--- nfo/php/libs/com.newsblob.phphtmllib/doc/elementindex.html 2003/09/24 13:03:57 1.3 +++ nfo/php/libs/com.newsblob.phphtmllib/doc/elementindex.html 2004/05/06 16:23:44 1.4 @@ -1,13118 +1,15016 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - -

Full index


Package indexes

- -
- a - b - c - d - e - f - g - h - i - j - k - l - m - n - o - p - q - r - s - t - u - v - w - x - _ -
- - -
- $alternating_row_colors -
- -
Do we want to alternate the row colors? This helps to see each row easier.
- ABBRtag -
ABBRtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<ABBR> tag class
- ACCESStag -
<ACCESS> tag class
- AccountForm -
AccountForm in form1.php
This is the Class that handles the building of the Form itself. It creates the Form Elements inside the form_init_elements() method.
- ACRONYMtag -
<ACRONYM> tag class
- actionbar_cell -
DefaultGUIDatalist::actionbar_cell() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
this is the method that builds the contents for the middle actionbar td cell.
- action_button -
DefaultGUIDatalist::action_button() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function builds an action button that will modify the form action, to post to a different script to handle the data
- ActiveTab -
ActiveTab in ActiveTab.inc
This class is used for creating a tab panel of content where the tabs can be switched on the fly w/ JS, thereby eliminating a page turn to see the other tab's content.
- ActiveTab -
ActiveTab::ActiveTab() in ActiveTab.inc
This is the constructor for the ActiveTab object.
- ActiveTabCSS -
ActiveTabCSS in ActiveTab.inc
The CSSBuilder object for the ActiveTab widget
- add -
NavTable::add() in NavTable.inc
this function adds an entry to the navtable.
- add -
CSSContainer::add() in CSSContainer.inc
Only allow the adding of CSSBuilder
- add -
Container::add() in ContainerClass.inc
add content onto content stack
- add -
TRtag::add() in ALLTAGS.inc
add content onto content stack adds content to tag as a FIFO.
- add -
FooterNav::add() in FooterNav.inc
add an entry to the footer nav
- add -
TextCSSNav::add() in TextCSSNav.inc
this function adds a clickable link.
- add -
VerticalCSSNavTable::add() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
this function adds a clickable link.
- add -
HTMLPageClass::add() in HTMLPageClass.inc
This function adds content to the <body> area of the page.
- add -
OLtag::add() in ALLTAGS.inc
add content onto content stack adds content to tag as a FIFO.
- add -
XMLDocumentClass::add() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
we override this class to make sure we push all content inside the local _xml_obj tag
- add -
TextNav::add() in TextNav.inc
this function adds a clickable link.
- ADDRESStag -
<ADDRESS> tag class
- add_action -
FormContent::add_action() in FormContent.inc
This function adds a form submit button with the appropriate action.
- add_action_column -
DefaultGUIDatalist::add_action_column() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function adds an action column. This adds a column of either checkboxes or radio buttons.
- add_blank -
NavTable::add_blank() in NavTable.inc
This lets you add a blank line between 2 links
- add_blank -
TextNav::add_blank() in TextNav.inc
This lets you add a blank entry between 2 links
- add_blank -
TextCSSNav::add_blank() in TextCSSNav.inc
This lets you add a blank entry between 2 links
- add_cancel -
FormContent::add_cancel() in FormContent.inc
build a cancel button with a url to go to
- add_column -
DataListSource::add_column() in DataListSource.inc
Add a column of data to manage
- add_column_header -
- -
This function is used to set the column header text for each column
- add_css_link -
HTMLPageClass::add_css_link() in HTMLPageClass.inc
pushes a css external reference to the head area
- add_data_row -
CSVFILEDataListSource::add_data_row() in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
This function adds a row of data
- add_element -
FormContent::add_element() in FormContent.inc
This method is used to add a form element
- add_entry -
CSSBuilder::add_entry() in CSSBuilder.inc
This function adds a new class entry
- add_error -
FormContent::add_error() in FormContent.inc
This method is used to create a new error element during the call to form_action(). This enables us to do error handling during a transaction into a DB.
- add_form_block -
StandardFormContent::add_form_block() in StandardFormContent.inc
This function is used to add a block of form fields inside a table to this form.
- add_header_item -
- -
This function adds a header item to the column headers from a list of parameters.
- add_heading -
NavTable::add_heading() in NavTable.inc
This adds a new heading in the nav.
- add_head_content -
- -
this adds content to the head tag of the page
- add_head_css -
HTMLPageClass::add_head_css() in HTMLPageClass.inc
this function adds raw css to the <head> tag. It will automatically be wrapped in a <style type="text/css">
- add_head_js -
HTMLPageClass::add_head_js() in HTMLPageClass.inc
adds raw javascript to the head which will automatically get wrapped in a <script language="JavaScript"> tag.
- add_hidden_action -
- -
This function adds a submit button that can have any label. It just makes the _form_action a hidden field.
- add_hidden_element -
- -
This method is used to add a hidden form field
- add_image_action -
- -
This function adds an action as an image to submit the form.
- add_js_link -
HTMLPageClass::add_js_link() in HTMLPageClass.inc
This adds a link to an external Javascript file, which will get rendered in the head.
- add_line -
SVGXYLineGraph::add_line() in SVGXYLineGraph.inc
This enables you to add another line to the graph
- add_point -
SVGXYPlotGraph::add_point() in SVGXYPlotGraph.inc
This enables you to add another line to the graph
- add_reference -
HTMLPageClass::add_reference() in HTMLPageClass.inc
Adds the content reference to the <body> tag for later use.
- add_reference -
Container::add_reference() in ContainerClass.inc
Add content onto content stack so you can change the item later.
- add_reference -
OLtag::add_reference() in ALLTAGS.inc
push content onto content stack
- add_reference -
TRtag::add_reference() in ALLTAGS.inc
add content onto content stack
- add_reference -
XMLDocumentClass::add_reference() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
we override this class to make sure we push all content inside the local _xml_obj tag
- add_row -
InfoTable::add_row() in InfoTable.inc
This function is used to add a row to the table
- add_row -
TABLEtag::add_row() in ALLTAGS.inc
push 1 row (tr) of content.
- add_step -
FormWizard::add_step() in FormWizard.inc
This adds a step to the wizard
- add_tab -
ActiveTab::add_tab() in ActiveTab.inc
Add a tab
- add_text -
TextNav::add_text() in TextNav.inc
this adds a text item in the nav
- add_text -
TextCSSNav::add_text() in TextCSSNav.inc
this adds a text item in the nav
- add_text -
VerticalCSSNavTable::add_text() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
this adds a text item in the nav
- add_text -
NavTable::add_text() in NavTable.inc
this adds a text item in the nav
- add_xml_stylesheet_link -
- -
This function is used to add a new xml-stylesheet tag to the top portion of the document.
- add_x_values -
SVGXYGraph::add_x_values() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This function is used to add a new set of x values for the graph.
- add_y_values -
SVGXYGraph::add_y_values() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This function is used to add a new set of y values for the graph.
- adodbmysqllist -
adodbmysqllist in widget6.php
This is a subclass of the pear mysql list object.
- ADODBSQLDataListSource -
ADODBSQLDataListSource in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
This SQLDataListSource child class interacts with with the specific DB via the php ADODB DB abstraction objects.
- ADODBSQLDataListSource -
- -
The constructor is used to pass in the PEAR DB object that has already been created and connected to the db.
- advanced_search_disable -
- -
Disable the advanced search
- advanced_search_enable -
- -
Enable the advanced search
- advanced_search_where_clause -
- -
This function is responsible for building the portion of the where clause for doing an advanced search.
- allow_select_all -
DefaultGUIDatalist::allow_select_all() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
Sets the flag for rendering the select all checkbox
<altGlyphDef> SVG tag
<altGlyphItem> SVG tag
- ALTGLYGHsvgtag -
<altGlyph> SVG tag
- ANCHORtag -
<ANCHOR> tag class
<animateColor> SVG tag
<animateMotion> SVG tag
- ANIMATEsvgtag -
ANIMATEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<animate> SVG tag
- -
<animateTransform> SVG tag
- APPLETtag -
<APPLET> tag class
- AREAtag -
AREAtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<AREA> tag class
- ArrayDataListSource -
ArrayDataListSource in ArrayDataListSource.inc
This DataListSource child class gets the data from an external array
- ArrayDataListSource -
- -
The constructor.
- array_hasempty -
FormValidation::array_hasempty() in FormValidation.inc
This method checks to make sure an array doesn't have an empty element.
- array_to_xml_tree -
array_to_xml_tree() in xml_utils.inc
This function converts an array to an xml document.
- Asvgtag -
Asvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<a> SVG tag
- Atag -
Atag in ALLTAGS.inc
<A> tag class
- ALLTAGS.inc -
- ActiveTab.inc -
ActiveTab.inc in ActiveTab.inc
- ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc -
ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
- ArrayDataListSource.inc -
ArrayDataListSource.inc in ArrayDataListSource.inc
- -
- BASEtag -
BASEtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<BASE> tag class
- BaseWidget -
BaseWidget in BaseWidget.inc
this is the base widget class, that all widgets are based off of. It provides some basic members and methods
- BDOtag -
BDOtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<BDO> tag class
- BIGtag -
BIGtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<BIG> tag class
<BLOCKQUOTE> tag class
- BODYtag -
BODYtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<BODY> tag class
- body_content -
PageWidget::body_content() in PageWidget.inc
This function is meant to be overridden by the child class.
- body_content -
- -
This builds the main content for the page.
- BRtag -
BRtag in ALLTAGS.inc

tag class
- Btag -
Btag in ALLTAGS.inc
- build_base_url -
- -
This builds the base url used by the column headers as well as the page tool links.
- build_column_header -
- -
This function builds the object/text
- build_column_header -
- -
This function builds the object/text
- build_column_header -
- -
This function builds the object/text
- build_column_item -
- -
This is the basic function for letting us do a mapping between the column name in the header, to the value found in the DataListSource.
- build_column_item -
- -
This is the basic function for letting us do a mapping between the column name in the header, to the value found in the DB.
- build_column_url -
- -
This builds a url for a particular column header.
- build_confirm_table -
- -
This method allows the child to ovveride the default confirm data. By default the form_confirm() will show ALL FormElements. This is prolly not good in case of a form where a password exists.
- build_content -
- -
- build_copyright_header -
- -
render the copyright string
- build_doctype -
HTMLPageClass::build_doctype() in HTMLPageClass.inc
This function is used to build the DOCTYPE
- build_filelist -
ImageThumbnailWidget::build_filelist() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
build the list of images
- build_form_block -
StandardFormContent::build_form_block() in StandardFormContent.inc
this builds a fieldset and legend and adds the form table to it.
- build_groupby_clause -
- -
this builds the groupby clause of the query
- build_gui -
DefaultGUIDatalist::build_gui() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
Override the parent's method so we can wrap everything in a div to hold it all together when we change the alignment
- build_gui -
DataList::build_gui() in DataList.inc
This function is responsible for calling the child class's methods for building the GUI container.
- build_img_td -
- -
build the image seperator td
- build_img_td -
- -
build the image seperator td
- build_innertable -
- -
build all of the idividual nav elements.
- build_in_clause -
- -
This method is used to build the portion
- build_limit_clause -
- -
This function builds the limit clause portion of a DB query.
- build_limit_clause -
- -
This function builds the limit clause portion of a DB query.
- build_limit_clause -
PEARSQLDataListSource::build_limit_clause() in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
This function builds the limit clause portion of a DB query.
- build_limit_clause -
ADODBSQLDataListSource::build_limit_clause() in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
This function builds the limit clause portion of a DB query.
- build_link_td -
- -
build the link td.
- build_link_td -
ImageThumbnailWidget::build_link_td() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
build the link td.
- build_nav_td -
- -
build a td for the link.
- build_options -
ListAction::build_options() in ListAction.inc
Build any additional custom options such as checkboxes, radiobuttons for special options for the action.
- build_orderby_querystring -
- -
This builds a query string var for the orderby value.
- build_order_clause -
- -
This builds the db query ORDER BY clause used to sort the data from the DB.
- build_page_control -
ImageThumbnailWidget::build_page_control() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
- build_query -
SQLDataListSource::build_query() in SQLDataListSource.inc
build the entire DB query
- build_reverseorder_querystring -
- -
This builds a query string var for the reverseorder value.
- build_searchfield_querystring -
- -
This builds a query string var for the searchfield value.
- build_searchvalue_querystring -
- -
This builds a query string var for the searchfield value.
- build_search_clause -
- -
This method builds the where clause.
- build_spacergif_imgtag -
build_spacergif_imgtag() in misc_utils.inc
This builds an IMG tag object that is used to show a spacer image.
- build_spacer_td -
- -
build a spacer td.
- build_state_vars_query_string -
- -
this function is used to build a sub query string
- build_tabs -
ActiveTab::build_tabs() in ActiveTab.inc
- build_thumbnails -
ImageThumbnailWidget::build_thumbnails() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
this function builds a cache dir of thumbnails, so we don't have to render thumbnails every time we hit the thumbnails page.
- build_thumbnail_file -
- -
Builds a thumbnail version of a file, and writes it to disk.
- build_thumb_table -
ImageThumbnailWidget::build_thumb_table() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
function that will render the widget.
- build_tool_link -
- -
This function builds the 'tool' images that allow you to walk through the data list itself.
- build_where_clause -
- -
This builds the where clause for the query
- build_wrapper_table -
- -
builds the wrapper table
- BUTTONtag -
<BUTTON> tag class
- BaseWidget.inc -
BaseWidget.inc in BaseWidget.inc
- -
- can_validate -
FormProcessor::can_validate() in FormProcessor.inc
This method lets us turn on/off the ability to do validation for the form
- CAPTIONtag -
<CAPTION> tag class This element defines a table caption.
- CARDtag -
CARDtag in WMLTAGS.inc
<CARD> tag class
- CDATAtag -
A simple wrapper for standard XML
- CDATAtag -
CDATAtag::CDATAtag() in XMLTAGS.inc
- cdata_wrapper -
cdata_wrapper() in misc_utils.inc
This function is used to wrap
- CENTERtag -
<CENTER> tag class.
- child_add_row_cell -
- -
- child_add_row_cell -
- -
- child_add_row_cell -
- -
- child_add_row_cell -
- -
This method is supposed to be written by the child class to add the cell data to the current row in the UI
- child_build_column_header -
- -
This method is supposed to be written by the child class to build and add the column title to the UI
- child_build_column_header -
- -
- child_build_column_header -
- -
- child_build_column_header -
- -
- child_build_search_table -
- -
This function builds the search block that lives above the results
- child_build_search_table -
- -
This builds the table that holds the search capability.
- child_get_gui -
SimpleGUIDataList::child_get_gui() in SimpleGUIDataList.inc
- child_get_gui -
- -
This function is called after all of the data has been added to the UI object. It just returns the container that is the entire UI for the DataList
- child_get_gui -
DefaultGUIDatalist::child_get_gui() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
- child_get_gui -
ListAction::child_get_gui() in ListAction.inc
- CIRCLEsvgtag -
CIRCLEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<circle> SVG tag
- CITEtag -
CITEtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<CITE> tag class
- CLIPPATHsvgtag -
<clipPath> SVG tag
- cmp -
ArrayDataListSource::cmp() in ArrayDataListSource.inc
- cmp -
CSVFILEDataListSource::cmp() in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
- CODEtag -
CODEtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<COLGROUP> tag class
<color-profile> SVG tag
- COLtag -
COLtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<COL> tag class
- confirm_action -
- -
This method will get called after all validation has passed, and the confirmation has been accepted.
- confirm_action -
- -
This method will get called after all validation has passed, and the confirmation has been accepted.
- confirm_action -
- -
This method will get called after all validation has passed, and the confirmation has been accepted.
- confirm_action -
StandardFormContent::confirm_action() in StandardFormContent.inc
This method is responsible for handling the confirmation page's Confirm action.
- confirm_action -
- -
This method will get called after all validation has passed, and the confirmation has been accepted.
- Container -
Container::Container() in ContainerClass.inc
The constructor.
- container -
container() in misc_utils.inc
This function creates a new container widget and stuffs all the args into it.
- Container -
Container in ContainerClass.inc
This class is nothing more then a
- ContainerClass.inc -
ContainerClass.inc in ContainerClass.inc
- ContainerWidget -
ContainerWidget in ContainerWidget.inc
This is just to maintain compatibility with the 1.1.0 release of phphtmllib
- content_block -
- -
- content_block -
- -
- content_block -
- -
this function returns the contents of the right block. It is already wrapped in a TD
- count -
SQLDataListSource::count() in SQLDataListSource.inc
find the number of rows to be returned from a query from a table and where clause
- count -
ADODBSQLDataListSource::count() in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
find the number of rows to be returned from a query from a table and where clause
- count -
PGSQLDataListSource::count() in PGSQLDataListSource.inc
find the number of rows to be returned from a query from a table and where clause
- count -
PEARSQLDataListSource::count() in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
find the number of rows to be returned from a query from a table and where clause
- count_content -
Container::count_content() in ContainerClass.inc
counts the number of content objects
- create_element_name -
- -
This function creates element name used in the form based on the text label or any other parameters
- create_element_name -
- -
This function creates element name
- CSSBuilder -
CSSBuilder in CSSBuilder.inc
This class is a widget for constructing and rendering css. It exports API's for adding classes, ids and their attributes.
- CSSBuilder -
CSSBuilder::CSSBuilder() in CSSBuilder.inc
The CSSBuilder constructor
- CSSContainer -
CSSContainer in CSSContainer.inc
This class is a container for CSSBuilder objects. It is meant to make the theming of many CSSBuilder objects easy to manage.
- css_container.inc -
css_container.inc in css_container.inc
- CSVFILEDataListSource -
- -
The constructor.
- CSVFILEDataListSource -
CSVFILEDataListSource in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
This DataListSource child class gets the data from a CSV (comma seperated values) file on disk.
- csvfilelist -
csvfilelist in widget7.php
This class shows how to use the data coming
- CURSORsvgtag -
CURSORsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<cursor> SVG tag
- ContainerWidget.inc -
ContainerWidget.inc in ContainerWidget.inc
- CSSBuilder.inc -
CSSBuilder.inc in CSSBuilder.inc
- CSSContainer.inc -
CSSContainer.inc in CSSContainer.inc
- CSVFILEDataListSource.inc -
CSVFILEDataListSource.inc in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
- -
- $dtd -
XMLDocumentClass::$dtd in XMLDocumentClass.inc
Holds the url of dtd
- darkbluetheme.php -
darkbluetheme.php in darkbluetheme.php
- DataList -
DataList::DataList() in DataList.inc
The constructor
- DataList -
DataList in DataList.inc
This object is the base class that can be
- DataListSource -
DataListSource in DataListSource.inc
This is the base class for managing data for the DataList class. This abstracts away the underlying data layer from the DataList, so the data can come from multiple sources.
- DataListSource -
DataListSource::DataListSource() in DataListSource.inc
The constructor
- data_prefetch -
- -
This function is used to set up any
DB_HOSTNAME in db_defines.inc
************************ db_defines.inc
DB_NAME in db_defines.inc
DB_PASSWORD in db_defines.inc
DB_USERNAME in db_defines.inc
- ddd -
ddd() in wizard1.php
- DDtag -
DDtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<DD> tag class
DEBUG in example3.php
- DefaultGUIDatalist -
DefaultGUIDatalist in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This class is the Default phpHtmlLib GUI interface child of the DataList class. This child simply does the job of rendering the html/layout for a DataList.
- DefaultGUIDataListCSS -
DefaultGUIDataListCSS in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This class defines the css used by the FooterNav Object.
- defines.inc -
defines.inc in defines.inc
<definition-src> SVG tag
- DEFSsvgtag -
DEFSsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<defs> SVG tag
- DELtag -
DELtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<DEL> tag class
- DESCsvgtag -
DESCsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<desc> SVG tag
- DFNtag -
DFNtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<DFN> tag class
- DIVtag -
DIVtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<DIV> tag class
- div_build_spacergif_tag -
div_build_spacergif_tag() in divtag_utils.inc
Render a div w/ a spacer give as its content.
- div_font8 -
div_font8() in font_utils.inc
Build a DIVtag object with css class of .font8.
- div_font8bold -
div_font8bold() in font_utils.inc
Build a DIVtag object with css class of .font8bold.
- div_font10 -
div_font10() in font_utils.inc
Build a DIVtag object with css class of .font10.
- div_font10bold -
div_font10bold() in font_utils.inc
Build a DIVtag object with css class of .font10bold.
- div_font12 -
div_font12() in font_utils.inc
Build a DIVtag object with css class of .font12.
- div_font12bold -
div_font12bold() in font_utils.inc
Build a DIVtag object with css class of .font12bold.
- div_font14 -
div_font14() in font_utils.inc
Build a DIVtag object with css class of .font14.
- div_font14bold -
div_font14bold() in font_utils.inc
Build a DIVtag object with css class of .font14bold.
- DLtag -
DLtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<DL> tag class
- DOCTYPEtag -
<!DOCTYPE> tag class
- DOtag -
DOtag in WMLTAGS.inc
<DO> tag class
- do_action -
DataList::do_action() in DataList.inc
This method is called prior to get_data_source and user_setup() to allow you to do some generic action on data. By default this does nothing.
- do_prequery -
CSVFILEDataListSource::do_prequery() in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
The prequery. We use this to read the file
- do_prequery -
SQLDataListSource::do_prequery() in SQLDataListSource.inc
- do_prequery -
ArrayDataListSource::do_prequery() in ArrayDataListSource.inc
This is a method that should be defined by the child class to do any pre-query type of things.
- do_prequery -
DataListSource::do_prequery() in DataListSource.inc
This is a method that should be defined by the child class to do any pre-query type of things.
- do_query -
PGSQLDataListSource::do_query() in PGSQLDataListSource.inc
- do_query -
SQLDataListSource::do_query() in SQLDataListSource.inc
Do the query to the DB and pull in all of the records locally.
- do_query -
PEARSQLDataListSource::do_query() in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
This is the function that does the data fetching, and sorting if needed.
- do_query -
CSVFILEDataListSource::do_query() in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
This function does the query
- do_query -
DataListSource::do_query() in DataListSource.inc
This is the function that does the data fetching, and sorting if needed.
- do_query -
ArrayDataListSource::do_query() in ArrayDataListSource.inc
This function does the query
- do_query -
ADODBSQLDataListSource::do_query() in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
This is the function that does the data fetching, and sorting if needed.
- do_validation -
FormProcessor::do_validation() in FormProcessor.inc
This method walks the FormContent's visible elements
- DTtag -
DTtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<DT> tag class
- dump_http_header -
XMLDocumentClass::dump_http_header() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This function is used to output the http header for this document.
- db_defines.inc -
db_defines.inc in db_defines.inc
- divtag_utils.inc -
divtag_utils.inc in divtag_utils.inc
- DataListSource.inc -
DataListSource.inc in DataListSource.inc
- DataList.inc -
DataList.inc in DataList.inc
- DefaultGUIDataList.inc -
DefaultGUIDataList.inc in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
- -
- $error_array -
FormErrors::$error_array in FormErrors.inc
error array from the FormValidation class.
- element_form -
FormContent::element_form() in FormContent.inc
This method returns the actual form object that renders the form field.
- element_label -
FormContent::element_label() in FormContent.inc
This method returns the label object for a visible form element.
- ELLIPSEsvgtag -
ELLIPSEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<ellipse> SVG tag
- EMtag -
EMtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<EM> tag class
- enable_debug -
PageWidget::enable_debug() in PageWidget.inc
This sets the debug option for the HTMLPageClass
- example1.php -
example1.php in example1.php
- example2.php -
example2.php in example2.php
- example3.php -
example3.php in example3.php
- example4.php -
example4.php in example4.php
- example5.php -
example5.php in example5.php
- example6.php -
example6.php in example6.php
- example7.php -
example7.php in example7.php
- example8.php -
example8.php in example8.php
- example1.php -
example1.php in example1.php
- -
- form1.php -
form1.php in form1.php
- form2.php -
form2.php in form2.php
- FEBLENDsvgtag -
FEBLENDsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feBlend> SVG tag
- FEBoxElement -
FEBoxElement::FEBoxElement() in FEBoxElement.inc
The constructor
- FEBoxElement -
FEBoxElement in FEBoxElement.inc
This is the Box FormElement which builds a DIV with a width and a height. It is a base class for more complicated FormElements.
- FEButton -
FEButton::FEButton() in FEButton.inc
The constructor
- FEButton -
FEButton in FEButton.inc
This is the button FormElement which builds a input field of type="button". It has no validation method.
- FECheckBox -
FECheckBox::FECheckBox() in FECheckBox.inc
The constructor
- FECheckBox -
FECheckBox in FECheckBox.inc
This is the CheckBox FormElement which builds a input field of type="checkbox". It has no validation method.
- FECheckBoxList -
FECheckBoxList in FECheckBox.inc
This is the CheckBoxList FormElement which builds a list of checkboxes inside a scrollable DIV.
<feColorMatrix> SVG tag
- -
<feComponentTransfer> SVG tag
<feComposite> SVG tag
- FEConfirmActionButton -
- -
- FEConfirmActionButton -
FEConfirmActionButton in FEButton.inc
This builds a button that will do a JS popup question, asking for yes/no. if yes, it submits the form.
- FEConfirmPassword -
FEConfirmPassword in FEPassword.inc
This is the ConfirmPassword FormElement which builds a input field of type="password". It requires the caller to add a FEPassword object to this class to have something to compare during validation time.
<feConvolveMatrix> SVG tag
- FEDataList -
FEDataList::FEDataList() in FEDataList.inc
The constructor
- FEDataList -
FEDataList in FEDataList.inc
This is the DataList FormElement which builds a a complex FEBoxElement. It has no validation method.
- -
<feDiffuseLighting> SVG tag
- -
<feDisplacementMap> SVG tag
<feDistantLight> SVG tag
- FEDomainName -
FEDomainName in FEText.inc
This is the DomainName FormElement which builds a text input field.
- FEEmail -
FEEmail in FEText.inc
This is the Email FormElement which builds a text input field.
- FEEmailMany -
FEEmailMany in FEText.inc
This is the EmailMany FormElement which builds a text input field. This allows for multiple email addresses in 1 text input field seperated by commas.
- FEError -
FEError in misc.inc
This is a way of providing an Error to the FormProcessor.
- FEError -
FEError::FEError() in misc.inc
The constructor
- FEFile -
FEFile in FEFile.inc
This is the FileUpload FormElement which builds a input field of type="file".
- FEFLOODsvgtag -
FEFLOODsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feFlood> SVG tag
- FEFUNCAsvgtag -
FEFUNCAsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feFuncA> SVG tag
- FEFUNCBsvgtag -
FEFUNCBsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feFuncB> SVG tag
- FEFUNCGsvgtag -
FEFUNCGsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feFuncG> SVG tag
- FEFUNCRsvgtag -
FEFUNCRsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feFuncR> SVG tag
<feGaussianBlur> SVG tag
- FEHidden -
FEHidden in misc.inc
This is the Hidden FormElement which builds a input field of type="hidden". It has no validation method.
- FEHidden -
- -
- FEHostNameWithPort -
- -
The constructor
- FEHostNameWithPort -
FEHostNameWithPort in FEText.inc
This is the DomainName FormElement which builds a text input field. It also includes a port # It validates as is_domainname().
- FEIMAGEsvgtag -
FEIMAGEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feImage> SVG tag
- FEIPAddress -
FEIPAddress in FEText.inc
This is the Ip Address FormElement which builds a text input field.
- FEIPAddressWithPort -
FEIPAddressWithPort in FEText.inc
This is the Ip Address FormElement which builds a text input field.
- FEListBox -
FEListBox in FEListBox.inc
This is the ListBox FormElement which builds a select field with all of its options.
<feMergeNode> SVG tag
- FEMERGEsvgtag -
FEMERGEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feMerge> SVG tag
<feMorphology> SVG tag
- FEMultiListBox -
FEMultiListBox in FEListBox.inc
This is the MultiListBox FormElement which builds a select field with all of its options. It enables the ability to have multiple selections.
- FEName -
FEName in FEText.inc
This is the Name FormElement which builds a text input field, and validates against the is_name() method.
- FENumber -
FENumber in FENumbers.inc
This is the FormElement which builds a text input field that validates It validates as is_number().
- FENumberFloat -
FENumberFloat in FENumbers.inc
This is the float FormElement which builds a text input field.
- FENumberInRange -
FENumberInRange in FENumbers.inc
This is the Number Range FormElement which builds a text input field.
- FENumberInRange -
- -
The constructor
- FENumberPrice -
FENumberPrice in FENumbers.inc
This is the Price FormElement which builds a text input field.
- FEOFFSETsvgtag -
<feOffset> SVG svgtag
- FEPassword -
FEPassword in FEPassword.inc
This is the Password FormElement which builds a input field of type="password". It validates the data as is_password().
<fePointLight> SVG tag
- FERadioGroup -
FERadioGroup::FERadioGroup() in FERadioGroup.inc
The constructor
- FERadioGroup -
FERadioGroup in FERadioGroup.inc
This is the Radio Button Group FormElement which builds a List of Radio buttons that can be used in any style of layout.
- -
<feSpecularLighting> SVG tag
<feSpotLight> SVG tag
- FESubmitButton -
- -
The constructor
- FESubmitButton -
FESubmitButton in FEButton.inc
This is the SubmitButton FormElement which builds a input field of type="submit". It has no validation method.
- FEText -
FEText in FEText.inc
This is the Text FormElement which builds a text input field. It has no validation method.
- FEText -
FEText::FEText() in FEText.inc
The constructor
- FETextArea -
FETextArea::FETextArea() in FETextArea.inc
The constructor
- FETextArea -
FETextArea in FETextArea.inc
This is the TextArea FormElement which builds a textarea field. It has no validation method.
- FETILEsvgtag -
FETILEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feTile> SVG tag
<feTurbulence> SVG tag
- FEUrl -
FEUrl in FEText.inc
This is the URL FormElement which builds a text input field.
- FEUrlStrict -
FEUrlStrict in FEText.inc
This is the URLStrict FormElement which builds a text input field.
- FEYesNoListBox -
FEYesNoListBox in FEListBox.inc
Build a Yes/No Select box
- FEYesNoListBox -
- -
The Constructor
- FEYesNoRadioGroup -
- -
The constructor
- FEYesNoRadioGroup -
FEYesNoRadioGroup in FERadioGroup.inc
This is the Yes/No Radio Button Group FormElement.
<FIELDSET> tag class
- FILTERsvgtag -
FILTERsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<filter> SVG tag
- filter_column_string -
- -
This does some magic filtering on the data that we display in a column. This helps to prevent nast data that may have html tags in it.
<font-face-format> SVG tag
<font-face-name> SVG tag
<font-face-src> SVG tag
- FONTFACEsvgtag -
<font-face> SVG tag
<font-face-uri> SVG tag
- FONTsvgtag -
FONTsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<font> SVG tag
- FONTtag -
FONTtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<FONT> tag class
- FooterNav -
FooterNav in FooterNav.inc
Use this class to render footer navigation that is displayed at the bottom of a page.
- FooterNav -
FooterNav::FooterNav() in FooterNav.inc
Constructore for this class.
- FooterNavCSS -
FooterNavCSS in FooterNav.inc
This class defines the css used by the FooterNav Object.
- footer_block -
- -
This function is responsible for building the footer block for every page.
<foreignObject> SVG tag
- form -
AccountForm::form() in form1.php
This is the method that builds the layout of where the FormElements will live. You can lay it out any way you like.
- form -
StandardFormContent::form() in StandardFormContent.inc
this builds the main wrapper for the form fields and ads the Save and Cancel buttons
- form -
FormContent::form() in FormContent.inc
This method builds the html form.
- Form1Page -
Form1Page in wizard1.php
A simple Page Layout object child.
- Form2Page -
Form2Page in form2.php
A simple Page Layout object child.
- format_label -
SVGGraph::format_label() in SVGGraph.inc
This function will format the axis label
- FormContent -
FormContent::FormContent() in FormContent.inc
- FormContent -
FormContent in FormContent.inc
This class is used to build and render the form.
- FormElement -
FormElement in FormElement.inc
This is the base FormElement object. It can be single form field such as a text input field, or a complex object.
- FormElement -
FormElement::FormElement() in FormElement.inc
The constructor
- FormErrors -
FormErrors in FormErrors.inc
This file holds the error codes and error messages associated with those codes for English
- FormProcessor -
FormProcessor::FormProcessor() in FormProcessor.inc
The constructor for the FormProcessor
- FormProcessor -
FormProcessor in FormProcessor.inc
This is the main engine for the processing
- FORMtag -
FORMtag in ALLTAGS.inc
FORMtag <FORM> tag
- FormValidation -
FormValidation in FormValidation.inc
This is the base validation class that contains some basic FormElement validation methods.
- FormValidation -
FormValidation::FormValidation() in FormValidation.inc
The constructor used to set the form errors object used by this class to do error text lookups
- FormWizard -
FormWizard::FormWizard() in FormWizard.inc
The constructor
- FormWizard -
FormWizard in FormWizard.inc
This is the main engine for the processing
- form_action -
StandardFormContent::form_action() in StandardFormContent.inc
This method handles the form action.
- form_action -
FormContent::form_action() in FormContent.inc
This method handles the
FORM_ACTION in FormProcessor.inc
This file contains the FormProcessor class.
- form_action -
- -
This method is called ONLY after ALL validation has passed. This is the method that allows you to do something with the data, say insert/update records in the DB.
- form_active_checkbox -
form_active_checkbox() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type CHECKBOX with onClick javaScript selection
- form_active_radio -
form_active_radio() in form_utils.inc
build/render an set of radio buttons with onClick javaScript selection
- form_backend_validation -
- -
This method gets called after the FormElement data has passed the validation, and has been confirmed. This enables you to validate the data against some backend mechanism, say a DB.
- form_backend_validation -
- -
This method gets called after the FormElement data has passed the validation, and has been confirmed. This enables you to validate the data against some backend mechanism, say a DB.
- form_backend_validation -
- -
This method gets called after the FormElement data has passed the validation. This enables you to validate the data against some backend mechanism, say a DB.
- form_backend_validation -
- -
This method is called after the FormElements
- form_button -
form_button() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type button
- form_checkbox -
form_checkbox() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type CHECKBOX
- form_close -
form_close() in form_utils.inc
render a form close tag
FORM_CONFIRM in FormProcessor.inc
- form_confirm -
FormContent::form_confirm() in FormContent.inc
This function is used to show an intermediary confirmation page. Use this function to show a confirmation of the data that was submitted by the user.
- form_confirm -
StandardFormContent::form_confirm() in StandardFormContent.inc
This function is used to show an intermediary confirmation page. Use this function to show a confirmation of the data that was submitted by the user.
- form_content -
Step2::form_content() in _steps.inc
This method is called by the StandardFormContent object to allow you to build the 'blocks' of fields you want to display. Each form block will live inside a fieldset tag with the a title.
- form_content -
Step1::form_content() in _steps.inc
This method is called by the StandardFormContent object to allow you to build the 'blocks' of fields you want to display. Each form block will live inside a fieldset tag with the a title.
- form_content -
- -
This method is called by the StandardFormContent object to allow you to build the 'blocks' of fields you want to display. Each form block will live inside a fieldset tag with the a title.
- form_content -
Step3::form_content() in _steps.inc
This method is called by the StandardFormContent object to allow you to build the 'blocks' of fields you want to display. Each form block will live inside a fieldset tag with the a title.
- form_content -
StandardFormContent::form_content() in StandardFormContent.inc
Child class MUST override this to provide the form fields
- form_content_buttons -
- -
This function is used to build the standard buttons for a form.
- form_errors -
FormContent::form_errors() in FormContent.inc
This function is used to render the error table for the form. The error data comes from the FormProcessor or the FormValidation.
- form_file -
form_file() in form_utils.inc
build/render an html tag of file
- FormContent.inc -
FormContent.inc in FormContent.inc
- FormElement.inc -
FormElement.inc in FormElement.inc
- FormErrors.inc -
FormErrors.inc in FormErrors.inc
- FormProcessor.inc -
FormProcessor.inc in FormProcessor.inc
- FormValidation.inc -
FormValidation.inc in FormValidation.inc
- FormWizard.inc -
FormWizard.inc in FormWizard.inc
- FEBoxElement.inc -
FEBoxElement.inc in FEBoxElement.inc
- FEButton.inc -
FEButton.inc in FEButton.inc
- FECheckBox.inc -
FECheckBox.inc in FECheckBox.inc
- FEDataList.inc -
FEDataList.inc in FEDataList.inc
- FEFile.inc -
FEFile.inc in FEFile.inc
- FEListBox.inc -
FEListBox.inc in FEListBox.inc
- FENumbers.inc -
FENumbers.inc in FENumbers.inc
- FEPassword.inc -
FEPassword.inc in FEPassword.inc
- FERadioGroup.inc -
FERadioGroup.inc in FERadioGroup.inc
- FETextArea.inc -
FETextArea.inc in FETextArea.inc
- FEText.inc -
FEText.inc in FEText.inc
- form_hidden -
form_hidden() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type hidden
- form_image -
form_image() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type image
- form_init_data -
- -
This method is called only the first time the form page is hit.
- form_init_data -
- -
This method is called only the first time the form page is hit. This enables u to query a DB and pre populate the FormElement objects with data.
- form_init_data -
- -
This method is called only the first time the form page is hit.
- form_init_data -
- -
This method is called only the first time the form page is hit.
- form_init_data -
- -
This method is called only the first time the form page is hit.
- form_init_data -
- -
This method is called by the
- form_init_elements -
- -
This method is what is called to build the list of FormElements that will be used by this form.
- form_init_elements -
- -
This method gets called EVERY time the object is
- form_init_elements -
- -
This method gets called EVERY time the object is
- form_init_elements -
- -
This method gets called EVERY time the object is
- form_init_elements -
- -
This method gets called EVERY time the object is created. It is used to build all of the FormElement objects used in this Form.
- form_init_elements -
- -
This method gets called EVERY time the object is
- form_open -
form_open() in form_utils.inc
render an form open tag only.
- form_password -
form_password() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type password
- form_radio -
form_radio() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type radio
- form_select -
form_select() in form_utils.inc
Build a select tag with all of its option tags
- form_submit -
form_submit() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type submit
- form_success -
FormContent::form_success() in FormContent.inc
This method is called when the form_action() was successfull, and the form wants to render some kind of message
- form_text -
form_text() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type text
- form_textarea -
form_textarea() in form_utils.inc
build a textarea tag with name and attributes.
FORM_VISITED in FormProcessor.inc
- frameset -
PageWidget::frameset() in PageWidget.inc
This function is used to save
<FRAMESET> tag class
- FRAMEtag -
<FRAME> tag class
- font_utils.inc -
font_utils.inc in font_utils.inc
- form_utils.inc -
form_utils.inc in form_utils.inc
- frame_utils.inc -
frame_utils.inc in frame_utils.inc
- FooterNav.inc -
FooterNav.inc in FooterNav.inc
- -
- getdirlist -
ImageThumbnailWidget::getdirlist() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
- get_action -
FormProcessor::get_action() in FormProcessor.inc
This is used to get the action that was processed by the form
- get_action -
FormContent::get_action() in FormContent.inc
Get the current status of the action.
- get_align -
BaseWidget::get_align() in BaseWidget.inc
This gets the alignment value for the outer table
- get_attribute -
FormElement::get_attribute() in FormElement.inc
return a single attribute
- get_auto_error_display -
- -
This gets the current value of the flag that tells us to show form errors automatically or not.
- get_cancel_url -
- -
this returns the current cancel url
- get_cellpadding -
- -
This gets the current value of the cellpadding
- get_cellspacing -
- -
This gets the current value of the cellspacing
- get_count_column -
SQLDataListSource::get_count_column() in SQLDataListSource.inc
this returns the current count column
- get_css -
BaseWidget::get_css() in BaseWidget.inc
This function provides the mechanism to build and return the css needed by this widget
- get_current_page -
- -
This function returns the current page that the item list is on.
