.org/
+ http://www.un.org/esa/coordination/ecosoc/itforum/
+ http://www.unv.org/
+o search::Success Stories in the Developing World
+m http://www.ibsys.com
+ #> whois ibsys.com
+ #> whois kfoxtv.com
+ #> whois cox.com
+m http://web.archive.org/web/20020213120001/http://www.fbi.gov/fbinbrief/hallhonor/foxhaber.htm
+i search::Halliburton
+i from: http://www.spaceimaging.com/newsroom/select_2002.htm
+ [...]
+ Dec. 15, 2002
+ New York Times, Week in Review (Sunday), page 6, column 1C, “The World Three Targets; Three Strategies,”
+ IKONOS image of Yongbyon, North Korea and Bushehr Reactor, Iran (photo/caption)
+ [...]
+i from: http://www.spaceimaging.com/newsroom/select_2001.htm
+ [...]
+ December 19, 2001
+ Asia Africa Intelligence Wire (Turkish Daily News), “Press Scanner: We are Monitoring Iran from Where We Stand,”
+ quote from Hurriyet regarding SI Eurasia’s grand opening ceremony (brief)
+ [...]
+l american military and associated/related links
+ http://dodimagery.afis.osd.mil/
+ http://afishp6.afis.osd.mil/dodimagery/davis/
+ http://dodimagery.afis.osd.mil/dodimagery/davis/
+ http://jccc.afis.osd.mil/images/images.pl
+ http://jccc.afis.osd.mil/images/images.pl?Lbox=defenselink._Highlights_&cc=3&ban=2
+ http://jccc.afis.osd.mil/images/images.pl?Lbox=defenselink._Highlights_&view_cap=1&ban=2&cc=3&lbc=3&tc=12&dir=&vn=&ref=http://dodimagery.afis.osd.mil/dodimagery/
+ http://jccc.afis.osd.mil/images/sres.pl?Lbox_cap=761755&dir=Photo&vn=&ttl=030318-A-6132L-001&ref=http://dodimagery.afis.osd.mil/dodimagery/
+ http://jccc.afis.osd.mil/
+ http://jccc.afis.osd.mil/LBOX/micro/
+ http://www.redstone.army.mil/
+ https://ams9.redstone.army.mil:7443/pls/adpw/adpw_home
+ https://ams9.redstone.army.mil:7443/pls/adpw/adpw_show_docs?p_cat_id=9
+? WebTWAIN? is there something like that???
+o look (again) at mysqldiff.pl [C:\Programme\Perl\bin\mysqldiff.pl]
+ are there updates (newer releases) available?
+o look at nlcvt: [C:\Programme\Perl\bin\nlcvt.pl]
+ #!/usr/bin/perl -w
+ # nlcvt - convert newline notations
+ # Tom Christiansen, 9 March 1999
+o look at paste: [C:\Programme\Perl\bin\paste]
+ =head1 NAME
+ paste - merge corresponding or subsequent lines of files
+ =head1 SYNOPSIS
+ paste [-s] [-d list] file...
+ Paste combines the corresponding lines of multiple files. Each line of each
+ file is printed seperated by tab (or by the characters listed in the -d
+ option).
+o look at morse: [C:\Programme\Perl\bin\morse]
+i investigate: "why some articles don't get posted?"
+ Subject: Returned mail: see transcript for details
+ Attachments: ATT01025.dat, Parallel Atlas 38°N.url
+ The original message was received at Tue, 25 Mar 2003 17:05:24 +0100
+ from pD9E7799B.dip.t-dialin.net []
+ ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
+ |/data/opt/dispatchmail/bin/dispatchmail
+ (reason: 255)
+ (expanded from: )
+ ----- Transcript of session follows -----
+ could not build news-article! at /data/libs/nfo/perl/libs/Mail/Audit/Dispatch/Newsgate.pm line 62.
