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Revision 1.1 - (hide annotations)
Sat Feb 22 21:05:35 2003 UTC (21 years, 7 months ago) by jonen
Branch: MAIN
File MIME type: text/html
+ updated whole lib to version 2.2.1 (new FormProcessing since 2.2.0!)

1 jonen 1.1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd'>
2     <!--NewPage-->
3     <HTML>
4     <HEAD>
5     <!-- Generated by PhpDoc date: 'Thu, 20 Feb 2003 16:22:51 -0800' -->
6     <TITLE>Docs For Class FormContent</TITLE>
7     <LINK REL ='stylesheet' TYPE='text/css' HREF='../../media/stylesheet.css' TITLE='Style'>
8     </HEAD>
9     <BODY style="background-color: #eeeeee; font-family: arial; font-size: .9em;">
10     <!-- Links -->
11     <a NAME="top"></A>
12     <table WIDTH="100%" class="links">
13     <TR>
14     <TD class="font10">
15     Links:
16     <A HREF="#children_summary" class="links" title="Classes extended from FormContent">Child Classes</A>
17     <A HREF="#var_summary" class="links" title="Class Variable Summary">Variables</A>
18     <A HREF="#var_inherited_summary" class="links" title="Inherited Class Variable Summary">Inherited Variables</A>
19     <A HREF="#functions_inherited" class="links" title="Inherited Method Summary">Inherited Methods</A>
20     <A HREF="#method_summary" class="links" title="Method Summary">Methods</A>
21     <A HREF="#variable_detail" class="links" title="Variable Detail">Variable Detail</A>
22     <A HREF="#method_detail" class="links" title="Method Detail">Method Detail</A>
23     </TD>
24     </TR>
25     </TABLE>
26     <BR>
27     <!-- Start of Class Data -->
28     <H2>
29     Class FormContent
30     </H2> (line <span class="linenumber">77</span>)
31     <pre>
32     </pre>
33     <SPAN class="type">Classes extended from FormContent:</SPAN>
34     <dl>
35     <dt><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/form-examples/AccountForm.html">AccountForm</a></dt>
36     <dd>This is the Class that handles the building of the Form itself. It creates the Form Elements inside the form_init_elements() method.</dd>
37     </dl>
38     <dl>
39     <dt><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/StandardFormContent.html">StandardFormContent</a></dt>
40     <dd>This is a child of the FormContent class to provide a 'standard' look and feel for forms.</dd>
41     </dl>
42     </p>
43     <p>
44     <b><i>Located in File: Program_Root/form/FormContent.inc</i></b><br>
45     </p>
46     <hr>
47     This class is used to build and render the form.
48     <br />
49     <p>It builds a form by creating FormElement objects which have automatic validation. It leaves the layout of the form up to the child class. It has a mechanism in place to automagically show a confirmation 'page' after the data has been submitted and validated. It also provides a hook for any 'back end' validation of data. Finally, it provides a function for handling the action of the form, which only gets call after ALL validation has passed.</p><p>Functions:</p><p>form_init_elements() - This function is used to build the FormElement objects that will be used by the form. This function is called EVERY time the FormContent class is instantiated. After you create the FormElement, you call the FormContent::add_element() method, to add the FormElement object to the form. You will then call the 2 methods FormContent::element_label() and FormContent::element_form() to get access to the FormElement's label and form field respectively.</p><p>form_init_data() - This is called only the first time the form is encountered. It Allows you to populate the FormElements with data from a DB for example. You would use FormContent::set_element_value() or FormContent::set_hidden_element_value() inside here.</p><p>form() - This is the method that gets called to build the layout for your form. Typically you use a table and add the label in the first &lt;td&gt; and the form field itself in the 2nd &lt;td&gt;. So there are 2 methods in the FormContent object that allow u to get access to the FormElements label, and form field. FormContent::element_label() and FormContent::element_form().</p><p>form_backend_validation() - This method enables you to do any "back end" validation of data. Such as, check for a duplicate in the DB on a create/new form. This is called after the FormElement's validation methods have passed.</p><p>form_action() - This method is called after ALL validation was successfull, including each FormElement object's validation methods, as well as the FormContent::form_backend_validation()</p>
50     <UL>
51     </UL>
52     <hr>
53     <!-- =========== VAR SUMMARY =========== -->
54     <A NAME='var_summary'><!-- --></A>
55     <TABLE CELLPADDING='3' CELLSPACING='0' WIDTH='100%' CLASS="border">
56     <TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'>
57     <TD>
58     <span CLASS="font12bold">Class Variable Summary</span>
59     <A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A>