- get_data_index -
ArrayDataListSource::get_data_index() in ArrayDataListSource.inc
This function returns the data_index value and increments it
- get_data_index -
DataListSource::get_data_index() in DataListSource.inc
This function returns the data_index value and increments it
- get_data_source -
- -
This function is called automatically by the DataList constructor. It must be extended by the child class to actually set the DataListSource object.
- get_data_source -
- -
This function is called automatically by the DataList constructor. It must be extended by the child class to actually set the DataListSource object.
- get_data_source -
- -
- get_data_source -
- -
This function is called automatically by the DataList constructor. It must be extended by the child class to actually set the DataListSource object.
- get_db_tables -
SQLDataListSource::get_db_tables() in SQLDataListSource.inc
returns the table(s) used in the query
- get_db_values -
SQLDataListSource::get_db_values() in SQLDataListSource.inc
This function returns the values we need to search for in the sql query
- get_default_checked_items -
- -
This function returns the array of default checked items to be marked as checked in the checkbox action column
- get_default_css -
- -
This function returns the default css class used for NON error text.
- get_default_num_rows -
- -
This function gets the current default number of rows to display setting.
- get_doctype_source -
- -
This function returns the current DOCTYPE tag's source attribute
- get_element -
- -
This function builds and returns the form element object
- get_element -
FEText::get_element() in FEText.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
- get_element -
FERadioGroup::get_element() in FERadioGroup.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
- get_element -
FEPassword::get_element() in FEPassword.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
- get_element -
FEListBox::get_element() in FEListBox.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
- get_element -
- -
This function builds and returns the form element object
- get_element -
FETextArea::get_element() in FETextArea.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
- get_element -
FEFile::get_element() in FEFile.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
- get_element -
- -
This function builds and returns the form element object
- get_element -
FormElement::get_element() in FormElement.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
- get_element -
FECheckBox::get_element() in FECheckBox.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
- get_element -
FEButton::get_element() in FEButton.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
- get_element -
- -
- get_element -
FormContent::get_element() in FormContent.inc
This method returns the FormElement based on the label.
- get_element -
- -
This function builds and returns the form element object
- get_element_name -
- -
Returns the element name to be used in the form
- get_element_value -
- -
This method is used to get the value for a non hidden element
- get_encoding -
XMLDocumentClass::get_encoding() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This function gets the current encoding type
- get_errors -
FormElement::get_errors() in FormElement.inc
This returns the array of errors for this element
- get_error_array -
- -
This method returns an array of errors that happened in the form.
- get_error_array -
- -
This method returns an array of errors for all the errors.
- get_error_code -
FormValidation::get_error_code() in FormValidation.inc
This method returns the error code from the last validation error found.
- get_error_display_object -
- -
This method allows us to get access to the errors display object that is generated by the form content. This is the display object that is meant to be rendered directly.
- get_error_message -
- -
Returns the current error message if any
- get_error_message -
- -
This method returns the error message from the last validation error found.
- get_error_msg -
FormErrors::get_error_msg() in FormErrors.inc
This returns the appropriate error message based on the error #.
- get_file_info -
- -
This function will return this file's portion of the $_FILES array
- get_form_action -
- -
This function is used to get the form action
- get_form_action -
- -
This function is used to get the form action
- get_form_enctype -
- -
This function is used to get the form enctype value
- get_form_errors_width -
- -
This method returns the width of the form errors table.
- get_form_method -
- -
This function is used to get the form method
- get_form_method -
- -
This function is used to get the form method
- get_form_name -
- -
This function is used to get the form name
- get_form_name -
FormProcessor::get_form_name() in FormProcessor.inc
This function is used to get the form name
- get_form_render -
- -
Return the state of the form render
- get_form_target -
- -
This function is used to get the form target
- get_form_target -
- -
This function is used to get the form target
- get_global_prefix -
- -
returns the current variable prefix string being used.
- get_hidden_element_value -
- -
This method is used to get the value for a hidden element
- get_html_attributes -
- -
This function returns the attributes to be used for the <html> tag.
- get_http_content_type -
- -
This function returns the current value of the http header content type
- get_image_path -
- -
This function returns the path to the images used in this class
- get_indent_flag -
Container::get_indent_flag() in ContainerClass.inc
This flag gets the current value of the indent flag
- get_init_value -
- -
This returns the initial value of the element
- get_javascript -
- -
This function MUST be called AFTER ALL content has been added, in order for the js to work properly
- get_javascript -
- -
Function for returning the raw javascript that is required for this widget.
- get_label -
FormElement::get_label() in FormElement.inc
This function builds and returns a label object based on the label text and error conditions
- get_label -
- -
- get_label_text -
- -
This function will return the elements label text
- get_last_page -
- -
This calculates the last page # for this list of items
- get_limit -
DataListSource::get_limit() in DataListSource.inc
This function gets the current value of the limit value
- get_max_rows -
DataList::get_max_rows() in DataList.inc
This returns the Maximum # of rows to display when in expand mode
- get_next_data_row -
ADODBSQLDataListSource::get_next_data_row() in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
This function gets the next data row from the query()
- get_next_data_row -
- -
This function gets the next data row from the query()
- get_next_data_row -
PGSQLDataListSource::get_next_data_row() in PGSQLDataListSource.inc
This function gets the next data row from the query()
- get_next_data_row -
- -
This function gets the next data row from the query()
- get_next_data_row -
PEARSQLDataListSource::get_next_data_row() in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
This function gets the next data row from the query()
- get_next_data_row -
ArrayDataListSource::get_next_data_row() in ArrayDataListSource.inc
This function returns the next row of valid data.
- get_next_data_row -
CSVFILEDataListSource::get_next_data_row() in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
This function returns the next row of valid data.
- get_not_found_message -
- -
This function is used to get the message displayed when no data is found
- get_num_pages -
- -
This function returns the # of pages that are available for this list of items.
- get_offset -
DataListSource::get_offset() in DataListSource.inc
This function returns the value of the offset
- get_option -
SVGGraph::get_option() in SVGGraph.inc
This function retuns the value of 1 option
- get_options -
SVGGraph::get_options() in SVGGraph.inc
This returns the array of ALL of the options for this graph
- get_orderby -
DataListSource::get_orderby() in DataListSource.inc
This function returns the value of the orderby
- get_page_info -
- -
This function builds the string that describes the current page out of n pages the list is showing
- get_required_fields_text -
- -
This returns the required field text
- get_required_symbol -
- -
This function return the symbol used to denote a required field
- get_reverseorder -
- -
This function returns the value of the reverseorder
- get_root_attributes -
- -
This function is used to get the root xml tag's attributes
- get_root_name -
XMLDocumentClass::get_root_name() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This function gets the document name
- get_searchby -
DataListSource::get_searchby() in DataListSource.inc
This function returns the value of the searchby
- get_searchby_value -
- -
This function returns the value of the search value
- get_search_type -
DataListSource::get_search_type() in DataListSource.inc
this function returns the current search type for the DataList query
- get_simplesearch_modifier -
- -
This function returns the value of the search value
- get_simple_search_modifier -
- -
gets the value of the search modifier flag.
- get_subtitle -
VerticalCSSNavTable::get_subtitle() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
This function returns the current subtitle.
- get_supported_image_formats -
- -
This tests to see what type of gd lib image format this server supports.
- get_tag -
XMLTagClass::get_tag() in XMLTagClass.inc
This returns the tag declared for this class.
- get_tag_name -
XMLTagClass::get_tag_name() in XMLTagClass.inc
This method gets the name of the tag
- get_title -
BaseWidget::get_title() in BaseWidget.inc
Function for accessing the title of this widget
- get_title -
PageWidget::get_title() in PageWidget.inc
gets the current title of the page.
- get_title_text_align -
- -
this function lets gets the default css class for the title
- get_total_rows -
DataListSource::get_total_rows() in DataListSource.inc
This returns the total number of rows in our entire data set
- get_value -
FETextArea::get_value() in FETextArea.inc
This function will return the elements value
- get_value -
FEFile::get_value() in FEFile.inc
This function will return the elements value
- get_value -
FormElement::get_value() in FormElement.inc
This function will return the elements value
- get_value_text -
- -
This provides a method
- get_value_text -
- -
This provides a method
- get_value_text -
FERadioGroup::get_value_text() in FERadioGroup.inc
This provides a method
- get_value_text -
- -
This provides a method
- get_vertical_cellborder -
- -
this function lets gets the default css class for the title
- get_width -
BaseWidget::get_width() in BaseWidget.inc
Function for getting the current widget width setting.
- get_x_position -
- -
This function returns the pixel positions of a data point
- get_y_position -
- -
This function returns the pixel positions of a data point
- GLYPHREFsvgtag -
<glyphRef> SVG tag
- GLYPHsvgtag -
GLYPHsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<glyph> SVG tag
- GOtag -
GOtag in WMLTAGS.inc
<GO> tag class
- graph_data -
SVGXYLineGraph::graph_data() in SVGXYLineGraph.inc
This function does the work of building the graph itself
- graph_data -
SVGXYPlotGraph::graph_data() in SVGXYPlotGraph.inc
This function does the work of building the graph itself
- Gsvgtag -
Gsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<g> SVG tag
- gui_init -
SimpleGUIDataList::gui_init() in SimpleGUIDataList.inc
Initialize the gui layout
- gui_init -
ListAction::gui_init() in ListAction.inc
Initialize the gui layout
- gui_init -
DefaultGUIDatalist::gui_init() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
- gui_init -
DataList::gui_init() in DataList.inc
A subclass can override this function to setup the class variables after the constructor. The constructor automatically calls this function.
- -
- H1tag -
H1tag in ALLTAGS.inc
<H1> tag class
- H2tag -
H2tag in ALLTAGS.inc
<H2> tag class
- H3tag -
H3tag in ALLTAGS.inc
<H3> tag class
- H4tag -
H4tag in ALLTAGS.inc
<H4> tag class
- H5tag -
H5tag in ALLTAGS.inc
<H5> tag class
- H6tag -
H6tag in ALLTAGS.inc
<H6> tag class
- has_confirm -
FormContent::has_confirm() in FormContent.inc
This gets the value of the confirmation flag.
- has_error -
FormElement::has_error() in FormElement.inc
Returns the current error state
- has_errors -
FormProcessor::has_errors() in FormProcessor.inc
This returns the flag that tells us that the form has errors during processing
- header_block -
- -
This function is responsible for building the header block that lives at the top of every page.
- HEADtag -
HEADtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<HEAD> tag class
- head_content -
PageWidget::head_content() in PageWidget.inc
This function is used to build addition head content that isn't built by the HTMLPageClass parent class by default.
- head_javascript -
- -
This function is called to build any JavaScript that is needed in the <HEAD> portion of a document.
- hidden_background -
- -
Thie method is used to change the hidden tab's
- hidden_element_label -
- -
This method returns the label object for a visible form element.
- HKERNsvgtag -
HKERNsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<hkern> SVG tag
- HRtag -
HRtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<HR> tag class
- HTML -
HTML in defines.inc
- HTMLPageClass -
HTMLPageClass in HTMLPageClass.inc
class the constructs and renders an entire HTML/XHTML document.
- HTMLPageClass -
HTMLPageClass::HTMLPageClass() in HTMLPageClass.inc
Class Constructor
- HTMLRedirectPage -
HTMLRedirectPage::HTMLRedirectPage() in HTMLRedirectPage.inc
The constructor
- HTMLRedirectPage -
HTMLRedirectPage in HTMLRedirectPage.inc
This builds an entire HTML Page with the sole purpose of doing a redirect to another url.
- HTMLtag -
HTMLtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<HTML> tag class.
- HTMLTagClass -
HTMLTagClass in HTMLTagClass.inc
Base class for all HTML Tag classes.
- HTMLTagClass -
HTMLTagClass::HTMLTagClass() in HTMLTagClass.inc
Class Constructor
- HTMLTagClass.inc -
HTMLTagClass.inc in HTMLTagClass.inc
- html_a -
html_a() in html_utils.inc
build an href with content and attributes.
- html_abbr -
html_abbr() in html_utils.inc
build an <ABBR> tag with content.
- html_acronym -
html_acronym() in html_utils.inc
build an <ACRONYM> tag with content.
- html_address -
html_address() in html_utils.inc
build an <ADDRESS> tag with content.
- html_applet -
html_applet() in html_utils.inc
build an <APPLET> tag with content.
- html_area -
html_area() in html_utils.inc
build an <AREA> tag with content.
- html_b -
html_b() in html_utils.inc
build a bold
- html_base -
html_base() in html_utils.inc
build a <base> tag.
- html_bdo -
html_bdo() in html_utils.inc
build a <bdo> tag.
- html_big -
html_big() in html_utils.inc
build a <big> tag with content.
- html_blockquote -
html_blockquote() in html_utils.inc
build a <blockquote> tag with content.
- html_body -
html_body() in html_utils.inc
build a <body> tag with content.
- html_br -
html_br() in html_utils.inc
builds n # of
- html_button -
html_button() in html_utils.inc
build a <button> tag with content.
- html_caption -
html_caption() in html_utils.inc
build a <caption> tag with content.
- html_center -
html_center() in html_utils.inc
build a <center> tag with some content.
- html_cite -
html_cite() in html_utils.inc
build a <cite> tag with some content.
- html_code -
html_code() in html_utils.inc
build a
- html_col -
html_col() in html_utils.inc
build a <col> tag
- html_colgroup -
html_colgroup() in html_utils.inc
build a <colgroup> tag.
- html_comment -
html_comment() in html_utils.inc
render an html comment string
- html_dd -
html_dd() in html_utils.inc
build a <dd> tag with some content.
- html_del -
html_del() in html_utils.inc
build a <del> tag with some content.
- html_dfn -
html_dfn() in html_utils.inc
build a <dfn> tag with some content.
- html_div -
html_div() in divtag_utils.inc
build a new div tag with content
- html_div_center -
html_div_center() in divtag_utils.inc
build a new div tag with default attributes of "align=center"
- html_div_small -
html_div_small() in divtag_utils.inc
This builds the 1px font size DIVtag object, which can be used anywhere
- html_dl -
html_dl() in html_utils.inc
build a <dl> tag with some content.
- html_dt -
html_dt() in html_utils.inc
build a <dt> tag with some content.
- html_em -
html_em() in html_utils.inc
build a <em> tag with some content.
- html_fieldset -
html_fieldset() in html_utils.inc
build a <fieldset> tag with some content.
- html_form -
html_form() in form_utils.inc
render an form open tag only.
- html_frame -
html_frame() in frame_utils.inc
This function is used to build a FRAMEtag object with some common attributes already set.
- html_frameset -
html_frameset() in frame_utils.inc
This function is used to build a FRAMESETtag object with the most common attributes.
- html_h1 -
html_h1() in html_utils.inc
build an H1 tag object with content.
- html_h2 -
html_h2() in html_utils.inc
build an H2 tag object with content.
- html_h3 -
html_h3() in html_utils.inc
build an H3 tag object with content.
- html_h4 -
html_h4() in html_utils.inc
build an H4 tag object with content.
- html_h5 -
html_h5() in html_utils.inc
build an H5 tag object with content.
- html_h6 -
html_h6() in html_utils.inc
build an H6 tag object with content.
- html_head -
html_head() in html_utils.inc
build an <head> tag object with content.
- html_hr -
html_hr() in html_utils.inc
build an <hr> tag object.
- html_html -
html_html() in html_utils.inc
build an <html> tag object.
- html_i -
html_i() in html_utils.inc
build a
- html_iframe -
html_iframe() in html_utils.inc
build a <irame> tag with some content.
- html_img -
html_img() in html_utils.inc
Build an <img> tag.
- html_img_href -
html_img_href() in html_utils.inc
build an hlink for an image.
- html_input -
html_input() in html_utils.inc
This builds an <input> object NOTE: This wrapper automatically calls htmlspecialchars() on the value attribute's data.
- html_ins -
html_ins() in html_utils.inc
build a <ins> tag with some content.
- html_kbd -
html_kbd() in html_utils.inc
build a
- html_label -
html_label() in html_utils.inc
build a <label> tag with some content.
- html_legend -
html_legend() in html_utils.inc
build a <legend> tag with some content.
- html_li -
html_li() in html_utils.inc
build a <LI> tag with some content..
- html_link -
html_link() in html_utils.inc
build a <LINK> tag with some content..
- html_map -
html_map() in html_utils.inc
build a <map> tag with some content.
- html_meta -
html_meta() in html_utils.inc
build a <meta> tag..
- html_noframes -
html_noframes() in html_utils.inc
build a <noframes> tag with some content..
- html_noscript -
html_noscript() in html_utils.inc
build a <noscript> tag with some content..
- html_object -
html_object() in html_utils.inc
build a <object> tag with some content..
- html_ol -
html_ol() in html_utils.inc
build a
- html_optgroup -
html_optgroup() in html_utils.inc
build a <OPTGROUP> tag with some content..
- html_option -
html_option() in html_utils.inc
build a <OPTION> tag with some content..
- html_p -
html_p() in html_utils.inc
build a <p> tag.
- html_param -
html_param() in html_utils.inc
build a <param> tag.
- html_pre -
html_pre() in html_utils.inc
build a
- html_q -
html_q() in html_utils.inc
build a <q> tag with some content..
- html_samp -
html_samp() in html_utils.inc
build a
- html_script -
html_script() in html_utils.inc
build a <script> tag with some content..
- html_small -
html_small() in html_utils.inc
build a small <small> tag with content.
- html_span -
html_span() in html_utils.inc
build a bold <span> tag with content.
- html_strong -
html_strong() in html_utils.inc
build a <strong> tag with some content..
- html_style -
html_style() in html_utils.inc
build a <style> tag with some content.
- html_sub -
html_sub() in html_utils.inc
build a <sub> tag with some content..
- html_sup -
html_sup() in html_utils.inc
build a <sup> tag with some content..
- html_table -
html_table() in html_utils.inc
Build a TABLEtag object with some of the attributes set
- html_tbody -
html_tbody() in html_utils.inc
build a <tbody> tag with some content..
- html_td -
html_td() in html_utils.inc
build an td tag object with content.
- html_tfoot -
html_tfoot() in html_utils.inc
build a <tfoot> tag with content.
- html_th -
html_th() in html_utils.inc
build a <th>$header</th> tag.
- html_thead -
html_thead() in html_utils.inc
build a <thhead> tag.
- html_title -
html_title() in html_utils.inc
build a <title> tag with some content.
- html_tr -
html_tr() in html_utils.inc
build a <tr> tag and contents
- html_tt -
html_tt() in html_utils.inc
build a <tt> tag and contents
- html_u -
html_u() in html_utils.inc
build a <u> tag and contents
- html_ul -
html_ul() in html_utils.inc
build a
- html_var -
html_var() in html_utils.inc
build a
- html_xmp -
html_xmp() in html_utils.inc
build a <xmp> tag with some content..
- html_utils.inc -
html_utils.inc in html_utils.inc
- HTMLPageClass.inc -
HTMLPageClass.inc in HTMLPageClass.inc
- HTMLRedirectPage.inc -
HTMLRedirectPage.inc in HTMLRedirectPage.inc
- -
- $indent_flag -
CSSBuilder::$indent_flag in CSSBuilder.inc
Flag for pretty (indented) output
- IFRAMEtag -
<IFRAME> tag class
- IMAGEsvgtag -
IMAGEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<image> SVG tag
- ImageThumbnailWidget -
- -
Constructor for this class It just sets the width for the widget.
- ImageThumbnailWidget -
ImageThumbnailWidget in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
This widget creates a N by x visual table of thumbnails.
- ImageThumbnailWidgetCSS -
ImageThumbnailWidgetCSS in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
This class defines the css used by the FooterNav Object.
- IMGtag -
IMGtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<IMG> tag class
INDENT_LEFT_JUSTIFY in defines.inc
INDENT_NICE in defines.inc
Some defines to tell the class what style of indenting of the output the user wants.
- InfoTable -
InfoTable in InfoTable.inc
This is a widget class that can build and render data in a nicely formated table with a title, column headers and data
- InfoTable -
InfoTable::InfoTable() in InfoTable.inc
The constructor
- InfoTableCSS -
InfoTableCSS in InfoTable.inc
This class defines the css used by the FooterNav Object.
- INPUTtag -
INPUTtag <INPUT> tag
- INStag -
INStag in ALLTAGS.inc
<INS> tag class
- is_action_checked -
DefaultGUIDatalist::is_action_checked() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function is provided to give the child class the ability to precheck/select a particular column.
- is_action_enabled -
DefaultGUIDatalist::is_action_enabled() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function is provided to give the child class the ability to enable/disable a particular checkbox.
- is_action_successfull -
- -
This is used to test to see if the form action was processed succesfully.
- is_advanced_search_enabled -
- -
This returns the status of the advanced search flag.
- is_alphanum -
FormValidation::is_alphanum() in FormValidation.inc
This function checks if the given string contains alphabetical characters or numbers.
- is_alphanumstring -
- -
This method validates a string as containing only letters and numbers
- is_ccexp -
FormValidation::is_ccexp() in FormValidation.inc
This tests a string as a valid credit card expiration date.
- is_companyname -
FormValidation::is_companyname() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a string as a valid Company name.
- is_confirm_password -
- -
This makes sure that 2 password strings are exactly alike.
- is_countrycode -
FormValidation::is_countrycode() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a string as a valid "country code" which is a 2 alphanumerical character string
- is_date -
FormValidation::is_date() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a atring as a valid date format You can provide a seperator string that seperates the fields
- is_dateday -
FormValidation::is_dateday() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a string as a valid day of a month It has to be greater then 0 and less then 31
- is_datemonth -
FormValidation::is_datemonth() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a string as a valid month of the year between 1 and 12 inclusive is_datemonth - checks whether its a proper month
- is_datetime -
FormValidation::is_datetime() in FormValidation.inc
This validates an array of values as a valid date time
- is_dateyear -
FormValidation::is_dateyear() in FormValidation.inc
See if the year is within 1800 and 3000
- is_disabled -
FormElement::is_disabled() in FormElement.inc
Returns the elements disabled state
- is_domainname -
FormValidation::is_domainname() in FormValidation.inc
This method validates a string for a valid hostname for a machine.
- is_email -
FormValidation::is_email() in FormValidation.inc
This function validates a single email address.
- is_firstname -
FormValidation::is_firstname() in FormValidation.inc
This is just a wrapper for
- is_float -
FormValidation::is_float() in FormValidation.inc
This method validates a string as a valid float formatted number. x.xx
- is_higherzeronumber -
- -
This method validates a string as a number greater then 0.
- is_host -
FormValidation::is_host() in FormValidation.inc
no comment
- is_hostemail -
FormValidation::is_hostemail() in FormValidation.inc
This method tests a string as a valid hostname value or a valid email string
- is_hostip -
FormValidation::is_hostip() in FormValidation.inc
This method tries to validate a string as a valid IP address or a hostname
- is_hostlist -
FormValidation::is_hostlist() in FormValidation.inc
no comment
- is_hostname -
FormValidation::is_hostname() in FormValidation.inc
This is just a wrapper for is_domainname
- is_ip -
FormValidation::is_ip() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a string as an IP address This should work with either IPv4 or IPv6
- is_lastname -
FormValidation::is_lastname() in FormValidation.inc
This is just a wrapper for
- is_last_page -
ImageThumbnailWidget::is_last_page() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Is thie offset for the last page?
- is_leapyear -
FormValidation::is_leapyear() in FormValidation.inc
This method validates a string as a leap year.
- is_manyemails -
FormValidation::is_manyemails() in FormValidation.inc
This function tests a string that may contain many email addresses seperated by commas
- is_money -
FormValidation::is_money() in FormValidation.inc
This method tests a string to make sure it is in a valid money format.
- is_name -
FormValidation::is_name() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a string as a valid proper name.
- is_notempty -
FormValidation::is_notempty() in FormValidation.inc
This function makes sure the data is not empty
- is_num -
FormValidation::is_num() in FormValidation.inc
This function checks if the given string contains numerical digit characters.
- is_number -
FormValidation::is_number() in FormValidation.inc
This tests a string to make sure it is a valid number.
- is_partial_domainname -
- -
This method validates a string for a valid partial hostname for a machine.
- is_partial_ip -
FormValidation::is_partial_ip() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a string as a portion of an IP address.
- is_password -
FormValidation::is_password() in FormValidation.inc
This tries to validate a string as a password It can't be empty and has to be less then VALIDATE_MAXSIZE characters in length
- is_path -
FormValidation::is_path() in FormValidation.inc
This method validates a string as a path to a file.
- is_price -
FormValidation::is_price() in FormValidation.inc
This method tries to validate a string as a valid price. It can't be zero (a la free!)
- is_range -
FormValidation::is_range() in FormValidation.inc
- is_required -
FormElement::is_required() in FormElement.inc
Returns whether this elements final value cannot be empty
- is_search_enabled -
- -
get the status of the search ability.
- is_standalone_hostname -
- -
this method tests to see if this is a valid hostname value minus the domain name portion.
- is_strict_url -
FormValidation::is_strict_url() in FormValidation.inc
This method validates a strict url.
- is_time -
FormValidation::is_time() in FormValidation.inc
This validates an array of fields as a valid time of the day
- is_title -
FormValidation::is_title() in FormValidation.inc
Validate if the string is a good candidate to become an Title
- is_url -
FormValidation::is_url() in FormValidation.inc
This method validates a string as a valid url It inclues the prefix, hostname/ip, port number and path.
- is_urlpath -
FormValidation::is_urlpath() in FormValidation.inc
This method validates a string as a valid url path to a file
- is_username -
FormValidation::is_username() in FormValidation.inc
This method tests to see if a string value
- is_valid_domain -
FormValidation::is_valid_domain() in FormValidation.inc
Validate domain Will check if a domain is valid
- is_within_range -
FormValidation::is_within_range() in FormValidation.inc
This method makes sure a value lies within a given range of values.
- is_zero_onehundred -
- -
This validates a string as a valid number between 0 and 100
- is_zip -
FormValidation::is_zip() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a string as a valid zipcode
- Itag -
Itag in ALLTAGS.inc
- items_per_page -
ImageThumbnailWidget::items_per_page() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Calculate the # of items on a page.
- item_index -
ImageThumbnailWidget::item_index() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Calculate the item # for the offset.
- ImageThumbnailWidget.inc -
ImageThumbnailWidget.inc in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
- InfoTable.inc -
InfoTable.inc in InfoTable.inc
- -
- javascript -
FormContent::javascript() in FormContent.inc
This method lets you provide any javascript that is associated with the form content.
- javascript -
FormElement::javascript() in FormElement.inc
This method is used for adding any javascript that is used by this element. This will automatically get called and added to the page by the FormProcessor
- join_clauses -
SQLDataListSource::join_clauses() in SQLDataListSource.inc
- -
- KBDtag -
KBDtag in ALLTAGS.inc
- -
- local_includes.inc -
local_includes.inc in local_includes.inc
- LABELtag -
<LABEL> tag class
- LeftBlockPage -
LeftBlockPage in example4.php
- left_block -
- -
this function returns the contents of the left block. It is already wrapped in a TD
- left_block -
- -
this function returns the contents of the left block. It is already wrapped in a TD
- LEGENDtag -
<LEGEND> tag class
<linearGradient> SVG tag
- LINEsvgtag -
LINEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<line> SVG tag
- LINKtag -
LINKtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<LINK> tag class
- ListAction -
ListAction in ListAction.inc
A class for showing a list of items to preform an action on
- LItag -
LItag in ALLTAGS.inc
<LI> tag class
- ListAction.inc -
ListAction.inc in ListAction.inc
- -
- MyLayoutPage.inc -
MyLayoutPage.inc in MyLayoutPage.inc
- misc.inc -
misc.inc in misc.inc
- mailto -
mailto() in html_utils.inc
build a mailto url link .
- main_block -
- -
We override this method to automatically break up the main block into a left block and a right block
- MAPtag -
MAPtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<MAP> tag class
- MARKERsvgtag -
MARKERsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<maker> SVG tag
- MASKsvgtag -
MASKsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<mask> SVG tag
- METADATAsvgtag -
<metadata> SVG tag
- METAtag -
METAtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<META> tag class
<missing-glyph> SVG tag
- MPATHsvgtag -
MPATHsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<mpath> SVG tag
- MyLayoutPage -
- -
This is the constructor.
- MyLayoutPage -
MyLayoutPage in example3.php
This class is used to build content for an entire page. It uses the HTMLPageClass widget from phphtmllib to render the final output.
- MyWizard -
MyWizard in wizard1.php
This is the main engine for the processing
- misc_utils.inc -
misc_utils.inc in misc_utils.inc
- -
- NavTable -
NavTable in NavTable.inc
This builds a navigational table widget that has a title, any # of subtitles and then navigational links.
- NavTable -
NavTable::NavTable() in NavTable.inc
the constructor for this class.
- NavTableCSS -
NavTableCSS in NavTable.inc
This class defines the css used by the FooterNav Object.
- NOBRtag -
NOBRtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<NOBR> tag class
<NOFRAMES> tag class
- NOOPtag -
NOOPtag in WMLTAGS.inc
<NOOP> tag class
<NOSCRIPT> tag class
NOT_SEARCHABLE in DataList.inc
NOT_SORTABLE in DataList.inc
- numrows -
DataList::numrows() in DataList.inc
This function returns the number of rows that the query found.
- num_items_on_page -
ImageThumbnailWidget::num_items_on_page() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Calculate the # of items to on a particular page.
- num_pages -
ImageThumbnailWidget::num_pages() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Calculate the number of
- NavTable.inc -
NavTable.inc in NavTable.inc
- -
- OBJECTtag -
<OBJECT> tag class
- offset -
DataList::offset() in DataList.inc
This function returns the current value of the offset variable. This is an offset into the query return data set.
- offset -
ImageThumbnailWidget::offset() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Get the current value of the offset var
- OLtag -
OLtag in ALLTAGS.inc
- onBlur -
FormElement::onBlur() in FormElement.inc
This function return the javaScript code for an onBlur event
- onChange -
FormElement::onChange() in FormElement.inc
this function retuns the javaScript code for an onChange event
- onClick -
FormElement::onClick() in FormElement.inc
This function return the javaScript code for an onClick event
- onClick -
- -
This function return the javaScript code for an onSubmit event
- onClick -
FEButton::onClick() in FEButton.inc
This function return the javaScript code for an onClick event
- ONEVENTtag -
<ONEVENT> tag class
- onFocus -
FormElement::onFocus() in FormElement.inc
This function return the javaScript code for an onFocus event
- onSubmit -
FormElement::onSubmit() in FormElement.inc
This function return the javaScript code for an onSubmit event
<OPTGROUP> tag class
- OPTIONtag -
<OPTION> tag class
- orderby -
DataList::orderby() in DataList.inc
This function returns the value of the current orderby variable.
- -
- PageWidget -
PageWidget::PageWidget() in PageWidget.inc
- PageWidget -
PageWidget in PageWidget.inc
This class is used to build content for an entire page. It uses the HTMLPageClass widget from phphtmllib to render the final output.
- PARAMtag -
<PARAM> tag class
- password -
- -
use this function to add the FEPassword object that we want to confirm.
- PATHsvgtag -
PATHsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<path> SVG tag
- PATTERNsvgtag -
PATTERNsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<pattern> SVG tag
- pearmysqllist -
pearmysqllist in widget6.php
This is an example that shows how to use a PEAR db object as the source for the data to show.
- PEARSQLDataListSource -
- -
The constructor is used to pass in the PEAR DB object that has already been created and connected to the db.
- PEARSQLDataListSource -
PEARSQLDataListSource in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
This SQLDataListSource child class interacts with with the specific DB via the php PEAR DB abstraction objects.
- PGSQLDataListSource -
- -
The constructor is used to pass in the postgres connection reference
- PGSQLDataListSource -
PGSQLDataListSource in PGSQLDataListSource.inc
This SQLDataListSource child class interacts with
- phphtmllib_get_version -
- -
get the current version of the phphtmllib libraries.
This is the version of the libs
- POLYGONsvgtag -
POLYGONsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<polygon> SVG tag
- POLYLINEsvgtag -
<polyline> SVG tag
<POSTFIELD> tag class
- prequery_row_filter -
- -
This is used to perform pre-query filtering Gives us a chance to run the next row through a filter before any processing has been done
- PREtag -
PREtag in ALLTAGS.inc
- PREVtag -
PREVtag in WMLTAGS.inc
<PREV> tag class
- pre_confirm -
FormContent::pre_confirm() in FormContent.inc
This method allows this class to do any data munging prior to the form_confirm method being called @ render time.
- Ptag -
Ptag in ALLTAGS.inc
<P> tag class
- push -
TextCSSNav::push() in TextCSSNav.inc
depricated version of add()
- push -
ImageThumbnailWidget::push() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
- push -
TextNav::push() in TextNav.inc
depricated version of add()
- push -
TreeNav::push() in TreeNav.inc
- push -
XMLDocumentClass::push() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
Same as add().
- push -
TRtag::push() in ALLTAGS.inc
Same ass add()
- push -
Container::push() in ContainerClass.inc
Same as add().
- push -
HTMLPageClass::push() in HTMLPageClass.inc
Same as add()
- push -
FooterNav::push() in FooterNav.inc
add an entry to the footer nav.
- push -
NavTable::push() in NavTable.inc
depricated version of add()
- push_args -
push_args() in misc_utils.inc
This function pushes an array of keys into an HTMLTagObject
- push_blank -
TextNav::push_blank() in TextNav.inc
depricated version of add_blank()
- push_blank -
ImageThumbnailWidget::push_blank() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
- push_blank -
TextCSSNav::push_blank() in TextCSSNav.inc
depricated version of add_blank()
- push_blank -
TreeNav::push_blank() in TreeNav.inc
- push_blank -
NavTable::push_blank() in NavTable.inc
depricated version of add_blank()
- push_css_link -
HTMLPageClass::push_css_link() in HTMLPageClass.inc
Same ass add_css_link()
- push_heading -
NavTable::push_heading() in NavTable.inc
depricated version of add_heading()
- push_head_content -
- -
Same ass add_head_content()
- push_head_js -
HTMLPageClass::push_head_js() in HTMLPageClass.inc
Same ass add_head_js()
- push_js_link -
HTMLPageClass::push_js_link() in HTMLPageClass.inc
same as add_js_link()
- push_reference -
- -
Same ass add_reference()
- push_reference -
Container::push_reference() in ContainerClass.inc
Same as add_reference NOTE : only exists for compatibility with 1.1.x
- push_reference -
XMLDocumentClass::push_reference() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
Same as add_reference NOTE : only exists for compatibility with 1.1.x
- push_reference -
HTMLPageClass::push_reference() in HTMLPageClass.inc
Same as add()
- push_row -
TABLEtag::push_row() in ALLTAGS.inc
Same ass add_row()
- push_text -
NavTable::push_text() in NavTable.inc
depricated version of add_text()
- push_text -
ImageThumbnailWidget::push_text() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
- push_text -
TreeNav::push_text() in TreeNav.inc
- push_text -
TextCSSNav::push_text() in TextCSSNav.inc
depricated version of add_text()
- push_text -
TextNav::push_text() in TextNav.inc
depricated version of add_text()
- PEARSQLDataListSource.inc -
PEARSQLDataListSource.inc in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
- PGSQLDataListSource.inc -
PGSQLDataListSource.inc in PGSQLDataListSource.inc
- PageWidget.inc -
PageWidget.inc in PageWidget.inc
- -
- Qtag -
Qtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<Q> tag class
- query -
DataListSource::query() in DataListSource.inc
The main Query function.
- -
- $root_name -
XMLDocumentClass::$root_name in XMLDocumentClass.inc
Holds the name of the root xml
<radialGradient> SVG tag
- RECTsvgtag -
RECTsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<rect> SVG tag
- REFRESHtag -
<REFRESH> tag class
- render -
RoundTitleTable::render() in RoundTitleTable.inc
Render the Navtable and its content.
- render -
ActiveTab::render() in ActiveTab.inc
- render -
InfoTable::render() in InfoTable.inc
This function renders the object.
- render -
HTMLTagClass::render() in HTMLTagClass.inc
Renders the tag, attributes, content and close tag.
- render -
ImageThumbnailWidget::render() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Render the entire widget. this includes the page offset links, as well as the thumbnails.
- render -
SVGGraph::render() in SVGGraph.inc
- render -
NavTable::render() in NavTable.inc
Render the Navtable and its content.
- render -
TextCSSNav::render() in TextCSSNav.inc
function that will render the widget.
- render -
XMLDocumentClass::render() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
function that will render the XML Document.
- render -
XMLTagClass::render() in XMLTagClass.inc
This function is responsible for rendering the tag and its contents
- render -
VerticalCSSNavTable::render() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
function that will render the widget.
- render -
TreeNav::render() in TreeNav.inc
function that will render the widget.
- render -
TextNav::render() in TextNav.inc
function that will render the widget.
- render -
HTMLPageClass::render() in HTMLPageClass.inc
render the page.
- render -
PageWidget::render() in PageWidget.inc
This is the function that renders the HTML for this widget.
- render -
DataList::render() in DataList.inc
This function renders the final
- render -
FormProcessor::render() in FormProcessor.inc
This method is called to render the form's html
- render -
FooterNav::render() in FooterNav.inc
render the code for this widget.
- render -
FormWizard::render() in FormWizard.inc
This function renders the
- render -
Container::render() in ContainerClass.inc
This function is compatible with the rest of the phpHtmllib API spec.
- render -
CSSBuilder::render() in CSSBuilder.inc
The render method for compatibility with the rest of the phphtmllib api
- render_confirm -
FormProcessor::render_confirm() in FormProcessor.inc
This function renders the confirmation page. This page sits in between the front end form, and the action handler.
- render_confirm -
- -
This function renders the confirmation page. This page sits in between the front end form, and the action handler.
- render_error -
FormProcessor::render_error() in FormProcessor.inc
This renders the error table and then the form with the fields
- render_form -
FormProcessor::render_form() in FormProcessor.inc
This renders the form
- reset_attributes -
- -
clear all attributes and start with new attributes
- reset_content -
XMLDocumentClass::reset_content() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
we override this class to make sure we push all content inside the local _xml_obj tag
- reset_content -
Container::reset_content() in ContainerClass.inc
destroy existing content and start with new content.
- reverseorder -
DataList::reverseorder() in DataList.inc
This function returns the current value of the reverse order member variable.
- RoundTitleTable -
RoundTitleTable in RoundTitleTable.inc
This builds a table widget that has a nice rounded title, a subtitle area and any amount of data.
- RoundTitleTable -
RoundTitleTable::RoundTitleTable() in RoundTitleTable.inc
the constructor for this class.
- RoundTitleTableCSS -
RoundTitleTableCSS in RoundTitleTable.inc
This class defines the css used by the RoundTitleTable Object.
- rows_per_page -
ImageThumbnailWidget::rows_per_page() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Calculates the # of rows per page possible.
- row_filter -
DataListSource::row_filter() in DataListSource.inc
This is called by the DataList object to allow us a chance to run the next row through a filter
- RoundTitleTable.inc -
RoundTitleTable.inc in RoundTitleTable.inc
- -
- StandardFormContent.inc -
StandardFormContent.inc in StandardFormContent.inc
- SAMPtag -
SAMPtag in ALLTAGS.inc
- save_checked_items -
- -
set the flag to tell the object to
- SCRIPTsvgtag -
SCRIPTsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<script> SVG tag
- SCRIPTtag -
<SCRIPT> tag class
SEARCHABLE in DataList.inc
SEARCH_ALL in DataList.inc
- search_disable -
- -
Disable the search ability.
- search_enable -
- -
Enable the search ability.