+ to: "links-misc"
+ 554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 255
+i h1.service.netfrag.org
+ Mar 25 21:17:05 h1 kernel: BLOCKED TCP PACKET: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:10:dc:14:7d:0a:00:02:85:04:e0:00:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=109 ID=63455 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=4754 DPT=445 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
+ Mar 25 21:17:07 h1 kernel: BLOCKED TCP PACKET: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:10:dc:14:7d:0a:00:02:85:04:e0:00:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=109 ID=63601 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=4730 DPT=445 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
+ Mar 25 21:17:07 h1 kernel: BLOCKED TCP PACKET: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:10:dc:14:7d:0a:00:02:85:04:e0:00:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=109 ID=63615 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=4738 DPT=445 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
+ Mar 25 21:17:07 h1 kernel: BLOCKED TCP PACKET: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:10:dc:14:7d:0a:00:02:85:04:e0:00:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=109 ID=63639 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=4751 DPT=445 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
+ Mar 25 21:17:13 h1 kernel: BLOCKED TCP PACKET: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:10:dc:14:7d:0a:00:02:85:04:e0:00:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=109 ID=64072 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=4730 DPT=445 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
+ Mar 25 21:17:13 h1 kernel: BLOCKED TCP PACKET: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:10:dc:14:7d:0a:00:02:85:04:e0:00:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=109 ID=64089 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=4738 DPT=445 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
+ Mar 25 21:17:13 h1 kernel: BLOCKED TCP PACKET: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:10:dc:14:7d:0a:00:02:85:04:e0:00:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=109 ID=64127 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=4751 DPT=445 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
+ Mar 25 21:17:13 h1 kernel: BLOCKED TCP PACKET: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:10:dc:14:7d:0a:00:02:85:04:e0:00:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=109 ID=64132 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=4754 DPT=445 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
+i h1.service.netfrag.org
+ netsaint not running!
+ #> /etc/init.d/netsaintd start
+ #> tail -f /var/log/messages
+ Mar 25 21:26:58 h1 netsaint: NetSaint 0.0.6 starting... (PID=3814)
+ Mar 25 21:26:58 h1 netsaint: Error: Contactgroup 'vortex' member list is NULL - Line 94
+ Mar 25 21:26:58 h1 netsaint: Error in host configuration file '/usr/local/netsaint/etc/hosts.cfg' - Line 94 (Could not add contactgroup definition)
+ Mar 25 21:26:58 h1 netsaint: Bailing out due to one or more errors encountered in the configuration files... (PID=3814)
+ #> pico /usr/local/netsaint/etc/hosts.cfg
+ #> CTRL + W [search] ->vortex
+ --- snip ---
+ contactgroup[vortex]=vortex;
+ --- snip ---
+ prepend line with '#'!
+ #> /etc/init.d/netsaintd start
+ #> tail -f /var/log/messages
+ Mar 25 21:29:27 h1 netsaint: NetSaint 0.0.6 starting... (PID=3852)
+ Mar 25 21:29:27 h1 netsaint: Warning: Host 'vortex' has no services associated with it!
+ Mar 25 21:29:27 h1 netsaint: Finished daemonizing... (New PID=3853)
+ Mar 25 21:29:27 h1 netsaint: Entering active mode...
+ o let 'monit' monitor 'netsaintd'!!!
+o replace mysql-max through normal mysql-daemon on h1! (hopefully does result in a smaller memory-footprint)
+o migrate sorceress.deranger.org to one more uml-host? will it work....?
+ o more processor power required!
+o migrate domains from moon1-4 to elessar.f7x.net: ask n0ck, flo and jjj...
+i grasshopper.netfrag.org: set PATH=c:\Programme\Perl\bin;%PATH%
+i h1.service.netfrag.org
+ #> rpm -i ftp://rpmfind.net/linux/contrib/libc6/i386/nano-1.2.0-1.i386.rpm
+ #> mysql -p{protected}
+ #> use netsaint;
+ #> update service set notification_group='super_admins' where notification_group='linux-admins';
+ #> update service set check_interval=15 where check_interval=5;
+ #> update service set check_interval=5 where check_interval=3;
+ #> update service set check_interval=3 where check_interval=2;
+ #> update service set check_interval=2 where check_command='check_ping';
+ #> update service set notification_interval=240 where notification_interval=120;
+m some links...
