--- joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-03.twingle 2003/03/11 23:25:49 1.51 +++ joko/doc/SampleTasks/joko_2003-03.twingle 2003/03/12 05:26:22 1.58 @@ -10,8 +10,29 @@ @sequence meta @document-history @cvs-info - $Id: joko_2003-03.twingle,v 1.51 2003/03/11 23:25:49 joko Exp $ + $Id: joko_2003-03.twingle,v 1.58 2003/03/12 05:26:22 joko Exp $ $Log: joko_2003-03.twingle,v $ + Revision 1.58 2003/03/12 05:26:22 joko + + AUTOCOMMIT: updated/added content + + Revision 1.57 2003/03/12 04:55:52 joko + + AUTOCOMMIT: updated/added content + + Revision 1.56 2003/03/12 04:26:09 joko + + AUTOCOMMIT: updated/added content + + Revision 1.55 2003/03/12 02:55:54 joko + + AUTOCOMMIT: updated/added content + + Revision 1.54 2003/03/12 01:55:58 joko + + AUTOCOMMIT: updated/added content + + Revision 1.53 2003/03/12 01:25:57 joko + + AUTOCOMMIT: updated/added content + + Revision 1.52 2003/03/11 23:55:58 joko + + AUTOCOMMIT: updated/added content + Revision 1.51 2003/03/11 23:25:49 joko + AUTOCOMMIT: updated/added content @@ -916,4 +937,42 @@ o rsync working: view from the server-side: 3968 ? R 0:40 rsync --server --sender -vulogDtprz . /home/service/backup/ - \ No newline at end of file +x finally: we have a backup-system! + - built on top of pdumpfs (ruby!), gets triggered by cron through shortcut-script 'backup' + - backs up: + x /home/* (except /home/service) + x /data/bin (approx. 9.2M) + x /data/libs (approx. 1.7M) + x /data/opt (approx. 27M) + o /data/var (approx. 104M) + o mysql-db + o news-spool + o /data/www (approx. 126M) + x /data/www/virtual/lashlarue (approx. 28M) + x /data/www/virtual/netfrag (approx. 68M) + x /data/www/virtual/wac (approx. 4M) + o productive backup should go to /var/pdumpfs (similar to /var/backup) instead of /home/service/virtual/pdumpfs!!! + o prevent recursive backups (what happens if the backup directory itself would be specified to backup???) + => #> crontab -e + adding line: 03 03 * * * bash /home/service/virtual/agent/backup_all + o limit size of files that are backuped without user-request!?! (2MB, 10MB, 100MB, 1G) + +o establish logfile-rotation with logrotate!!! + #> cd /data/www/virtual/lashlarue/log + #> gzip access_log + #> gzip error_log + +o more todos: + 1. clean more diskspace + How to find files larger than, hmm, let's say: 512MB? + use 'dus'! [Disk Usage Sorter] + http://marginalhacks.com/bin/dus + x now disk-usage-stats are prepared to be generated at service.netfrag.org (dus/fbf) + o /home/uml/skels aufräumen! + 2. draw more diagrams + 3. let 'monit' monitor our umls + together with heartbeat! + 4. make more backups + +o look in /var/log/syslog after crash! (other logfiles?) +