SEARCH_ENDS_WITH in DataList.inc
SEARCH_EXACT in DataList.inc
- search_field -
DataList::search_field() in DataList.inc
returns the current value of the search field name
- search_type -
DataList::search_type() in DataList.inc
returns the type of search being used
- search_value -
DataList::search_value() in DataList.inc
returns the current value of te search field value.
- search_value_filter -
- -
This function does the variable cleaning that is required to use a search value in a sql query
- search_value_filter -
- -
This function is used to make safe any query string value that is used
- selected_background -
- -
Thie method is used to change the selected tab's
- SELECTtag -
<SELECT> tag class
- SETsvgtag -
SETsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<set> SVG tag
- setup_columns -
- -
- setup_db_options -
SQLDataListSource::setup_db_options() in SQLDataListSource.inc
Set which DB options to use for this list.
- setup_order -
SQLDataListSource::setup_order() in SQLDataListSource.inc
This function builds the orderby clause for the DB query.
- setup_validation -
- -
This function is used to setup the validation object and the form errors object that is to be used by this form.
- SETVARtag -
<SETVAR> tag class
- set_action -
FormContent::set_action() in FormContent.inc
Save the action for the form
- set_actionbar -
DefaultGUIDatalist::set_actionbar() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This allows the caller to turn on/off the rendering of the bottom action bar row
- set_action_message -
- -
This sets the action message.
- set_action_name -
- -
Set the name of the action
- set_align -
ListAction::set_align() in ListAction.inc
this function is used to set the overall alignment of the widget
- set_align -
DefaultGUIDatalist::set_align() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
this function is used to set the overall alignment of the widget
- set_align -
BaseWidget::set_align() in BaseWidget.inc
This function sets the align attribute for the outer table.
- set_attribute -
FormElement::set_attribute() in FormElement.inc
add a single attribute (name="value")
- set_auto_error_display -
- -
This sets the flag that tells this class to automatically call the form contents form errors and display it or not
- set_axis_font_height -
- -
This method sets the height of font used in calculating the x and y axis point fonts.
- set_axis_font_width -
- -
This method sets the width of font used in calculating the x and y axis point fonts.
- set_axis_grid_points -
- -
This is used to set how many grid lines to draw for an axis
- set_body_attributes -
- -
set attributes of body tag
- set_cancel_action -
- -
This method sets the javasript action
- set_cancel_url -
- -
This sets the url to post to when a cancel/no action is clicked
- set_cdata_flag -
- -
This method turns on the automatic wrapping of the tag's content inside the CDATA wrapper for XML
- set_cellpadding -
- -
This sets the cellpadding attribute for this object.
- set_cellspacing -
- -
This sets the cellspacing attribute for this object.
- set_cell_attributes -
- -
update the attributes of a particular element or td.
- set_cell_content -
- -
- set_charset -
HTMLPageClass::set_charset() in HTMLPageClass.inc
set the character set
- set_class -
- -
This function is a shorthand helper to setting the class attribute on a tag.
- set_class -
HTMLTagClass::set_class() in HTMLTagClass.inc
This function is a shorthand helper to setting the class attribute on a tag.
- set_class -
- -
This function is a shorthand helper to setting the 'class' attribute on a tag.
- set_collapse -
Container::set_collapse() in ContainerClass.inc
This function turns on the collapse flag
- set_collapse -
XMLTagClass::set_collapse() in XMLTagClass.inc
This function turns on the collapse flag
- set_cols -
FETextArea::set_cols() in FETextArea.inc
This method is used as a shortcut to set the cols attribute
- set_cols -
ImageThumbnailWidget::set_cols() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
set how many columns the user wants to display per row of thumbnails.
- set_company_name -
- -
set the company name for the copyright statement.
- set_confirm -
FormContent::set_confirm() in FormContent.inc
This sets the $this->_has_confirmation
- set_copyright_flag -
- -
set/unset the flag to tell us to render the copyright string
- set_count_column -
SQLDataListSource::set_count_column() in SQLDataListSource.inc
This function changes the counted column.
- set_data_source -
- -
This function is used to set the DataListSource object for this instance
- set_date_string -
- -
set the date string for the copyright.
- set_db_groupby_clause -
- -
Sets the groupby clause for the query
- set_db_object -
PEARSQLDataListSource::set_db_object() in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
Set the DB object we will use to talk to the DB.
- set_db_object -
PGSQLDataListSource::set_db_object() in PGSQLDataListSource.inc
Set the DB object we will use to talk to the DB.
- set_db_object -
ADODBSQLDataListSource::set_db_object() in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
Set the DB object we will use to talk to the DB.
- set_db_tables -
SQLDataListSource::set_db_tables() in SQLDataListSource.inc
Set the tables from the DB you want to select on.
- set_db_values -
SQLDataListSource::set_db_values() in SQLDataListSource.inc
Set the values we want to select from the db.
- set_db_where_clause -
- -
Set the user portion of the where clause.
- set_default_checked_items -
- -
This function is used to set the default list
- set_default_col_attributes -
- -
Sets the default attributes for <td>'s that are added to the table. If there are any attributes set for the <td> it won't use the defaults.
- set_default_css -
- -
This function is used to set the
- set_default_num_rows -
- -
This function sets the default # of rows per page to display. By default its 10.
- set_default_row_attributes -
- -
Sets the default attributes for <tr>'s that are added to the table. If there are any attributes set for the <tr> it won't use the defaults.
- set_default_td_attributes -
- -
Sets the default attributes for <td>'s that are added to the table. If there are any attributes set for the <td> it won't use the defaults.
- set_disabled -
FormElement::set_disabled() in FormElement.inc
Sets the disabled element flag
- set_doctype_link -
XMLDocumentClass::set_doctype_link() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This method is used to set the link attributes
- set_doctype_source -
- -
this function is used to change the DOCTYPE tag's source attribute. By default it is set to SYSTEM.
- set_element_value -
- -
This method is used to set the value for a non hidden element
- set_encoding -
HTMLPageClass::set_encoding() in HTMLPageClass.inc
This sets the encoding type for XHTML documents
- set_encoding -
XMLDocumentClass::set_encoding() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
set the character set
- set_error_css -
FormContent::set_error_css() in FormContent.inc
This function is used to set the css class that is used on text when an error on that field is detected.
- set_error_message -
- -
Defines error message text and sets the error flag to true
- set_filedir -
ImageThumbnailWidget::set_filedir() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Set the full path on disk where the images live.
- set_form_action -
- -
Sets the form action
- set_form_action -
- -
Sets the form action
- set_form_enctype -
- -
Sets the form enctype
- set_form_errors_title -
- -
This allows us to change the form errors table title
- set_form_errors_width -
- -
This method allows you to override the width of the form errors table.
- set_form_method -
- -
This function is used to set the form method
- set_form_method -
- -
This function is used to set the form method
- set_form_name -
FormElement::set_form_name() in FormElement.inc
in case anyone in JS land needs the name of the form that this element lives in
- set_form_name -
FormContent::set_form_name() in FormContent.inc
- set_form_name -
FormProcessor::set_form_name() in FormProcessor.inc
This function is used to set the form name
- set_form_name -
- -
This function is used to set the form name
- set_form_render -
- -
Sets whether to the output into a form
- set_form_target -
- -
This function is used to set the form target
- set_form_target -
- -
This function is used to set the form target
- set_form_title -
StandardFormContent::set_form_title() in StandardFormContent.inc
this method sets the form title which is used to wrap the entire form
- set_form_width -
- -
this method sets the form name
- set_frameset -
HTMLPageClass::set_frameset() in HTMLPageClass.inc
This function is used to set the FRAMSETtag object for this page. This automatically sets the output for this page object to be a frameset.
- set_global_prefix -
DefaultGUIDatalist::set_global_prefix() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function sets a prefix for all variables that are used in the item list table on a page. This allows you to have multiple itemlists on a single html page.
- set_global_prefix -
ImageThumbnailWidget::set_global_prefix() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
This function sets a prefix for all variables that are used in the item list table on a page. This allows you to have multiple itemlists on a single html page.
- set_global_prefix -
- -
This function sets a prefix for all variables that are used in the item list table on a page. This allows you to have multiple itemlists on a single html page.
- set_grid_line_color -
- -
This allows you to set the color of the axis grid lines
- set_grid_line_flag -
- -
This enables/disables the rendering of the grid lines for an axis
- set_header_flag -
- -
This is used to set/update the header flag.
- set_height -
SVGGraph::set_height() in SVGGraph.inc
This method sets the height of the graph
- set_hidden_element_value -
- -
This method is used to set the value for a hidden element
- set_html_attributes -
- -
This function sets the attributes for the <html> tag
- set_http_content_type -
- -
This function is used to set the http header content-type for output to browsers
- set_id -
HTMLTagClass::set_id() in HTMLTagClass.inc
This function is a shorthand helper to setting the id attribute on a tag.
- set_id -
WMLTagClass::set_id() in WMLTAGS.inc
This function is a shorthand helper to setting the id attribute on a tag.
- set_id -
SVGTagClass::set_id() in SVGTAGS.inc
This function is a shorthand helper to setting the id attribute on a tag.
- set_image_path -
- -
This function returns the path to the images used in this class
- set_indent_flag -
Container::set_indent_flag() in ContainerClass.inc
function to set the indent flag
- set_item_name -
ListAction::set_item_name() in ListAction.inc
Set the name of the deleted items
- set_label_text -
- -
This function will set the label for the element
- set_language -
HTMLPageClass::set_language() in HTMLPageClass.inc
This method sets the lang, and xml:lang setting in the HTML tag.
- set_legalnotice_url -
- -
set the legal notice url.
- set_limit -
DataListSource::set_limit() in DataListSource.inc
This function is used to set
- set_list_data -
FEDataList::set_list_data() in FEDataList.inc
This function sets the array of data to be used in the data list
- set_maxthumbs_per_page -
- -
set how many thumbnails to display per page.
- set_max_rows -
DataList::set_max_rows() in DataList.inc
This sets the maximum # of rows to display when in expand mode
- set_newline_after_closetag -
- -
set the newline_after_content flag
- set_newline_after_opentag -
- -
set the newline_after_opentag flag
- set_not_found_message -
- -
This function is used to set the message displayed when no data is found
- set_not_found_message -
- -
This function is used to set the message displayed when no data is found
- set_numrows -
DataList::set_numrows() in DataList.inc
This function sets the # of rows to display per page.
- set_offset -
DataList::set_offset() in DataList.inc
This function is used to set/change the offset for this list.
- set_offset -
DataListSource::set_offset() in DataListSource.inc
This sets the offset value and resets the index into the data array (in non DB children)
- set_option -
SVGGraph::set_option() in SVGGraph.inc
This function is used to set a particular option for the graph
- set_orderby -
DataListSource::set_orderby() in DataListSource.inc
This sets the orderby column name.
- set_prefix -
TextCSSNav::set_prefix() in TextCSSNav.inc
This method is used to set the prefix for
- set_prequery_filter_flag -
- -
Sets the pre-query filter flag If true, a filter will be run on the data array before any processing is done
- set_privacypolicy_url -
- -
sets the Privacy policy url.
- set_refresh -
HTMLPageClass::set_refresh() in HTMLPageClass.inc
Automatically set a page meta tag refresh
- set_render_form_after_success -
- -
This function turns on the ability to
- set_required -
FormElement::set_required() in FormElement.inc
This function set the elements required state
- set_required_marker -
- -
This function is used to set the required field marker
- set_required_text -
- -
This sets the required text
- set_reverseorder -
- -
This sets the flag that tells us the direction in which to order the orderby column.
- set_reverseorder -
- -
This function sets the reverse order flag to a new value.
- set_root_attribute -
- -
This sets 1 root tag attribute value pair
- set_root_attributes -
- -
This function is used to set the root xml tag's attributes
- set_root_name -
XMLDocumentClass::set_root_name() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
Set the document name and the root tag's name.
- set_rows -
FETextArea::set_rows() in FETextArea.inc
This method is used as a shortcut to set the rows attribute
- set_row_attributes -
- -
update the attributes of a particular row or tr.
- set_save_vars -
- -
This function sets the save variables that the user/child wants to automatically propogate
- set_save_vars_Flag -
- -
This method sets the flag that tells us to automatically add hidden form fields for all the GET/POST vars passed in to us.
- set_searchby -
DataListSource::set_searchby() in DataListSource.inc
This sets the column that we want to search from.
- set_searchby_value -
- -
This sets the data that we want to search for.
- set_search_type -
- -
This function sets the search type
- set_search_type -
DataListSource::set_search_type() in DataListSource.inc
This function sets the search type (simple or advanced)
- set_selected -
- -
Set this text as the selected item
- set_show_results -
- -
This function is used to set the value of the _show_results_flag
- set_simplesearch_modifier -
- -
This sets the simple search modifier
- set_simple_search_modifier -
- -
Set the simple search modifyer flag.
- set_stripslashes -
- -
This sets the stripslashes flag for this object.
- set_stripslashes -
- -
This sets the stripslashes flag for this object.
- set_style -
- -
This function is a shorthand helper to setting the 'style' attribute on a tag.
- set_style -
HTMLTagClass::set_style() in HTMLTagClass.inc
This function is a shorthand helper to setting the style attribute on a tag.
- set_style_attribute -
- -
Sets elements css attribute
- set_subtitle -
RoundTitleTable::set_subtitle() in RoundTitleTable.inc
- set_subtitle -
VerticalCSSNavTable::set_subtitle() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
This sets the subtitle
- set_subtitle -
NavTable::set_subtitle() in NavTable.inc
- set_tag_attribute -
- -
add a single attribute (name="value")
- set_tag_attributes -
- -
add multiple attributes (name="value")
- set_tag_name -
XMLTagClass::set_tag_name() in XMLTagClass.inc
This method sets the name of the tag
- set_text_debug -
HTMLPageClass::set_text_debug() in HTMLPageClass.inc
set the $_text_debug flag
- set_thumbnail_dimensions -
- -
Sets all thumnail dimensions.
- set_thumbnail_script -
- -
Set the url for the thumbnail generation script.
- set_title -
HTMLPageClass::set_title() in HTMLPageClass.inc
set the title of the page output.
- set_title -
FormElement::set_title() in FormElement.inc
Sets elements title text
- set_title -
BaseWidget::set_title() in BaseWidget.inc
Set the title for the widget.
- set_title -
SVGGraph::set_title() in SVGGraph.inc
This method sets the title for the graph
- set_title_font_height -
- -
This method sets the height of font in pixels for the Graph Title.
- set_title_font_width -
- -
This method sets the width of font in pixels for the Graph Title.
- set_title_style -
- -
This method sets the title for the graph
- set_title_text_align -
- -
this function lets you change the text alignment of the text in the title
- set_total_rows -
DataListSource::set_total_rows() in DataListSource.inc
This is used to set the total # of rows we have in our data set
- set_transform -
- -
This function is used to set the 'transform' attribute of a tag.
- set_urldir -
ImageThumbnailWidget::set_urldir() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Set the base url path where the files live on the web site.
- set_value -
FormElement::set_value() in FormElement.inc
This function will set the initial value for the element
- set_vertical_cellborder -
- -
this function sets the flag to tell the object to render (or not) the vertical cell borders
- set_webmaster_email -
- -
sets the Webmaster email address if this is set we show the mailto for this email
- set_width -
SVGGraph::set_width() in SVGGraph.inc
This method sets the width of the graph
- set_width -
BaseWidget::set_width() in BaseWidget.inc
Set the width for the widget.
- set_xmlbase -
- -
This method is used for setting the SVG common tag attribute of xml:base
- set_xmllang -
- -
This method is used for setting the SVG common tag attribute of xml:lang
- set_xmlspace -
- -
This method is used for setting the SVG common tag attribute of xml:space
- set_x_title -
SVGXYGraph::set_x_title() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This function is used to set the title for the X Axis
- set_y_title -
SVGXYGraph::set_y_title() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This function is used to set the title for the Y Axis
- showall -
DataList::showall() in DataList.inc
returns the current value of the showall flag. This tells us if they want the entire list of data back from the DB.
- show_actionbar -
DefaultGUIDatalist::show_actionbar() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function gets the current value of the show actionbar flag setting.
- show_character_encoding -
- -
method to update the flag that lets us know to show/render the character encoding string in the xml tag or not
- show_http_header -
XMLDocumentClass::show_http_header() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
this function is used to set the flag that tells this class to automatically output the content type in the http header
- SimpleGUIDataList -
SimpleGUIDataList in SimpleGUIDataList.inc
This object is the base class that can be
- simple_search_modifier_value -
- -
returns the current value of the simple search modifier
- simple_search_where_clause -
- -
this builds the search clause
- SMALLtag -
<SMALL> tag class
- sort -
CSVFILEDataListSource::sort() in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
- sort -
DataListSource::sort() in DataListSource.inc
A generic method API that can be used at the bottom half of the do_query() method to sort data that is stored locally. This is only needed when the source is a non database.
- sort -
ArrayDataListSource::sort() in ArrayDataListSource.inc
SORTABLE in DataList.inc
Some global defines used
- SPANtag -
SPANtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<SPAN> tag class
- span_font8 -
span_font8() in font_utils.inc
Build a SPANtag object with css class of .font8.
- span_font8bold -
span_font8bold() in font_utils.inc
Build a SPANtag object with css class of .font8bold.
- span_font10 -
span_font10() in font_utils.inc
Build a SPANtag object with css class of .font10.
- span_font10bold -
span_font10bold() in font_utils.inc
Build a SPANtag object with css class of .font10bold.
- span_font12 -
span_font12() in font_utils.inc
Build a SPANtag object with css class of .font12.
- span_font12bold -
span_font12bold() in font_utils.inc
Build a SPANtag object with css class of .font12bold.
- span_font14 -
span_font14() in font_utils.inc
Build a SPANtag object with css class of .font14.
- span_font14bold -
span_font14bold() in font_utils.inc
Build a SPANtag object with css class of .font14bold.
- SQLDataListSource -
SQLDataListSource in SQLDataListSource.inc
- sql_varchar_filter -
- -
Clean up the string so it can work in a db
- Stag -
Stag in ALLTAGS.inc
<S> tag class
- StandardAccountForm -
StandardAccountForm in form2.php
A simple Page Layout object child.
- StandardFormContent -
StandardFormContent in StandardFormContent.inc
This is a child of the FormContent class to provide a 'standard' look and feel for forms.
- StandardFormContent -
- -
- Step1 -
Step1 in _steps.inc
A simple Page Layout object child.
- Step2 -
Step2 in _steps.inc
This is a child of the FormContent class to provide a 'standard' look and feel for forms.
- Step3 -
Step3 in _steps.inc
This is a child of the FormContent class to provide a 'standard' look and feel for forms.
- STOPsvgtag -
STOPsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<stop> SVG tag
- strip_offset -
ImageThumbnailWidget::strip_offset() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
This function strips the offset
- STRONGtag -
<STRONG> tag class
- STYLEsvgtag -
STYLEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<style> SVG tag
- STYLEtag -
<STYLE> tag class
- SUBtag -
SUBtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<SUB> tag class
- SUPtag -
SUPtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<SUP> tag class
- SVGDocumentClass -
SVGDocumentClass::SVGDocumentClass() in SVGDocumentClass.inc
The constructor to building a SVG document.
- SVGDocumentClass -
SVGDocumentClass in SVGDocumentClass.inc
This class lets you build a complete SVG document.
- SVGGraph -
SVGGraph in SVGGraph.inc
This is the base Graph class for doing SVG graphs
- SVGGraph -
SVGGraph::SVGGraph() in SVGGraph.inc
- SVGsvgtag -
SVGsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<svg> SVG tag
- SVGTagClass -
SVGTagClass in SVGTAGS.inc
This overrides the WMLTagClass to define some methods that set some commonly used SVG tag attributes.
- SVGTagClass -
- -
The SVGTagClass constructor
- SVGXYGraph -
SVGXYGraph in SVGXYGraph.inc
This is the base Graph class for doing XY coordinate system based graphs in SVG.
- SVGXYGraph -
SVGXYGraph::SVGXYGraph() in SVGXYGraph.inc
- SVGXYLineGraph -
SVGXYLineGraph in SVGXYLineGraph.inc
This is the base Graph class for doing XY coordinate system based graphs in SVG.
- SVGXYPlotGraph -
SVGXYPlotGraph in SVGXYPlotGraph.inc
This is the base Graph class for doing XY coordinate system based graphs in SVG.
- SVGXYPlotGraph -
SVGXYPlotGraph::SVGXYPlotGraph() in SVGXYPlotGraph.inc
- svg_a -
svg_a() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <a> tag
- svg_animate -
svg_animate() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <animate> tag
- svg_circle -
svg_circle() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <circle> tag and its common attributes
- svg_defs -
svg_defs() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used for building an SVG <defs> tag
- svg_desc -
svg_desc() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used for building an SVG <desc> tag
- svg_ellipse -
svg_ellipse() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <ellipse> tag and its common attributes
- svg_font -
svg_font() in svg_utils.inc
this function builds an SVG <font> tag
- svg_g -
svg_g() in svg_utils.inc
This function builds an SVG <g> tag
- svg_line -
svg_line() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used for building an SVG <line> tag
- svg_marker -
svg_marker() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used for building an SVG <marker> tag
- svg_polygon -
svg_polygon() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used for building an SVG <polygon> tag
- svg_polyline -
svg_polyline() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used for building an SVG <polyline> tag
- svg_rect -
svg_rect() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <rect> tag and its common attributes
- svg_script -
svg_script() in svg_utils.inc
This function creates a <script> tag and wraps the javascript in the appropriate <![CDATA[ JAVASCRIPT ]]> that is required for svg.
- svg_style -
svg_style() in svg_utils.inc
This function creates a <script> tag and wraps the javascript in the appropriate <![CDATA[ JAVASCRIPT ]]> that is required for svg.
- svg_text -
svg_text() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <text> tag
- svg_textpath -
svg_textpath() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <textpath> tag.
- svg_tref -
svg_tref() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <tref> tag
- svg_tspan -
svg_tspan() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <tref> tag.
- SWITCHsvgtag -
SWITCHsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<switch> SVG tag
- -
- SYMBOLsvgtag -
SYMBOLsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<symbol> SVG tag
- SVGTAGS.inc -
- svg_utils.inc -
svg_utils.inc in svg_utils.inc
- SimpleGUIDataList.inc -
SimpleGUIDataList.inc in SimpleGUIDataList.inc
- SQLDataListSource.inc -
SQLDataListSource.inc in SQLDataListSource.inc
- SVGDocumentClass.inc -
SVGDocumentClass.inc in SVGDocumentClass.inc
- SVGGraph.inc -
SVGGraph.inc in SVGGraph.inc
- SVGXYGraph.inc -
SVGXYGraph.inc in SVGXYGraph.inc
- SVGXYLineGraph.inc -
SVGXYLineGraph.inc in SVGXYLineGraph.inc
- SVGXYPlotGraph.inc -
SVGXYPlotGraph.inc in SVGXYPlotGraph.inc
- -
- $title -
BaseWidget::$title in BaseWidget.inc
The title of the table.
- TABLEtag -
<TABLE> tag class
- TBODYtag -
<TBODY> class.
- TDtag -
TDtag in ALLTAGS.inc
Table data <TD> class.
<TEMPLATE> tag class
- test_maxthumbs_per_page -
- -
Make sure the maxthumbsperpage isn't > then total items.
<TEXTAREA> tag class
- TextCSSNav -
TextCSSNav::TextCSSNav() in TextCSSNav.inc
Constructor for this class It just sets the width for the widget.
- TextCSSNav -
TextCSSNav in TextCSSNav.inc
This class builds a simple text navigational widget.
- TextCSSNavCSS -
TextCSSNavCSS in TextCSSNav.inc
This class defines the css used by the FooterNav Object.
- TextNav -
TextNav::TextNav() in TextNav.inc
Constructor for this class It just sets the width for the widget.
- TextNav -
TextNav in TextNav.inc
This class builds a simple text navigational widget.
- TextNavCSS -
TextNavCSS in TextNav.inc
This class defines the css used by the TextNav Object.
- TEXTPATHsvgtag -
<textpath> SVG tag
- TEXTsvgtag -
TEXTsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<text> SVG tag
- TFOOTtag -
<TFOOT> tag class
- THEADtag -
Table Header <THEAD> class.
- THtag -
THtag in ALLTAGS.inc
Table Header <TH> class.
- TIMERtag -
<TIMER> tag class
- TITLEsvgtag -
TITLEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<title> SVG tag
- TITLEtag -
<TITLE> tag class
- total_items -
ImageThumbnailWidget::total_items() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
returns the total # of items we have to display.
- TreeNav -
TreeNav in TreeNav.inc
This class tries to build a tree navigational widget.
- TreeNav -
TreeNav::TreeNav() in TreeNav.inc
Constructor for this class It just sets the width for the widget.
- TREFsvgtag -
TREFsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<tref> SVG tag
- TRtag -
TRtag in ALLTAGS.inc
Table Row <TR> class.
- TSPANsvgtag -
TSPANsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<tspan> SVG tag
- TTtag -
TTtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<TT> tag class
- TextCSSNav.inc -
TextCSSNav.inc in TextCSSNav.inc
- TextNav.inc -
TextNav.inc in TextNav.inc
- TreeNav.inc -
TreeNav.inc in TreeNav.inc
- -
- ULtag -
ULtag in ALLTAGS.inc
- update_all_values -
- -
This walks all of the CSSBuilder objects and calls their respective update_all_values method.
- update_all_values -
- -
This function is a macro for walking the entire
- update_properties -
- -
This function updates a css property value for a specific class/id
- update_property -
- -
This function updates a css property value for a specific class/id
- user_setup -
- -
- user_setup -
RoundTitleTableCSS::user_setup() in RoundTitleTable.inc
- user_setup -
TextCSSNavCSS::user_setup() in TextCSSNav.inc
- user_setup -
VerticalCSSNavTableCSS::user_setup() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
- user_setup -
- -
- user_setup -
MyWizard::user_setup() in wizard1.php
- user_setup -
- -
- user_setup -
- -
This method is used to setup the options for the DataList object's display.
- user_setup -
FormWizard::user_setup() in FormWizard.inc
A subclass can override this function to setup the class variables after the constructor. The constructor automatically calls this function.
- user_setup -
DefaultGUIDataListCSS::user_setup() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
- user_setup -
DataList::user_setup() in DataList.inc
A subclass can override this function to setup the class variables after the constructor. The constructor automatically calls this function.
- user_setup -
CSSBuilder::user_setup() in CSSBuilder.inc
Call the child class' setup function
- user_setup -
- -
- user_setup -
- -
- user_setup -
- -
- user_setup -
ImageThumbnailWidgetCSS::user_setup() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
- USEsvgtag -
USEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<use> SVG tag
- Utag -
Utag in ALLTAGS.inc
<U> tag class
- -
VALID in FormValidation.inc
- validate -
- -
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
- validate -
- -
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
- validate -
FEEmail::validate() in FEText.inc
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
- validate -
- -
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
- validate -
FEUrl::validate() in FEText.inc
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
- validate -
FormElement::validate() in FormElement.inc
This function performs the actual validation It is called only if the validation is required by this element
- validate -
- -
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
- validate -
- -
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
- validate -
FEName::validate() in FEText.inc
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
- validate -
FENumberFloat::validate() in FENumbers.inc
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
- validate -
FENumber::validate() in FENumbers.inc
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
- validate -
FEFile::validate() in FEFile.inc
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
- validate -
FEPassword::validate() in FEPassword.inc
This function performs the actual validation It is called only if the validation is required by this element
- validate -
- -
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
- validate -
- -
This function performs the actual validation It is called only if the validation is required by this element
- validate -
FENumberPrice::validate() in FENumbers.inc
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
- validate -
FEDataList::validate() in FEDataList.inc
This function is responsible for performing complete validation and setting the appropriate error message in case of a failed validation
VALIDATE_EMAIL_LENGTH in FormValidation.inc
VALIDATE_MAXSIZE in FormValidation.inc
$Id: elementindex.html,v 1.3 2003/09/24 13:03:57 jonen Exp $
- VARtag -
VARtag in ALLTAGS.inc
- version.inc -
version.inc in version.inc
- VerticalCSSNavTable -
- -
Constructor for this class It just sets the width for the widget.
- VerticalCSSNavTable -
VerticalCSSNavTable in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
This class builds a nice table that conains clickable cells.
- VerticalCSSNavTableCSS -
VerticalCSSNavTableCSS in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
This class defines the css used by the VerticalCSSNavTable Object.
- VIEWsvgtag -
VIEWsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<view> SVG tag
- VKERNsvgtag -
VKERNsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<vkern> SVG tag
- VerticalCSSNavTable.inc -
VerticalCSSNavTable.inc in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
- -
- $width -
BaseWidget::$width in BaseWidget.inc
the width of the widget
- widget1.php -
widget1.php in widget1.php
- widget2.php -
widget2.php in widget2.php
- widget3.php -
widget3.php in widget3.php
- widget4.php -
widget4.php in widget4.php
- widget5.php -
widget5.php in widget5.php
- widget6.php -
widget6.php in widget6.php
- widget7.php -
widget7.php in widget7.php
- widget8.php -
widget8.php in widget8.php
- widget9.php -
widget9.php in widget9.php
- wizard1.php -
wizard1.php in wizard1.php
- WMLTAGS.inc -
- wml_utils.inc -
wml_utils.inc in wml_utils.inc
- WMLDocumentClass.inc -
WMLDocumentClass.inc in WMLDocumentClass.inc
WIZARD_ACTION in FormWizard.inc
WIZARD_FINAL in FormWizard.inc
WIZARD_ID in FormWizard.inc
WIZARD_JUMP in FormWizard.inc
WIZARD_NEXT in FormWizard.inc
WIZARD_PREV in FormWizard.inc
WIZARD_STEP in FormWizard.inc
WIZARD_TO_STEP in FormWizard.inc
WIZARD_VISITED in FormWizard.inc
This file contains the FormWizard class.
- WMLDocumentClass -
WMLDocumentClass::WMLDocumentClass() in WMLDocumentClass.inc
- WMLDocumentClass -
WMLDocumentClass in WMLDocumentClass.inc
This class lets you build a complete WML document and render it
- WMLtag -
WMLtag in WMLTAGS.inc
<WML> tag class
- WMLTagClass -
- -
- WMLTagClass -
WMLTagClass in WMLTAGS.inc
Base class for all WML Tag classes.
- wml_a -
wml_a() in wml_utils.inc
build an href with content and attributes.
- wml_access -
wml_access() in wml_utils.inc
this function builds a wml <access /> tag
- wml_anchor -
wml_anchor() in wml_utils.inc
this builds an <anchor> tag
- wml_card -
wml_card() in wml_utils.inc
This function helps build a <card> tag
- wml_do -
wml_do() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds the WML <do> tag
- wml_fieldset -
wml_fieldset() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds an <fieldset> tag for WML.
- wml_go -
wml_go() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds the WML <go> tag
- wml_img -
wml_img() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds an <img> tag, which refers to a .wbmp format image.
- wml_input -
wml_input() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds the WML <input> tag object
- wml_noop -
wml_noop() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds the WML <noop> tag
- wml_onevent -
wml_onevent() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds a WML <onevent> tag
- wml_postfield -
wml_postfield() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds a WML <postfield> tag
- wml_prev -
wml_prev() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds a WML <prev> tag object
- wml_refresh -
wml_refresh() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds a WML <refresh> tag object
- wml_select -
wml_select() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds the WML <select> tag
- wml_setvar -
wml_setvar() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds the WML <setvar> tag
- wml_tag -
wml_tag() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds a <wml> tag
- wml_template -
wml_template() in wml_utils.inc
this function builds a <template> tag and it's content
- wml_timer -
wml_timer() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds the WML <timer> tag the time unit of the value is 1/10 of a second.
- wrap_column_item -
DefaultGUIDatalist::wrap_column_item() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function ensures that the data we place in a column is aligned according to what the user wants.
- wrap_column_item -
- -
This function ensures that the data we place in a column is aligned according to what the user wants.
- wrap_column_item -
SimpleGUIDataList::wrap_column_item() in SimpleGUIDataList.inc
This function ensures that the data we place in a column is aligned according to what the user wants.
- write_thumb_to_disk -
- -
write the image to disk.
- -
- XMLTAGS.inc -
- xml_utils.inc -
xml_utils.inc in xml_utils.inc
- XMLDocumentClass.inc -
XMLDocumentClass.inc in XMLDocumentClass.inc
XHTML in defines.inc
XHTML_FRAMESET in defines.inc
XHTML_STRICT in defines.inc
Some global defines, used by the classes and widgets to specify what type of output document format to use.
- XMLDocumentClass -
XMLDocumentClass::XMLDocumentClass() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
The constructor
- XMLDocumentClass -
XMLDocumentClass in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This class lets you build a complete xml document and render it.
xml-stylesheet tag class
- XMLtag -
XMLtag::XMLtag() in XMLTAGS.inc
- XMLtag -
XMLtag in XMLTAGS.inc
xml tag class
- XMLTagClass -
XMLTagClass in XMLTagClass.inc
This class is used for building and rendering an XML tag.
- XMLTagClass -
XMLTagClass::XMLTagClass() in XMLTagClass.inc
The constructor
- XMLTagClass.inc -
XMLTagClass.inc in XMLTagClass.inc
- xml_ctag -
xml_ctag() in xml_utils.inc
This builds an xml tag, just as xml_tag() does, but turns on the auto wrapping of CDATA for the content for the tag.
- xml_doctype -
xml_doctype() in xml_utils.inc
This function is used to build a DOCTYPE tag
- xml_stylesheet -
xml_stylesheet() in xml_utils.inc
This function is used to build an xml-stylesheet tag
- xml_tag -
xml_tag() in xml_utils.inc
This is a simple wrapper function for building XMLTagClass objects
- XMPtag -
XMPtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<XMP> tag class
- -
- $_action -
FEButton::$_action in FEButton.inc
Holds the button action
- $_action_column -
DefaultGUIDatalist::$_action_column in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This holds the action column settings if any.
- $_action_count -
DefaultGUIDatalist::$_action_count in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
holds the cntr for the action
- $_action_counter -
- -
This holds how many actions we have
- $_action_message -
- -
The message that is set
- $_action_name -
ListAction::$_action_name in ListAction.inc
The string that describes
- $_advanced_search_flag -
- -
Flag to let us know that
- $_align -
ListAction::$_align in ListAction.inc
The overall alignment
- $_align -
DefaultGUIDatalist::$_align in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
The overall alignment
- $_allow_select_all -
DefaultGUIDatalist::$_allow_select_all in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This variable tells us whether to display
- $_attributes -
FormElement::$_attributes in FormElement.inc
Holds additional attributes for
- $_auto_show_errors -
- -
This tells us to show or not to show the form errors autmatically.
- $_cancel_action -
FormContent::$_cancel_action in FormContent.inc
The action to take opon clicking
- $_cancel_url -
ListAction::$_cancel_url in ListAction.inc
This sets the url for the
- $_cellpadding -
InfoTable::$_cellpadding in InfoTable.inc
this holds the default cellpadding
- $_cellspacing -
InfoTable::$_cellspacing in InfoTable.inc
This holds the default cellspacing
- $_colors -
SVGXYGraph::$_colors in SVGXYGraph.inc
holds the colors for each of
- $_columns -
DataList::$_columns in DataList.inc
The column descriptions for the data we are working on
- $_columns -
DataListSource::$_columns in DataListSource.inc
The column descriptions for the data we are working on
- $_columns -
ImageThumbnailWidget::$_columns in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
The number of columns for a page.
- $_confirmed -
FormProcessor::$_confirmed in FormProcessor.inc
Flag to let us know the form has been confirmed.
- $_confirmed_successfull -
- -
The form was processed and passed
- $_csv_headers -
CSVFILEDataListSource::$_csv_headers in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
this holds the headers read
- $_cur_col_cntr -
DefaultGUIDatalist::$_cur_col_cntr in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
- $_data -
DataListSource::$_data in DataListSource.inc
A placeholder for data that is read/built and stored locally. Not all data sources have to use this.
- $_datasource -
DataList::$_datasource in DataList.inc
Holds our reference/copy of the DataListSource object which is used to access the data that this object uses
- $_data_index -
DataListSource::$_data_index in DataListSource.inc
Holds the index into the array of data
- $_data_list -
FERadioGroup::$_data_list in FERadioGroup.inc
Holds the list of available
- $_data_list -
FEDataList::$_data_list in FEDataList.inc
Holds the list of available
- $_data_post_name -
- -
The name of the array variable
- $_db -
PGSQLDataListSource::$_db in PGSQLDataListSource.inc
This var holds the Database connection reference
- $_db -
PEARSQLDataListSource::$_db in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
This var holds the Database object
- $_db -
ADODBSQLDataListSource::$_db in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
This var holds the Database object
- $_db_options -
SQLDataListSource::$_db_options in SQLDataListSource.inc
this holds all of the options
- $_debug_link_attributes -
- -
- $_debug_link_attributes -
- -
- $_debug_link_attributes -
- -
- $_debug_link_attributes -
- -
- $_default_checked_items -
- -
This variable holds the array of default
- $_default_col_attributes -
- -
Holds the default attributes for all <td>'s
- $_default_label_css -
- -
This holds the default css class for form field label text.
- $_default_orderby -
- -
Holds the db column name that we want to order by default.
- $_default_reverseorder -
- -
Holds a flag to let us know to
- $_default_rows_per_page -
- -
- $_default_rows_per_page -
- -
The number of rows of data to show per "page".
- $_default_row_attributes -
- -
Holds the default attributes for all <tr>'s
- $_default_td_attributes -
- -
Holds the default attributes for all <td>'s
- $_doctype_links -
XMLDocumentClass::$_doctype_links in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This contains the doctype links
- $_doctype_source -
XMLDocumentClass::$_doctype_source in XMLDocumentClass.inc
the DOCTYPE source attribute
- $_draw -
SVGGraph::$_draw in SVGGraph.inc
Various calculated image properties
- $_elements -
FormContent::$_elements in FormContent.inc
This holds the array of
- $_element_name -
FormElement::$_element_name in FormElement.inc
Holds the name of the element
- $_enable_debug -
PageWidget::$_enable_debug in PageWidget.inc
This enables the ability to view the source of a page bu setting debug=1 in the query string.
- $_entries -
CSSBuilder::$_entries in CSSBuilder.inc
This holds the entries for the css
- $_errors -
FormElement::$_errors in FormElement.inc
holds the array of errors for this element.
- $_error_code -
FormValidation::$_error_code in FormValidation.inc
This holds the last error code found
- $_error_label_css -
- -
This is the css class used
- $_error_message -
FormElement::$_error_message in FormElement.inc
Holds the error message text
- $_error_message -
FormValidation::$_error_message in FormValidation.inc
This holds the last error message
- $_fepassword -
- -
This holds the FEPassword we are
- $_filename -
CSVFILEDataListSource::$_filename in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
The csv file name/path on disk
- $_flags -
Container::$_flags in ContainerClass.inc
The flags that tell us
- $_FormErrors -
FormValidation::$_FormErrors in FormValidation.inc
This is the FormErrors object
- $_FormValidation -
FormProcessor::$_FormValidation in FormProcessor.inc
This is the FormValidation object
- $_form_attributes -
- -
This array holds the FORMtag
- $_form_attributes -
- -
This holds the form attributes
- $_form_content -
FormProcessor::$_form_content in FormProcessor.inc
This holds the FormContent Object that knows how to render the form.
- $_form_errors_title -
- -
The form errors table title
- $_form_errors_width -
- -
Holds the width (if any) of the errors table that will be rendered. If the value is null, the $this->_width value is used instead.
- $_form_name -
FormContent::$_form_name in FormContent.inc
This holds the name of the form
- $_form_name -
FormElement::$_form_name in FormElement.inc
This holds the name of the form
- $_form_render_flag -
- -
Build everything inside a form?