+ http://docs.indymedia.org/view/Main/WebHome
+ http://lists.insecure.org/lists/politech/2002/Apr/0115.html
+ http://lists.indymedia.org/mailman/public/confluence/2002-December.txt {???}
+ http://www.getunderground.com/underground/links/index.cfm
+ http://www.xs4all.nl/~wesphoto/
+m search::[bermuda triangle|dreieck]
+ neutral(german):
+ http://home.t-online.de/home/hans-peter.olschewski/bermuda.htm
+ neutral(american military):
+ http://www.history.navy.mil/faqs/faq8-1.htm
+ History of USS Cyclops:
+ http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/c/cyclops.htm
+ http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/c/cyclops-1.htm
+ various myths, mysteries and theories:
+ google::[The Spreading Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle]:
+ http://scientium.com/diagon_alley/commentary/editorial_concourse/mcnamara/bermyth.htm
+ http://web.archive.org/web/20020602081908/http://www.parascope.com/en/bermuda1.htm
+ http://unmuseum.mus.pa.us/triangle.htm
+ George X. Sands, in a report in Fate magazine
+ http://www.ocean.fsu.edu/~www/Courses/sp00H1001/mdickler/crazypaper.html
+ http://web.archive.org/web/20001005055051/http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/warminster/167/theori.html
+ Some more links....
+ http://www.the-bermuda-triangle.com/
+ http://www.bermuda-triangle.org/.
+ http://www.bermuda-triangle.org/Theories/Electromagnetism/Those_Who_Lived_to_Tell/Rare_Form/rare_form.html
+ conspiracy(paranormality):
+ http://www.paranormality.com/bermuda_triangle.shtml
+ conspiracy(Schwarze Sonne, Neuschwabenland, unterirdische und überirdische Basen):
+ http://www.vho.org/D/Geheim2/26.html
+ theory([time, gravity, magnetism]):
+ http://www.bermuda-triangle.org/Theories/Time___Being/time___being.html
+ conspiracy(time travel):
+ mystery(time travel):
+ http://www.bermuda-triangle.org/Theories/Electromagnetism/Those_Who_Lived_to_Tell/Bruce_Gernon/bruce_gernon.html
+ physics(The Hutchison Effect - [tesla, electromagnetism, wavelengths, cold melting, Zero Point Energy]):
+ http://www.bermuda-triangle.org/Theories/Hutchison_Effect/The__Triangle__Machine_/the__triangle__machine_.html
+ http://hutchison.innoplaza.net/
+ http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Thinktank/8863/main.html
+ http://homepages.kcbbs.gen.nz/af/scienceb.htm
+ http://www.altenergy.org/index.html
+ http://www.padrak.com/ine/CCIAWARD2.html
+ http://www.padrak.com/ine/
+ http://www.geocities.com/your_neighbor_2000/
+ http://www.geocities.com/your_neighbor_2000/StarDrive.html
+ http://www.geocities.com/your_neighbor_2000/RAMBOdrv.bmp
+ Some more links... (some already missing)
+ http://www.osti.gov/gl99paper.html
+ http://www.doe.gov/bridge
+ http://www.etde.org./
+ http://bermuda-triangle.fateback.com/tri.html
+ http://bermuda-triangle.fateback.com/recentevent.html
+ http://www.bermuda-triangle.org/Theories/Electromagnetism/Worlds_Below__/Legend_of_the_Lost/Buache_Map/buache_map.html
+ http://www.bermuda-triangle.org/Theories/Electromagnetism/Worlds_Below__/Legend_of_the_Lost/Piri_Reis_Map/piri_reis_map.html
+ http://web.archive.org/web/19990427180527/icarus.cc.uic.edu/~jdrege1/toby/triangle/tri.html
+ http://unmuseum.mus.pa.us/triangle.htm
+ http://www.magna.com.au/~naghsh/bermuda.html
+ http://web.archive.org/web/20000713052432/http://www.parascope.com/en/bermuda1.htm
+ http://web.archive.org/web/19981202112339/www.parascope.com/matrix.htm
+ http://web.archive.org/web/19981203041749/www.parascope.com/mx/matrix02.htm
+ http://web.archive.org/web/19990424143642/parascope.com/mx/fedm.htm
+ http://www.unusualresearch.com/
+ Swindle(Erich von Däniken):
+ - Chariots of the Gods
+ - Gold of the Gods
+ - Der Spiegel, November 1973, "The Däniken Swindle."
