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restored version w/o patches from mailing-list
modified 'sub _fetch_object_state': included patch from Michael Lloyd: "Bogus objects returned on load" [2001-09-21] []
modified 'sub load': included patch from Charles Owens: "RFC: fixing Storage::load()" [2002-02-05] []
+ enhanced 'makeGuid': trying to use Data::UUID, else tries to fallback to Data::UUID::PurePerl, else croaks
+ fix: don't die when Data::UUID is not available
- removed debug dumper
+ added sub 'make_guid()' to generate a global unique identifer via Data::UUID + added usage of 'make_guid() at '_insert()' to save guid for each inserted object
+ inital checkin copied orginal here
*** empty log message ***
+ inital checkin copied orginal here
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