- $_form_submit_action -
- -
The action that was taken
- $_form_success_render -
- -
Flag to let us know if we should
- $_form_title -
StandardFormContent::$_form_title in StandardFormContent.inc
The title used in the wrapping table
- $_fp -
CSVFILEDataListSource::$_fp in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
The file descriptor pointer
- $_global_prefix -
ImageThumbnailWidget::$_global_prefix in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
holds the prefix for all variables that are added to a url, so we can possibly have more then 1 of these per page.
- $_global_prefix -
- -
prefix for all list variable names, so we can potentially have more then 1 list per page.
- $_has_confirm -
FormContent::$_has_confirm in FormContent.inc
flag to let the FormProcessor
- $_has_error -
FormElement::$_has_error in FormElement.inc
Holds the state of the last validation
- $_has_errors -
FormProcessor::$_has_errors in FormProcessor.inc
This flag lets us know there were errors during processing or validating the form.
- $_headers -
InfoTable::$_headers in InfoTable.inc
this holds the column header titles.
- $_header_flag -
CSSBuilder::$_header_flag in CSSBuilder.inc
Flag to let us know if we should output a header content-type value header("Content-Type: text/css");
- $_height -
FEBoxElement::$_height in FEBoxElement.inc
Holds the height of the element
- $_hidden_background -
- -
The hidden tab's background color
- $_hidden_checkbox_items -
- -
This array holds the list of hidden checkbox[] items.
- $_hidden_elements -
- -
This holds the array of
- $_highlight_selected -
- -
Flag to tell us that we can highlight (css) the selected link.
- $_htmlentities_attributes -
- -
- $_htmlentities_attributes -
- -
- $_htmlentities_attributes -
- -
- $_htmlentities_attributes -
- -
- $_html_attributes -
- -
This holds the attributes for the <html> tag.
- $_http_content_type -
- -
The http content-type
- $_image_path -
DataList::$_image_path in DataList.inc
This stores the base path to where the tool link images live. This lets you specify a new path to where your images live.
- $_indent_style -
HTMLPageClass::$_indent_style in HTMLPageClass.inc
Holds the value of the indent style the user wants to render the page w/
- $_infotable -
StandardFormContent::$_infotable in StandardFormContent.inc
the InfoTable wrapper that holds all fields.
- $_is_disabled -
FormElement::$_is_disabled in FormElement.inc
Indicates a disabled element
- $_is_required -
FormElement::$_is_required in FormElement.inc
Indicates whether this elements
- $_item_name -
ListAction::$_item_name in ListAction.inc
name/description of the type of
- $_label_flag -
- -
Add the range to the label automatically?
- $_label_text -
FormElement::$_label_text in FormElement.inc
Holds the elements label text
- $_limit_char_count -
- -
This lets you limit the amount of data to
- $_line_colors -
SVGXYLineGraph::$_line_colors in SVGXYLineGraph.inc
holds the colors for each of
- $_max -
FENumberInRange::$_max in FENumbers.inc
The maximum #
- $_maxlinelength -
CSVFILEDataListSource::$_maxlinelength in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
The length of the longest
- $_max_rows -
DataList::$_max_rows in DataList.inc
The max number of rows to show when the user does the "EXPAND" command.
- $_max_x -
SVGXYGraph::$_max_x in SVGXYGraph.inc
- $_max_y -
SVGXYGraph::$_max_y in SVGXYGraph.inc
- $_min -
FENumberInRange::$_min in FENumbers.inc
The minimum #
- $_min_x -
SVGXYGraph::$_min_x in SVGXYGraph.inc
- $_min_y -
SVGXYGraph::$_min_y in SVGXYGraph.inc
- $_not_found_message -
- -
This is the message displayed when no data
- $_num_columns -
DataList::$_num_columns in DataList.inc
Keeps track of the # of columns we have
- $_num_pages -
DataList::$_num_pages in DataList.inc
This value holds the number of pages of data we have to display.
- $_offsetVar -
ImageThumbnailWidget::$_offsetVar in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Holds the name of the offset variable. It's prefixed w/ the _global_prefix var.
- $_options -
SVGGraph::$_options in SVGGraph.inc
This array holds various
- $_prequery_filter_flag -
- -
If true the prequery filter will be
- $_query -
SQLDataListSource::$_query in SQLDataListSource.inc
The entire query built by
- $_query_params -
DataListSource::$_query_params in DataListSource.inc
This holds various parameters relating
- $_query_prefix -
TextCSSNav::$_query_prefix in TextCSSNav.inc
the prefix for the query string var
- $_required_field_marker -
- -
marker for the required field
- $_required_field_text -
- -
Text to show denoted required fields for the form.
- $_result -
PEARSQLDataListSource::$_result in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
this holds the query result from the
- $_result -
ADODBSQLDataListSource::$_result in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
this holds the query result from the
- $_result -
PGSQLDataListSource::$_result in PGSQLDataListSource.inc
Result of pg_query()
- $_root_tag -
XMLDocumentClass::$_root_tag in XMLDocumentClass.inc
The root xml tag for all data
- $_save_all_vars -
ListAction::$_save_all_vars in ListAction.inc
A flag to tell us to save all
- $_save_vars -
DataList::$_save_vars in DataList.inc
This holds a list of name=>value vars that the caller/child wants to propogate automatically.
- $_search_flag -
DataList::$_search_flag in DataList.inc
Flag to let us know that search is enabled.
- $_search_table -
DataList::$_search_table in DataList.inc
Holds the object block that is the
- $_search_text -
DefaultGUIDatalist::$_search_text in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
this array holds some strings for the search functionality. This enables some level of localization for other languages.
- $_selected -
TextCSSNav::$_selected in TextCSSNav.inc
Holds which one is auto selected
- $_selected_background -
- -
The active tab's background color
- $_selected_tab -
ActiveTab::$_selected_tab in ActiveTab.inc
The default selected tab
- $_seperate_port_flag -
- -
flag to tell us to seperate the port
- $_show_actionbar -
DefaultGUIDatalist::$_show_actionbar in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
Do we show action bar row?
- $_show_char_encoding -
- -
this is a hack to show the character encoding or not.
- $_show_http_header -
XMLDocumentClass::$_show_http_header in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This flag tells if we should output the header content type.
- $_show_results_flag -
- -
flag to let us know if we want to show the results or not.
- $_show_vertical_cellborder -
- -
Flag to tell the class to render
- $_simple_search_modifier -
- -
Flag to enable simple search modifyer.
- $_steps -
FormWizard::$_steps in FormWizard.inc
This holds the array of
- $_stripslashes -
FormElement::$_stripslashes in FormElement.inc
automatically strip slashes from
- $_stripslashes -
FormContent::$_stripslashes in FormContent.inc
Automatically strip slashes from
- $_style_attributes -
- -
Holds additional style attributes for
- $_subtitle -
VerticalCSSNavTable::$_subtitle in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
the subtitle if any
- $_supported_image_types -
- -
Array of supported image type flags.
- $_table -
VerticalCSSNavTable::$_table in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
Holds the outer table object
- $_tag -
GLYPHsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
GLYPHREFsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
CENTERtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
METADATAsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
H1tag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
FONTFACEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
CAPTIONtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
H3tag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
PATHsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
FRAMEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
H2tag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
MPATHsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
FONTsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
MASKsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
BUTTONtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
DTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
EMtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
DFNtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
LINEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
HKERNsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
DLtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
DIVtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
IMAGEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
FIELDSETtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
FONTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
CITEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
Gsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
DOCTYPEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
FORMtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
CODEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
COLGROUPtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
MARKERsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
DELtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
DDtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
COLtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
FRAMESETtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
FEMERGEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
Atag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
DEFSsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
CURSORsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
BASEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
DESCsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
BDOtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
BIGtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
FEBLENDsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
ELLIPSEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
CLIPPATHsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
CIRCLEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
ABBRtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
ALTGLYGHsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
ACRONYMtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
ADDRESStag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
AREAtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
Asvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
APPLETtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
ANIMATEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
BLOCKQUOTEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
PATTERNsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
FEIMAGEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
FEOFFSETsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
FILTERsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
FETILEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
FEFUNCRsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
FEFUNCGsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
BRtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
BODYtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
Btag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
FEFUNCBsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
FEFUNCAsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
PREtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
FEFLOODsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
RECTsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
LINKtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
LItag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
LEGENDtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
LABELtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
KBDtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
MAPtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
METAtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
NOFRAMEStag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
NOSCRIPTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
CDATAtag::$_tag in XMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
NOBRtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
SCRIPTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
Itag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
INStag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
NOOPtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
ONEVENTtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
GOtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
DOtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
CARDtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
POLYGONsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
PREVtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
TIMERtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
WMLtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
TEMPLATEtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
SETVARtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
REFRESHtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
OBJECTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
OPTGROUPtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
OPTIONtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
TABLEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
TBODYtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
Tag definition for class.
- $_tag -
TDtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
SUPtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
SUBtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
SPANtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
SMALLtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
Stag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
STRONGtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
STYLEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
TEXTAREAtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
XMLtag::$_tag in XMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
ULtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
TTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
Utag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
VARtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
XMPtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
TRtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
OLtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
TFOOTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
THEADtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
THtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
TITLEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
ANCHORtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
POSTFIELDtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
TEXTPATHsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
TEXTsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
SYMBOLsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
SWITCHsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
SVGsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
TITLEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
TREFsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
VKERNsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
VIEWsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
USEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
TSPANsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
STYLEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
STOPsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
H4tag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
SELECTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
POLYLINEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
SCRIPTsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
Qtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
H6tag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
SETsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
H5tag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
- -
- $_tag -
PARAMtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
SAMPtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
ACCESStag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
HEADtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
IFRAMEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
IMGtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
HTMLtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
INPUTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
Ptag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag -
HRtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
- $_tag_postfix -
- -
- $_tag_postfix -
XMLtag::$_tag_postfix in XMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag_prefix -
CDATAtag::$_tag_prefix in XMLTAGS.inc
- $_tag_prefix -
XMLtag::$_tag_prefix in XMLTAGS.inc
- $_text -
FECheckBox::$_text in FECheckBox.inc
Holds the checkbox text
- $_title_css_class -
- -
The default class used for the
- $_title_text -
PageWidget::$_title_text in PageWidget.inc
holds the page title text for
- $_title_text_align -
- -
The default alignment for the title text in the caption.
- $_value -
FormElement::$_value in FormElement.inc
Holds the elements initial value
- $_vars -
FormWizard::$_vars in FormWizard.inc
Holds a bunch of state
- $_vars -
DataList::$_vars in DataList.inc
Holds an array of all the form vars we need for this class to work.
- $_visible_checkbox_items -
- -
this array keeps track of the list of rendered visible checkbox[] items. So we can not render the hidden version of it.
- $_widget_css_auto -
- -
keeps track of which widgets we have automatically pulled in css for
- $_widget_js_auto -
HTMLPageClass::$_widget_js_auto in HTMLPageClass.inc
keeps track of which widgets we have automatically pulled in js for
- $_width -
FEBoxElement::$_width in FEBoxElement.inc
Holds the width of the element
- $_width -
FormContent::$_width in FormContent.inc
Holds the width to be used for the
- $_xhtml_strict_attributes -
- -
- $_xhtml_strict_attributes -
- -
- $_xml_encoding -
HTMLPageClass::$_xml_encoding in HTMLPageClass.inc
The encoding of the XHTML
- $_xml_obj -
XMLDocumentClass::$_xml_obj in XMLDocumentClass.inc
holds the xml tag object that
- $_xml_stylesheet_container -
- -
The container for all the xml-stylesheet tags
- $_x_data -
SVGXYGraph::$_x_data in SVGXYGraph.inc
this holds the X axis data
- $_y_data -
SVGXYGraph::$_y_data in SVGXYGraph.inc
this holds the Y axis data
- $__page_info -
DefaultGUIDatalist::$__page_info in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
for a reference so the row_filter affects the paging information.
- _steps.inc -
_steps.inc in _steps.inc
- _add_confirm_data -
- -
This adds all of the submitted data as
- _add_hidden_fields -
- -
This function adds the form content's
- _add_options -
SVGXYGraph::_add_options() in SVGXYGraph.inc
this method adds our own options that
_ALWAYS_LOWERCASE in defines.inc
_ALWAYS_UPPERCASE in defines.inc
- _background -
SVGXYGraph::_background() in SVGXYGraph.inc
- _build_actionbar -
DefaultGUIDatalist::_build_actionbar() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function renders the action bar at the bottom of the data list.
- _build_actionbar_arrow_cell -
- -
This function builds a TD with the appropriate action arrow.
- _build_actionbar_data_cell -
- -
This function builds the user's data cell
- _build_action_column -
- -
This builds an action column cell
- _build_attribute_string -
- -
this builds an attribute for an XML tag.
- _build_attribute_string -
- -
this builds an attribute for a tag.
- _build_content_type_tag -
- -
this builds the content type meta tag.
- _build_default_vars -
- -
This function builds the list of
- _build_delete_confirm -
- -
This function builds the actual form
- _build_doctype -
XMLDocumentClass::_build_doctype() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This method builds the DOCTYPE tag for the document
- _build_element_attributes -
- -
This function builds the element form attributes
- _build_form_tag -
- -
this function builds the FORMtag object and its attributes.
- _build_graph -
SVGGraph::_build_graph() in SVGGraph.inc
This is a stub that the child class must override to build the actual graph
- _build_graph -
SVGXYGraph::_build_graph() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This function does the work of building the graph itself
- _build_head -
HTMLPageClass::_build_head() in HTMLPageClass.inc
builds the head object and its content.
- _build_header -
- -
This function builds the table header
- _build_hidden_vars -
- -
This builds the hidden form fields of the data that was originally sent to us
- _build_javascript -
- -
This method is used to build any Javascript that is used by the form and/or the form elements used in the form.
- _build_javascript -
- -
This function builds the complete javaScript events code for the element
- _build_js -
FormWizard::_build_js() in FormWizard.inc
This builds the javascript needed for the navigation of the wizard
- _build_line -
SVGXYLineGraph::_build_line() in SVGXYLineGraph.inc
- _build_links -
VerticalCSSNavTable::_build_links() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
This function is used to build the links to click on
- _build_links -
TextCSSNav::_build_links() in TextCSSNav.inc
This function is used to build the links to click on
- _build_name -
CSSBuilder::_build_name() in CSSBuilder.inc
This function is used to construct the css name declaration string.
- _build_point -
SVGXYPlotGraph::_build_point() in SVGXYPlotGraph.inc
- _build_properties -
- -
This function is used to construct the property: value strings for the class
- _build_root_tag -
XMLDocumentClass::_build_root_tag() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This function builds the root xml
- _build_save_vars -
- -
this method builds some hidden form fields to automatically be placed inside the form.
- _build_search_title -
- -
This function builds the search title table
- _build_simple_search_form -
- -
This function builds the simple search TD
- _build_simple_search_modifier -
- -
This builds the simple search modifier select box.
- _build_step_image -
- -
This function builds an image for a step #
- _build_subtitle -
RoundTitleTable::_build_subtitle() in RoundTitleTable.inc
this function builds the subtitle td to hold the...subtitle!
- _build_subtitle -
VerticalCSSNavTable::_build_subtitle() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
This function builds the subtitle if needed.
- _build_subtitle -
- -
this function builds the subtitle td to hold the...subtitle!
- _build_tab_td -
- -
- _build_td -
InfoTable::_build_td() in InfoTable.inc
this function builds a TD tag with the border styles set appropriatly
- _build_title -
SVGGraph::_build_title() in SVGGraph.inc
This method builds the text title area that lives on top of the graph
- _build_title -
InfoTable::_build_title() in InfoTable.inc
This function builds the title container
- _build_title -
VerticalCSSNavTable::_build_title() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
This function builds the title tr
- _build_titles -
- -
This is a stub for building the title(s) for the graph
- _build_titles -
SVGXYGraph::_build_titles() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This is a stub for building the title(s) for the graph
- _build_toolbar -
- -
This renders the toolbar/step table
- _build_tool_url -
- -
This function is used to build the url for a tool link.
- _build_xml_stylesheet_container -
- -
This function builds the _xml_stylesheet_container
- _build_x_axis -
SVGXYGraph::_build_x_axis() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This function builds the X axis and its measurement lines/marks
- _build_y_axis -
SVGXYGraph::_build_y_axis() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This function builds the Y axis and its measurement lines/marks
_CDATACONTENTWRAP in defines.inc
- _checkbox_javascript -
- -
This function builds the JS needed for the checkbox action column
- _check_datasource -
- -
general DataListSource object checker.
- _clean -
FormWizard::_clean() in FormWizard.inc
This function cleans up the saved Session state for the wizard. This gets called when we have completed the wizard w/o errors.
- _clean_string -
- -
This function is used to make sure that the string we are placing in a cell has been "cleaned"
_CLOSETAGREQUIRED in defines.inc
_COLLAPSE in defines.inc
- _construct_row -
CSVFILEDataListSource::_construct_row() in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
this is used to build a row from a csv line
_CONTENTREQUIRED in defines.inc
- _create_body -
HTMLPageClass::_create_body() in HTMLPageClass.inc
This is responsible for creating the BODYtag object. We only will create a new $this->_body if it doesn't already exist.
- _create_thumbnail_cache_dir -
- -
Try and create the thumbnail cache dir.
- _create_xml_obj -
XMLDocumentClass::_create_xml_obj() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This function builds the local
- _current_step -
FormWizard::_current_step() in FormWizard.inc
This returns the current step id
_DEPRICATED in defines.inc
- _div_wrapper -
StandardFormContent::_div_wrapper() in StandardFormContent.inc
- _do_validation -
- -
This function checks if the validation is nesseccary and calls the validate method
- _end_td -
ActiveTab::_end_td() in ActiveTab.inc
- _error -
FormValidation::_error() in FormValidation.inc
A wrapper method to set the error message and error code before returning FALSE
- _filter_column_string -
- -
This does some magic filtering on the data that we display in a column. This helps to prevent nast data that may have html tags in it.
- _find_data -
CSVFILEDataListSource::_find_data() in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
- _form_content_table -
- -
- _frameset_wrap_body -
- -
This builds a frameset body tag wrapped in a <noframes> tag.
- _get -
DataList::_get() in DataList.inc
Function used to get the current value of one of the control vars for this class
- _get_element -
XMLTagClass::_get_element() in XMLTagClass.inc
get the nth element from content array
- _get_file_type -
ImageThumbnailWidget::_get_file_type() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
discover the type of image based off of the extension
- _get_header -
CSVFILEDataListSource::_get_header() in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
This file trys to get the CSV header.
- _get_index_element -
- -
This method builds an individual Radio button with its associated text
- _get_searchable_fields -
- -
This method gets the array of searchable header fields (columns)
- _has_action_column -
- -
This function tests to see if the child wants to render an action column
_HTML_MDASH in defines.inc
_HTML_SPACE in defines.inc
some nice globals
_INDENT in defines.inc
_INDENT_STR in defines.inc
Some global defines for the tag classes
- _init -
FormWizard::_init() in FormWizard.inc
This function initializes all of the fields we need to keep track of for the internal state of the wizard. It also walks each of the step FormContent objects and initializes them.
- _init_session -
FormWizard::_init_session() in FormWizard.inc
This method initializes the session
- _is_column_sortable -
- -
This function determines if the column associated w/ a data_name is sortable or not
- _is_col_checked -
DefaultGUIDatalist::_is_col_checked() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This method checks to see if a particular row has been checked in the action column
- _is_step_visited -
- -
This tests to see if the step has been visited or not.
- _javascript -
DefaultGUIDatalist::_javascript() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function returns any Javascript required for this widget
- _javascript -
DataList::_javascript() in DataList.inc
This function provides a way to automatically add javascript to this object.
- _optional_info -
- -
This private method builds the table that holds
- _optional_info -
- -
This private method builds the table that holds
- _optional_info -
- -
This private method builds the table that holds
- _prepare_data -
- -
This is a stub meant to provide a means for doing any data parsing/munging prior to actually building the svg for the graph output.
- _prepare_data -
SVGXYGraph::_prepare_data() in SVGXYGraph.inc
We need this to calculate the min,max values for
- _prepare_flags -
- -
we override this method to automatically check to see if the tag has content.
- _prepare_flags -
HTMLTagClass::_prepare_flags() in HTMLTagClass.inc
This function checks to see if
- _prepare_flags -
- -
This function checks to see if
- _prepare_flags -
- -
we override this method to automatically check to see if the tag has content.
- _prequery_filter -
ArrayDataListSource::_prequery_filter() in ArrayDataListSource.inc
This is called to allow rebuilding the data array to remove elements that have to be filtered
- _pre_confirm -
FormProcessor::_pre_confirm() in FormProcessor.inc
This method calls the FormContent
- _process_action -
- -
This function is responsible for processing the form action after validation, and form confirmation happens.
- _process_form -
FormWizard::_process_form() in FormWizard.inc
This method does the logic of
- _process_form -
FormProcessor::_process_form() in FormProcessor.inc
This method does the logic of
- _render_close_tag -
- -
this function is reposnsible for rendering the closing tag (if any)
- _render_close_tag -
- -
- _render_content -
- -
this function is reponsible for rendering the pcdata, or content of the tag (if any)
- _render_open_tag -
- -
- _render_open_tag -
- -
this function is responsible for rendering the open tag.
- _render_tag_debug -
- -
This renders that open tag in debug mode.
- _render_text -
NavTable::_render_text() in NavTable.inc
render a text row.
- _render_url -
NavTable::_render_url() in NavTable.inc
render a url row.
- _replace_value -
- -
This function does the main work for update_all_values
- _save_checked_items_enabled -
- -
This tests the object flag to
- _save_mozilla_nav_link -
- -
This function stores the url for each of the tool urls, so we can push these out for mozilla.
- _session_test -
FormWizard::_session_test() in FormWizard.inc
This ensures that we have sessions started
- _set -
DataList::_set() in DataList.inc
This function is used to set the value of the control var
- _set_action -
FormProcessor::_set_action() in FormProcessor.inc
This is used to set the action
- _set_confirmed_success -
- -
This flag sets the flag that tells if we successfully confirmed the form, and processed the action
- _set_current_step -
- -
This sets the current step id
- _set_flags -
XMLTagClass::_set_flags() in XMLTagClass.inc
This method is used to set the bitmask flags for this tag. It tells the class how to render the tag.
- _set_flags -
Stag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
AREAtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
CDATAtag::_set_flags() in XMLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
- -
- _set_flags -
- -
- _set_flags -
PREtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
XMLtag::_set_flags() in XMLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
TIMERtag::_set_flags() in WMLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
BRtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
NOBRtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
Atag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
BASEtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
METAtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
- -
- _set_flags -
LINKtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
- -
- _set_flags -
- -
- _set_flags -
Container::_set_flags() in ContainerClass.inc
This method is used to set the bitmask flags for this tag. It tells the class how to render the tag.
- _set_flags -
INPUTtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
FRAMEtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
H1tag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
FONTtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
NOOPtag::_set_flags() in WMLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
- -
- _set_flags -
H2tag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
H3tag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
H6tag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
H5tag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
- -
- _set_flags -
H4tag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
- -
- _set_flags -
- -
- _set_flags -
- -
- _set_flags -
IMGtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
- -
- _set_flags -
- -
- _set_flags -
Btag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_flags -
- -
- _set_flags -
- -
- _set_flags -
HRtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
- _set_step -
FormWizard::_set_step() in FormWizard.inc
This function sets the _form_content object for the current step we are operating on.
- _show_results -
- -
This function is used to let render() know that we should show the results or not.
- _spacer_td -
ActiveTab::_spacer_td() in ActiveTab.inc
- _step_visited -
FormWizard::_step_visited() in FormWizard.inc
This sets the state variable for the step to let us know it has been visited or not
- _tab_name -
ActiveTab::_tab_name() in ActiveTab.inc
_TAG_PREFIX in defines.inc
_TAG_SUFFIX in defines.inc
- _test_element -
FormContent::_test_element() in FormContent.inc
This method tests to see if we have an element named $label, so we can operate on it.
- _user_info -
Step1::_user_info() in _steps.inc
This private method builds the table that holds
- _user_info -
- -
This private method builds the table that holds
- _validate_hostname -
- -
this validates the hostname field only
- _validate_hostname -
- -
this validates the hostname field only
_XHTMLCOMPLIANT in defines.inc
- _x_axis_title -
SVGXYGraph::_x_axis_title() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This method builds the text title area that lives in the X axis
- _y_axis_title -
SVGXYGraph::_y_axis_title() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This method builds the text title area that lives in the X axis
- __hidden_fields -
- -
This method adds the processor specific hidden fields.
- __hidden_fields -
- -
- -
- a - b - c - d - e - f - g - h - i - j - k - l - m - n - o - p - q - r - s - t - u - v - w - x - _ -
- \ No newline at end of file + + + + + + + + + + + +

Full index


Package indexes

+ +
+ a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k + l + m + n + o + p + q + r + s + t + u + v + w + x + _ +
+ + +
+ $alternating_row_colors +
+ +
Do we want to alternate the row colors? This helps to see each row easier.
+ ABBRtag +
ABBRtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<ABBR> tag class
+ ACCESStag +
<ACCESS> tag class
+ AccountForm +
AccountForm in form1.php
This is the Class that handles the building of the Form itself. It creates the Form Elements inside the form_init_elements() method.
+ ACRONYMtag +
<ACRONYM> tag class
+ actionbar_cell +
DefaultGUIDatalist::actionbar_cell() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
this is the method that builds the contents for the middle actionbar td cell.
+ actionbar_cell +
+ +
+ action_button +
DefaultGUIDatalist::action_button() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function builds an action button that will modify the form action, to post to a different script to handle the data
+ ActiveTab +
ActiveTab in ActiveTab.inc
This class is used for creating a tab panel of content where the tabs can be switched on the fly w/ JS, thereby eliminating a page turn to see the other tab's content.
+ ActiveTab +
ActiveTab::ActiveTab() in ActiveTab.inc
This is the constructor for the ActiveTab object.
+ ActiveTabCSS +
ActiveTabCSS in ActiveTab.inc
The CSSBuilder object for the ActiveTab widget
+ add +
FooterNav::add() in FooterNav.inc
add an entry to the footer nav
+ add +
HTMLPageClass::add() in HTMLPageClass.inc
This function adds content to the <body> area of the page.
+ add +
CSSContainer::add() in CSSContainer.inc
Only allow the adding of CSSBuilder
+ add +
DialogWidget::add() in DialogWidget.inc
Pushes a content into the data object
+ add +
NavTable::add() in NavTable.inc
this function adds an entry to the navtable.
+ add +
Container::add() in ContainerClass.inc
add content onto content stack
+ add +
ButtonPanel::add() in ButtonPanel.inc
Push content onto the data object
+ add +
OLtag::add() in ALLTAGS.inc
add content onto content stack adds content to tag as a FIFO.
+ add +
TabList::add() in TabWidget.inc
This public method adds a new tab to the table
+ add +
TRtag::add() in ALLTAGS.inc
add content onto content stack adds content to tag as a FIFO.
+ add +
XMLDocumentClass::add() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
we override this class to make sure we push all content inside the local _xml_obj tag
+ add +
TextNav::add() in TextNav.inc
this function adds a clickable link.
+ add +
VerticalCSSNavTable::add() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
this function adds a clickable link.
+ add +
TextCSSNav::add() in TextCSSNav.inc
this function adds a clickable link.
+ ADDRESStag +
<ADDRESS> tag class
+ add_action +
FormContent::add_action() in FormContent.inc
This function adds a form submit button with the appropriate action.
+ add_action_column +
DefaultGUIDatalist::add_action_column() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function adds an action column. This adds a column of either checkboxes or radio buttons.
+ add_blank +
NavTable::add_blank() in NavTable.inc
This lets you add a blank line between 2 links
+ add_blank +
TextCSSNav::add_blank() in TextCSSNav.inc
This lets you add a blank entry between 2 links
+ add_blank +
TextNav::add_blank() in TextNav.inc
This lets you add a blank entry between 2 links
+ add_block +
StandardDialogWidget::add_block() in StandardDialogWidget.inc
Pushes a block content onto the data object Each pushed block is separated by some white space defined in $_block_spacing
+ add_button +
DialogWidget::add_button() in DialogWidget.inc
Adds a single button to the dialog that will be display at the bottom of the widget
+ add_button +
MessageBoxWidget::add_button() in MessageBoxWidget.inc
Adds a single button to the dialog that will be display at the bottom of the widget
+ add_cancel +
FormContent::add_cancel() in FormContent.inc
build a cancel button with a url to go to
+ add_column +
DataListSource::add_column() in DataListSource.inc
Add a column of data to manage
+ add_column_header +
+ +
This function is used to set the column header text for each column
+ add_css_link +
HTMLPageClass::add_css_link() in HTMLPageClass.inc
pushes a css external reference to the head area
+ add_data_row +
CSVFILEDataListSource::add_data_row() in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
This function adds a row of data
+ add_element +
FormContent::add_element() in FormContent.inc
This method is used to add a form element
+ add_entry +
CSSBuilder::add_entry() in CSSBuilder.inc
This function adds a new class entry
+ add_error +
FormContent::add_error() in FormContent.inc
This method is used to create a new error element during the call to form_action(). This enables us to do error handling during a transaction into a DB.
+ add_form_block +
StandardFormContent::add_form_block() in StandardFormContent.inc
This function is used to add a block of form fields inside a table to this form.
+ add_header_item +
+ +
This function adds a header item to the column headers from a list of parameters.
+ add_heading +
NavTable::add_heading() in NavTable.inc
This adds a new heading in the nav.
+ add_head_content +
+ +
this adds content to the head tag of the page
+ add_head_css +
HTMLPageClass::add_head_css() in HTMLPageClass.inc
this function adds raw css to the <head> tag. It will automatically be wrapped in a <style type="text/css">
+ add_head_js +
HTMLPageClass::add_head_js() in HTMLPageClass.inc
adds raw javascript to the head which will automatically get wrapped in a <script language="JavaScript"> tag.
+ add_hidden_action +
+ +
This function adds a submit button that can have any label. It just makes the _form_action a hidden field.
+ add_hidden_element +
+ +
This method is used to add a hidden form field
+ add_hidden_variable +
+ +
Add a single extra hidden variable
+ add_hidden_variables +
+ +
Add extra hidden variables
+ add_image_action +
+ +
This function adds an action as an image to submit the form.
+ add_js_link +
HTMLPageClass::add_js_link() in HTMLPageClass.inc
This adds a link to an external Javascript file, which will get rendered in the head.
+ add_line +
SVGXYLineGraph::add_line() in SVGXYLineGraph.inc
This enables you to add another line to the graph
+ add_point +
SVGXYPlotGraph::add_point() in SVGXYPlotGraph.inc
This enables you to add another line to the graph
+ add_reference +
OLtag::add_reference() in ALLTAGS.inc
push content onto content stack
+ add_reference +
HTMLPageClass::add_reference() in HTMLPageClass.inc
Adds the content reference to the <body> tag for later use.
+ add_reference +
Container::add_reference() in ContainerClass.inc
Add content onto content stack so you can change the item later.
+ add_reference +
TRtag::add_reference() in ALLTAGS.inc
add content onto content stack
+ add_reference +
XMLDocumentClass::add_reference() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
we override this class to make sure we push all content inside the local _xml_obj tag
+ add_row +
TABLEtag::add_row() in ALLTAGS.inc
push 1 row (tr) of content.
+ add_row +
InfoTable::add_row() in InfoTable.inc
This function is used to add a row to the table
+ add_step +
FormWizard::add_step() in FormWizard.inc
This adds a step to the wizard
+ add_tab +
ActiveTab::add_tab() in ActiveTab.inc
Add a tab
+ add_text +
VerticalCSSNavTable::add_text() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
this adds a text item in the nav
+ add_text +
TextCSSNav::add_text() in TextCSSNav.inc
this adds a text item in the nav
+ add_text +
TextNav::add_text() in TextNav.inc
this adds a text item in the nav
+ add_text +
NavTable::add_text() in NavTable.inc
this adds a text item in the nav
+ add_valid_type +
+ +
This is so the user can create a list of mime types to allow
+ add_xml_stylesheet_link +
+ +
This function is used to add a new xml-stylesheet tag to the top portion of the document.
+ add_x_values +
SVGXYGraph::add_x_values() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This function is used to add a new set of x values for the graph.
+ add_y_values +
SVGXYGraph::add_y_values() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This function is used to add a new set of y values for the graph.
+ adodbmysqllist +
adodbmysqllist in widget6.php
This is a subclass of the pear mysql list object.
+ ADODBSQLDataListSource +
ADODBSQLDataListSource in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
This SQLDataListSource child class interacts with with the specific DB via the php ADODB DB abstraction objects.
+ ADODBSQLDataListSource +
+ +
The constructor is used to pass in the PEAR DB object that has already been created and connected to the db.
+ advanced_search_disable +
+ +
Disable the advanced search
+ advanced_search_enable +
+ +
Enable the advanced search
+ advanced_search_where_clause +
+ +
This function is responsible for building the portion of the where clause for doing an advanced search.
+ allow_permissions_checks +
+ +
This method is used to enable or disable the built in permissions checking mechanism.
+ allow_select_all +
DefaultGUIDatalist::allow_select_all() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
Sets the flag for rendering the select all checkbox
<altGlyphDef> SVG tag
<altGlyphItem> SVG tag
+ ALTGLYGHsvgtag +
<altGlyph> SVG tag
+ ANCHORtag +
<ANCHOR> tag class
<animateColor> SVG tag
<animateMotion> SVG tag
+ ANIMATEsvgtag +
ANIMATEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<animate> SVG tag
+ +
<animateTransform> SVG tag
+ APPLETtag +
<APPLET> tag class
+ AREAtag +
AREAtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<AREA> tag class
+ ArrayDataListSource +
ArrayDataListSource in ArrayDataListSource.inc
This DataListSource child class gets the data from an external array
+ ArrayDataListSource +
+ +
The constructor.
+ array_hasempty +
FormValidation::array_hasempty() in FormValidation.inc
This method checks to make sure an array doesn't have an empty element.
+ array_to_xml_tree +
array_to_xml_tree() in xml_utils.inc
This function converts an array to an xml document.
+ Asvgtag +
Asvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<a> SVG tag
+ Atag +
Atag in ALLTAGS.inc
<A> tag class
+ ALLTAGS.inc +
+ ActiveTab.inc +
ActiveTab.inc in ActiveTab.inc
+ ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc +
ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
+ ArrayDataListSource.inc +
ArrayDataListSource.inc in ArrayDataListSource.inc
+ +
+ BASEtag +
BASEtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<BASE> tag class
+ BaseWidget +
BaseWidget in BaseWidget.inc
this is the base widget class, that all widgets are based off of. It provides some basic members and methods
+ BDOtag +
BDOtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<BDO> tag class
+ BIGtag +
BIGtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<BIG> tag class
<BLOCKQUOTE> tag class
+ BODYtag +
BODYtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<BODY> tag class
+ body_content +
MyLayoutPage::body_content() in MyLayoutPage.inc
This builds the main content for the page.
+ body_content +
+ +
This will only get called if we have permissions to build and render the content for this page object.
+ body_content +
+ +
This will only get called if we have permissions to build and render the content for this page object.
+ body_content +
PageWidget::body_content() in PageWidget.inc
This function is meant to be overridden by the child class.
+ BRtag +
BRtag in ALLTAGS.inc

tag class
+ Btag +
Btag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ build_base_url +
+ +
This builds the base url used by the column headers as well as the page tool links.
+ build_column_header +
+ +
This function builds the object/text
+ build_column_header +
+ +
This function builds the object/text
+ build_column_header +
+ +
This function builds the object/text
+ build_column_item +
+ +
This is the basic function for letting us do a mapping between the column name in the header, to the value found in the DB.
+ build_column_item +
+ +
This is the basic function for letting us do a mapping between the column name in the header, to the value found in the DataListSource.
+ build_column_url +
+ +
This builds a url for a particular column header.
+ build_confirm_table +
+ +
This method allows the child to ovveride the default confirm data. By default the form_confirm() will show ALL FormElements. This is prolly not good in case of a form where a password exists.
+ build_content +
+ +
+ build_copyright_header +
+ +
render the copyright string
+ build_doctype +
HTMLPageClass::build_doctype() in HTMLPageClass.inc
This function is used to build the DOCTYPE
+ build_filelist +
ImageThumbnailWidget::build_filelist() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
build the list of images
+ build_form_block +
StandardFormContent::build_form_block() in StandardFormContent.inc
this builds a fieldset and legend and adds the form table to it.
+ build_groupby_clause +
+ +
this builds the groupby clause of the query
+ build_gui +
DataList::build_gui() in DataList.inc
This function is responsible for calling the child class's methods for building the GUI container.
+ build_gui +
DefaultGUIDatalist::build_gui() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
Override the parent's method so we can wrap everything in a div to hold it all together when we change the alignment
+ build_img_td +
+ +
build the image seperator td
+ build_img_td +
+ +
build the image seperator td
+ build_innertable +
+ +
build all of the idividual nav elements.
+ build_in_clause +
+ +
This method is used to build the portion
+ build_limit_clause +
PEARSQLDataListSource::build_limit_clause() in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
This function builds the limit clause portion of a DB query.
+ build_limit_clause +
+ +
This function builds the limit clause portion of a DB query.
+ build_limit_clause +
+ +
This function builds the limit clause portion of a DB query.
+ build_limit_clause +
ADODBSQLDataListSource::build_limit_clause() in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
This function builds the limit clause portion of a DB query.
+ build_link_td +
ImageThumbnailWidget::build_link_td() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
build the link td.
+ build_link_td +
+ +
build the link td.
+ build_nav_td +
+ +
build a td for the link.
+ build_options +
ListAction::build_options() in ListAction.inc
Build any additional custom options such as checkboxes, radiobuttons for special options for the action.
+ build_orderby_querystring +
+ +
This builds a query string var for the orderby value.
+ build_order_clause +
+ +
This builds the db query ORDER BY clause used to sort the data from the DB.
+ build_page_control +
ImageThumbnailWidget::build_page_control() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
+ build_query +
SQLDataListSource::build_query() in SQLDataListSource.inc
build the entire DB query
+ build_reverseorder_querystring +
+ +
This builds a query string var for the reverseorder value.
+ build_searchfield_querystring +
+ +
This builds a query string var for the searchfield value.
+ build_searchvalue_querystring +
+ +
This builds a query string var for the searchfield value.
+ build_search_clause +
+ +
This method builds the where clause.
+ build_spacergif_imgtag +
build_spacergif_imgtag() in misc_utils.inc
This builds an IMG tag object that is used to show a spacer image.
+ build_spacer_td +
+ +
build a spacer td.
+ build_state_vars_query_string +
+ +
this function is used to build a sub query string
+ build_tabs +
ActiveTab::build_tabs() in ActiveTab.inc
+ build_thumbnails +
ImageThumbnailWidget::build_thumbnails() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
this function builds a cache dir of thumbnails, so we don't have to render thumbnails every time we hit the thumbnails page.
+ build_thumbnail_file +
+ +
Builds a thumbnail version of a file, and writes it to disk.
+ build_thumb_table +
ImageThumbnailWidget::build_thumb_table() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
function that will render the widget.
+ build_tool_link +
+ +
This function builds the 'tool' images that allow you to walk through the data list itself.
+ build_where_clause +
+ +
This builds the where clause for the query
+ build_wrapper_table +
+ +
builds the wrapper table
+ ButtonPanel +
ButtonPanel::ButtonPanel() in ButtonPanel.inc
+ ButtonPanel +
ButtonPanel in ButtonPanel.inc
This class defines a bottom button panel for a dialog box window It is a BaseWidget child with a specific css style class and border This row is separated by vertical top line
+ ButtonPanelCSS +
ButtonPanelCSS in ButtonPanel.inc
This class defines the css used by the FooterNav Object.
+ BUTTONtag +
<BUTTON> tag class
+ BaseWidget.inc +
BaseWidget.inc in BaseWidget.inc
+ ButtonPanel.inc +
ButtonPanel.inc in ButtonPanel.inc
+ +
+ can_validate +
FormProcessor::can_validate() in FormProcessor.inc
This method lets us turn on/off the ability to do validation for the form
+ CAPTIONtag +
<CAPTION> tag class This element defines a table caption.