+ Philadelphia Experiment and Roswell stuff:
+ http://web.archive.org/web/20010827080339/http://www.bermuda-triangle.org/Theories/Electromagnetism/Interest_From_Other_Worlds_/The_Philadelphia_Experiment/the_philadelphia_experiment.html
+ http://web.archive.org/web/20010625052238/www.bermuda-triangle.org/Theories/Electromagnetism/Interest_From_Other_Worlds_/The_Philadelphia_Experiment/The__Eye_Witness_/the__eye_witness_.html
+ http://www.bielek.com/corum.htm
+ http://www.unusualresearch.com/drreno/filadelf.htm
+ http://www.csonline.net/bpaddock/philadelf/
+ http://www.unusualresearch.com/read7times/read7times.htm
+ http://web.archive.org/web/20010624000645/www.fortunecity.com/roswell/
+ suddenly, the topic "Free Energy" reappears with "The Barkhausen Effect":
+ http://www.csonline.net/bpaddock/scalar/bark.htm
+ Heinrich Barkhausen, a German physicist, discovered in 1919 that a slow,
+ smooth increase of a magnetic field applied to a piece of ferromagnetic material,
+ such as iron, causes it to become magnetized, not continuously but in minute steps.
+ The sudden, discontinuous jumps in magnetization may be detected by a coil of wire
+ wound on the ferromagnetic material; the sudden transitions in the magnetic field of
+ the material produce pulses of current in the coil that, when amplified, produce a
+ series of clicks in a loudspeaker. These jumps are interpreted as discrete changes in
+ the size or rotation of ferromagnetic domains. Some microscopic clusters of similarly
+ oriented magnetic atoms aligned with the external magnetizing field increase in size
+ by a sudden aggregation of neighboring atomic magnets; and, especially as the
+ magnetizing field becomes relatively strong, other whole domains suddenly turn into
+ the direction of the external field." - ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA
+ Barkhausen Effect Battery:
+ Tesla Symposium at Colorado Springs:
+i #> whois clearchannel.com
+ Registrant:
+ Clear Channel Communications (DOM-102362)
+ 20880 Stone Oak Parkway San Antonio TX 78258 US
+ Domain Name: clearchannel.com
+ Registrar Name: Alldomains.com
+ Registrar Whois: whois.alldomains.com
+ Registrar Homepage: http://www.alldomains.com
+ Administrative Contact:
+ DNS Hostmaster (NIC-1359459) Clear Channel Communications
+ 20880 Stone Oak Parkway San Antonio TX 78258 US
+ dns@clearchannel.com +1.2102535000 Fax- +1.2102535013
+ Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
+ DNS Administrative Role Account (NIC-1359460) Clear Channel Communications
+ 20880 Stone Oak Parkway San Antonio TX 78258 US
+ dns@clearchannel.com +1.2102535000 Fax- +1.2102535013
+m http://www.gnu.org/directory/network/misc/cish.html
+ Cish - Configuration shell for Linux routers
+m http://www.kr.org/nm/
+ o search::Nonmonotonic Reasoning
+o search::OilEd
+m some links....
+ http://www.isi.edu/geoworlds/
+ http://www.isi.edu/ariadne/domain/edc/
+ http://www.fetch.com/
+mr http://www.isi.edu/geoworlds/geotopics/
+ http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/
+m human rights watch
+ http://www.hrw.org/press/2003/03/letter032003.htm
+ http://www.hrw.org/campaigns/iraq/
+m Web Watch and more....
+ http://www.sfbg.com/37/26/war_watch.html
+ http://electroniciraq.net/news/394.shtml
+ http://iraqpeaceteam.org/
+ http://electronicintifada.net/wire/
+ http://iraqpeaceteam.org/pages/diaries_oct_nov02.html
+ http://www.transnational.org/
+ http://www.foxbghsuit.com/jasw081800.htm
+ http://alberta.indymedia.org/features/media/
+ http://www.projectcensored.org/frontpagenews/oldnews.html
+ http://denver.craigslist.org/about/best/1742260.html
+ http://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/
+ http://oznik.com/web_masters.html
+ http://www.idf.il/newsite/english/main.stm
+ http://www.unitedforpeace.org
+m lookup::doctrine:
+ http://www.dict.org/bin/Dict?Form=Dict2&Database=*&Query=doctrine
+ interesting that this also links to 'ism's in general ( a topic i though about yesterday ) and - philosophy....
+ like otherwhere - everything is closer tied than assumed first....
+o activate monitoring of pop3 on elessar and imap-ssl on all hosts (quepasa, helo and elessar)!!!
+o twiki on elessar sits on default homepage and points to helonet.org stuff....
+ use "nothing public yet" - page!