+ CARDtag +
CARDtag in WMLTAGS.inc
<CARD> tag class
+ CDATAtag +
CDATAtag::CDATAtag() in XMLTAGS.inc
+ CDATAtag +
A simple wrapper for standard XML
+ cdata_wrapper +
cdata_wrapper() in misc_utils.inc
This function is used to wrap
+ CENTERtag +
<CENTER> tag class.
+ child_add_row_cell +
+ +
+ child_add_row_cell +
+ +
+ child_add_row_cell +
+ +
This method is supposed to be written by the child class to add the cell data to the current row in the UI
+ child_add_row_cell +
+ +
+ child_build_column_header +
+ +
+ child_build_column_header +
+ +
+ child_build_column_header +
+ +
+ child_build_column_header +
+ +
This method is supposed to be written by the child class to build and add the column title to the UI
+ child_build_search_table +
+ +
This function builds the search block that lives above the results
+ child_build_search_table +
+ +
This builds the table that holds the search capability.
+ child_get_gui +
SimpleGUIDataList::child_get_gui() in SimpleGUIDataList.inc
+ child_get_gui +
+ +
This function is called after all of the data has been added to the UI object. It just returns the container that is the entire UI for the DataList
+ child_get_gui +
ListAction::child_get_gui() in ListAction.inc
+ child_get_gui +
DefaultGUIDatalist::child_get_gui() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
+ CIRCLEsvgtag +
CIRCLEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<circle> SVG tag
+ CITEtag +
CITEtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<CITE> tag class
+ CLIPPATHsvgtag +
<clipPath> SVG tag
+ cmp +
ArrayDataListSource::cmp() in ArrayDataListSource.inc
This method is used for comparing 2 string values
+ cmp_numeric +
ArrayDataListSource::cmp_numeric() in ArrayDataListSource.inc
This method is used for comparing 2 numerical values
+ CODEtag +
CODEtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<COLGROUP> tag class
<color-profile> SVG tag
+ COLtag +
COLtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<COL> tag class
+ confirm_action +
StandardFormContent::confirm_action() in StandardFormContent.inc
This method is responsible for handling the confirmation page's Confirm action.
+ confirm_action +
+ +
This method will get called after all validation has passed, and the confirmation has been accepted.
+ confirm_action +
+ +
This method will get called after all validation has passed, and the confirmation has been accepted.
+ confirm_action +
+ +
This method will get called after all validation has passed, and the confirmation has been accepted.
+ confirm_action +
+ +
This method will get called after all validation has passed, and the confirmation has been accepted.
+ container +
container() in misc_utils.inc
This function creates a new container widget and stuffs all the args into it.
+ Container +
Container::Container() in ContainerClass.inc
The constructor.
+ Container +
Container in ContainerClass.inc
This class is nothing more then a
+ ContainerClass.inc +
ContainerClass.inc in ContainerClass.inc
+ ContainerTest +
+ +
+ ContainerTest +
ContainerTest in unittest1.php
Test the Container class
+ ContainerWidget +
ContainerWidget in ContainerWidget.inc
This is just to maintain compatibility with the 1.1.0 release of phphtmllib
+ content +
test::content() in widget14.php
+ content +
FirstTab::content() in widget14.php
+ content +
TabWidget::content() in TabWidget.inc
This is the function where you can build the content for the Tab itself.
+ content +
FooTab::content() in widget14.php
+ content_block +
+ +
+ content_block +
+ +
+ content_block +
+ +
+ content_block +
MyLayoutPage::content_block() in MyLayoutPage.inc
this function returns the contents of the right block. It is already wrapped in a TD
+ content_block +
+ +
+ count +
PGSQLDataListSource::count() in PGSQLDataListSource.inc
find the number of rows to be returned from a query from a table and where clause
+ count +
ADODBSQLDataListSource::count() in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
find the number of rows to be returned from a query from a table and where clause
+ count +
SQLDataListSource::count() in SQLDataListSource.inc
find the number of rows to be returned from a query from a table and where clause
+ count +
PEARSQLDataListSource::count() in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
find the number of rows to be returned from a query from a table and where clause
+ count_content +
Container::count_content() in ContainerClass.inc
counts the number of content objects
+ create_element_name +
+ +
This function creates element name used in the form based on the text label or any other parameters
+ create_element_name +
+ +
This function creates element name
+ CSSBuilder +
CSSBuilder::CSSBuilder() in CSSBuilder.inc
The CSSBuilder constructor
+ CSSBuilder +
CSSBuilder in CSSBuilder.inc
This class is a widget for constructing and rendering css. It exports API's for adding classes, ids and their attributes.
+ CSSContainer +
CSSContainer in CSSContainer.inc
This class is a container for CSSBuilder objects. It is meant to make the theming of many CSSBuilder objects easy to manage.
+ css_container.inc +
css_container.inc in css_container.inc
+ CSVFILEDataListSource +
+ +
The constructor.
+ CSVFILEDataListSource +
CSVFILEDataListSource in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
This DataListSource child class gets the data from a CSV (comma seperated values) file on disk.
+ csvfilelist +
csvfilelist in widget7.php
This class shows how to use the data coming
+ CURSORsvgtag +
CURSORsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<cursor> SVG tag
+ ContainerWidget.inc +
ContainerWidget.inc in ContainerWidget.inc
+ CSSBuilder.inc +
CSSBuilder.inc in CSSBuilder.inc
+ CSSContainer.inc +
CSSContainer.inc in CSSContainer.inc
+ CSVFILEDataListSource.inc +
CSVFILEDataListSource.inc in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
+ +
+ $data +
ButtonPanel::$data in ButtonPanel.inc
Holds all the buttons
+ $dtd +
XMLDocumentClass::$dtd in XMLDocumentClass.inc
Holds the url of dtd
+ darkbluetheme.php +
darkbluetheme.php in darkbluetheme.php
+ DataList +
DataList::DataList() in DataList.inc
The constructor
+ DataList +
DataList in DataList.inc
This object is the base class that can be
+ DataListSource +
DataListSource in DataListSource.inc
This is the base class for managing data for the DataList class. This abstracts away the underlying data layer from the DataList, so the data can come from multiple sources.
+ DataListSource +
DataListSource::DataListSource() in DataListSource.inc
The constructor
+ data_prefetch +
+ +
This function is used to set up any
DB_HOSTNAME in db_defines.inc
************************ db_defines.inc
DB_NAME in db_defines.inc
DB_PASSWORD in db_defines.inc
DB_USERNAME in db_defines.inc
+ DDtag +
DDtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<DD> tag class
DEBUG in example3.php
+ debug +
debug() in wizard1.php
+ DefaultGUIDatalist +
DefaultGUIDatalist in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This class is the Default phpHtmlLib GUI interface child of the DataList class. This child simply does the job of rendering the html/layout for a DataList.
+ DefaultGUIDataListCSS +
DefaultGUIDataListCSS in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This class defines the css used by the FooterNav Object.
+ defines.inc +
defines.inc in defines.inc
<definition-src> SVG tag
+ DEFSsvgtag +
DEFSsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<defs> SVG tag
+ DELtag +
DELtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<DEL> tag class
+ DESCsvgtag +
DESCsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<desc> SVG tag
+ DFNtag +
DFNtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<DFN> tag class
+ DialogWidget +
DialogWidget::DialogWidget() in DialogWidget.inc
The constructor
+ DialogWidget +
DialogWidget in DialogWidget.inc
This is a base class for building generic Dialogs with messages and buttons.
+ disable_item +
FEDataList::disable_item() in FEDataList.inc
This method allows you to disable one of the items in the list of checkboxes.
+ DIVtag +
DIVtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<DIV> tag class
+ div_build_spacergif_tag +
div_build_spacergif_tag() in divtag_utils.inc
Render a div w/ a spacer give as its content.
+ div_font8 +
div_font8() in font_utils.inc
Build a DIVtag object with css class of .font8.
+ div_font8bold +
div_font8bold() in font_utils.inc
Build a DIVtag object with css class of .font8bold.
+ div_font10 +
div_font10() in font_utils.inc
Build a DIVtag object with css class of .font10.
+ div_font10bold +
div_font10bold() in font_utils.inc
Build a DIVtag object with css class of .font10bold.
+ div_font12 +
div_font12() in font_utils.inc
Build a DIVtag object with css class of .font12.
+ div_font12bold +
div_font12bold() in font_utils.inc
Build a DIVtag object with css class of .font12bold.
+ div_font14 +
div_font14() in font_utils.inc
Build a DIVtag object with css class of .font14.
+ div_font14bold +
div_font14bold() in font_utils.inc
Build a DIVtag object with css class of .font14bold.
+ DLtag +
DLtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<DL> tag class
+ DOCTYPEtag +
<!DOCTYPE> tag class
+ DOtag +
DOtag in WMLTAGS.inc
<DO> tag class
+ do_action +
DataList::do_action() in DataList.inc
This method is called prior to get_data_source and user_setup() to allow you to do some generic action on data. By default this does nothing.
+ do_prequery +
ArrayDataListSource::do_prequery() in ArrayDataListSource.inc
This is a method that should be defined by the child class to do any pre-query type of things.
+ do_prequery +
CSVFILEDataListSource::do_prequery() in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
The prequery. We use this to read the file
+ do_prequery +
SQLDataListSource::do_prequery() in SQLDataListSource.inc
+ do_prequery +
DataListSource::do_prequery() in DataListSource.inc
This is a method that should be defined by the child class to do any pre-query type of things.
+ do_query +
SQLDataListSource::do_query() in SQLDataListSource.inc
Do the query to the DB and pull in all of the records locally.
+ do_query +
PGSQLDataListSource::do_query() in PGSQLDataListSource.inc
+ do_query +
PEARSQLDataListSource::do_query() in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
This is the function that does the data fetching, and sorting if needed.
+ do_query +
ArrayDataListSource::do_query() in ArrayDataListSource.inc
This function does the query
+ do_query +
DataListSource::do_query() in DataListSource.inc
This is the function that does the data fetching, and sorting if needed.
+ do_query +
ADODBSQLDataListSource::do_query() in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
This is the function that does the data fetching, and sorting if needed.
+ do_query +
CSVFILEDataListSource::do_query() in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
This function does the query
+ do_validation +
FormProcessor::do_validation() in FormProcessor.inc
This method walks the FormContent's visible elements
+ DTtag +
DTtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<DT> tag class
+ dump_http_header +
XMLDocumentClass::dump_http_header() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This function is used to output the http header for this document.
+ db_defines.inc +
db_defines.inc in db_defines.inc
+ divtag_utils.inc +
divtag_utils.inc in divtag_utils.inc
+ DataListSource.inc +
DataListSource.inc in DataListSource.inc
+ DataList.inc +
DataList.inc in DataList.inc
+ DefaultGUIDataList.inc +
DefaultGUIDataList.inc in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
+ DialogWidget.inc +
DialogWidget.inc in DialogWidget.inc
+ +
+ $error_array +
FormErrors::$error_array in FormErrors.inc
error array from the FormValidation class.
+ element_form +
FormContent::element_form() in FormContent.inc
This method returns the actual form object that renders the form field.
+ element_label +
FormContent::element_label() in FormContent.inc
This method returns the label object for a visible form element.
+ ELLIPSEsvgtag +
ELLIPSEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<ellipse> SVG tag
+ EMtag +
EMtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<EM> tag class
+ enable_debug +
PageWidget::enable_debug() in PageWidget.inc
This sets the debug option for the HTMLPageClass
+ example1.php +
example1.php in example1.php
+ example2.php +
example2.php in example2.php
+ example3.php +
example3.php in example3.php
+ example4.php +
example4.php in example4.php
+ example5.php +
example5.php in example5.php
+ example6.php +
example6.php in example6.php
+ example7.php +
example7.php in example7.php
+ example8.php +
example8.php in example8.php
+ example9.php +
example9.php in example9.php
+ expandrows +
DataList::expandrows() in DataList.inc
returns the current value of the expandrows flag. This tells us if they want the entire list of data back from the DB.
+ +
+ form1.php +
form1.php in form1.php
+ form2.php +
form2.php in form2.php
+ form3.php +
form3.php in form3.php
+ form4.php +
form4.php in form4.php
+ FEBLENDsvgtag +
FEBLENDsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feBlend> SVG tag
+ FEBoxElement +
FEBoxElement::FEBoxElement() in FEBoxElement.inc
The constructor
+ FEBoxElement +
FEBoxElement in FEBoxElement.inc
This is the Box FormElement which builds a DIV with a width and a height. It is a base class for more complicated FormElements.
+ FEButton +
FEButton::FEButton() in FEButton.inc
The constructor
+ FEButton +
FEButton in FEButton.inc
This is the button FormElement which builds a input field of type="button". It has no validation method.
+ FECheckBox +
FECheckBox in FECheckBox.inc
This is the CheckBox FormElement which builds a input field of type="checkbox". It has no validation method.
+ FECheckBox +
FECheckBox::FECheckBox() in FECheckBox.inc
The constructor
+ FECheckBoxList +
FECheckBoxList in FECheckBox.inc
This is the CheckBoxList FormElement which builds a list of checkboxes inside a scrollable DIV.
<feColorMatrix> SVG tag
+ FEComboListBox +
FEComboListBox in FEListBox.inc
This builds a complex dual select box with buttons to move entries from one select box to another.
+ FEComboListBox +
+ +
The constructor
+ +
<feComponentTransfer> SVG tag
<feComposite> SVG tag
+ FEConfirmActionButton +
+ +
+ FEConfirmActionButton +
FEConfirmActionButton in FEButton.inc
This builds a button that will do a JS popup question, asking for yes/no. if yes, it submits the form.
+ FEConfirmPassword +
FEConfirmPassword in FEPassword.inc
This is the ConfirmPassword FormElement which builds a input field of type="password". It requires the caller to add a FEPassword object to this class to have something to compare during validation time.
<feConvolveMatrix> SVG tag
+ FECountryListMaster +
FECountryListMaster in form4.php
A simple class to be the master. It contains a list of countries and the acceptable states for each county.
+ FECountryListMaster +
+ +
The constructor
+ FEDataList +
FEDataList in FEDataList.inc
This is the DataList FormElement which builds a a complex FEBoxElement. It has no validation method.
+ FEDataList +
FEDataList::FEDataList() in FEDataList.inc
The constructor
+ FEDate +
FEDate::FEDate() in FEListBox.inc
The constructor
+ FEDate +
FEDate in FEListBox.inc
This class builds a FEDataList that shows a group of select boxes (FEYears, FEMonths, FEDays) representing a date.
+ FEDays +
FEDays in FEListBox.inc
This class builds a FEDataList that shows a select box listing the days of the month
+ FEDays +
FEDays::FEDays() in FEListBox.inc
The constructor
+ +
<feDiffuseLighting> SVG tag
+ +
<feDisplacementMap> SVG tag
<feDistantLight> SVG tag
+ FEDomainName +
FEDomainName in FEText.inc
This is the DomainName FormElement which builds a text input field.
+ FEEmail +
FEEmail in FEText.inc
This is the Email FormElement which builds a text input field.
+ FEEmailMany +
FEEmailMany in FEText.inc
This is the EmailMany FormElement which builds a text input field. This allows for multiple email addresses in 1 text input field seperated by commas.
+ FEError +
FEError in misc.inc
This is a way of providing an Error to the FormProcessor.
+ FEError +
FEError::FEError() in misc.inc
The constructor
+ FEFile +
FEFile in FEFile.inc
This is the FileUpload FormElement which builds a input field of type="file". This automagically handles the case of a confirmation page.
+ FEFLOODsvgtag +
FEFLOODsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feFlood> SVG tag
+ FEFUNCAsvgtag +
FEFUNCAsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feFuncA> SVG tag
+ FEFUNCBsvgtag +
FEFUNCBsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feFuncB> SVG tag
+ FEFUNCGsvgtag +
FEFUNCGsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feFuncG> SVG tag
+ FEFUNCRsvgtag +
FEFUNCRsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feFuncR> SVG tag
<feGaussianBlur> SVG tag
+ FEHidden +
+ +
+ FEHidden +
FEHidden in misc.inc
This is the Hidden FormElement which builds a input field of type="hidden". It has no validation method.
+ FEHostNameWithPort +
+ +
The constructor
+ FEHostNameWithPort +
FEHostNameWithPort in FEText.inc
This is the DomainName FormElement which builds a text input field. It also includes a port # It validates as is_domainname().
+ FEIMAGEsvgtag +
FEIMAGEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feImage> SVG tag
+ FEIPAddress +
FEIPAddress in FEText.inc
This is the Ip Address FormElement which builds a text input field.
+ FEIPAddressWithPort +
FEIPAddressWithPort in FEText.inc
This is the Ip Address FormElement which builds a text input field.
+ FEListBox +
FEListBox in FEListBox.inc
This is the ListBox FormElement which builds a select field with all of its options.
+ FEListBoxMaster +
FEListBoxMaster in FEListBoxMaster.inc
This element builds the master datalist that will control one slave datalist to change the value of the slave datalist when master changes in JS. It will also set the valid list for the slave depending on the value of the master.
<feMergeNode> SVG tag
+ FEMERGEsvgtag +
FEMERGEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feMerge> SVG tag
+ FEMonths +
FEMonths in FEListBox.inc
This class builds a FEDataList that shows a select box for Months of the year
+ FEMonths +
FEMonths::FEMonths() in FEListBox.inc
The constructor
<feMorphology> SVG tag
+ FEMultiListBox +
FEMultiListBox in FEListBox.inc
This is the MultiListBox FormElement which builds a select field with all of its options. It enables the ability to have multiple selections.
+ FEName +
FEName in FEText.inc
This is the Name FormElement which builds a text input field, and validates against the is_name() method.
+ FENestedListBox +
FENestedListBox in FEListBox.inc
This class builds a nested select box that is used to select an entry from nested levels.
+ FENumber +
FENumber in FENumbers.inc
This is the FormElement which builds a text input field that validates It validates as is_number().
+ FENumberFloat +
FENumberFloat in FENumbers.inc
This is the float FormElement which builds a text input field.
+ FENumberInRange +
+ +
The constructor
+ FENumberInRange +
FENumberInRange in FENumbers.inc
This is the Number Range FormElement which builds a text input field.
+ FENumberPrice +
FENumberPrice in FENumbers.inc
This is the Price FormElement which builds a text input field.
+ FEOFFSETsvgtag +
<feOffset> SVG svgtag
+ FEPassword +
FEPassword in FEPassword.inc
This is the Password FormElement which builds a input field of type="password". It validates the data as is_password().
<fePointLight> SVG tag
+ FERadioGroup +
FERadioGroup::FERadioGroup() in FERadioGroup.inc
The constructor
+ FERadioGroup +
FERadioGroup in FERadioGroup.inc
This is the Radio Button Group FormElement which builds a List of Radio buttons that can be used in any style of layout.
+ FERegEx +
FERegEx in FEText.inc
This is the RegEx FormElement which builds a text input field, and validates against the is_regex() method.
+ FERegEx +
FERegEx::FERegEx() in FEText.inc
The constructor
+ +
<feSpecularLighting> SVG tag
<feSpotLight> SVG tag
+ FESubmitButton +
+ +
The constructor
+ FESubmitButton +
FESubmitButton in FEButton.inc
This is the SubmitButton FormElement which builds a input field of type="submit". It has no validation method.
+ FEText +
FEText in FEText.inc
This is the Text FormElement which builds a text input field. It has no validation method.
+ FEText +
FEText::FEText() in FEText.inc
The constructor
+ FETextArea +
FETextArea::FETextArea() in FETextArea.inc
The constructor
+ FETextArea +
FETextArea in FETextArea.inc
This is the TextArea FormElement which builds a textarea field. It has no validation method.
+ FETILEsvgtag +
FETILEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<feTile> SVG tag
<feTurbulence> SVG tag
+ FEUnitedStates +
FEUnitedStates in FEListBox.inc
This class builds a FEDataList that shows a select box for States of the U.S.A.
+ FEUnitedStates +
+ +
The constructor
+ FEUrl +
FEUrl in FEText.inc
This is the URL FormElement which builds a text input field.
+ FEUrlStrict +
FEUrlStrict in FEText.inc
This is the URLStrict FormElement which builds a text input field.
+ FEYears +
FEYears::FEYears() in FEListBox.inc
The constructor
+ FEYears +
FEYears in FEListBox.inc
This class builds a FEDataList that shows a select box listing a range of years
+ FEYesNoListBox +
FEYesNoListBox in FEListBox.inc
Build a Yes/No Select box
+ FEYesNoListBox +
+ +
The Constructor
+ FEYesNoRadioGroup +
+ +
The constructor
+ FEYesNoRadioGroup +
FEYesNoRadioGroup in FERadioGroup.inc
This is the Yes/No Radio Button Group FormElement.
+ FEZipcode +
FEZipcode in FEText.inc
This is the FEZipcode class.
+ FEZipcode +
+ +
The constructor
<FIELDSET> tag class
+ FILTERsvgtag +
FILTERsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<filter> SVG tag
+ filter_column_string +
+ +
This does some magic filtering on the data that we display in a column. This helps to prevent nast data that may have html tags in it.
+ FirstTab +
FirstTab::FirstTab() in widget14.php
+ FirstTab +
FirstTab in widget14.php
This class implements the Qualys Tab object.
<font-face-format> SVG tag
<font-face-name> SVG tag
<font-face-src> SVG tag
+ FONTFACEsvgtag +
<font-face> SVG tag
<font-face-uri> SVG tag
+ FONTsvgtag +
FONTsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<font> SVG tag
+ FONTtag +
FONTtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<FONT> tag class
+ FooTab +
FooTab::FooTab() in widget14.php
+ FooTab +
FooTab in widget14.php
This class implements the Qualys Tab object.
+ FooterNav +
FooterNav in FooterNav.inc
Use this class to render footer navigation that is displayed at the bottom of a page.
+ FooterNav +
FooterNav::FooterNav() in FooterNav.inc
Constructore for this class.
+ FooterNavCSS +
FooterNavCSS in FooterNav.inc
This class defines the css used by the FooterNav Object.
+ footer_block +
MyLayoutPage::footer_block() in MyLayoutPage.inc
This function is responsible for building the footer block for every page.
<foreignObject> SVG tag
+ form +
StandardFormContent::form() in StandardFormContent.inc
this builds the main wrapper for the form fields and ads the Save and Cancel buttons
+ form +
FormContent::form() in FormContent.inc
This method builds the html form.
+ form +
+ +
This is the method that builds the layout of where the FormElements will live. You can lay it out any way you like.
+ form +
SampleForm::form() in form3.php
This is the method that builds the layout of where the FormElements will live. You can lay it out any way you like.
+ form +
AccountForm::form() in form1.php
This is the method that builds the layout of where the FormElements will live. You can lay it out any way you like.
+ Form1Page +
Form1Page in form1.php
A simple Page Layout object child.
+ Form2Page +
Form2Page in form2.php
A simple Page Layout object child.
+ Form3Page +
Form3Page in form3.php
A simple Page Layout object child. this came from Example 3.
+ Form4Page +
Form4Page in form4.php
This demonstrates the power of the master-slave relationship between two list elements
+ format_label +
SVGGraph::format_label() in SVGGraph.inc
This function will format the axis label
+ FormContent +
FormContent::FormContent() in FormContent.inc
+ FormContent +
FormContent in FormContent.inc
This class is used to build and render the form.
+ FormElement +
FormElement in FormElement.inc
This is the base FormElement object. It can be single form field such as a text input field, or a complex object.
+ FormElement +
FormElement::FormElement() in FormElement.inc
The constructor
+ FormErrors +
FormErrors in FormErrors.inc
This file holds the error codes and error messages associated with those codes for English
+ FormProcessor +
FormProcessor in FormProcessor.inc
This is the main engine for the processing
+ FormProcessor +
FormProcessor::FormProcessor() in FormProcessor.inc
The constructor for the FormProcessor
+ FORMtag +
FORMtag in ALLTAGS.inc
FORMtag <FORM> tag
+ FormValidation +
FormValidation in FormValidation.inc
This is the base validation class that contains some basic FormElement validation methods.
+ FormValidation +
FormValidation::FormValidation() in FormValidation.inc
The constructor used to set the form errors object used by this class to do error text lookups
+ FormWizard +
FormWizard::FormWizard() in FormWizard.inc
The constructor
+ FormWizard +
FormWizard in FormWizard.inc
This is the main engine for the processing
+ form_action +
StandardFormContent::form_action() in StandardFormContent.inc
This method handles the form action.
+ form_action +
+ +
This method is called ONLY after ALL validation has passed. This is the method that allows you to do something with the data, say insert/update records in the DB.
+ form_action +
+ +
This method is called ONLY after ALL validation has passed. This is the method that allows you to do something with the data, say insert/update records in the DB.
+ form_action +
FormContent::form_action() in FormContent.inc
This method handles the
+ form_action +
+ +
This method is called ONLY after ALL validation has passed. This is the method that allows you to do something with the data, say insert/update records in the DB.
FORM_ACTION in FormProcessor.inc
+ form_action_button +
+ +
build an tag of type button which executes a javaScript function
+ form_active_checkbox +
form_active_checkbox() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type CHECKBOX with onClick javaScript selection
+ form_active_radio +
form_active_radio() in form_utils.inc
build/render an set of radio buttons with onClick javaScript selection
+ form_backend_validation +
+ +
This method gets called after the FormElement data has passed the validation. This enables you to validate the data against some backend mechanism, say a DB.
+ form_backend_validation +
+ +
This method is called after the FormElements
+ form_backend_validation +
+ +
This method gets called after the FormElement data has passed the validation. This enables you to validate the data against some backend mechanism, say a DB.
+ form_backend_validation +
+ +
This method gets called after the FormElement data has passed the validation, and has been confirmed. This enables you to validate the data against some backend mechanism, say a DB.
+ form_backend_validation +
+ +
This method gets called after the FormElement data has passed the validation, and has been confirmed. This enables you to validate the data against some backend mechanism, say a DB.
+ form_button +
form_button() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type button
+ form_checkbox +
form_checkbox() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type CHECKBOX
+ form_close +
form_close() in form_utils.inc
render a form close tag
+ form_confirm +
StandardFormContent::form_confirm() in StandardFormContent.inc
This function is used to show an intermediary confirmation page. Use this function to show a confirmation of the data that was submitted by the user.
+ form_confirm +
FormContent::form_confirm() in FormContent.inc
This function is used to show an intermediary confirmation page. Use this function to show a confirmation of the data that was submitted by the user.
FORM_CONFIRM in FormProcessor.inc
+ form_content +
StandardFormContent::form_content() in StandardFormContent.inc
Child class MUST override this to provide the form fields
+ form_content +
Step3::form_content() in _steps.inc
This method is called by the StandardFormContent object to allow you to build the 'blocks' of fields you want to display. Each form block will live inside a fieldset tag with the a title.
+ form_content +
Step2::form_content() in _steps.inc
This method is called by the StandardFormContent object to allow you to build the 'blocks' of fields you want to display. Each form block will live inside a fieldset tag with the a title.
+ form_content +
+ +
This method is called by the StandardFormContent object to allow you to build the 'blocks' of fields you want to display. Each form block will live inside a fieldset tag with the a title.
+ form_content +
Step1::form_content() in _steps.inc
This method is called by the StandardFormContent object to allow you to build the 'blocks' of fields you want to display. Each form block will live inside a fieldset tag with the a title.
+ form_content_buttons +
+ +
This function is used to build the standard buttons for a form.
+ form_errors +
FormContent::form_errors() in FormContent.inc
This function is used to render the error table for the form. The error data comes from the FormProcessor or the FormValidation.
+ form_file +
form_file() in form_utils.inc
build/render an html tag of file
+ FormContent.inc +
FormContent.inc in FormContent.inc
+ FormElement.inc +
FormElement.inc in FormElement.inc
+ FormErrors.inc +
FormErrors.inc in FormErrors.inc
+ FormProcessor.inc +
FormProcessor.inc in FormProcessor.inc
+ FormValidation.inc +
FormValidation.inc in FormValidation.inc
+ FormWizard.inc +
FormWizard.inc in FormWizard.inc
+ FEBoxElement.inc +
FEBoxElement.inc in FEBoxElement.inc
+ FEButton.inc +
FEButton.inc in FEButton.inc
+ FECheckBox.inc +
FECheckBox.inc in FECheckBox.inc
+ FEDataList.inc +
FEDataList.inc in FEDataList.inc
+ FEFile.inc +
FEFile.inc in FEFile.inc
+ FEListBoxMaster.inc +
FEListBoxMaster.inc in FEListBoxMaster.inc
+ FEListBox.inc +
FEListBox.inc in FEListBox.inc
+ FENumbers.inc +
FENumbers.inc in FENumbers.inc
+ FEPassword.inc +
FEPassword.inc in FEPassword.inc
+ FERadioGroup.inc +
FERadioGroup.inc in FERadioGroup.inc
+ FETextArea.inc +
FETextArea.inc in FETextArea.inc
+ FEText.inc +
FEText.inc in FEText.inc
+ form_hidden +
form_hidden() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type hidden
+ form_image +
form_image() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type image
+ form_init_data +
+ +
This method is called only the first time the form page is hit. This enables u to query a DB and pre populate the FormElement objects with data.
+ form_init_data +
+ +
This method is called only the first time the form page is hit.
+ form_init_data +
+ +
This method is called only the first time the form page is hit.
+ form_init_data +
+ +
This method is called only the first time the form page is hit.
+ form_init_data +
+ +
This method is called only the first time the form page is hit. This enables u to query a DB and pre populate the FormElement objects with data.
+ form_init_data +
+ +
This method is called only the first time the form page is hit.
+ form_init_data +
+ +
This method is called by the
+ form_init_data +
+ +
This method is called only the first time the form page is hit. This enables u to query a DB and pre populate the FormElement objects with data.
+ form_init_elements +
+ +
This method gets called EVERY time the object is
+ form_init_elements +
+ +
This method gets called EVERY time the object is created. It is used to build all of the FormElement objects used in this Form.
+ form_init_elements +
+ +
This method gets called EVERY time the object is created. It is used to build all of the FormElement objects used in this Form.
+ form_init_elements +
+ +
This method gets called EVERY time the object is
+ form_init_elements +
+ +
This method gets called EVERY time the object is created. It is used to build all of the FormElement objects used in this Form.
+ form_init_elements +
+ +
This method gets called EVERY time the object is
+ form_init_elements +
+ +
This method gets called EVERY time the object is
+ form_init_elements +
+ +
This method is what is called to build the list of FormElements that will be used by this form.
+ form_open +
form_open() in form_utils.inc
render an form open tag only.
+ form_password +
form_password() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type password
+ form_radio +
form_radio() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type radio
+ form_select +
form_select() in form_utils.inc
Build a select tag with all of its option tags
+ form_select_is_selected +
form_select_is_selected() in form_utils.inc
This function is used by form_select to determin if a value is selected or not.
+ form_submit +
form_submit() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type submit
+ form_success +
FormContent::form_success() in FormContent.inc
This method is called when the form_action() was successfull, and the form wants to render some kind of message
+ form_tag_onsubmit +
+ +
This is a method for getting the JS needed for the form tag's onsubmit attribute.
+ form_tag_onsubmit +
+ +
This is a method for getting the JS needed for the form tag's onsubmit attribute.
+ form_text +
form_text() in form_utils.inc
build/render an input tag of type text
+ form_textarea +
form_textarea() in form_utils.inc
build a textarea tag with name and attributes.
FORM_VISITED in FormProcessor.inc
+ frameset +
PageWidget::frameset() in PageWidget.inc
This function is used to save
<FRAMESET> tag class
+ FRAMEtag +
<FRAME> tag class
+ font_utils.inc +
font_utils.inc in font_utils.inc
+ form_utils.inc +
form_utils.inc in form_utils.inc
+ frame_utils.inc +
frame_utils.inc in frame_utils.inc
+ FooterNav.inc +
FooterNav.inc in FooterNav.inc
+ +
+ getdirlist +
ImageThumbnailWidget::getdirlist() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
+ get_action +
FormContent::get_action() in FormContent.inc
Get the current status of the action.
+ get_action +
FormProcessor::get_action() in FormProcessor.inc
This is used to get the action that was processed by the form
+ get_align +
BaseWidget::get_align() in BaseWidget.inc
This gets the alignment value for the outer table
+ get_attribute +
FormElement::get_attribute() in FormElement.inc
return a single attribute
+ get_auto_error_display +
+ +
This gets the current value of the flag that tells us to show form errors automatically or not.
+ get_cancel_url +
+ +
this returns the current cancel url
+ get_cellpadding +
+ +
This gets the current value of the cellpadding
+ get_cellspacing +
+ +
This gets the current value of the cellspacing
+ get_confirm_element +
+ +
This method returns the hidden version of this element for a confirmation page.
+ get_confirm_element +
+ +
This method returns the hidden version of this element for a confirmation page.
+ get_confirm_element +
+ +
This method returns the hidden version of this element for a confirmation page.
+ get_confirm_element +
+ +
This method returns the hidden version of this element for a confirmation page.
+ get_confirm_element +
+ +
This method returns the hidden version of this element for a confirmation page.
+ get_count_column +
SQLDataListSource::get_count_column() in SQLDataListSource.inc
this returns the current count column
+ get_css +
BaseWidget::get_css() in BaseWidget.inc
This function provides the mechanism to build and return the css needed by this widget
+ get_current_page +
+ +
This function returns the current page that the item list is on.
+ get_data_index +
DataListSource::get_data_index() in DataListSource.inc
This function returns the data_index value and increments it
+ get_data_index +
ArrayDataListSource::get_data_index() in ArrayDataListSource.inc
This function returns the data_index value and increments it
+ get_data_source +
+ +
+ get_data_source +
+ +
This function is called automatically by the DataList constructor. It must be extended by the child class to actually set the DataListSource object.
+ get_data_source +
+ +
This function is called automatically by the DataList constructor. It must be extended by the child class to actually set the DataListSource object.
+ get_data_source +
+ +
This function is called automatically by the DataList constructor. It must be extended by the child class to actually set the DataListSource object.
+ get_db_tables +
SQLDataListSource::get_db_tables() in SQLDataListSource.inc
returns the table(s) used in the query
+ get_db_values +
SQLDataListSource::get_db_values() in SQLDataListSource.inc
This function returns the values we need to search for in the sql query
+ get_default_checked_items +
+ +
This function returns the array of default checked items to be marked as checked in the checkbox action column
+ get_default_css +
+ +
This function returns the default css class used for NON error text.
+ get_default_num_rows +
+ +
This function gets the current default number of rows to display setting.
+ get_default_order_case_sensitive +
+ +
This function is used to get the flag for the ability to sort/order by case sensitive or not.
+ get_doctype_source +
+ +
This function returns the current DOCTYPE tag's source attribute
+ get_element +
FEListBox::get_element() in FEListBox.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
+ get_element +
FEDate::get_element() in FEListBox.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
+ get_element +
+ +
This function builds and returns the form element object
+ get_element +
FEFile::get_element() in FEFile.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
+ get_element +
+ +
This function builds and returns the form element object
+ get_element +
FormElement::get_element() in FormElement.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
+ get_element +
FormContent::get_element() in FormContent.inc
This method returns the FormElement based on the label.
+ get_element +
FECheckBox::get_element() in FECheckBox.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
+ get_element +
+ +
+ get_element +
FEText::get_element() in FEText.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
+ get_element +
+ +
This function builds and returns the form element object
+ get_element +
+ +
This function builds and returns the form element object
+ get_element +
FEPassword::get_element() in FEPassword.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
+ get_element +
FERadioGroup::get_element() in FERadioGroup.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
+ get_element +
+ +
This function builds and returns the form element object
+ get_element +
FETextArea::get_element() in FETextArea.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
+ get_element +
FEButton::get_element() in FEButton.inc
This function builds and returns the form element object
+ get_element +
Container::get_element() in ContainerClass.inc
get the nth element from content array
+ get_element +
+ +
This function builds and returns the form element object
+ get_element_name +
+ +
Returns the element name to be used in the form
+ get_element_text +
+ +
return a string to the user for the confirmation page
+ get_element_value +
+ +
This method is used to get the value for a non hidden element
+ get_encoding +
XMLDocumentClass::get_encoding() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This function gets the current encoding type
+ get_errors +
FormElement::get_errors() in FormElement.inc
This returns the array of errors for this element
+ get_error_array +
+ +
This method returns an array of errors for all the errors.
+ get_error_array +
+ +
This method returns an array of errors that happened in the form.
+ get_error_code +
FormValidation::get_error_code() in FormValidation.inc
This method returns the error code from the last validation error found.
+ get_error_display_object +
+ +
This method allows us to get access to the errors display object that is generated by the form content. This is the display object that is meant to be rendered directly.
+ get_error_message +
+ +
This method returns the error message from the last validation error found.
+ get_error_message +
+ +
Returns the current error message if any
+ get_error_msg +
FormErrors::get_error_msg() in FormErrors.inc
This returns the appropriate error message based on the error #.
+ get_file_info +
+ +
This function will return this file's portion of the $_FILES array
+ get_form_action +
+ +
This function is used to get the form action
+ get_form_action +
+ +
This function is used to get the form action
+ get_form_enctype +
+ +
This function is used to get the form enctype value
+ get_form_errors_width +
+ +
This method returns the width of the form errors table.
+ get_form_method +
+ +
This function is used to get the form method
+ get_form_method +
+ +
This function is used to get the form method
+ get_form_name +
+ +
This function is used to get the form name
+ get_form_name +
FormProcessor::get_form_name() in FormProcessor.inc
This function is used to get the form name
+ get_form_render +
+ +
Return the state of the form render
+ get_form_tabindex +
+ +
This method is a helper method to get the FormElement's tabindex.
+ get_form_target +
+ +
This function is used to get the form target
+ get_form_target +
+ +
This function is used to get the form target
+ get_global_prefix +
+ +
returns the current variable prefix string being used.
+ get_hidden_element_value +
+ +
This method is used to get the value for a hidden element
+ get_html_attributes +
+ +
This function returns the attributes to be used for the <html> tag.
+ get_http_content_type +
+ +
This function returns the current value of the http header content type
+ get_image_path +
+ +
This function returns the path to the images used in this class
+ get_indent_flag +
Container::get_indent_flag() in ContainerClass.inc
This flag gets the current value of the indent flag
+ get_init_value +
+ +
This returns the initial value of the element
+ get_javascript +
+ +
This function MUST be called AFTER ALL content has been added, in order for the js to work properly
+ get_javascript +
+ +
Function for returning the raw javascript that is required for this widget.
+ get_label +
+ +
+ get_label +
FormElement::get_label() in FormElement.inc
This function builds and returns a label object based on the label text and error conditions
+ get_label_text +
+ +
This function will return the elements label text
+ get_last_page +
+ +
This calculates the last page # for this list of items
+ get_limit +
DataListSource::get_limit() in DataListSource.inc
This function gets the current value of the limit value
+ get_max_rows +
DataList::get_max_rows() in DataList.inc
This returns the Maximum # of rows to display when in expand mode
+ get_max_size +
+ +
This allows the user to get the max size of the file (if any has been set)
+ get_message +
MessageBoxWidget::get_message() in MessageBoxWidget.inc
Gets the current value of the _message
+ get_next_data_row +
+ +
This function gets the next data row from the query()
+ get_next_data_row +
PEARSQLDataListSource::get_next_data_row() in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
This function gets the next data row from the query()
+ get_next_data_row +
ADODBSQLDataListSource::get_next_data_row() in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
This function gets the next data row from the query()
+ get_next_data_row +
PGSQLDataListSource::get_next_data_row() in PGSQLDataListSource.inc
This function gets the next data row from the query()
+ get_next_data_row +
ArrayDataListSource::get_next_data_row() in ArrayDataListSource.inc
This function returns the next row of valid data.