+i new bombs of the u.s.:
+ moab:
+ http://www.opendemocracy.net/other_content/article-1075-worlddiary.jsp
+ http://layline.blogspot.com/
+ http://www.washtimes.com/upi-breaking/20030311-040832-2415r.htm
+ http://nugod.net/main/modules.php?name=Top
+ http://www.afsoc.af.mil/panews/conventional_bomb.htm
+ http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/2003-03-11-us-bomb-test_x.htm
+ jdam:
+ http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/smart/jdam.htm
+l http://www.afsoc.af.mil/nightflyer/
+ http://www.internationalsocialist.org/
+ http://www.apc.org/english/index.shtml
+ http://layline.blogspot.com/
+i http://www.levity.com/alchemy/latin/latintrans.html
+x modified WCron-Job for joko@grasshopper.netfrag.org
+ - was: joko/Scripts/shortcuts/cvs_commit_joko-doc.bat
+ - now done via rap!
+ #> c:\programme\perl\bin\perl C:\home\amo\develop\netfrag.org\nfo\perl\scripts\shortcuts\rap.pl cvs commit joko/doc
+ (running each 3600...)
+ - introduced 'nfo/hosts/grasshopper.netfrag.org/c/etc/rap.xml' at cvs.netfrag.org
+ #> rap.pl
+ info: Data::Rap: Using rapfile /etc/rap.xml.
+ info: Data::Rap: starting
+ info: Data::Rap: determining hostname: grasshopper
+ notice: Data::Rap: Reading target database from XML.
+ error: Data::Storage::Handler::XML: File not found: '/etc/rap.xml'.
+ critical: Data::Rap: XML metadata was empty.
+ #> c:
+ #> cvs -d :ext:joko@cvs.netfrag.org:/var/lib/cvs checkout -d c:\ nfo/hosts/grasshopper.netfrag.org/c
+ #> cvs -d :ext:joko@cvs.netfrag.org:/var/lib/cvs update -d c:\ nfo/hosts/grasshopper.netfrag.org/c
+ #> rap.pl
+ info: Data::Rap: Using rapfile C:\/etc/rap.xml.
+ info: Data::Rap: starting
+ info: Data::Rap: determining hostname: grasshopper
+ notice: Data::Rap: Reading target database from XML.
+ - rap.pl cvs commit joko/doc
+ Commits joko/doc to cvs.netfrag.org. [each 30 minutes, (created at 24.01.2003, 06:26:53 by WCron - now wrapped via rap)]
+o where is pcron???
+o php:
+ - use: $_REQUEST, $_SESSION
+ - implement: $_APPLICATION
+i Twingle: Wie janosch sagt: "Wieso ist denn da kein Link? Wir sind doch im Internet...!?"
+ [als er beim browsen auf bacula.org über tomsrtbt stolperte - wer weiss denn schon was tomsrtbt is?]
+ also:
+ o http://netfrag.org/twingle/http://bacula.org
+i wargames
+ It really *is* absurd:
+ The usa leads their tactical war against iraq and
+ my friends down here are playing strategical war
+ games on their computers.
+ Let's gear towards planning a better future without the tactical root of evil.
+ Let's try to apply the philosophy of the FSF to the Engineering- and Media- Industry.
+ Is there already an Open Engineering License? Is it required in fact?
+ The industry seems to be too slow to adapt new innovations....
+ This depends on the definition of "industry",
+ which i have to admit i'm not aware of - let's look it up:
+ m lookup::industry:
+ http://www.dict.org/bin/Dict?Form=Dict2&Database=*&Query=industry
+ From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) :
+ Industry \In"dus*try\, n.; pl. Industries. [L. industria, cf.
+ industrius diligent; of uncertain origin: cf. F. industrie.]
+ 1. Habitual diligence in any employment or pursuit, either
+ bodily or mental; steady attention to business; assiduity;
+ -- opposed to sloth and idleness; as, industry pays
+ debts, while idleness or despair will increase them.
+ We are more industrious than our forefathers,
+ because in the present times the funds destined for
+ the maintenance of industry are much greater in
+ proportion to those which are likely to be employed
+ in the maintenance of idleness, than they were two
+ or three centuries ago. --A. Smith.
+ 2. Any department or branch of art, occupation, or business;
+ especially, one which employs much labor and capital and
+ is a distinct branch of trade; as, the sugar industry; the
+ iron industry; the cotton industry.
+ 3. (Polit. Econ.) Human exertion of any kind employed for the
+ creation of value, and regarded by some as a species of
+ capital or wealth; labor.
+ Syn: Diligence; assiduity; perseverance; activity;
+ laboriousness; attention. See Diligence.