+ get_next_data_row +
+ +
This function gets the next data row from the query()
+ get_not_found_message +
+ +
This function is used to get the message displayed when no data is found
+ get_num_pages +
+ +
This function returns the # of pages that are available for this list of items.
+ get_offset +
DataListSource::get_offset() in DataListSource.inc
This function returns the value of the offset
+ get_onsubmit +
FormProcessor::get_onsubmit() in FormProcessor.inc
Gets the current value of the form tag's onsubmit value
+ get_option +
SVGGraph::get_option() in SVGGraph.inc
This function retuns the value of 1 option
+ get_options +
SVGGraph::get_options() in SVGGraph.inc
This returns the array of ALL of the options for this graph
+ get_orderby +
DataListSource::get_orderby() in DataListSource.inc
This function returns the value of the orderby
+ get_page_info +
+ +
This function builds the string that describes the current page out of n pages the list is showing
+ get_pre_confirm_value +
+ +
This is so we can save the file information in a hidden form field during confirmation page.
+ get_required_symbol +
+ +
This function return the symbol used to denote a required field
+ get_reverseorder +
+ +
This function returns the value of the reverseorder
+ get_root_attributes +
+ +
This function is used to get the root xml tag's attributes
+ get_root_name +
XMLDocumentClass::get_root_name() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This function gets the document name
+ get_searchby +
DataListSource::get_searchby() in DataListSource.inc
This function returns the value of the searchby
+ get_searchby_value +
+ +
This function returns the value of the search value
+ get_search_type +
DataListSource::get_search_type() in DataListSource.inc
this function returns the current search type for the DataList query
+ get_secondary_orderby +
+ +
This gets the list of secondary order by columns.
+ get_showall +
DataList::get_showall() in DataList.inc
This returns the value of the show all rows flag
+ get_simplesearch_modifier +
+ +
This function returns the value of the search value
+ get_simple_search_modifier +
+ +
gets the value of the search modifier flag.
+ get_slave_elements +
+ +
This function will return the slaves of this element
+ get_subtitle +
VerticalCSSNavTable::get_subtitle() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
This function returns the current subtitle.
+ get_supported_image_formats +
+ +
This tests to see what type of gd lib image format this server supports.
+ get_tabindex +
FormElement::get_tabindex() in FormElement.inc
Gets the current tab index if any
+ get_tag +
XMLTagClass::get_tag() in XMLTagClass.inc
This returns the tag declared for this class.
+ get_tag_name +
XMLTagClass::get_tag_name() in XMLTagClass.inc
This method gets the name of the tag
+ get_temp_dir +
+ +
This is so the user can get the temp directory where the file was saved during confirmation (if any)
+ get_title +
PageWidget::get_title() in PageWidget.inc
gets the current title of the page.
+ get_title +
TabList::get_title() in TabWidget.inc
Return the title
+ get_title +
BaseWidget::get_title() in BaseWidget.inc
Function for accessing the title of this widget
+ get_title_text_align +
+ +
this function lets gets the default css class for the title
+ get_total_rows +
DataListSource::get_total_rows() in DataListSource.inc
This returns the total number of rows in our entire data set
+ get_value +
FEDate::get_value() in FEListBox.inc
This function will return the elements value as an array or month, day and year
+ get_value +
FormElement::get_value() in FormElement.inc
This function will return the elements value
+ get_value +
FEFile::get_value() in FEFile.inc
This function will return the elements value
+ get_value +
+ +
This function will return the elements value
+ get_value_text +
+ +
This provides a method
+ get_value_text +
FERadioGroup::get_value_text() in FERadioGroup.inc
This provides a method
+ get_value_text +
FEDate::get_value_text() in FEListBox.inc
This returns a formatted string used for the confirmation display (and possibly elsewhere)
+ get_value_text +
+ +
This provides a method
+ get_value_text +
+ +
This provides a method
+ get_value_text +
+ +
This provides a method
+ get_value_text +
+ +
+ get_value_text +
+ +
build the string for the confirmation page
+ get_value_text +
+ +
This provides a method
+ get_vertical_cellborder +
+ +
this function lets gets the default css class for the title
+ get_width +
BaseWidget::get_width() in BaseWidget.inc
Function for getting the current widget width setting.
+ get_x_position +
+ +
This function returns the pixel positions of a data point
+ get_y_position +
+ +
This function returns the pixel positions of a data point
+ GLYPHREFsvgtag +
<glyphRef> SVG tag
+ GLYPHsvgtag +
GLYPHsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<glyph> SVG tag
+ GOtag +
GOtag in WMLTAGS.inc
<GO> tag class
+ graph_data +
SVGXYPlotGraph::graph_data() in SVGXYPlotGraph.inc
This function does the work of building the graph itself
+ graph_data +
SVGXYLineGraph::graph_data() in SVGXYLineGraph.inc
This function does the work of building the graph itself
+ Gsvgtag +
Gsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<g> SVG tag
+ gui_init +
DefaultGUIDatalist::gui_init() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
+ gui_init +
SimpleGUIDataList::gui_init() in SimpleGUIDataList.inc
Initialize the gui layout
+ gui_init +
DataList::gui_init() in DataList.inc
A subclass can override this function to setup the class variables after the constructor. The constructor automatically calls this function.
+ gui_init +
ListAction::gui_init() in ListAction.inc
Initialize the gui layout
+ +
+ H1tag +
H1tag in ALLTAGS.inc
<H1> tag class
+ H2tag +
H2tag in ALLTAGS.inc
<H2> tag class
+ H3tag +
H3tag in ALLTAGS.inc
<H3> tag class
+ H4tag +
H4tag in ALLTAGS.inc
<H4> tag class
+ H5tag +
H5tag in ALLTAGS.inc
<H5> tag class
+ H6tag +
H6tag in ALLTAGS.inc
<H6> tag class
+ has_confirm +
FormContent::has_confirm() in FormContent.inc
This gets the value of the confirmation flag.
+ has_error +
FormElement::has_error() in FormElement.inc
Returns the current error state
+ has_errors +
FormProcessor::has_errors() in FormProcessor.inc
This returns the flag that tells us that the form has errors during processing
+ header_block +
MyLayoutPage::header_block() in MyLayoutPage.inc
This function is responsible for building the header block that lives at the top of every page.
+ HEADtag +
HEADtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<HEAD> tag class
+ head_content +
PageWidget::head_content() in PageWidget.inc
This function is used to build addition head content that isn't built by the HTMLPageClass parent class by default.
+ head_javascript +
+ +
This function is called to build any JavaScript that is needed in the <HEAD> portion of a document.
+ hidden_background +
+ +
Thie method is used to change the hidden tab's
+ hidden_element_label +
+ +
This method returns the label object for a visible form element.
+ HKERNsvgtag +
HKERNsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<hkern> SVG tag
+ HRtag +
HRtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<HR> tag class
+ HTML +
HTML in defines.inc
+ HTMLPageClass +
HTMLPageClass in HTMLPageClass.inc
class the constructs and renders an entire HTML/XHTML document.
+ HTMLPageClass +
HTMLPageClass::HTMLPageClass() in HTMLPageClass.inc
Class Constructor
+ HTMLRedirectPage +
HTMLRedirectPage in HTMLRedirectPage.inc
This builds an entire HTML Page with the sole purpose of doing a redirect to another url.
+ HTMLRedirectPage +
HTMLRedirectPage::HTMLRedirectPage() in HTMLRedirectPage.inc
The constructor
+ HTMLtag +
HTMLtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<HTML> tag class.
+ HTMLTagClass +
HTMLTagClass::HTMLTagClass() in HTMLTagClass.inc
Class Constructor
+ HTMLTagClass +
HTMLTagClass in HTMLTagClass.inc
Base class for all HTML Tag classes.
+ HTMLTagClassTest +
HTMLTagClassTest in unittest3.php
Test the Container class
+ HTMLTagClassTest +
+ +
+ HTMLTagClass.inc +
HTMLTagClass.inc in HTMLTagClass.inc
+ html_a +
html_a() in html_utils.inc
build an href with content and attributes.
+ html_abbr +
html_abbr() in html_utils.inc
build an <ABBR> tag with content.
+ html_acronym +
html_acronym() in html_utils.inc
build an <ACRONYM> tag with content.
+ html_address +
html_address() in html_utils.inc
build an <ADDRESS> tag with content.
+ html_applet +
html_applet() in html_utils.inc
build an <APPLET> tag with content.
+ html_area +
html_area() in html_utils.inc
build an <AREA> tag with content.
+ html_b +
html_b() in html_utils.inc
build a bold
+ html_base +
html_base() in html_utils.inc
build a <base> tag.
+ html_bdo +
html_bdo() in html_utils.inc
build a <bdo> tag.
+ html_big +
html_big() in html_utils.inc
build a <big> tag with content.
+ html_blockquote +
html_blockquote() in html_utils.inc
build a <blockquote> tag with content.
+ html_body +
html_body() in html_utils.inc
build a <body> tag with content.
+ html_br +
html_br() in html_utils.inc
builds n # of
+ html_button +
html_button() in html_utils.inc
build a <button> tag with content.
+ html_caption +
html_caption() in html_utils.inc
build a <caption> tag with content.
+ html_center +
html_center() in html_utils.inc
build a <center> tag with some content.
+ html_cite +
html_cite() in html_utils.inc
build a <cite> tag with some content.
+ html_code +
html_code() in html_utils.inc
build a
+ html_col +
html_col() in html_utils.inc
build a <col> tag
+ html_colgroup +
html_colgroup() in html_utils.inc
build a <colgroup> tag.
+ html_comment +
html_comment() in html_utils.inc
render an html comment string
+ html_dd +
html_dd() in html_utils.inc
build a <dd> tag with some content.
+ html_del +
html_del() in html_utils.inc
build a <del> tag with some content.
+ html_dfn +
html_dfn() in html_utils.inc
build a <dfn> tag with some content.
+ html_div +
html_div() in divtag_utils.inc
build a new div tag with content
+ html_div_center +
html_div_center() in divtag_utils.inc
build a new div tag with default attributes of "align=center"
+ html_div_small +
html_div_small() in divtag_utils.inc
This builds the 1px font size DIVtag object, which can be used anywhere
+ html_dl +
html_dl() in html_utils.inc
build a <dl> tag with some content.
+ html_dt +
html_dt() in html_utils.inc
build a <dt> tag with some content.
+ html_em +
html_em() in html_utils.inc
build a <em> tag with some content.
+ html_fieldset +
html_fieldset() in html_utils.inc
build a <fieldset> tag with some content.
+ html_form +
html_form() in form_utils.inc
render an form open tag only.
+ html_frame +
html_frame() in frame_utils.inc
This function is used to build a FRAMEtag object with some common attributes already set.
+ html_frameset +
html_frameset() in frame_utils.inc
This function is used to build a FRAMESETtag object with the most common attributes.
+ html_h1 +
html_h1() in html_utils.inc
build an H1 tag object with content.
+ html_h2 +
html_h2() in html_utils.inc
build an H2 tag object with content.
+ html_h3 +
html_h3() in html_utils.inc
build an H3 tag object with content.
+ html_h4 +
html_h4() in html_utils.inc
build an H4 tag object with content.
+ html_h5 +
html_h5() in html_utils.inc
build an H5 tag object with content.
+ html_h6 +
html_h6() in html_utils.inc
build an H6 tag object with content.
+ html_head +
html_head() in html_utils.inc
build an <head> tag object with content.
+ html_hr +
html_hr() in html_utils.inc
build an <hr> tag object.
+ html_html +
html_html() in html_utils.inc
build an <html> tag object.
+ html_i +
html_i() in html_utils.inc
build a
+ html_iframe +
html_iframe() in html_utils.inc
build a <irame> tag with some content.
+ html_img +
html_img() in html_utils.inc
Build an <img> tag.
+ html_img_href +
html_img_href() in html_utils.inc
build an hlink for an image.
+ html_input +
html_input() in html_utils.inc
This builds an <input> object NOTE: This wrapper automatically calls htmlspecialchars() on the value attribute's data.
+ html_ins +
html_ins() in html_utils.inc
build a <ins> tag with some content.
+ html_kbd +
html_kbd() in html_utils.inc
build a
+ html_label +
html_label() in html_utils.inc
build a <label> tag with some content.
+ html_legend +
html_legend() in html_utils.inc
build a <legend> tag with some content.
+ html_li +
html_li() in html_utils.inc
build a <LI> tag with some content..
+ html_link +
html_link() in html_utils.inc
build a <LINK> tag with some content..
+ html_map +
html_map() in html_utils.inc
build a <map> tag with some content.
+ html_meta +
html_meta() in html_utils.inc
build a <meta> tag..
+ html_noframes +
html_noframes() in html_utils.inc
build a <noframes> tag with some content..
+ html_noscript +
html_noscript() in html_utils.inc
build a <noscript> tag with some content..
+ html_object +
html_object() in html_utils.inc
build a <object> tag with some content..
+ html_ol +
html_ol() in html_utils.inc
build a
+ html_optgroup +
html_optgroup() in html_utils.inc
build a <OPTGROUP> tag with some content..
+ html_option +
html_option() in html_utils.inc
build a <OPTION> tag with some content..
+ html_p +
html_p() in html_utils.inc
build a <p> tag.
+ html_param +
html_param() in html_utils.inc
build a <param> tag.
+ html_pre +
html_pre() in html_utils.inc
build a
+ html_q +
html_q() in html_utils.inc
build a <q> tag with some content..
+ html_samp +
html_samp() in html_utils.inc
build a
+ html_script +
html_script() in html_utils.inc
build a <script> tag with some content..
+ html_small +
html_small() in html_utils.inc
build a small <small> tag with content.
+ html_span +
html_span() in html_utils.inc
build a bold <span> tag with content.
+ html_strong +
html_strong() in html_utils.inc
build a <strong> tag with some content..
+ html_style +
html_style() in html_utils.inc
build a <style> tag with some content.
+ html_sub +
html_sub() in html_utils.inc
build a <sub> tag with some content..
+ html_sup +
html_sup() in html_utils.inc
build a <sup> tag with some content..
+ html_table +
html_table() in html_utils.inc
Build a TABLEtag object with some of the attributes set
+ html_tbody +
html_tbody() in html_utils.inc
build a <tbody> tag with some content..
+ html_td +
html_td() in html_utils.inc
build an td tag object with content.
+ html_tfoot +
html_tfoot() in html_utils.inc
build a <tfoot> tag with content.
+ html_th +
html_th() in html_utils.inc
build a <th>$header</th> tag.
+ html_thead +
html_thead() in html_utils.inc
build a <thhead> tag.
+ html_title +
html_title() in html_utils.inc
build a <title> tag with some content.
+ html_tr +
html_tr() in html_utils.inc
build a <tr> tag and contents
+ html_tt +
html_tt() in html_utils.inc
build a <tt> tag and contents
+ html_u +
html_u() in html_utils.inc
build a <u> tag and contents
+ html_ul +
html_ul() in html_utils.inc
build a
+ html_var +
html_var() in html_utils.inc
build a
+ html_xmp +
html_xmp() in html_utils.inc
build a <xmp> tag with some content..
+ html_utils.inc +
html_utils.inc in html_utils.inc
+ HTMLPageClass.inc +
HTMLPageClass.inc in HTMLPageClass.inc
+ HTMLRedirectPage.inc +
HTMLRedirectPage.inc in HTMLRedirectPage.inc
+ +
+ $indent_flag +
CSSBuilder::$indent_flag in CSSBuilder.inc
Flag for pretty (indented) output
+ IFRAMEtag +
<IFRAME> tag class
+ IMAGEsvgtag +
IMAGEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<image> SVG tag
+ ImageThumbnailWidget +
+ +
Constructor for this class It just sets the width for the widget.
+ ImageThumbnailWidget +
ImageThumbnailWidget in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
This widget creates a N by x visual table of thumbnails.
+ ImageThumbnailWidgetCSS +
ImageThumbnailWidgetCSS in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
This class defines the css used by the FooterNav Object.
+ IMGtag +
IMGtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<IMG> tag class
INDENT_LEFT_JUSTIFY in defines.inc
INDENT_NICE in defines.inc
Some defines to tell the class what style of indenting of the output the user wants.
+ InfoTable +
InfoTable in InfoTable.inc
This is a widget class that can build and render data in a nicely formated table with a title, column headers and data
+ InfoTable +
InfoTable::InfoTable() in InfoTable.inc
The constructor
+ InfoTableCSS +
InfoTableCSS in InfoTable.inc
This class defines the css used by the FooterNav Object.
+ INPUTtag +
INPUTtag <INPUT> tag
+ INStag +
INStag in ALLTAGS.inc
<INS> tag class
+ is_action_checked +
DefaultGUIDatalist::is_action_checked() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function is provided to give the child class the ability to precheck/select a particular column.
+ is_action_enabled +
DefaultGUIDatalist::is_action_enabled() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function is provided to give the child class the ability to enable/disable a particular checkbox.
+ is_action_successfull +
+ +
This is used to test to see if the form action was processed succesfully.
+ is_advanced_search_enabled +
+ +
This returns the status of the advanced search flag.
+ is_alphanum +
FormValidation::is_alphanum() in FormValidation.inc
This function checks if the given string contains alphabetical characters or numbers.
+ is_alphanumstring +
+ +
This method validates a string as containing only letters and numbers
+ is_ccexp +
FormValidation::is_ccexp() in FormValidation.inc
This tests a string as a valid credit card expiration date.
+ is_companyname +
FormValidation::is_companyname() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a string as a valid Company name.
+ is_confirm_password +
+ +
This makes sure that 2 password strings are exactly alike.
+ is_countrycode +
FormValidation::is_countrycode() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a string as a valid "country code" which is a 2 alphanumerical character string
+ is_date +
FormValidation::is_date() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a atring as a valid date format You can provide a seperator string that seperates the fields
+ is_dateday +
FormValidation::is_dateday() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a string as a valid day of a month It has to be greater then 0 and less then 31
+ is_datemonth +
FormValidation::is_datemonth() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a string as a valid month of the year between 1 and 12 inclusive is_datemonth - checks whether its a proper month
+ is_datetime +
FormValidation::is_datetime() in FormValidation.inc
This validates an array of values as a valid date time
+ is_dateyear +
FormValidation::is_dateyear() in FormValidation.inc
See if the year is within 1800 and 3000
+ is_disabled +
FormElement::is_disabled() in FormElement.inc
Returns the elements disabled state
+ is_domainname +
FormValidation::is_domainname() in FormValidation.inc
This method validates a string for a valid hostname for a machine.
+ is_email +
FormValidation::is_email() in FormValidation.inc
This function validates a single email address.
+ is_firstname +
FormValidation::is_firstname() in FormValidation.inc
This is just a wrapper for
+ is_float +
FormValidation::is_float() in FormValidation.inc
This method validates a string as a valid float formatted number. x.xx
+ is_higherzeronumber +
+ +
This method validates a string as a number greater then 0.
+ is_host +
FormValidation::is_host() in FormValidation.inc
no comment
+ is_hostemail +
FormValidation::is_hostemail() in FormValidation.inc
This method tests a string as a valid hostname value or a valid email string
+ is_hostip +
FormValidation::is_hostip() in FormValidation.inc
This method tries to validate a string as a valid IP address or a hostname
+ is_hostlist +
FormValidation::is_hostlist() in FormValidation.inc
no comment
+ is_hostname +
FormValidation::is_hostname() in FormValidation.inc
This is just a wrapper for is_domainname
+ is_ip +
FormValidation::is_ip() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a string as an IP address This should work with either IPv4 or IPv6
+ is_lastname +
FormValidation::is_lastname() in FormValidation.inc
This is just a wrapper for
+ is_last_page +
ImageThumbnailWidget::is_last_page() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Is thie offset for the last page?
+ is_leapyear +
FormValidation::is_leapyear() in FormValidation.inc
This method validates a string as a leap year.
+ is_manyemails +
FormValidation::is_manyemails() in FormValidation.inc
This function tests a string that may contain many email addresses seperated by commas
+ is_money +
FormValidation::is_money() in FormValidation.inc
This method tests a string to make sure it is in a valid money format.
+ is_name +
FormValidation::is_name() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a string as a valid proper name.
+ is_notempty +
FormValidation::is_notempty() in FormValidation.inc
This function makes sure the data is not empty
+ is_num +
FormValidation::is_num() in FormValidation.inc
This function checks if the given string contains numerical digit characters.
+ is_number +
FormValidation::is_number() in FormValidation.inc
This tests a string to make sure it is a valid number.
+ is_partial_domainname +
+ +
This method validates a string for a valid partial hostname for a machine.
+ is_partial_ip +
FormValidation::is_partial_ip() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a string as a portion of an IP address.
+ is_password +
FormValidation::is_password() in FormValidation.inc
This tries to validate a string as a password It can't be empty and has to be less then VALIDATE_MAXSIZE characters in length
+ is_path +
FormValidation::is_path() in FormValidation.inc
This method validates a string as a path to a file.
+ is_price +
FormValidation::is_price() in FormValidation.inc
This method tries to validate a string as a valid price. It can't be zero (a la free!)
+ is_range +
FormValidation::is_range() in FormValidation.inc
+ is_regex +
FormValidation::is_regex() in FormValidation.inc
Validate if the string matches a regex
+ is_required +
FormElement::is_required() in FormElement.inc
Returns whether this elements final value cannot be empty
+ is_search_enabled +
+ +
get the status of the search ability.
+ is_standalone_hostname +
+ +
this method tests to see if this is a valid hostname value minus the domain name portion.
+ is_strict_url +
FormValidation::is_strict_url() in FormValidation.inc
This method validates a strict url.
+ is_time +
FormValidation::is_time() in FormValidation.inc
This validates an array of fields as a valid time of the day
+ is_title +
FormValidation::is_title() in FormValidation.inc
Validate if the string is a good candidate to become an Title
+ is_url +
FormValidation::is_url() in FormValidation.inc
This method validates a string as a valid url It inclues the prefix, hostname/ip, port number and path.
+ is_urlpath +
FormValidation::is_urlpath() in FormValidation.inc
This method validates a string as a valid url path to a file
+ is_username +
FormValidation::is_username() in FormValidation.inc
This method tests to see if a string value
+ is_valid_domain +
FormValidation::is_valid_domain() in FormValidation.inc
Validate domain Will check if a domain is valid
+ is_within_range +
FormValidation::is_within_range() in FormValidation.inc
This method makes sure a value lies within a given range of values.
+ is_zero_onehundred +
+ +
This validates a string as a valid number between 0 and 100
+ is_zip +
FormValidation::is_zip() in FormValidation.inc
This validates a string as a valid zipcode
+ Itag +
Itag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ items_per_page +
ImageThumbnailWidget::items_per_page() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Calculate the # of items on a page.
+ item_index +
ImageThumbnailWidget::item_index() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Calculate the item # for the offset.
+ ImageThumbnailWidget.inc +
ImageThumbnailWidget.inc in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
+ InfoTable.inc +
InfoTable.inc in InfoTable.inc
+ +
+ javascript +
FormElement::javascript() in FormElement.inc
This method is used for adding any javascript that is used by this element. This will automatically get called and added to the page by the FormProcessor
+ javascript +
+ +
This method builds the Javascript needed for this element.
+ javascript +
FormContent::javascript() in FormContent.inc
This method lets you provide any javascript that is associated with the form content.
+ javascript +
FEListBoxMaster::javascript() in FEListBoxMaster.inc
This method is used for adding any javascript that is used by this element. This will automatically get called and added to the page by the FormProcessor
+ join_clauses +
SQLDataListSource::join_clauses() in SQLDataListSource.inc
+ +
+ KBDtag +
KBDtag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ +
+ local_includes.inc +
local_includes.inc in local_includes.inc
+ LABELtag +
<LABEL> tag class
+ LeftBlockPage +
LeftBlockPage in example4.php
+ left_block +
MyLayoutPage::left_block() in MyLayoutPage.inc
this function returns the contents of the left block. It is already wrapped in a TD
+ left_block +
+ +
this function returns the contents of the left block. It is already wrapped in a TD
+ LEGENDtag +
<LEGEND> tag class
<linearGradient> SVG tag
+ LINEsvgtag +
LINEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<line> SVG tag
+ LINKtag +
LINKtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<LINK> tag class
+ ListAction +
ListAction in ListAction.inc
A class for showing a list of items to preform an action on
+ LItag +
LItag in ALLTAGS.inc
<LI> tag class
+ ListAction.inc +
ListAction.inc in ListAction.inc
+ +
+ $mdata +
FEListBoxMaster::$mdata in FEListBoxMaster.inc
+ MyLayoutPage.inc +
MyLayoutPage.inc in MyLayoutPage.inc
+ misc.inc +
misc.inc in misc.inc
+ mailto +
mailto() in html_utils.inc
build a mailto url link .
+ main_block +
MyLayoutPage::main_block() in MyLayoutPage.inc
We override this method to automatically break up the main block into a left block and a right block
+ MAPtag +
MAPtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<MAP> tag class
+ MARKERsvgtag +
MARKERsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<maker> SVG tag
+ MASKsvgtag +
MASKsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<mask> SVG tag
+ MasterSlaveForm +
MasterSlaveForm in form4.php
This is the Class that handles the building of the Form itself. It creates the Form Elements inside the form_init_elements() method.
+ MessageBoxOK +
MessageBoxOK in MessageBoxWidget.inc
This is a class for building a MessageBox with an OK button.
+ MessageBoxOK +
MessageBoxOK::MessageBoxOK() in MessageBoxWidget.inc
+ MessageBoxOKCancel +
MessageBoxOKCancel in MessageBoxWidget.inc
This is a class for building a MessageBox with an OK and Cancel button.
+ MessageBoxOKCancel +
+ +
+ MessageBoxWidget +
MessageBoxWidget::MessageBoxWidget() in MessageBoxWidget.inc
+ MessageBoxWidget +
MessageBoxWidget in MessageBoxWidget.inc
This class is used to build a DialogWidget that can have 'blocks' for messages.
+ METADATAsvgtag +
<metadata> SVG tag
+ METAtag +
METAtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<META> tag class
<missing-glyph> SVG tag
+ MPATHsvgtag +
MPATHsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<mpath> SVG tag
+ MyLayoutPage +
MyLayoutPage::MyLayoutPage() in MyLayoutPage.inc
This is the constructor.
+ MyLayoutPage +
MyLayoutPage in MyLayoutPage.inc
This is an example Child of the PageWidget
+ MyWizard +
MyWizard in wizard1.php
This is the main engine for the processing
+ misc_utils.inc +
misc_utils.inc in misc_utils.inc
+ MessageBoxWidget.inc +
MessageBoxWidget.inc in MessageBoxWidget.inc
+ +
+ name +
TabList::name() in TabWidget.inc
This method creates the name of the tab
+ name +
ActiveTab::name() in ActiveTab.inc
Build the 'name' of the tab. This can be called in a static way to set the default selected tab.
+ name +
TabWidget::name() in TabWidget.inc
This method creates the name of the tab
+ NavTable +
NavTable in NavTable.inc
This builds a navigational table widget that has a title, any # of subtitles and then navigational links.
+ NavTable +
NavTable::NavTable() in NavTable.inc
the constructor for this class.
+ NavTableCSS +
NavTableCSS in NavTable.inc
This class defines the css used by the FooterNav Object.
+ NOBRtag +
NOBRtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<NOBR> tag class
<NOFRAMES> tag class
+ NOOPtag +
NOOPtag in WMLTAGS.inc
<NOOP> tag class
<NOSCRIPT> tag class
NOT_SEARCHABLE in DataList.inc
NOT_SORTABLE in DataList.inc
Some global defines used
+ numrows +
DataList::numrows() in DataList.inc
This function returns the number of rows that the query found.
+ num_items_on_page +
ImageThumbnailWidget::num_items_on_page() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Calculate the # of items to on a particular page.
+ num_pages +
ImageThumbnailWidget::num_pages() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Calculate the number of
+ NavTable.inc +
NavTable.inc in NavTable.inc
+ +
+ OBJECTtag +
<OBJECT> tag class
+ offset +
DataList::offset() in DataList.inc
This function returns the current value of the offset variable. This is an offset into the query return data set.
+ offset +
ImageThumbnailWidget::offset() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Get the current value of the offset var
+ OLtag +
OLtag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ onBlur +
FormElement::onBlur() in FormElement.inc
This function return the javaScript code for an onBlur event
+ onChange +
FEListBoxMaster::onChange() in FEListBoxMaster.inc
this function retuns the javaScript code for an onChange event
+ onChange +
FormElement::onChange() in FormElement.inc
this function retuns the javaScript code for an onChange event
+ onClick +
FormElement::onClick() in FormElement.inc
This function return the javaScript code for an onClick event
+ onClick +
+ +
This function return the javaScript code for an onSubmit event
+ onClick +
FEButton::onClick() in FEButton.inc
This function return the javaScript code for an onClick event
+ ONEVENTtag +
<ONEVENT> tag class
+ onFocus +
FormElement::onFocus() in FormElement.inc
This function return the javaScript code for an onFocus event
+ onSubmit +
FormElement::onSubmit() in FormElement.inc
This function return the javaScript code for an onSubmit event
<OPTGROUP> tag class
+ OPTIONtag +
<OPTION> tag class
+ orderby +
DataList::orderby() in DataList.inc
This function returns the value of the current orderby variable.
+ +
+ PageWidget +
PageWidget::PageWidget() in PageWidget.inc
+ PageWidget +
PageWidget in PageWidget.inc
This class is used to build content for an entire page. It uses the HTMLPageClass widget from phphtmllib to render the final output.
+ PARAMtag +
<PARAM> tag class
+ password +
+ +
use this function to add the FEPassword object that we want to confirm.
+ PATHsvgtag +
PATHsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<path> SVG tag
+ PATTERNsvgtag +
PATTERNsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<pattern> SVG tag
+ pearmysqllist +
pearmysqllist in widget6.php
This is an example that shows how to use a PEAR db object as the source for the data to show.
+ PEARSQLDataListSource +
+ +
The constructor is used to pass in the PEAR DB object that has already been created and connected to the db.
+ PEARSQLDataListSource +
PEARSQLDataListSource in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
This SQLDataListSource child class interacts with with the specific DB via the php PEAR DB abstraction objects.
+ permission +
+ +
This method is called during constructor time to check to make sure the page is allowed to build and render any content.
+ permission +
PageWidget::permission() in PageWidget.inc
This is meant to be extended by the child class to do any generic permissions checking for access to the content that the child builds
+ PermissionsCheckTestPage +
PermissionsCheckTestPage in widget13.php
This class is used to build content for an entire page. It uses the HTMLPageClass widget from phphtmllib to render the final output.
+ PermissionsCheckTestPage +
+ +
+ PGSQLDataListSource +
+ +
The constructor is used to pass in the postgres connection reference
+ PGSQLDataListSource +
PGSQLDataListSource in PGSQLDataListSource.inc
This SQLDataListSource child class interacts with
+ phphtmllib_get_version +
+ +
get the current version of the phphtmllib libraries.
This is the version of the libs
+ POLYGONsvgtag +
POLYGONsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<polygon> SVG tag
+ POLYLINEsvgtag +
<polyline> SVG tag
<POSTFIELD> tag class
+ prequery_row_filter +
+ +
This is used to perform pre-query filtering Gives us a chance to run the next row through a filter before any processing has been done
+ PREtag +
PREtag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ PREVtag +
PREVtag in WMLTAGS.inc
<PREV> tag class
+ pre_confirm +
FormContent::pre_confirm() in FormContent.inc
This method allows this class to do any data munging prior to the form_confirm method being called @ render time.
+ Ptag +
Ptag in ALLTAGS.inc
<P> tag class
+ push +
TextCSSNav::push() in TextCSSNav.inc
depricated version of add()
+ push +
XMLDocumentClass::push() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
Same as add().
+ push +
HTMLPageClass::push() in HTMLPageClass.inc
Same as add()
+ push +
TreeNav::push() in TreeNav.inc
+ push +
TextNav::push() in TextNav.inc
depricated version of add()
+ push +
TRtag::push() in ALLTAGS.inc
Same ass add()
+ push +
Container::push() in ContainerClass.inc
Same as add().
+ push +
FooterNav::push() in FooterNav.inc
add an entry to the footer nav.
+ push +
ImageThumbnailWidget::push() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
+ push +
NavTable::push() in NavTable.inc
depricated version of add()
+ push_args +
push_args() in misc_utils.inc
This function pushes an array of keys into an HTMLTagObject
+ push_blank +
ImageThumbnailWidget::push_blank() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
+ push_blank +
TreeNav::push_blank() in TreeNav.inc
+ push_blank +
NavTable::push_blank() in NavTable.inc
depricated version of add_blank()
+ push_blank +
TextCSSNav::push_blank() in TextCSSNav.inc
depricated version of add_blank()
+ push_blank +
TextNav::push_blank() in TextNav.inc
depricated version of add_blank()
+ push_css_link +
HTMLPageClass::push_css_link() in HTMLPageClass.inc
Same ass add_css_link()
+ push_heading +
NavTable::push_heading() in NavTable.inc
depricated version of add_heading()
+ push_head_content +
+ +
Same ass add_head_content()
+ push_head_js +
HTMLPageClass::push_head_js() in HTMLPageClass.inc
Same ass add_head_js()
+ push_js_link +
HTMLPageClass::push_js_link() in HTMLPageClass.inc
same as add_js_link()
+ push_reference +
Container::push_reference() in ContainerClass.inc
Same as add_reference NOTE : only exists for compatibility with 1.1.x
+ push_reference +
+ +
Same ass add_reference()
+ push_reference +
XMLDocumentClass::push_reference() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
Same as add_reference NOTE : only exists for compatibility with 1.1.x
+ push_reference +
HTMLPageClass::push_reference() in HTMLPageClass.inc
Same as add()
+ push_row +
TABLEtag::push_row() in ALLTAGS.inc
Same ass add_row()
+ push_text +
TextNav::push_text() in TextNav.inc
depricated version of add_text()
+ push_text +
TextCSSNav::push_text() in TextCSSNav.inc
depricated version of add_text()
+ push_text +
ImageThumbnailWidget::push_text() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
+ push_text +
NavTable::push_text() in NavTable.inc
depricated version of add_text()
+ push_text +
TreeNav::push_text() in TreeNav.inc
+ PEARSQLDataListSource.inc +
PEARSQLDataListSource.inc in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
+ PGSQLDataListSource.inc +
PGSQLDataListSource.inc in PGSQLDataListSource.inc
+ PageWidget.inc +
PageWidget.inc in PageWidget.inc
+ +
+ Qtag +
Qtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<Q> tag class
+ query +
DataListSource::query() in DataListSource.inc
The main Query function.
+ queryvar +
TabWidget::queryvar() in TabWidget.inc
This method builds the query string 'tab_selected=<name>' for you to place in a url
+ queryvar +
TabList::queryvar() in TabWidget.inc
This method builds the query string 'tab_selected=<name>' for you to place in a url
+ +
+ $root_name +
XMLDocumentClass::$root_name in XMLDocumentClass.inc
Holds the name of the root xml
<radialGradient> SVG tag
+ RECTsvgtag +
RECTsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<rect> SVG tag
+ REFRESHtag +
<REFRESH> tag class
+ render +
InfoTable::render() in InfoTable.inc
This function renders the object.
+ render +
MessageBoxWidget::render() in MessageBoxWidget.inc
We override the render function
+ render +
TreeNav::render() in TreeNav.inc
function that will render the widget.
+ render +
ImageThumbnailWidget::render() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Render the entire widget. this includes the page offset links, as well as the thumbnails.
+ render +
HTMLPageClass::render() in HTMLPageClass.inc
render the page.
+ render +
HTMLTagClass::render() in HTMLTagClass.inc
Renders the tag, attributes, content and close tag.
+ render +
TextNav::render() in TextNav.inc
function that will render the widget.
+ render +
NavTable::render() in NavTable.inc
Render the Navtable and its content.
+ render +
ActiveTab::render() in ActiveTab.inc
+ render +
TabList::render() in TabWidget.inc
The render method
+ render +
SVGGraph::render() in SVGGraph.inc
+ render +
PageWidget::render() in PageWidget.inc
This is the function that renders the HTML for this widget.
+ render +
TextCSSNav::render() in TextCSSNav.inc
function that will render the widget.
+ render +
FormProcessor::render() in FormProcessor.inc
This method is called to render the form's html
+ render +
RoundTitleTable::render() in RoundTitleTable.inc
Render the Navtable and its content.
+ render +
FormWizard::render() in FormWizard.inc
This function renders the
+ render +
DialogWidget::render() in DialogWidget.inc
Creates a container with title,
+ render +
DataList::render() in DataList.inc
This function renders the final
+ render +
CSSBuilder::render() in CSSBuilder.inc
The render method for compatibility with the rest of the phphtmllib api
+ render +
VerticalCSSNavTable::render() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
function that will render the widget.
+ render +
XMLDocumentClass::render() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
function that will render the XML Document.
+ render +
FooterNav::render() in FooterNav.inc
render the code for this widget.
+ render +
Container::render() in ContainerClass.inc
This function is compatible with the rest of the phpHtmllib API spec.
+ render +
ButtonPanel::render() in ButtonPanel.inc
render the entire table.
+ render +
XMLTagClass::render() in XMLTagClass.inc
This function is responsible for rendering the tag and its contents
+ render_confirm +
+ +
This function renders the confirmation page. This page sits in between the front end form, and the action handler.
+ render_confirm +
FormProcessor::render_confirm() in FormProcessor.inc
This function renders the confirmation page. This page sits in between the front end form, and the action handler.
+ render_error +
FormProcessor::render_error() in FormProcessor.inc
This renders the error table and then the form with the fields
+ render_form +
FormProcessor::render_form() in FormProcessor.inc
This renders the form
+ reset_attributes +
+ +
clear all attributes and start with new attributes
+ reset_content +
Container::reset_content() in ContainerClass.inc
destroy existing content and start with new content.
+ reset_content +
XMLDocumentClass::reset_content() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
we override this class to make sure we push all content inside the local _xml_obj tag
+ reverseorder +
DataList::reverseorder() in DataList.inc
This function returns the current value of the reverse order member variable.
+ RoundTitleTable +
RoundTitleTable in RoundTitleTable.inc
This builds a table widget that has a nice rounded title, a subtitle area and any amount of data.
+ RoundTitleTable +
RoundTitleTable::RoundTitleTable() in RoundTitleTable.inc
the constructor for this class.
+ RoundTitleTableCSS +
RoundTitleTableCSS in RoundTitleTable.inc
This class defines the css used by the RoundTitleTable Object.
+ rows_per_page +
ImageThumbnailWidget::rows_per_page() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Calculates the # of rows per page possible.
+ row_filter +
DataListSource::row_filter() in DataListSource.inc
This is called by the DataList object to allow us a chance to run the next row through a filter
+ RoundTitleTable.inc +
RoundTitleTable.inc in RoundTitleTable.inc
+ +
+ StandardFormContent.inc +
StandardFormContent.inc in StandardFormContent.inc
+ SampleForm +
SampleForm in form3.php
This is the Class that handles the building of the Form itself. It creates the Form Elements inside the form_init_elements() method.
+ SAMPtag +
SAMPtag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ save_checked_items +
+ +
set the flag to tell the object to save the checked items
+ SCRIPTsvgtag +
SCRIPTsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<script> SVG tag
+ SCRIPTtag +
<SCRIPT> tag class
SEARCHABLE in DataList.inc
SEARCH_ALL in DataList.inc
+ search_disable +
+ +
Disable the search ability.
+ search_enable +
+ +
Enable the search ability.
SEARCH_ENDS_WITH in DataList.inc
SEARCH_EXACT in DataList.inc
+ search_field +
DataList::search_field() in DataList.inc
returns the current value of the search field name
+ search_type +
DataList::search_type() in DataList.inc
returns the type of search being used
+ search_value +
DataList::search_value() in DataList.inc
returns the current value of te search field value.
+ search_value_filter +
+ +
This function does the variable cleaning that is required to use a search value in a sql query
+ search_value_filter +
+ +
This function is used to make safe any query string value that is used
+ selected_background +
+ +
Thie method is used to change the selected tab's
+ SELECTtag +
<SELECT> tag class
+ SETsvgtag +
SETsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<set> SVG tag
+ setup_columns +
+ +
+ setup_db_options +
SQLDataListSource::setup_db_options() in SQLDataListSource.inc
Set which DB options to use for this list.
+ setup_order +
SQLDataListSource::setup_order() in SQLDataListSource.inc
This function builds the orderby clause for the DB query.
+ setup_validation +
+ +
This function is used to setup the validation object and the form errors object that is to be used by this form.
+ SETVARtag +
<SETVAR> tag class
+ set_action +
FormContent::set_action() in FormContent.inc
Save the action for the form
+ set_actionbar +
DefaultGUIDatalist::set_actionbar() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This allows the caller to turn on/off the rendering of the bottom action bar row
+ set_action_message +
+ +
This sets the action message.
+ set_action_name +
+ +
Set the name of the action
+ set_align +
DefaultGUIDatalist::set_align() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
this function is used to set the overall alignment of the widget
+ set_align +
BaseWidget::set_align() in BaseWidget.inc
This function sets the align attribute for the outer table.
+ set_align +
ListAction::set_align() in ListAction.inc
this function is used to set the overall alignment of the widget
+ set_attribute +
FormElement::set_attribute() in FormElement.inc
add a single attribute (name="value")
+ set_auto_error_display +
+ +
This sets the flag that tells this class to automatically call the form contents form errors and display it or not
+ set_axis_font_height +
+ +
This method sets the height of font used in calculating the x and y axis point fonts.
+ set_axis_font_width +
+ +
This method sets the width of font used in calculating the x and y axis point fonts.
+ set_axis_grid_points +
+ +
This is used to set how many grid lines to draw for an axis
+ set_body_attributes +
+ +
set attributes of body tag
+ set_cancel_action +
+ +
This method sets the javasript action
+ set_cancel_url +
+ +
This sets the url to post to when a cancel/no action is clicked
+ set_cancel_url +
DialogWidget::set_cancel_url() in DialogWidget.inc
Sets the cancel action
+ set_cdata_flag +
+ +
This method turns on the automatic wrapping of the tag's content inside the CDATA wrapper for XML
+ set_cellpadding +
+ +
This sets the cellpadding attribute for this object.
+ set_cellspacing +
+ +
This sets the cellspacing attribute for this object.
+ set_cell_attributes +
+ +
update the attributes of a particular element or td.
+ set_cell_content +
+ +
This method sets/resets the content for a specific cell in the table
+ set_charset +
HTMLPageClass::set_charset() in HTMLPageClass.inc
set the character set
+ set_class +
HTMLTagClass::set_class() in HTMLTagClass.inc
This function is a shorthand helper to setting the class attribute on a tag.
+ set_class +
+ +
This function is a shorthand helper to setting the class attribute on a tag.
+ set_class +
+ +
This function is a shorthand helper to setting the 'class' attribute on a tag.
+ set_collapse +
XMLTagClass::set_collapse() in XMLTagClass.inc
This function turns on the collapse flag
+ set_collapse +
Container::set_collapse() in ContainerClass.inc
This function turns on the collapse flag
+ set_cols +
ImageThumbnailWidget::set_cols() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
set how many columns the user wants to display per row of thumbnails.
+ set_cols +
FETextArea::set_cols() in FETextArea.inc
This method is used as a shortcut to set the cols attribute
+ set_colspan +
TDtag::set_colspan() in ALLTAGS.inc
This is a helper for setting the colspan attribute
+ set_company_name +
+ +
set the company name for the copyright statement.
+ set_confirm +
FormContent::set_confirm() in FormContent.inc
This sets the $this->_has_confirmation
+ set_copyright_flag +
+ +
set/unset the flag to tell us to render the copyright string
+ set_count_column +
SQLDataListSource::set_count_column() in SQLDataListSource.inc
This function changes the counted column.
+ set_data_all_slaves +
+ +
This function will call set_slave_data for all slaves should be called when value of parent changes
+ set_data_source +
+ +
This function is used to set the DataListSource object for this instance
+ set_date_string +
+ +
set the date string for the copyright.
+ set_db_groupby_clause +
+ +
Sets the groupby clause for the query
+ set_db_object +
PGSQLDataListSource::set_db_object() in PGSQLDataListSource.inc
Set the DB object we will use to talk to the DB.
+ set_db_object +
ADODBSQLDataListSource::set_db_object() in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
Set the DB object we will use to talk to the DB.
+ set_db_object +
PEARSQLDataListSource::set_db_object() in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
Set the DB object we will use to talk to the DB.
+ set_db_tables +
SQLDataListSource::set_db_tables() in SQLDataListSource.inc
Set the tables from the DB you want to select on.
+ set_db_values +
SQLDataListSource::set_db_values() in SQLDataListSource.inc
Set the values we want to select from the db.
+ set_db_where_clause +
+ +
Set the user portion of the where clause.
+ set_default_checked_items +
+ +
This function is used to set the default list
+ set_default_col_attributes +
+ +
Sets the default attributes for <td>'s that are added to the table. If there are any attributes set for the <td> it won't use the defaults.
+ set_default_css +
+ +
This function is used to set the
+ set_default_num_rows +
+ +
This function sets the default # of rows per page to display. By default its 10.
+ set_default_order_case_sensitive +
+ +
This function is used to set the flag for the ability to sort/order by case sensitive or not.
+ set_default_row_attributes +
+ +
Sets the default attributes for <tr>'s that are added to the table. If there are any attributes set for the <tr> it won't use the defaults.
+ set_default_td_attributes +
+ +
Sets the default attributes for <td>'s that are added to the table. If there are any attributes set for the <td> it won't use the defaults.
+ set_disabled +
FormElement::set_disabled() in FormElement.inc
Sets the disabled element flag
+ set_doctype_link +
XMLDocumentClass::set_doctype_link() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This method is used to set the link attributes
+ set_doctype_source +
+ +
this function is used to change the DOCTYPE tag's source attribute. By default it is set to SYSTEM.
+ set_element_name +
+ +
This allows you to force the element name to whatever you like, so you don't have to use the default name, which is generated based on the label.
+ set_element_value +
+ +
This method is used to set the value for a non hidden element
+ set_encoding +
HTMLPageClass::set_encoding() in HTMLPageClass.inc
This sets the encoding type for XHTML documents
+ set_encoding +
XMLDocumentClass::set_encoding() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
set the character set
+ set_error_css +
FormContent::set_error_css() in FormContent.inc
This function is used to set the css class that is used on text when an error on that field is detected.
+ set_error_message +
+ +
Defines error message text and sets the error flag to true
+ set_expandrows +
+ +
This sets the expandrows.
+ set_favicon +
HTMLPageClass::set_favicon() in HTMLPageClass.inc
This allows you to change the default url/path for where the favicon.ico lives.
+ set_favicon_flag +
+ +
This is used to enable the ability to add the favicon link in the head of the document.
+ set_filedir +
ImageThumbnailWidget::set_filedir() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Set the full path on disk where the images live.
+ set_form_action +
+ +
Sets the form action
+ set_form_action +
+ +
Sets the form action
+ set_form_enctype +
+ +
Sets the form enctype
+ set_form_errors_title +
+ +
This allows us to change the form errors table title
+ set_form_errors_width +
+ +
This method allows you to override the width of the form errors table.
+ set_form_method +
+ +
This function is used to set the form method
+ set_form_method +
+ +
This function is used to set the form method
+ set_form_name +
+ +
This function is used to set the form name
+ set_form_name +
FormElement::set_form_name() in FormElement.inc
in case anyone in JS land needs the name of the form that this element lives in
+ set_form_name +
FormContent::set_form_name() in FormContent.inc
+ set_form_name +
FormProcessor::set_form_name() in FormProcessor.inc
This function is used to set the form name
+ set_form_render +
+ +
Sets whether to the output into a form
+ set_form_tabindex +
+ +
This method is a helper method to set the FormElement's tabindex.
+ set_form_target +
+ +
This function is used to set the form target
+ set_form_target +
+ +
This function is used to set the form target
+ set_form_title +
StandardFormContent::set_form_title() in StandardFormContent.inc
this method sets the form title which is used to wrap the entire form
+ set_form_width +
+ +
this method sets the form name
+ set_frameset +
HTMLPageClass::set_frameset() in HTMLPageClass.inc
This function is used to set the FRAMSETtag object for this page. This automatically sets the output for this page object to be a frameset.
+ set_from_label +
+ +
Use this method to set the label for the 'from' field
+ set_global_prefix +
ImageThumbnailWidget::set_global_prefix() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
This function sets a prefix for all variables that are used in the item list table on a page. This allows you to have multiple itemlists on a single html page.
+ set_global_prefix +
DefaultGUIDatalist::set_global_prefix() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function sets a prefix for all variables that are used in the item list table on a page. This allows you to have multiple itemlists on a single html page.
+ set_global_prefix +
+ +
This function sets a prefix for all variables that are used in the item list table on a page. This allows you to have multiple itemlists on a single html page.
+ set_grid_line_color +
+ +
This allows you to set the color of the axis grid lines
+ set_grid_line_flag +
+ +
This enables/disables the rendering of the grid lines for an axis
+ set_header_flag +
+ +
This is used to set/update the header flag.
+ set_height +
SVGGraph::set_height() in SVGGraph.inc
This method sets the height of the graph
+ set_hidden_element_value +
+ +
This method is used to set the value for a hidden element
+ set_html_attributes +
+ +
This function sets the attributes for the <html> tag
+ set_http_content_type +
+ +
This function is used to set the http header content-type for output to browsers
+ set_id +
SVGTagClass::set_id() in SVGTAGS.inc
This function is a shorthand helper to setting the id attribute on a tag.
+ set_id +
WMLTagClass::set_id() in WMLTAGS.inc
This function is a shorthand helper to setting the id attribute on a tag.
+ set_id +
HTMLTagClass::set_id() in HTMLTagClass.inc
This function is a shorthand helper to setting the id attribute on a tag.
+ set_image_path +
+ +
This function returns the path to the images used in this class
+ set_indent_flag +
Container::set_indent_flag() in ContainerClass.inc
function to set the indent flag
+ set_item_name +
ListAction::set_item_name() in ListAction.inc
Set the name of the deleted items
+ set_label_text +
+ +
This function will set the label for the element
+ set_language +
HTMLPageClass::set_language() in HTMLPageClass.inc
This method sets the lang, and xml:lang setting in the HTML tag.
+ set_legalnotice_url +
+ +
set the legal notice url.
+ set_limit +
DataListSource::set_limit() in DataListSource.inc
This function is used to set
+ set_list_data +
FEListBoxMaster::set_list_data() in FEListBoxMaster.inc
This function sets the array of data to be used in the data list
+ set_list_data +
FEDataList::set_list_data() in FEDataList.inc
This function sets the array of data to be used in the data list
+ set_maxthumbs_per_page +
+ +
set how many thumbnails to display per page.
+ set_max_rows +
DataList::set_max_rows() in DataList.inc
This sets the maximum # of rows to display when in expand mode
+ set_max_size +
+ +
This allows the user to set the max size of the file
+ set_message +
MessageBoxWidget::set_message() in MessageBoxWidget.inc
This sets the _message for the _message window.
+ set_newline_after_closetag +
+ +
set the newline_after_content flag
+ set_newline_after_opentag +
+ +
set the newline_after_opentag flag
+ set_not_found_message +
+ +
This function is used to set the message displayed when no data is found
+ set_not_found_message +
+ +
This function is used to set the message displayed when no data is found
+ set_numrows +
DataList::set_numrows() in DataList.inc
This function sets the # of rows to display per page.
+ set_offset +
DataListSource::set_offset() in DataListSource.inc
This sets the offset value and resets the index into the data array (in non DB children)
+ set_offset +
DataList::set_offset() in DataList.inc
This function is used to set/change the offset for this list.
+ set_onsubmit +
FormProcessor::set_onsubmit() in FormProcessor.inc
Set the onsubmit attribute to the form NOTE: The FormContent child can automatically set this value depending on the FormElement children it contains.
+ set_option +
SVGGraph::set_option() in SVGGraph.inc
This function is used to set a particular option for the graph
+ set_orderby +
DataListSource::set_orderby() in DataListSource.inc
This sets the orderby column name.
+ set_permissions_message +
+ +
This is used to set the various options for displaying the failed permissions box. This should be called prior to returning false in the permissions() method
+ set_prefix +
TextCSSNav::set_prefix() in TextCSSNav.inc
This method is used to set the prefix for
+ set_privacypolicy_url +
+ +
sets the Privacy policy url.
+ set_refresh +
HTMLPageClass::set_refresh() in HTMLPageClass.inc
Automatically set a page meta tag refresh
+ set_render_form_after_success +
+ +
This function turns on the ability to
+ set_required +
FormElement::set_required() in FormElement.inc
This function set the elements required state
+ set_required_marker +
+ +
This function is used to set the required field marker
+ set_required_symbol +
+ +
This allows you to customize the require string marker
+ set_required_text +
+ +
This sets the required text
+ set_reverseorder +
+ +
This function sets the reverse order flag to a new value.
+ set_reverseorder +
+ +
This sets the flag that tells us the direction in which to order the orderby column.
+ set_root_attribute +
+ +
This sets 1 root tag attribute value pair
+ set_root_attributes +
+ +
This function is used to set the root xml tag's attributes
+ set_root_name +
XMLDocumentClass::set_root_name() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
Set the document name and the root tag's name.
+ set_rows +
FETextArea::set_rows() in FETextArea.inc
This method is used as a shortcut to set the rows attribute
+ set_rowspan +
TDtag::set_rowspan() in ALLTAGS.inc
This is a helper for setting the rowspan attribute
+ set_row_attributes +
+ +
update the attributes of a particular row or tr.
+ set_save_vars +
TabList::set_save_vars() in TabWidget.inc
This function sets the save variables that the user/child wants to automatically propogate
+ set_save_vars +
+ +
This function sets the save variables that the user/child wants to automatically propogate
+ set_save_vars_Flag +
+ +
This method sets the flag that tells us to automatically add hidden form fields for all the GET/POST vars passed in to us.
+ set_searchby +
DataListSource::set_searchby() in DataListSource.inc
This sets the column that we want to search from.
+ set_searchby_value +
+ +
This sets the data that we want to search for.
+ set_search_collapse +
+ +
This sets the flag to turn on/off the ability to collapse the search box.
+ set_search_type +
+ +
This function sets the search type
+ set_search_type +
DataListSource::set_search_type() in DataListSource.inc
This function sets the search type (simple or advanced)
+ set_secondary_orderby +
+ +
This method is used to set a secondary list of columns to order/sort by.
+ set_selected +
+ +
Set this text as the selected item
+ set_showall +
DataList::set_showall() in DataList.inc
This method sets the flag to tell us to show every row found in the DataListSource.
+ set_show_cellborders +
+ +
This method is used to set the flag to allow showing of the internal borders or not.
+ set_show_results +
+ +
This function is used to set the value of the _show_results_flag
+ set_simplesearch_modifier +
+ +
This sets the simple search modifier
+ set_simple_search_modifier +
+ +
Set the simple search modifyer flag.
+ set_slave_data +
+ +
This function will set the data the parent wants to set for the slave
+ set_slave_data +
FEListBoxMaster::set_slave_data() in FEListBoxMaster.inc
This function will set the data the parent wants to set for the slave
+ set_slave_elements +
+ +
This function will set the slaves of this element
+ set_stripslashes +
+ +
This sets the stripslashes flag for this object.
+ set_stripslashes +
+ +
This sets the stripslashes flag for this object.
+ set_style +
+ +
This function is a shorthand helper to setting the 'style' attribute on a tag.
+ set_style +
HTMLTagClass::set_style() in HTMLTagClass.inc
This function is a shorthand helper to setting the style attribute on a tag.
+ set_style_attribute +
+ +
Sets elements css attribute
+ set_subtitle +
RoundTitleTable::set_subtitle() in RoundTitleTable.inc
+ set_subtitle +
VerticalCSSNavTable::set_subtitle() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
This sets the subtitle
+ set_subtitle +
NavTable::set_subtitle() in NavTable.inc
+ set_summary +
+ +
This method is used to set a summary attribute on the table for speech-synthesizing non-visual browsers
+ set_tabindex +
FormElement::set_tabindex() in FormElement.inc
Sets the element's tab index
+ set_tag_attribute +
+ +
add a single attribute (name="value")
+ set_tag_attributes +
+ +
add multiple attributes (name="value")
+ set_tag_name +
XMLTagClass::set_tag_name() in XMLTagClass.inc
This method sets the name of the tag
+ set_temp_dir +
+ +
This is so the user can set the temp directory where the file will be saved during confirmation (if any)
+ set_text_debug +
HTMLPageClass::set_text_debug() in HTMLPageClass.inc
set the $_text_debug flag
+ set_text_format +
FEDate::set_text_format() in FEListBox.inc
this method sets the format string used in get_value_text(). Use this method to set special punctuation for the confirmation display.
+ set_thumbnail_dimensions +
+ +
Sets all thumnail dimensions.
+ set_thumbnail_script +
+ +
Set the url for the thumbnail generation script.
+ set_title +
HTMLPageClass::set_title() in HTMLPageClass.inc
set the title of the page output.
+ set_title +
FormElement::set_title() in FormElement.inc
Sets elements title text
+ set_title +
SVGGraph::set_title() in SVGGraph.inc
This method sets the title for the graph
+ set_title +
BaseWidget::set_title() in BaseWidget.inc
Set the title for the widget.
+ set_title_font_height +
+ +
This method sets the height of font in pixels for the Graph Title.
+ set_title_font_width +
+ +
This method sets the width of font in pixels for the Graph Title.
+ set_title_style +
+ +
This method sets the title for the graph
+ set_title_text_align +
+ +
this function lets you change the text alignment of the text in the title
+ set_total_rows +
DataListSource::set_total_rows() in DataListSource.inc
This is used to set the total # of rows we have in our data set
+ set_to_label +
+ +
Use this method to set the label for the 'to' field
+ set_to_list_data +
+ +
This function sets the array of data to be used in the data list
+ set_transform +
+ +
This function is used to set the 'transform' attribute of a tag.
+ set_urldir +
ImageThumbnailWidget::set_urldir() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Set the base url path where the files live on the web site.
+ set_value +
+ +
This function will set the initial value for the element
+ set_value +
FormElement::set_value() in FormElement.inc
This function will set the initial value for the element
+ set_value +
FEDate::set_value() in FEListBox.inc
This function sets the default values for the date element The parameter should be a string representation of the date in ISO 8601 format.
+ set_vertical_cellborder +
+ +
this function sets the flag to tell the object to render (or not) the vertical cell borders
+ set_webmaster_email +
+ +
sets the Webmaster email address if this is set we show the mailto for this email
+ set_width +
BaseWidget::set_width() in BaseWidget.inc
Set the width for the widget.
+ set_width +
SVGGraph::set_width() in SVGGraph.inc
This method sets the width of the graph
+ set_xmlbase +
+ +
This method is used for setting the SVG common tag attribute of xml:base
+ set_xmllang +
+ +
This method is used for setting the SVG common tag attribute of xml:lang
+ set_xmlspace +
+ +
This method is used for setting the SVG common tag attribute of xml:space
+ set_x_title +
SVGXYGraph::set_x_title() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This function is used to set the title for the X Axis
+ set_y_title +
SVGXYGraph::set_y_title() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This function is used to set the title for the Y Axis
+ show_actionbar +
DefaultGUIDatalist::show_actionbar() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function gets the current value of the show actionbar flag setting.
+ show_cancel_button +
+ +
Sets the flag to show or not to show the cancel button
+ show_character_encoding +
+ +
method to update the flag that lets us know to show/render the character encoding string in the xml tag or not
+ show_http_header +
XMLDocumentClass::show_http_header() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
this function is used to set the flag that tells this class to automatically output the content type in the http header
+ SimpleGUIDataList +
SimpleGUIDataList in SimpleGUIDataList.inc
This object is the base class that can be
+ simple_search_modifier_value +
+ +
returns the current value of the simple search modifier
+ simple_search_where_clause +
+ +
this builds the search clause
+ SMALLtag +
<SMALL> tag class
+ sort +
ArrayDataListSource::sort() in ArrayDataListSource.inc
This method sorts our data array by the requested column order by. This could be expensive for HUGE arrays.
+ sort +
DataListSource::sort() in DataListSource.inc
A generic method API that can be used at the bottom half of the do_query() method to sort data that is stored locally. This is only needed when the source is a non database.
SORTABLE in DataList.inc
SORTABLE_ICASE in DataList.inc
+ SPANtag +
SPANtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<SPAN> tag class
+ span_font8 +
span_font8() in font_utils.inc
Build a SPANtag object with css class of .font8.
+ span_font8bold +
span_font8bold() in font_utils.inc
Build a SPANtag object with css class of .font8bold.
+ span_font10 +
span_font10() in font_utils.inc
Build a SPANtag object with css class of .font10.
+ span_font10bold +
span_font10bold() in font_utils.inc
Build a SPANtag object with css class of .font10bold.
+ span_font12 +
span_font12() in font_utils.inc
Build a SPANtag object with css class of .font12.
+ span_font12bold +
span_font12bold() in font_utils.inc
Build a SPANtag object with css class of .font12bold.
+ span_font14 +
span_font14() in font_utils.inc
Build a SPANtag object with css class of .font14.
+ span_font14bold +
span_font14bold() in font_utils.inc
Build a SPANtag object with css class of .font14bold.
+ SQLDataListSource +
SQLDataListSource in SQLDataListSource.inc
+ sql_varchar_filter +
+ +
Clean up the string so it can work in a db
+ Stag +
Stag in ALLTAGS.inc
<S> tag class
+ StandardAccountForm +
StandardAccountForm in form2.php
A simple Page Layout object child.
+ StandardDialogWidget +
StandardDialogWidget in StandardDialogWidget.inc
This class is used to build a DialogWidget that can have 'blocks' for messages.
+ StandardFormContent +
+ +
+ StandardFormContent +
StandardFormContent in StandardFormContent.inc
This is a child of the FormContent class to provide a 'standard' look and feel for forms.
+ Step1 +
Step1 in _steps.inc
A simple Page Layout object child.
+ Step2 +
Step2 in _steps.inc
This is a child of the FormContent class to provide a 'standard' look and feel for forms.
+ Step3 +
Step3 in _steps.inc
This is a child of the FormContent class to provide a 'standard' look and feel for forms.
+ STOPsvgtag +
STOPsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<stop> SVG tag
+ strip_offset +
ImageThumbnailWidget::strip_offset() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
This function strips the offset
+ STRONGtag +
<STRONG> tag class
+ STYLEsvgtag +
STYLEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<style> SVG tag
+ STYLEtag +
<STYLE> tag class
+ SUBtag +
SUBtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<SUB> tag class
+ SUPtag +
SUPtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<SUP> tag class
+ SVGDocumentClass +
SVGDocumentClass in SVGDocumentClass.inc
This class lets you build a complete SVG document.
+ SVGDocumentClass +
SVGDocumentClass::SVGDocumentClass() in SVGDocumentClass.inc
The constructor to building a SVG document.
+ SVGGraph +
SVGGraph in SVGGraph.inc
This is the base Graph class for doing SVG graphs
+ SVGGraph +
SVGGraph::SVGGraph() in SVGGraph.inc
+ SVGsvgtag +
SVGsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<svg> SVG tag
+ SVGTagClass +
SVGTagClass in SVGTAGS.inc
This overrides the WMLTagClass to define some methods that set some commonly used SVG tag attributes.
+ SVGTagClass +
+ +
The SVGTagClass constructor
+ SVGXYGraph +
SVGXYGraph::SVGXYGraph() in SVGXYGraph.inc
+ SVGXYGraph +
SVGXYGraph in SVGXYGraph.inc
This is the base Graph class for doing XY coordinate system based graphs in SVG.
+ SVGXYLineGraph +
SVGXYLineGraph in SVGXYLineGraph.inc
This is the base Graph class for doing XY coordinate system based graphs in SVG.
+ SVGXYPlotGraph +
SVGXYPlotGraph in SVGXYPlotGraph.inc
This is the base Graph class for doing XY coordinate system based graphs in SVG.
+ SVGXYPlotGraph +
SVGXYPlotGraph::SVGXYPlotGraph() in SVGXYPlotGraph.inc
+ svg_a +
svg_a() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <a> tag
+ svg_animate +
svg_animate() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <animate> tag
+ svg_circle +
svg_circle() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <circle> tag and its common attributes
+ svg_defs +
svg_defs() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used for building an SVG <defs> tag
+ svg_desc +
svg_desc() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used for building an SVG <desc> tag
+ svg_ellipse +
svg_ellipse() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <ellipse> tag and its common attributes
+ svg_font +
svg_font() in svg_utils.inc
this function builds an SVG <font> tag
+ svg_g +
svg_g() in svg_utils.inc
This function builds an SVG <g> tag
+ svg_line +
svg_line() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used for building an SVG <line> tag
+ svg_marker +
svg_marker() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used for building an SVG <marker> tag
+ svg_polygon +
svg_polygon() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used for building an SVG <polygon> tag
+ svg_polyline +
svg_polyline() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used for building an SVG <polyline> tag
+ svg_rect +
svg_rect() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <rect> tag and its common attributes
+ svg_script +
svg_script() in svg_utils.inc
This function creates a <script> tag and wraps the javascript in the appropriate <![CDATA[ JAVASCRIPT ]]> that is required for svg.
+ svg_style +
svg_style() in svg_utils.inc
This function creates a <script> tag and wraps the javascript in the appropriate <![CDATA[ JAVASCRIPT ]]> that is required for svg.
+ svg_text +
svg_text() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <text> tag
+ svg_textpath +
svg_textpath() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <textpath> tag.
+ svg_tref +
svg_tref() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <tref> tag
+ svg_tspan +
svg_tspan() in svg_utils.inc
This function is used to build an SVG <tref> tag.
+ SWITCHsvgtag +
SWITCHsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<switch> SVG tag
+ +
+ SYMBOLsvgtag +
SYMBOLsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<symbol> SVG tag
+ SVGTAGS.inc +
+ svg_utils.inc +
svg_utils.inc in svg_utils.inc
+ SimpleGUIDataList.inc +
SimpleGUIDataList.inc in SimpleGUIDataList.inc
+ SQLDataListSource.inc +
SQLDataListSource.inc in SQLDataListSource.inc
+ StandardDialogWidget.inc +
StandardDialogWidget.inc in StandardDialogWidget.inc
+ SVGDocumentClass.inc +
SVGDocumentClass.inc in SVGDocumentClass.inc
+ SVGGraph.inc +
SVGGraph.inc in SVGGraph.inc
+ SVGXYGraph.inc +
SVGXYGraph.inc in SVGXYGraph.inc
+ SVGXYLineGraph.inc +
SVGXYLineGraph.inc in SVGXYLineGraph.inc
+ SVGXYPlotGraph.inc +
SVGXYPlotGraph.inc in SVGXYPlotGraph.inc
+ +
+ $title +
BaseWidget::$title in BaseWidget.inc
The title of the table.
+ TABLEtag +
<TABLE> tag class
+ TabList +
TabList::TabList() in TabWidget.inc
The constructor.
+ TabList +
TabList in TabWidget.inc
This class implements a set of multiple tabs holding data objects
+ TabListCSS +
TabListCSS in TabWidget.inc
This class defines the css used by the FooterNav Object.
Some defines
+ TabWidget +
TabWidget in TabWidget.inc
This class implements the Qualys Tab object.
+ TabWidget +
TabWidget::TabWidget() in TabWidget.inc
The constructor
+ TBODYtag +
<TBODY> class.
+ TDtag +
TDtag in ALLTAGS.inc
Table data <TD> class.
<TEMPLATE> tag class
+ test +
test in widget14.php
This class implements the Qualys Tab object.
+ test_add +
+ +
+ test_add +
ContainerTest::test_add() in unittest1.php
+ test_Constructor +
+ +
+ test_Constructor +
+ +
+ test_Constructor +
+ +
+ test_get_element +
+ +
+ test_maxthumbs_per_page +
+ +
Make sure the maxthumbsperpage isn't > then total items.
+ test_render +
+ +
+ test_render +
+ +
+ test_reset_Content +
+ +
+ test_set_cdata_flag +
+ +
+ test_set_class +
+ +
+ test_set_collapse +
+ +
+ test_set_id +
+ +
+ test_set_style +
+ +
<TEXTAREA> tag class
+ TextCSSNav +
TextCSSNav::TextCSSNav() in TextCSSNav.inc
Constructor for this class It just sets the width for the widget.
+ TextCSSNav +
TextCSSNav in TextCSSNav.inc
This class builds a simple text navigational widget.
+ TextCSSNavCSS +
TextCSSNavCSS in TextCSSNav.inc
This class defines the css used by the FooterNav Object.
+ TextNav +
TextNav::TextNav() in TextNav.inc
Constructor for this class It just sets the width for the widget.
+ TextNav +
TextNav in TextNav.inc
This class builds a simple text navigational widget.
+ TextNavCSS +
TextNavCSS in TextNav.inc
This class defines the css used by the TextNav Object.
+ TEXTPATHsvgtag +
<textpath> SVG tag
+ TEXTsvgtag +
TEXTsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<text> SVG tag
+ TFOOTtag +
<TFOOT> tag class
+ THEADtag +
Table Header <THEAD> class.
+ THtag +
THtag in ALLTAGS.inc
Table Header <TH> class.
+ TIMERtag +
<TIMER> tag class
+ TITLEsvgtag +
TITLEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<title> SVG tag
+ TITLEtag +
<TITLE> tag class
+ total_items +
ImageThumbnailWidget::total_items() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
returns the total # of items we have to display.
+ TreeNav +
TreeNav::TreeNav() in TreeNav.inc
Constructor for this class It just sets the width for the widget.
+ TreeNav +
TreeNav in TreeNav.inc
This class tries to build a tree navigational widget.
+ TREFsvgtag +
TREFsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<tref> SVG tag
+ TRtag +
TRtag in ALLTAGS.inc
Table Row <TR> class.
+ TSPANsvgtag +
TSPANsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<tspan> SVG tag
+ TTtag +
TTtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<TT> tag class
+ TabWidget.inc +
TabWidget.inc in TabWidget.inc
+ TextCSSNav.inc +
TextCSSNav.inc in TextCSSNav.inc
+ TextNav.inc +
TextNav.inc in TextNav.inc
+ TreeNav.inc +
TreeNav.inc in TreeNav.inc
+ +
+ unittest1.php +
unittest1.php in unittest1.php
+ unittest2.php +
unittest2.php in unittest2.php
+ unittest3.php +
unittest3.php in unittest3.php
+ ULtag +
ULtag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ update_all_values +
+ +
This function is a macro for walking the entire
+ update_all_values +
+ +
This walks all of the CSSBuilder objects and calls their respective update_all_values method.
+ update_properties +
+ +
This function updates a css property value for a specific class/id
+ update_property +
+ +
This function updates a css property value for a specific class/id
+ user_setup +
TabListCSS::user_setup() in TabWidget.inc
+ user_setup +
TextCSSNavCSS::user_setup() in TextCSSNav.inc
+ user_setup +
+ +
+ user_setup +
+ +
This method is used to setup the options for the DataList object's display.
+ user_setup +
MyWizard::user_setup() in wizard1.php
+ user_setup +
+ +
+ user_setup +
RoundTitleTableCSS::user_setup() in RoundTitleTable.inc
+ user_setup +
VerticalCSSNavTableCSS::user_setup() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
+ user_setup +
ImageThumbnailWidgetCSS::user_setup() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
+ user_setup +
DataList::user_setup() in DataList.inc
A subclass can override this function to setup the class variables after the constructor. The constructor automatically calls this function.
+ user_setup +
CSSBuilder::user_setup() in CSSBuilder.inc
Call the child class' setup function
+ user_setup +
ButtonPanelCSS::user_setup() in ButtonPanel.inc
+ user_setup +
DefaultGUIDataListCSS::user_setup() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
+ user_setup +
+ +
+ user_setup +
+ +
+ user_setup +
+ +
+ user_setup +
+ +
+ user_setup +
FormWizard::user_setup() in FormWizard.inc
A subclass can override this function to setup the class variables after the constructor. The constructor automatically calls this function.
+ USEsvgtag +
USEsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<use> SVG tag
+ Utag +
Utag in ALLTAGS.inc
<U> tag class
+ +
VALID in FormValidation.inc
+ validate +
+ +
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
+ validate +
+ +
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
+ validate +
FEEmail::validate() in FEText.inc
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
+ validate +
FERegEx::validate() in FEText.inc
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
+ validate +
+ +
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
+ validate +
+ +
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
+ validate +
FormElement::validate() in FormElement.inc
This function performs the actual validation It is called only if the validation is required by this element
+ validate +
FETextArea::validate() in FETextArea.inc
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
+ validate +
FEZipcode::validate() in FEText.inc
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
+ validate +
+ +
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
+ validate +
FEUrl::validate() in FEText.inc
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
+ validate +
FEName::validate() in FEText.inc
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
+ validate +
FEDate::validate() in FEListBox.inc
This function is responsible for performing complete validation and setting the appropriate error message in case of a failed validation
+ validate +
+ +
This function is responsible for performing complete validation and setting the appropriate error message in case of a failed validation
+ validate +
+ +
This function is responsible for performing complete validation and setting the appropriate error message in case of a failed validation
+ validate +
FEPassword::validate() in FEPassword.inc
This function performs the actual validation It is called only if the validation is required by this element
+ validate +
FEDataList::validate() in FEDataList.inc
This function is responsible for performing complete validation and setting the appropriate error message in case of a failed validation
+ validate +
FENumber::validate() in FENumbers.inc
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
+ validate +
FEFile::validate() in FEFile.inc
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
+ validate +
+ +
This function performs the actual validation It is called only if the validation is required by this element
+ validate +
FENumberPrice::validate() in FENumbers.inc
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
+ validate +
+ +
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
+ validate +
FENumberFloat::validate() in FENumbers.inc
This method validates the data for this Form Element.
VALIDATE_EMAIL_LENGTH in FormValidation.inc
VALIDATE_MAXSIZE in FormValidation.inc
+ VARtag +
VARtag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ version.inc +
version.inc in version.inc
+ VerticalCSSNavTable +
VerticalCSSNavTable in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
This class builds a nice table that conains clickable cells.
+ VerticalCSSNavTable +
+ +
Constructor for this class It just sets the width for the widget.
+ VerticalCSSNavTableCSS +
VerticalCSSNavTableCSS in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
This class defines the css used by the VerticalCSSNavTable Object.
+ VIEWsvgtag +
VIEWsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<view> SVG tag
+ VKERNsvgtag +
VKERNsvgtag in SVGTAGS.inc
<vkern> SVG tag
+ VerticalCSSNavTable.inc +
VerticalCSSNavTable.inc in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
+ +
+ $width +
BaseWidget::$width in BaseWidget.inc
the width of the widget
+ widget1.php +
widget1.php in widget1.php
+ widget2.php +
widget2.php in widget2.php
+ widget3.php +
widget3.php in widget3.php
+ widget4.php +
widget4.php in widget4.php
+ widget5.php +
widget5.php in widget5.php
+ widget6.php +
widget6.php in widget6.php
+ widget7.php +
widget7.php in widget7.php
+ widget8.php +
widget8.php in widget8.php
+ widget9.php +
widget9.php in widget9.php
+ widget10.php +
widget10.php in widget10.php
+ widget11.php +
widget11.php in widget11.php
+ widget12.php +
widget12.php in widget12.php
+ widget13.php +
widget13.php in widget13.php
+ widget14.php +
widget14.php in widget14.php
+ wizard1.php +
wizard1.php in wizard1.php
+ WMLTAGS.inc +
+ wml_utils.inc +
wml_utils.inc in wml_utils.inc
+ WidgetListPage +
+ +
+ WidgetListPage +
WidgetListPage in widget14.php
This class is used to build content for an entire page. It uses the HTMLPageClass widget from phphtmllib to render the final output.
+ WMLDocumentClass.inc +
WMLDocumentClass.inc in WMLDocumentClass.inc
WIZARD_ACTION in FormWizard.inc
WIZARD_FINAL in FormWizard.inc
WIZARD_ID in FormWizard.inc
WIZARD_JUMP in FormWizard.inc
WIZARD_NEXT in FormWizard.inc
WIZARD_PREV in FormWizard.inc
WIZARD_STEP in FormWizard.inc
WIZARD_TO_STEP in FormWizard.inc
WIZARD_VISITED in FormWizard.inc
+ WMLDocumentClass +
WMLDocumentClass::WMLDocumentClass() in WMLDocumentClass.inc
+ WMLDocumentClass +
WMLDocumentClass in WMLDocumentClass.inc
This class lets you build a complete WML document and render it
+ WMLtag +
WMLtag in WMLTAGS.inc
<WML> tag class
+ WMLTagClass +
+ +
+ WMLTagClass +
WMLTagClass in WMLTAGS.inc
Base class for all WML Tag classes.
+ wml_a +
wml_a() in wml_utils.inc
build an href with content and attributes.
+ wml_access +
wml_access() in wml_utils.inc
this function builds a wml <access /> tag
+ wml_anchor +
wml_anchor() in wml_utils.inc
this builds an <anchor> tag
+ wml_card +
wml_card() in wml_utils.inc
This function helps build a <card> tag
+ wml_do +
wml_do() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds the WML <do> tag
+ wml_fieldset +
wml_fieldset() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds an <fieldset> tag for WML.
+ wml_go +
wml_go() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds the WML <go> tag
+ wml_img +
wml_img() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds an <img> tag, which refers to a .wbmp format image.
+ wml_input +
wml_input() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds the WML <input> tag object
+ wml_noop +
wml_noop() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds the WML <noop> tag
+ wml_onevent +
wml_onevent() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds a WML <onevent> tag
+ wml_postfield +
wml_postfield() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds a WML <postfield> tag
+ wml_prev +
wml_prev() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds a WML <prev> tag object
+ wml_refresh +
wml_refresh() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds a WML <refresh> tag object
+ wml_select +
wml_select() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds the WML <select> tag
+ wml_setvar +
wml_setvar() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds the WML <setvar> tag
+ wml_tag +
wml_tag() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds a <wml> tag
+ wml_template +
wml_template() in wml_utils.inc
this function builds a <template> tag and it's content
+ wml_timer +
wml_timer() in wml_utils.inc
This function builds the WML <timer> tag the time unit of the value is 1/10 of a second.
+ wrap_column_item +
DefaultGUIDatalist::wrap_column_item() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function ensures that the data we place in a column is aligned according to what the user wants.
+ wrap_column_item +
SimpleGUIDataList::wrap_column_item() in SimpleGUIDataList.inc
This function ensures that the data we place in a column is aligned according to what the user wants.
+ wrap_column_item +
+ +
This function ensures that the data we place in a column is aligned according to what the user wants.
+ write_thumb_to_disk +
+ +
write the image to disk.
+ +
+ XMLTAGS.inc +
+ xml_utils.inc +
xml_utils.inc in xml_utils.inc
+ XMLDocumentClass.inc +
XMLDocumentClass.inc in XMLDocumentClass.inc
XHTML in defines.inc
XHTML_FRAMESET in defines.inc
XHTML_STRICT in defines.inc
Some global defines, used by the classes and widgets to specify what type of output document format to use.
+ XMLDocumentClass +
XMLDocumentClass in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This class lets you build a complete xml document and render it.
+ XMLDocumentClass +
XMLDocumentClass::XMLDocumentClass() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
The constructor
xml-stylesheet tag class
+ XMLtag +
XMLtag in XMLTAGS.inc
xml tag class
+ XMLtag +
XMLtag::XMLtag() in XMLTAGS.inc
+ XMLTagClass +
XMLTagClass::XMLTagClass() in XMLTagClass.inc
The constructor
+ XMLTagClass +
XMLTagClass in XMLTagClass.inc
This class is used for building and rendering an XML tag.