+ From WordNet (r) 1.7 :
+ industry
+ n 1: the people engaged in a particular kind of commercial
+ enterprise; "each industry has its own trade
+ publications"
+ 2: the organized action of making of goods and services for
+ sale; "American industry is making increased use of
+ computers to control production" [syn: manufacture]
+ 3: persevering determination to perform a task; "his diligence
+ won him quick promotions"; "frugality and industry are
+ still regarded as virtues" [syn: diligence, industriousness]
+ m lookup::diligent
+ http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE503.html
+ The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.
+ Appendix I
+ Indo-European Roots
+ ENTRY: ster-2
+ DEFINITION: Also ster-. To spread.
+ Derivatives include destroy, industry, straw, street, and stratagem.
+ I. Extended form *streu-. 1. strain2, from Old English stron, something gained, offspring, from Germanic suffixed form *streu-nam. 2. structure; construct, destroy, instruct, instrument, obstruct, substruction, from Latin struere, to pile up, construct. 3. Zero-grade form *stru-. industry, from Latin industrius, diligent, from Archaic Latin indostruus (endo-, within; see en). 4. bremsstrahlung, from Old High German strla, arrow, lightning bolt, from Germanic *strl.
+ II. O-grade extended form *strou-. 1. Suffixed form *strou-eyo-. a. strew, from Old English str(o)wian, to strew; b. streusel, from Old High German strouwen, strowwen, to sprinkle, strew. Both a and b from Germanic *strawjan. 2. Suffixed form *strow-o-. straw, from Old English straw, straw, from Germanic *strawam, “that which is scattered.”
+ III. O-grade extended form *stroi-. perestroika, from Old Russian stroj, order.
+ IV. Basic forms *ster-, *ster-. 1. Nasalized form *ster-n--. estray, stratus, stray, street; consternate, prostrate, substratum, from Latin sternere (past participle strtus from zero-grade *st-to-), to stretch, extend. 2. Suffixed form *ster-no-. sternum; sternocleidomastoid, from Greek sternon, breast, breastbone.
+ V. Zero-grade form *st-, *st-. 1. Suffixed form *st-to-. stratagem; stratocracy, from Greek stratos, multitude, army, expedition. 2. Suffixed form *st-to-. strath, from Old Irish srath, a wide river valley, from Celtic *s(t)rato-. 3. Suffixed extended form *st-m. stroma; stromatolite, from Greek strma, mattress, bed. (Pokorny 5. ster- 1029.)
+ http://www.bartleby.com/61/34/B0473400.html
+ The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.
+ bremsstrahlung
+ SYLLABICATION: brems·strah·lung
+ PRONUNCIATION: brmshträlng
+ NOUN: The electromagnetic radiation produced by a change in the velocity of an electrically charged subatomic particle, such as an electron, as when it collides with another object.
+ ETYMOLOGY: German : Bremse, brake (from Middle Low German premse, from pramen, to press) + Strahlung, radiation (from strahlen, to radiate, from Strahl, ray, from Middle High German strle, from Old High German strla, arrow, stripe; see ster-2 in Appendix I).
+ google::bremsstrahlung
+ http://rd11.web.cern.ch/RD11/rkb/PH14pp/node16.html
+ http://www.desy.de/pr-info/Roentgen-light/roentgenstrahlung/roentgenstrahlung8.html
+ Okay, this gave no further facts, but some nice history about word-stems...
+ Also, alles klar: "Industrie" kommt von "Streu" - hamma ja scho immer geahnt.... ;-)
+ A quarter of an hour later, janosch talked about the same idea he had:
+ To build a strategic game which includes the same fun-factor as (e.g.) starcraft or c&c
+ but aims to address economic and ecologic problems we have *now*.
+o look at FLTK, microwindows and nano-X!!!
+ CPAN: Perl's FLTK-interface: http://search.cpan.org/author/MKENNEDY/FLTK-0.52/FLTK.pm
+i h1.service.netfrag.org downed
+ Apr 1 02:08:50 h1 netsaint: SERVICE ALERT: martha;PING;WARNING;HARD;3;PING WARNING - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 263.85 ms
+ Apr 1 02:09:28 h1 sshd[19153]: fatal: Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer
+ Apr 1 02:10:00 h1 /USR/SBIN/CRON[19338]: (root) CMD (/home/service/bin/bw_acct/iptables-stats.pl > /dev/null)
+ Apr 1 02:12:28 h1 sshd[19789]: Connection closed by
+ Apr 1 02:12:37 h1 proftpd[19828]: h1.service.netfrag.org (h1.service.netfrag.org[]) - FTP session opened.