+ XMLTagClassTest +
+ +
+ XMLTagClassTest +
XMLTagClassTest in unittest2.php
Test the Container class
+ XMLTagClass.inc +
XMLTagClass.inc in XMLTagClass.inc
+ xml_ctag +
xml_ctag() in xml_utils.inc
This builds an xml tag, just as xml_tag() does, but turns on the auto wrapping of CDATA for the content for the tag.
+ xml_doctype +
xml_doctype() in xml_utils.inc
This function is used to build a DOCTYPE tag
+ xml_stylesheet +
xml_stylesheet() in xml_utils.inc
This function is used to build an xml-stylesheet tag
+ xml_tag +
xml_tag() in xml_utils.inc
This is a simple wrapper function for building XMLTagClass objects
+ XMPtag +
XMPtag in ALLTAGS.inc
<XMP> tag class
+ xxx +
xxx() in form3.php
+ +
+ $_action +
FEButton::$_action in FEButton.inc
Holds the button action
+ $_action_column +
DefaultGUIDatalist::$_action_column in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This holds the action column settings if any.
+ $_action_count +
DefaultGUIDatalist::$_action_count in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
holds the cntr for the action
+ $_action_counter +
+ +
This holds how many actions we have
+ $_action_message +
+ +
The message that is set
+ $_action_name +
ListAction::$_action_name in ListAction.inc
The string that describes
+ $_advanced_search_flag +
+ +
Flag to let us know that
+ $_align +
DefaultGUIDatalist::$_align in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
The overall alignment
+ $_align +
ListAction::$_align in ListAction.inc
The overall alignment
+ $_allow_permissions_checks +
+ +
This is to enable/disable the permissions checking.
+ $_allow_select_all +
DefaultGUIDatalist::$_allow_select_all in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This variable tells us whether to display
+ $_attributes +
FormElement::$_attributes in FormElement.inc
Holds additional attributes for
+ $_auto_show_errors +
+ +
This tells us to show or not to show the form errors autmatically.
+ $_buttons +
DialogWidget::$_buttons in DialogWidget.inc
Holds the list of buttons
+ $_cancel_action +
FormContent::$_cancel_action in FormContent.inc
The action to take opon clicking
+ $_cancel_url +
DialogWidget::$_cancel_url in DialogWidget.inc
Holds the cancel action
+ $_cancel_url +
ListAction::$_cancel_url in ListAction.inc
This sets the url for the
+ $_cellpadding +
InfoTable::$_cellpadding in InfoTable.inc
this holds the default cellpadding
+ $_cellspacing +
InfoTable::$_cellspacing in InfoTable.inc
This holds the default cellspacing
+ $_collapsable_search +
+ +
If true, allows search block to be collapsed/expanded.
+ $_colors +
SVGXYGraph::$_colors in SVGXYGraph.inc
holds the colors for each of
+ $_columns +
DataList::$_columns in DataList.inc
The column descriptions for the data we are working on
+ $_columns +
DataListSource::$_columns in DataListSource.inc
The column descriptions for the data we are working on
+ $_columns +
ImageThumbnailWidget::$_columns in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
The number of columns for a page.
+ $_confirmed +
FormProcessor::$_confirmed in FormProcessor.inc
Flag to let us know the form has been confirmed.
+ $_confirmed_successfull +
+ +
The form was processed and passed
+ $_countries +
+ +
The states array format "United States" => array ("code" => "US",
+ $_csv_headers +
CSVFILEDataListSource::$_csv_headers in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
this holds the headers read
+ $_cur_col_cntr +
DefaultGUIDatalist::$_cur_col_cntr in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
+ $_data +
DataListSource::$_data in DataListSource.inc
A placeholder for data that is read/built and stored locally. Not all data sources have to use this.
+ $_datasource +
DataList::$_datasource in DataList.inc
Holds our reference/copy of the DataListSource object which is used to access the data that this object uses
+ $_data_index +
DataListSource::$_data_index in DataListSource.inc
Holds the index into the array of data
+ $_data_list +
FERadioGroup::$_data_list in FERadioGroup.inc
Holds the list of available
+ $_data_list +
FEDataList::$_data_list in FEDataList.inc
Holds the list of available
+ $_data_list_to +
+ +
Holds the list of available data elements for the 'to' box.
+ $_data_post_name +
+ +
The name of the array variable
+ $_day +
FEDate::$_day in FEListBox.inc
The day form element
+ $_db +
ADODBSQLDataListSource::$_db in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
This var holds the Database object
+ $_db +
PGSQLDataListSource::$_db in PGSQLDataListSource.inc
This var holds the Database connection reference
+ $_db +
PEARSQLDataListSource::$_db in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
This var holds the Database object
+ $_db_options +
SQLDataListSource::$_db_options in SQLDataListSource.inc
this holds all of the options
+ $_debug_link_attributes +
+ +
+ $_debug_link_attributes +
+ +
+ $_debug_link_attributes +
+ +
+ $_debug_link_attributes +
+ +
+ $_default_checked_items +
+ +
This variable holds the array of default
+ $_default_col_attributes +
+ +
Holds the default attributes for all <td>'s
+ $_default_label_css +
+ +
This holds the default css class for form field label text.
+ $_default_orderby +
+ +
Holds the db column name that we want to order by default.
+ $_default_order_sensitivity +
+ +
The flag that tells us to use case sensitive order by as a default.
+ $_default_reverseorder +
+ +
Holds a flag to let us know to
+ $_default_rows_per_page +
+ +
+ $_default_rows_per_page +
+ +
The number of rows of data to show per "page".
+ $_default_row_attributes +
+ +
Holds the default attributes for all <tr>'s
+ $_default_td_attributes +
+ +
Holds the default attributes for all <td>'s
+ $_disabled_items +
+ +
The list of disabled items
+ $_doctype_links +
XMLDocumentClass::$_doctype_links in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This contains the doctype links
+ $_doctype_source +
XMLDocumentClass::$_doctype_source in XMLDocumentClass.inc
the DOCTYPE source attribute
+ $_draw +
SVGGraph::$_draw in SVGGraph.inc
Various calculated image properties
+ $_elements +
FormContent::$_elements in FormContent.inc
This holds the array of
+ $_element_name +
FormElement::$_element_name in FormElement.inc
Holds the name of the element
+ $_enable_debug +
PageWidget::$_enable_debug in PageWidget.inc
This enables the ability to view the source of a page bu setting debug=1 in the query string.
+ $_entries +
CSSBuilder::$_entries in CSSBuilder.inc
This holds the entries for the css
+ $_errors +
FormElement::$_errors in FormElement.inc
holds the array of errors for this element.
+ $_error_code +
FormValidation::$_error_code in FormValidation.inc
This holds the last error code found
+ $_error_label_css +
+ +
This is the css class used
+ $_error_message +
+ +
+ $_error_message +
FormValidation::$_error_message in FormValidation.inc
This holds the last error message
+ $_error_message +
FormElement::$_error_message in FormElement.inc
Holds the error message text
+ $_favicon +
HTMLPageClass::$_favicon in HTMLPageClass.inc
The favicon params
+ $_fepassword +
+ +
This holds the FEPassword we are
+ $_filename +
CSVFILEDataListSource::$_filename in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
The csv file name/path on disk
+ $_files_info +
FEFile::$_files_info in FEFile.inc
The $_FILES information about the submitted file.
+ $_file_elements +
FormContent::$_file_elements in FormContent.inc
index names of all of the file form elements (if any).
+ $_format +
FEDate::$_format in FEListBox.inc
The order in which to show the elements. This variable must be 3 characters long and contain only one m only one d and only one y.
+ $_FormErrors +
FormValidation::$_FormErrors in FormValidation.inc
This is the FormErrors object
+ $_FormValidation +
FormProcessor::$_FormValidation in FormProcessor.inc
This is the FormValidation object
+ $_form_attributes +
+ +
This array holds the FORMtag
+ $_form_attributes +
+ +
This holds the form attributes
+ $_form_content +
FormProcessor::$_form_content in FormProcessor.inc
This holds the FormContent Object that knows how to render the form.
+ $_form_errors_title +
+ +
The form errors table title
+ $_form_errors_width +
+ +
Holds the width (if any) of the errors table that will be rendered. If the value is null, the $this->_width value is used instead.
+ $_form_method +
MessageBoxWidget::$_form_method in MessageBoxWidget.inc
The form method type
+ $_form_name +
FormContent::$_form_name in FormContent.inc
This holds the name of the form
+ $_form_name +
FormElement::$_form_name in FormElement.inc
This holds the name of the form
+ $_form_on_submit +
+ +
The onsubmit value for the form
+ $_form_render_flag +
+ +
Build everything inside a form?
+ $_form_submit_action +
+ +
The action that was taken
+ $_form_success_render +
+ +
Flag to let us know if we should
+ $_form_title +
StandardFormContent::$_form_title in StandardFormContent.inc
The title used in the wrapping table
+ $_fp +
CSVFILEDataListSource::$_fp in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
The file descriptor pointer
+ $_from_label +
+ +
The from field's label
+ $_global_prefix +
ImageThumbnailWidget::$_global_prefix in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
holds the prefix for all variables that are added to a url, so we can possibly have more then 1 of these per page.
+ $_global_prefix +
+ +
prefix for all list variable names, so we can potentially have more then 1 list per page.
+ $_has_confirm +
FormContent::$_has_confirm in FormContent.inc
flag to let the FormProcessor
+ $_has_error +
FormElement::$_has_error in FormElement.inc
Holds the state of the last validation
+ $_has_errors +
FormProcessor::$_has_errors in FormProcessor.inc
This flag lets us know there were errors during processing or validating the form.
+ $_has_file_element +
+ +
Flag to mark this as having a
+ $_has_form +
MessageBoxWidget::$_has_form in MessageBoxWidget.inc
Do we need to render a form?
+ $_has_form_on_submit +
+ +
This Form Element needs to propogate some js to the Form tag's onsubmit attribute
+ $_has_form_on_submit +
+ +
This Form Element needs to propogate some js to the Form tag's onsubmit attribute
+ $_headers +
InfoTable::$_headers in InfoTable.inc
this holds the column header titles.
+ $_header_flag +
CSSBuilder::$_header_flag in CSSBuilder.inc
Flag to let us know if we should output a header content-type value header("Content-Type: text/css");
+ $_height +
FEBoxElement::$_height in FEBoxElement.inc
Holds the height of the element
+ $_hidden_background +
+ +
The hidden tab's background color
+ $_hidden_checkbox_items +
+ +
This array holds the list of hidden checkbox[] items.
+ $_hidden_elements +
+ +
This holds the array of
+ $_hidden_vars +
MessageBoxWidget::$_hidden_vars in MessageBoxWidget.inc
This stores additionnal hidden variables.
+ $_highlight_selected +
+ +
Flag to tell us that we can highlight (css) the selected link.
+ $_htmlentities_attributes +
+ +
+ $_htmlentities_attributes +
+ +
+ $_htmlentities_attributes +
+ +
+ $_htmlentities_attributes +
+ +
+ $_html_attributes +
+ +
This holds the attributes for the <html> tag.
+ $_html_render_type +
+ +
keeps track of the html render type.
+ $_http_content_type +
+ +
The http content-type
+ $_image_path +
DataList::$_image_path in DataList.inc
This stores the base path to where the tool link images live. This lets you specify a new path to where your images live.
+ $_indent_style +
HTMLPageClass::$_indent_style in HTMLPageClass.inc
Holds the value of the indent style the user wants to render the page w/
+ $_infotable +
StandardFormContent::$_infotable in StandardFormContent.inc
the InfoTable wrapper that holds all fields.
+ $_is_disabled +
FormElement::$_is_disabled in FormElement.inc
Indicates a disabled element
+ $_is_required +
FormElement::$_is_required in FormElement.inc
Indicates whether this elements
+ $_item_name +
ListAction::$_item_name in ListAction.inc
name/description of the type of
+ $_label_flag +
+ +
Add the range to the label automatically?
+ $_label_text +
FormElement::$_label_text in FormElement.inc
Holds the elements label text
+ $_limit_char_count +
+ +
This lets you limit the amount of data to
+ $_line_colors +
SVGXYLineGraph::$_line_colors in SVGXYLineGraph.inc
holds the colors for each of
+ $_max +
FENumberInRange::$_max in FENumbers.inc
The maximum #
+ $_maxlinelength +
CSVFILEDataListSource::$_maxlinelength in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
The length of the longest
+ $_max_rows +
DataList::$_max_rows in DataList.inc
The max number of rows to show when the user does the "EXPAND" command.
+ $_max_size +
FEFile::$_max_size in FEFile.inc
max size in bytes determined by user
+ $_max_x +
SVGXYGraph::$_max_x in SVGXYGraph.inc
+ $_max_y +
SVGXYGraph::$_max_y in SVGXYGraph.inc
+ $_max_year +
FEDate::$_max_year in FEListBox.inc
The latest year shown in the year list.
+ $_message +
MessageBoxWidget::$_message in MessageBoxWidget.inc
The _message to display
+ $_min +
FENumberInRange::$_min in FENumbers.inc
The minimum #
+ $_min_x +
SVGXYGraph::$_min_x in SVGXYGraph.inc
+ $_min_y +
SVGXYGraph::$_min_y in SVGXYGraph.inc
+ $_min_year +
FEDate::$_min_year in FEListBox.inc
The earliest year shown in the year list.
+ $_month +
FEDate::$_month in FEListBox.inc
The month form element
+ $_not_found_message +
+ +
This is the message displayed when no data
+ $_number +
TabWidget::$_number in TabWidget.inc
The tab number in the list of tabs.
+ $_num_columns +
DataList::$_num_columns in DataList.inc
Keeps track of the # of columns we have
+ $_num_pages +
DataList::$_num_pages in DataList.inc
This value holds the number of pages of data we have to display.
+ $_offsetVar +
ImageThumbnailWidget::$_offsetVar in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
Holds the name of the offset variable. It's prefixed w/ the _global_prefix var.
+ $_options +
SVGGraph::$_options in SVGGraph.inc
This array holds various
+ $_permissions_error_width +
+ +
The width of the permissions dialog table.
+ $_permission_box +
+ +
the message box for displaying
+ $_perm_options +
PageWidget::$_perm_options in PageWidget.inc
Does the user have permission
+ $_query +
SQLDataListSource::$_query in SQLDataListSource.inc
The entire query built by
+ $_query_params +
DataListSource::$_query_params in DataListSource.inc
This holds various parameters relating
+ $_query_prefix +
TextCSSNav::$_query_prefix in TextCSSNav.inc
the prefix for the query string var
+ $_regex +
FERegEx::$_regex in FEText.inc
+ $_required_field_marker +
+ +
marker for the required field
+ $_required_field_marker +
+ +
The required field string
+ $_required_field_text +
+ +
Text to show denoted required fields for the form.
+ $_result +
PEARSQLDataListSource::$_result in PEARSQLDataListSource.inc
this holds the query result from the
+ $_result +
ADODBSQLDataListSource::$_result in ADODBSQLDataListSource.inc
this holds the query result from the
+ $_result +
PGSQLDataListSource::$_result in PGSQLDataListSource.inc
Result of pg_query()
+ $_root_tag +
XMLDocumentClass::$_root_tag in XMLDocumentClass.inc
The root xml tag for all data
+ $_save_all_vars +
ListAction::$_save_all_vars in ListAction.inc
A flag to tell us to save all
+ $_save_checked_items_flag +
+ +
this flag tells us to save the checked items between pages By default this is off.
+ $_save_vars +
TabList::$_save_vars in TabWidget.inc
This holds a list of name=>value vars that the caller/child wants to propogate automatically.
+ $_save_vars +
DataList::$_save_vars in DataList.inc
This holds a list of name=>value vars that the caller/child wants to propogate automatically.
+ $_search_flag +
DataList::$_search_flag in DataList.inc
Flag to let us know that search is enabled.
+ $_search_table +
DataList::$_search_table in DataList.inc
Holds the object block that is the
+ $_search_text +
DefaultGUIDatalist::$_search_text in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
this array holds some strings for the search functionality. This enables some level of localization for other languages.
+ $_search_tree_open +
DefaultGUIDatalist::$_search_tree_open in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
Initial state of the search tree
+ $_selected +
TabWidget::$_selected in TabWidget.inc
Is this tab selected or not?
+ $_selected +
TextCSSNav::$_selected in TextCSSNav.inc
Holds which one is auto selected
+ $_selected_background +
+ +
The active tab's background color
+ $_selected_tab +
ActiveTab::$_selected_tab in ActiveTab.inc
The default selected tab this is a tab name
+ $_seperate_port_flag +
+ +
flag to tell us to seperate the port
+ $_show_actionbar +
DefaultGUIDatalist::$_show_actionbar in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
Do we show action bar row?
+ $_show_all_rows +
+ +
Flag to tell us to show every row that comes from the DB or not.
+ $_show_cancel_button +
+ +
Show or not to show the cancel button?
+ $_show_cellborders +
+ +
Show any internal borders?
+ $_show_char_encoding +
+ +
this is a hack to show the character encoding or not.
+ $_show_http_header +
XMLDocumentClass::$_show_http_header in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This flag tells if we should output the header content type.
+ $_show_results_flag +
+ +
flag to let us know if we want to show the results or not.
+ $_show_vertical_cellborder +
+ +
Flag to tell the class to render
+ $_simple_search_modifier +
+ +
Flag to enable simple search modifyer.
+ $_slave_elements +
+ +
This holds an array of FormElement objects
+ $_states +
FEUnitedStates::$_states in FEListBox.inc
The states array
+ $_steps +
FormWizard::$_steps in FormWizard.inc
This holds the array of
+ $_stripslashes +
FormContent::$_stripslashes in FormContent.inc
Automatically strip slashes from
+ $_stripslashes +
FormElement::$_stripslashes in FormElement.inc
automatically strip slashes from
+ $_style_attributes +
+ +
Holds additional style attributes for
+ $_subtab_flag +
TabList::$_subtab_flag in TabWidget.inc
Flag to let us know we are a subtab
+ $_subtitle +
VerticalCSSNavTable::$_subtitle in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
the subtitle if any
+ $_supported_image_types +
+ +
Array of supported image type flags.
+ $_table +
VerticalCSSNavTable::$_table in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
Holds the outer table object
+ $_tabs +
TabList::$_tabs in TabWidget.inc
array of tabs that have been added
+ $_tab_elected +
TabList::$_tab_elected in TabWidget.inc
The selected tab
+ $_tab_num +
TabList::$_tab_num in TabWidget.inc
The number of tabs
+ $_tab_row +
TabList::$_tab_row in TabWidget.inc
the TR object for the tabs
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
BRtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
ALTGLYGHsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
BIGtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
ANIMATEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
ABBRtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
ADDRESStag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
APPLETtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
Atag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
ACRONYMtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
AREAtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
BODYtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
BASEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
BLOCKQUOTEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
FEFUNCAsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
STOPsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
SETsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
SCRIPTsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
RECTsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
STYLEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
SVGsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
TEXTsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
TEXTPATHsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
SYMBOLsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
SWITCHsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
POLYLINEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
MASKsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
MARKERsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
LINEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
METADATAsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
POLYGONsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
PATTERNsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
PATHsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
MPATHsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
TITLEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
TREFsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
SETVARtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
REFRESHtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
PREVtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
POSTFIELDtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
TEMPLATEtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
TIMERtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
XMLtag::$_tag in XMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
CDATAtag::$_tag in XMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
WMLtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
ONEVENTtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
NOOPtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
VKERNsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
VIEWsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
USEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
TSPANsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
ACCESStag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
ANCHORtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
GOtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
DOtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
CARDtag::$_tag in WMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
IMAGEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
HKERNsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
FEFUNCGsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
FEFUNCBsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
Btag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
FEFLOODsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
FEBLENDsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
CLIPPATHsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
CIRCLEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
Asvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
CURSORsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
ELLIPSEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
DESCsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
DEFSsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
FEFUNCRsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
FONTFACEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
FONTsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
Gsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
GLYPHsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
GLYPHREFsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
FILTERsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
FEMERGEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
FEIMAGEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
FEOFFSETsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
FETILEsvgtag::$_tag in SVGTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
+ +
+ $_tag +
BDOtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
THtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
THEADtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
TFOOTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
TITLEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
H5tag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
TTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
TRtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
TEXTAREAtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
TDtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
SUBtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
STYLEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
SUPtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
H6tag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
TBODYtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
Tag definition for class.
+ $_tag +
TABLEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
ULtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
Utag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
EMtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
FIELDSETtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
FONTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
DTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
DOCTYPEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
DIVtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
DLtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
FORMtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
FRAMESETtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
XMPtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
VARtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
H4tag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
H3tag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
H1tag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
H2tag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
STRONGtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
Stag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
HEADtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
LEGENDtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
LABELtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
LINKtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
LItag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
METAtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
MAPtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
KBDtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
Itag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
IFRAMEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
HTMLtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
HRtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
IMGtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
INStag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
INPUTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
NOBRtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
NOFRAMEStag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
SAMPtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
Qtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
SCRIPTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
SELECTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
SPANtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
SMALLtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
Ptag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
PREtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
OBJECTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
NOSCRIPTtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
OLtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
OPTGROUPtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
PARAMtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
OPTIONtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
DFNtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
FRAMEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
DDtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
CENTERtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
CAPTIONtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
CITEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
CODEtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
COLtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
COLGROUPtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
BUTTONtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag +
DELtag::$_tag in ALLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag_postfix +
+ +
+ $_tag_postfix +
XMLtag::$_tag_postfix in XMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag_prefix +
CDATAtag::$_tag_prefix in XMLTAGS.inc
+ $_tag_prefix +
XMLtag::$_tag_prefix in XMLTAGS.inc
+ $_temp_dir +
FEFile::$_temp_dir in FEFile.inc
The place where we temporarily save
+ $_text +
FECheckBox::$_text in FECheckBox.inc
Holds the checkbox text
+ $_text_format +
FEDate::$_text_format in FEListBox.inc
A printf style format string used to add punctuation to the confirmation display. Defaults to space separated. The placeholders are filled according to the order set in $_format
+ $_title_css_class +
+ +
The default class used for the
+ $_title_text +
PageWidget::$_title_text in PageWidget.inc
holds the page title text for
+ $_title_text_align +
+ +
The default alignment for the title text in the caption.
+ $_to_label +
+ +
The to field's label
+ $_ui_wrapper +
TabList::$_ui_wrapper in TabWidget.inc
The outer wrapper for the ui.
+ $_valid_tab +
TabList::$_valid_tab in TabWidget.inc
valid selected tab?
+ $_valid_types +
FEFile::$_valid_types in FEFile.inc
Array listing mime types to check for
+ $_value +
FormElement::$_value in FormElement.inc
Holds the elements initial value
+ $_vars +
FormWizard::$_vars in FormWizard.inc
Holds a bunch of state
+ $_vars +
DataList::$_vars in DataList.inc
Holds an array of all the form vars we need for this class to work.
+ $_visible_checkbox_items +
+ +
this array keeps track of the list of rendered visible checkbox[] items. So we can not render the hidden version of it.
+ $_widget_css_auto +
+ +
keeps track of which widgets we have automatically pulled in css for
+ $_widget_js_auto +
HTMLPageClass::$_widget_js_auto in HTMLPageClass.inc
keeps track of which widgets we have automatically pulled in js for
+ $_width +
FormContent::$_width in FormContent.inc
Holds the width to be used for the
+ $_width +
FEBoxElement::$_width in FEBoxElement.inc
Holds the width of the element
+ $_xhtml_strict_attributes +
+ +
+ $_xhtml_strict_attributes +
+ +
+ $_xml_encoding +
HTMLPageClass::$_xml_encoding in HTMLPageClass.inc
The encoding of the XHTML
+ $_xml_obj +
XMLDocumentClass::$_xml_obj in XMLDocumentClass.inc
holds the xml tag object that
+ $_xml_stylesheet_container +
+ +
The container for all the xml-stylesheet tags
+ $_x_data +
SVGXYGraph::$_x_data in SVGXYGraph.inc
this holds the X axis data
+ $_year +
FEDate::$_year in FEListBox.inc
The year form element
+ $_y_data +
SVGXYGraph::$_y_data in SVGXYGraph.inc
this holds the Y axis data
+ $__page_info +
DefaultGUIDatalist::$__page_info in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
for a reference so the row_filter affects the paging information.
+ _steps.inc +
_steps.inc in _steps.inc
+ _add_array +
+ +
This is a recursive function used to add an array of layers to the select box.
+ _add_confirm_data +
+ +
This adds all of the submitted data as
+ _add_hidden_fields +
+ +
This function adds the form content's
+ _add_options +
SVGXYGraph::_add_options() in SVGXYGraph.inc
this method adds our own options that
+ _add_tab_spacer +
+ +
This method adds a new spacer in between the tabs.
_ALWAYS_LOWERCASE in defines.inc
_ALWAYS_UPPERCASE in defines.inc
+ _array_search_r +
+ +
+ _background +
SVGXYGraph::_background() in SVGXYGraph.inc
+ _build_actionbar +
DefaultGUIDatalist::_build_actionbar() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function renders the action bar at the bottom of the data list.
+ _build_actionbar_arrow_cell +
+ +
This function builds a TD with the appropriate action arrow.
+ _build_actionbar_data_cell +
+ +
This function builds the user's data cell
+ _build_action_column +
+ +
This builds an action column cell
+ _build_cancel_url +
+ +
Build the cancel url
+ _build_content_type_tag +
+ +
this builds the content type meta tag.
+ _build_default_vars +
+ +
+ _build_default_vars +
+ +
This function builds the list of
+ _build_delete_confirm +
+ +
This function builds the actual form
+ _build_doctype +
XMLDocumentClass::_build_doctype() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This method builds the DOCTYPE tag for the document
+ _build_element_attributes +
+ +
This function builds the element form attributes
+ _build_form_tag +
+ +
this function builds the FORMtag object and its attributes.
+ _build_graph +
SVGXYGraph::_build_graph() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This function does the work of building the graph itself
+ _build_graph +
SVGGraph::_build_graph() in SVGGraph.inc
This is a stub that the child class must override to build the actual graph
+ _build_head +
HTMLPageClass::_build_head() in HTMLPageClass.inc
builds the head object and its content.
+ _build_header +
+ +
This function builds the table header
+ _build_hidden_vars +
+ +
This builds the hidden form fields of the data that was originally sent to us
+ _build_javascript +
+ +
This method is used to build any Javascript that is used by the form and/or the form elements used in the form.
+ _build_javascript +
+ +
This function builds the complete javaScript events code for the element
+ _build_js +
FormWizard::_build_js() in FormWizard.inc
This builds the javascript needed for the navigation of the wizard
+ _build_line +
SVGXYLineGraph::_build_line() in SVGXYLineGraph.inc
+ _build_links +
VerticalCSSNavTable::_build_links() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
This function is used to build the links to click on
+ _build_links +
TextCSSNav::_build_links() in TextCSSNav.inc
This function is used to build the links to click on
+ _build_message_container +
+ +
This method is used to add the message blocks to the appropriate container
+ _build_message_container +
+ +
This method is used to add the message blocks to the appropriate container
+ _build_name +
CSSBuilder::_build_name() in CSSBuilder.inc
This function is used to construct the css name declaration string.
+ _build_option +
+ +
This method builds the actual OPTIONtag object
+ _build_permission_box +
+ +
This is the method used to build the object to display the permissions error.
+ _build_point +
SVGXYPlotGraph::_build_point() in SVGXYPlotGraph.inc
+ _build_properties +
+ +
This function is used to construct the property: value strings for the class
+ _build_root_tag +
XMLDocumentClass::_build_root_tag() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This function builds the root xml
+ _build_save_vars +
+ +
this method builds some hidden form fields to automatically be placed inside the form.
+ _build_save_vars +
+ +
this function builds a partial query string with the $this->_save_vars
+ _build_search_title +
+ +
This function builds the search title table
+ _build_simple_search_form +
+ +
This function builds the simple search TD
+ _build_simple_search_modifier +
+ +
This builds the simple search modifier select box.
+ _build_step_image +
+ +
This function builds an image for a step #
+ _build_subtab +
TabList::_build_subtab() in TabWidget.inc
This method builds a single subtab
+ _build_subtab_ui +
+ +
This method builds the outer wrapper UI for the subtab
+ _build_subtitle +
+ +
this function builds the subtitle td to hold the...subtitle!
+ _build_subtitle +
VerticalCSSNavTable::_build_subtitle() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
This function builds the subtitle if needed.
+ _build_subtitle +
RoundTitleTable::_build_subtitle() in RoundTitleTable.inc
this function builds the subtitle td to hold the...subtitle!
+ _build_tab +
TabList::_build_tab() in TabWidget.inc
This method is used to build a top level tab
+ _build_tab_td +
+ +
+ _build_td +
InfoTable::_build_td() in InfoTable.inc
this function builds a TD tag with the border styles set appropriatly
+ _build_title +
SVGGraph::_build_title() in SVGGraph.inc
This method builds the text title area that lives on top of the graph
+ _build_title +
VerticalCSSNavTable::_build_title() in VerticalCSSNavTable.inc
This function builds the title tr
+ _build_title +
InfoTable::_build_title() in InfoTable.inc
This function builds the title container
+ _build_titles +
SVGXYGraph::_build_titles() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This is a stub for building the title(s) for the graph
+ _build_titles +
+ +
This is a stub for building the title(s) for the graph
+ _build_toolbar +
+ +
This renders the toolbar/step table
+ _build_tool_url +
+ +
This function is used to build the url for a tool link.
+ _build_top_tab_ui +
+ +
This method builds the outer wrapper UI for the top level tab list.
+ _build_url +
TabList::_build_url() in TabWidget.inc
this private function builds the url for the main tab script and adss the needed query string params
+ _build_wrapper +
+ +
Builds the outer wrapper for the panel
+ _build_xml_stylesheet_container +
+ +
This function builds the _xml_stylesheet_container
+ _build_x_axis +
SVGXYGraph::_build_x_axis() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This function builds the X axis and its measurement lines/marks
+ _build_y_axis +
SVGXYGraph::_build_y_axis() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This function builds the Y axis and its measurement lines/marks
_CDATACONTENTWRAP in defines.inc
+ _checkbox_javascript +
+ +
This function builds the JS needed for the checkbox action column
+ _check_datasource +
+ +
general DataListSource object checker.
+ _check_permissions +
+ +
This method allows all PageWidget children to do any kind of permissions checking before any content methods are called.
+ _clean +
FormWizard::_clean() in FormWizard.inc
This function cleans up the saved Session state for the wizard. This gets called when we have completed the wizard w/o errors.
+ _clean_string +
+ +
This function is used to make sure that the string we are placing in a cell has been "cleaned"
_CLOSETAGREQUIRED in defines.inc
_COLLAPSE in defines.inc
+ _construct_row +
CSVFILEDataListSource::_construct_row() in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
this is used to build a row from a csv line
_CONTENTREQUIRED in defines.inc
+ _create_body +
HTMLPageClass::_create_body() in HTMLPageClass.inc
This is responsible for creating the BODYtag object. We only will create a new $this->_body if it doesn't already exist.
+ _create_thumbnail_cache_dir +
+ +
Try and create the thumbnail cache dir.
+ _create_xml_obj +
XMLDocumentClass::_create_xml_obj() in XMLDocumentClass.inc
This function builds the local
+ _current_step +
FormWizard::_current_step() in FormWizard.inc
This returns the current step id
_DEPRICATED in defines.inc
+ _div_wrapper +
StandardFormContent::_div_wrapper() in StandardFormContent.inc
+ _do_validation +
+ +
This function checks if the validation is nesseccary and calls the validate method
+ _end_td +
ActiveTab::_end_td() in ActiveTab.inc
+ _error +
FormValidation::_error() in FormValidation.inc
A wrapper method to set the error message and error code before returning FALSE
+ _filter_column_string +
+ +
This does some magic filtering on the data that we display in a column. This helps to prevent nast data that may have html tags in it.
+ _find_data +
ArrayDataListSource::_find_data() in ArrayDataListSource.inc
This is used to do the default search capability in the DataListSource parent class.
+ _form_content_table +
+ +
+ _frameset_wrap_body +
+ +
This builds a frameset body tag wrapped in a <noframes> tag.
+ _get +
DataList::_get() in DataList.inc
Function used to get the current value of one of the control vars for this class
+ _get_file_type +
ImageThumbnailWidget::_get_file_type() in ImageThumbnailWidget.inc
discover the type of image based off of the extension
+ _get_header +
CSVFILEDataListSource::_get_header() in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
This file trys to get the CSV header.
+ _get_index_element +
+ +
This method builds an individual Radio button with its associated text
+ _get_searchable_fields +
+ +
This method gets the array of searchable header fields (columns)
+ _has_action_column +
+ +
This function tests to see if the child wants to render an action column
+ _has_permission +
+ +
do we have permissions to build/view the content?
_HTML_MDASH in defines.inc
_HTML_SPACE in defines.inc
some nice globals
_INDENT in defines.inc
_INDENT_STR in defines.inc
Some global defines for the tag classes
+ _init +
FormWizard::_init() in FormWizard.inc
This function initializes all of the fields we need to keep track of for the internal state of the wizard. It also walks each of the step FormContent objects and initializes them.
+ _init_form_content +
+ +
This method initializes the FormContent during processing.
+ _init_session +
FormWizard::_init_session() in FormWizard.inc
This method initializes the session
+ _invalid_tab +
TabList::_invalid_tab() in TabWidget.inc
This method builds a message for an invalid selected tab/subtab
+ _is_column_sortable +
+ +
This function determines if the column associated w/ a data_name is sortable or not
+ _is_col_checked +
DefaultGUIDatalist::_is_col_checked() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This method checks to see if a particular row has been checked in the action column
+ _is_step_visited +
+ +
This tests to see if the step has been visited or not.
+ _javascript +
DefaultGUIDatalist::_javascript() in DefaultGUIDataList.inc
This function returns any Javascript required for this widget
+ _javascript +
DataList::_javascript() in DataList.inc
This function provides a way to automatically add javascript to this object.
+ _layer_name +
+ +
This builds a layer's name
+ _optional_info +
+ +
This private method builds the table that holds
+ _optional_info +
+ +
This private method builds the table that holds
+ _optional_info +
+ +
This private method builds the table that holds
+ _populate_file_info +
+ +
This method re-populates the $this->_files_info because the form had a confirmation page, and the user accepted the confirmation.
+ _prepare_data +
SVGXYGraph::_prepare_data() in SVGXYGraph.inc
We need this to calculate the min,max values for
+ _prepare_data +
+ +
This is a stub meant to provide a means for doing any data parsing/munging prior to actually building the svg for the graph output.
+ _prepare_flags +
+ +
we override this method to automatically check to see if the tag has content.
+ _prepare_flags +
+ +
we override this method to automatically check to see if the tag has content.
+ _prequery_filter +
ArrayDataListSource::_prequery_filter() in ArrayDataListSource.inc
This is called to allow rebuilding the data array to remove elements that have to be filtered
+ _prequery_filter +
CSVFILEDataListSource::_prequery_filter() in CSVFILEDataListSource.inc
Lets walk the file and read the entry, and filter what we don't want.
+ _pre_confirm +
FormContent::_pre_confirm() in FormContent.inc
This is a 'hidden' version of pre_confirm to allow calling the form elements pre_confirm methods. This is needed for forms that have a confirmation requirement and has file inputs.
+ _pre_confirm +
FormProcessor::_pre_confirm() in FormProcessor.inc
This method calls the FormContent
+ _pre_confirm +
+ +
The function that allows us to save the temp file someplace we can use it after a confirmation has been accepted.
+ _process_action +
+ +
This function is responsible for processing the form action after validation, and form confirmation happens.
+ _process_form +
FormProcessor::_process_form() in FormProcessor.inc
This method does the logic of
+ _process_form +
FormWizard::_process_form() in FormWizard.inc
This method does the logic of
+ _render_close_tag +
+ +
+ _render_open_tag +
+ +
+ _render_text +
NavTable::_render_text() in NavTable.inc
render a text row.
+ _render_url +
NavTable::_render_url() in NavTable.inc
render a url row.
+ _replace_value +
+ +
This function does the main work for update_all_values
+ _save_checked_items_enabled +
+ +
This tests the object flag to
+ _save_mozilla_nav_link +
+ +
This function stores the url for each of the tool urls, so we can push these out for mozilla.
+ _search_javascript +
+ +
This function builds the JS needed for collapsable search
+ _session_test +
FormWizard::_session_test() in FormWizard.inc
This ensures that we have sessions started
+ _set +
DataList::_set() in DataList.inc
This function is used to set the value of the control var
+ _set_action +
FormProcessor::_set_action() in FormProcessor.inc
This is used to set the action
+ _set_confirmed_success +
+ +
This flag sets the flag that tells if we successfully confirmed the form, and processed the action
+ _set_current_step +
+ +
This sets the current step id
+ _set_flags +
+ +
+ _set_flags +
FONTtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
TIMERtag::_set_flags() in WMLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
NOOPtag::_set_flags() in WMLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
BRtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
INPUTtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
FRAMEtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
+ +
+ _set_flags +
LINKtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
Btag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
AREAtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
+ +
+ _set_flags +
+ +
+ _set_flags +
CDATAtag::_set_flags() in XMLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
XMLTagClass::_set_flags() in XMLTagClass.inc
This method is used to set the bitmask flags for this tag. It tells the class how to render the tag.
+ _set_flags +
Atag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
IMGtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
XMLtag::_set_flags() in XMLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
+ +
+ _set_flags +
+ +
+ _set_flags +
H4tag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
+ +
+ _set_flags +
+ +
+ _set_flags +
HRtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
H5tag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
BASEtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
+ +
+ _set_flags +
+ +
+ _set_flags +
+ +
+ _set_flags +
PREtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
H3tag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
NOBRtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
H1tag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
METAtag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
+ +
+ _set_flags +
+ +
+ _set_flags +
H6tag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
H2tag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
Stag::_set_flags() in ALLTAGS.inc
+ _set_flags +
+ +
+ _set_format +
FEDate::_set_format() in FEListBox.inc
this method sets the display order for the elements in the widget
+ _set_perms +
PageWidget::_set_perms() in PageWidget.inc
set the value of the permissions
+ _set_step +
FormWizard::_set_step() in FormWizard.inc
This function sets the _form_content object for the current step we are operating on.
+ _set_subtab_flag +
+ +
This method is used to set the subtab bit
+ _show_results +
+ +
This function is used to let render() know that we should show the results or not.
+ _spacer_td +
ActiveTab::_spacer_td() in ActiveTab.inc
+ _step_visited +
FormWizard::_step_visited() in FormWizard.inc
This sets the state variable for the step to let us know it has been visited or not
+ _tab_name +
ActiveTab::_tab_name() in ActiveTab.inc
_TAG_PREFIX in defines.inc
_TAG_SUFFIX in defines.inc
+ _test_element +
FormContent::_test_element() in FormContent.inc
This method tests to see if we have an element named $label, so we can operate on it.
+ _user_info +
+ +
This private method builds the table that holds
+ _user_info +
Step1::_user_info() in _steps.inc
This private method builds the table that holds
+ _validate_hostname +
+ +
this validates the hostname field only
+ _validate_hostname +
+ +
this validates the hostname field only
_XHTMLCOMPLIANT in defines.inc
+ _x_axis_title +
SVGXYGraph::_x_axis_title() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This method builds the text title area that lives in the X axis
+ _y_axis_title +
SVGXYGraph::_y_axis_title() in SVGXYGraph.inc
This method builds the text title area that lives in the X axis
+ __hidden_fields +
+ +
+ __hidden_fields +
+ +
This method adds the processor specific hidden fields.
+ +
+ a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k + l + m + n + o + p + q + r + s + t + u + v + w + x + _ +
+ \ No newline at end of file