+ Apr 1 02:12:37 h1 proftpd[19828]: h1.service.netfrag.org (h1.service.netfrag.org[]) - FTP session closed.
+ Apr 1 02:15:00 h1 /USR/SBIN/CRON[20246]: (root) CMD (/home/service/bin/logcheck/logcheck.sh)
+ Apr 1 02:15:28 h1 sshd[20503]: Connection closed by
+ Apr 1 02:18:28 h1 sshd[20693]: Connection closed by
+ Apr 1 02:19:00 h1 /USR/SBIN/CRON[20732]: (root) CMD (/usr/sbin/sendmail -q)
+ Apr 1 02:20:00 h1 /USR/SBIN/CRON[20930]: (root) CMD (/home/service/bin/bw_acct/iptables-stats.pl > /dev/null)
+ Apr 1 02:21:28 h1 sshd[21336]: Connection closed by
+ Apr 1 02:24:28 h1 sshd[21514]: Connection closed by
+ Apr 1 02:27:28 h1 sshd[22087]: Connection closed by
+ Apr 1 02:27:37 h1 proftpd[22117]: h1.service.netfrag.org (h1.service.netfrag.org[]) - FTP session opened.
+ Apr 1 02:27:37 h1 proftpd[22117]: h1.service.netfrag.org (h1.service.netfrag.org[]) - FTP session closed.
+ Apr 1 09:37:15 h1 syslogd 1.4.1: restart.
+ Apr 1 09:37:20 h1 kernel: klogd 1.4.1, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
+ Apr 1 09:37:20 h1 kernel: Inspecting /boot/System.map-2.4.10-4GB
+ Apr 1 09:37:21 h1 kernel: Loaded 11713 symbols from /boot/System.map-2.4.10-4GB.
+ Apr 1 09:37:21 h1 kernel: Symbols match kernel version 2.4.10.
+ Apr 1 09:37:21 h1 kernel: Loaded 164 symbols from 15 modules.
+ Apr 1 09:37:21 h1 kernel: ip_tables: (c)2000 Netfilter core team
+ Apr 1 09:37:21 h1 kernel: ip_conntrack (4031 buckets, 32248 max)
+ Apr 1 09:37:21 h1 kernel: Universal TUN/TAP device driver 1.4 (C)1999-2001 Maxim Krasnyansky
+ Apr 1 09:37:21 h1 kernel: 8139too Fast Ethernet driver 0.9.18a
+ Apr 1 09:37:21 h1 kernel: PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 00:0f.0
+i send-mail -i webmaster@3js.de
+i quepasa.netfrag.org
+ #> apt-get install libapache-mod-dav
+ Reading Package Lists... Done
+ Building Dependency Tree... Done
+ The following NEW packages will be installed:
+ libapache-mod-dav
+ 0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 12 not upgraded.
+ Need to get 80.0kB of archives. After unpacking 262kB will be used.
+ Get:1 ftp://ftp.uni-erlangen.de stable/main libapache-mod-dav 1.0.3-3 [80.0kB]
+ Fetched 80.0kB in 1s (50.7kB/s)
+ Get:1 ftp://ftp.uni-erlangen.de stable/main libapache-mod-dav 1.0.3-3 [80.0kB]
+ Fetched 80.0kB in 1s (50.7kB/s)
+ Selecting previously deselected package libapache-mod-dav.
+ (Reading database ... 35711 files and directories currently installed.)
+ Unpacking libapache-mod-dav (from .../libapache-mod-dav_1.0.3-3_i386.deb) ...
+ Setting up libapache-mod-dav (1.0.3-3) ...
+ Finding DSO mods.............................................found.
+ # LoadModule vhost_alias_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_vhost_alias.so
+ # LoadModule env_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_env.so
+ [...]
+ LoadModule setenvif_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_setenvif.so
+ # LoadModule sys_auth_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_auth_sys.so
+ LoadModule dav_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/libdav.so
+ LoadModule perl_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_perl.so
+ # LoadModule put_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_put.so
+ LoadModule ssl_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_ssl.so
+ # LoadModule throttle_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_throttle.so
+ # LoadModule allowdev_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_allowdev.so
+ [...]
+ # LoadModule roaming_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_roaming.so
+ # LoadModule ldap_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_ldap.so
+ # LoadModule python_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_python.so
+ Pondering............................................. done.
+ Save these changes to the configuration files? [Y/n]
+ Rotated `/etc/apache/httpd.conf' at Tue Apr 1 20:41:04 CEST 2003.
+ Restart Apache now? [Y/n]
+ Stopping apache with apachectl ... done.
+ Waiting for apache to terminate ... done.
+ /usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd (pid 560) already running
+ Didn't / doesn't work since we are running the ssl-apache with this
+ special password-providing mechanism jonen known something about.
+ so:
+ #> /etc/init.d/apache restart
+ and (surprise!):
+ apt deconfigured php4 in apache making all the php-source-files downloadable ;( -> bad thing!!!
+i quepasa.netfrag.org
+ #> cd /data/libs/nfo
+ #> cvs -q update
+ [...]
+ cvs update: skipping directory perl/libs/OEF/Why
+ U perl/libs/Regexp/Group.pm
+ cvs update: perl/libs/misc/HashExt.pm is no longer in the repository
+ U perl/libs/org/netfrag/pkgTools.pm
+ RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nfo/perl/libs/org/netfrag/shortcuts.pm,v
+ retrieving revision 1.3
+ retrieving revision 1.4
+ Merging differences between 1.3 and 1.4 into shortcuts.pm
+ rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge
+ cvs update: conflicts found in perl/libs/org/netfrag/shortcuts.pm
+ C perl/libs/org/netfrag/shortcuts.pm
+ #> nano perl/libs/org/netfrag/shortcuts.pm
+ { search for (CTRL+W) '<<<<' }
+ #> mv perl/libs/org/netfrag/shortcuts.pm perl/libs/org/netfrag/shortcuts.pm.orig
+ #> cvs -q update
+ cvs update: cannot open directory /var/lib/cvs/nfo/perl/libs/Data/Code: No such file or directory
+ cvs update: skipping directory perl/libs/Data/Code
+ cvs update: cannot open directory /var/lib/cvs/nfo/perl/libs/Data/Compare: No such file or directory
+ cvs update: skipping directory perl/libs/Data/Compare
+ cvs update: cannot open directory /var/lib/cvs/nfo/perl/libs/Data/Identifier: No such file or directory
+ cvs update: skipping directory perl/libs/Data/Identifier
+ cvs update: cannot open directory /var/lib/cvs/nfo/perl/libs/Data/Transform: No such file or directory
+ cvs update: skipping directory perl/libs/Data/Transform
+ cvs update: cannot open directory /var/lib/cvs/nfo/perl/libs/OEF/Notes: No such file or directory
+ cvs update: skipping directory perl/libs/OEF/Notes
+ cvs update: cannot open directory /var/lib/cvs/nfo/perl/libs/OEF/Why: No such file or directory
+ cvs update: skipping directory perl/libs/OEF/Why
+ cvs update: warning: perl/libs/org/netfrag/shortcuts.pm was lost
+ U perl/libs/org/netfrag/shortcuts.pm
+ #> cd perl
+ #> cvs -q update -d
+ #> rm -r libs/Data/Code
+ #> rm -r libs/Data/Compare
+ #> rm -r libs/Data/Identifier
+ #> rm -r libs/Data/Transform
+ #> rm -r libs/OEF/Notes
+ #> rm -r libs/OEF/Why
+ #> cd /data/libs/nfo
+ #> cvs -q update -d php
+i Worte 2002
+ "Der Herr hat's gegeben,
+ der Herr hat's genommen."
+ [Leo Kirch, SPIEGEL 9/2002]
+m google::wolfowitz
+ http://www.defenselink.mil/bios/depsecdef_bio.html
+ http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Wolfowitz.html
+ http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/BirthplaceMaps/Places/Warsaw.html
+ http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Wald.html
+ http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Jan2003/t01232003_t0123cfr.html
+ http://www.n-tv.de/3095889.html
+err quepasa.netfrag.org: dispatchmail stops working (updated netfrag.org/cvs)
+ #> tail -f /var/lib/sendmail/dead.letter
+ #> cd /data/opt/tools/dispatchmail/bin-tests
+ #> ./build_dispatch /tmp
+ Undefined subroutine &Mail::Audit::Dispatch::a2f called at /data/libs/nfo/perl/libs/Mail/Audit/Dispatch.pm line 230, line 16.