60     </TD>
61     </TR>
63     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
64     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
65     <TD>
66     <CODE><B><A HREF="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#var$_action_message">$_action_message</A></B></CODE>
67     <BR>
68     <blockquote> The message that is set </blockquote>
69     <blockquote> Default Value: <CODE>->&nbsp;""<-</CODE> </blockquote>
70     </TD>
71     </TR>
72     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
73     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
74     <TD>
75     <CODE><B><A HREF="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#var$_cancel_action">$_cancel_action</A></B></CODE>
76     <BR>
77     <blockquote> The action to take opon clicking </blockquote>
78     <blockquote> Default Value: <CODE>->&nbsp;NULL<-</CODE> </blockquote>
79     </TD>
80     </TR>
81     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
82     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
83     <TD>
84     <CODE><B><A HREF="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#var$_default_label_css">$_default_label_css</A></B></CODE>
85     <BR>
86     <blockquote> This holds the default css class for form field label text. </blockquote>
87     <blockquote> Default Value: <CODE>->&nbsp;"formlabel"<-</CODE> </blockquote>
88     </TD>
89     </TR>
90     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
91     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
92     <TD>
93     <CODE><B><A HREF="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#var$_elements">$_elements</A></B></CODE>
94     <BR>
95     <blockquote> This holds the array of </blockquote>
96     <blockquote> Default Value: <CODE>->array()<-</CODE> </blockquote>
97     </TD>
98     </TR>
99     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
100     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
101     <TD>
102     <CODE><B><A HREF="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#var$_error_label_css">$_error_label_css</A></B></CODE>
103     <BR>
104     <blockquote> This is the css class used </blockquote>
105     <blockquote> Default Value: <CODE>->&nbsp;"formlabelerror"<-</CODE> </blockquote>
106     </TD>
107     </TR>
108     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
109     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
110     <TD>
111     <CODE><B><A HREF="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#var$_form_name">$_form_name</A></B></CODE>
112     <BR>
113     <blockquote> This holds the name of the form </blockquote>
114     <blockquote> Default Value: <CODE>-><-</CODE> </blockquote>
115     </TD>
116     </TR>
117     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
118     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
119     <TD>
120     <CODE><B><A HREF="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#var$_has_confirm">$_has_confirm</A></B></CODE>
121     <BR>
122     <blockquote> flag to let the FormProcessor </blockquote>
123     <blockquote> Default Value: <CODE>->&nbsp;FALSE<-</CODE> </blockquote>
124     </TD>
125     </TR>
126     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
127     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
128     <TD>
129     <CODE><B><A HREF="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#var$_hidden_elements">$_hidden_elements</A></B></CODE>
130     <BR>
131     <blockquote> This holds the array of </blockquote>
132     <blockquote> Default Value: <CODE>->array()<-</CODE> </blockquote>
133     </TD>
134     </TR>
135     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
136     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
137     <TD>
138     <CODE><B><A HREF="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#var$_required_field_marker">$_required_field_marker</A></B></CODE>
139     <BR>
140     <blockquote> marker for the required field </blockquote>
141     <blockquote> Default Value: <CODE>->&nbsp;"*"<-</CODE> </blockquote>
142     </TD>
143     </TR>
144     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
145     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
146     <TD>
147     <CODE><B><A HREF="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#var$_required_field_text">$_required_field_text</A></B></CODE>
148     <BR>
149     <blockquote> Text to show denoted required fields for the form. </blockquote>
150     <blockquote> Default Value: <CODE>->&nbsp;"&nbsp;-&nbsp;required&nbsp;field"<-</CODE> </blockquote>
151     </TD>
152     </TR>
153     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
154     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
155     <TD>
156     <CODE><B><A HREF="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#var$_width">$_width</A></B></CODE>
157     <BR>
158     <blockquote> Holds the width to be used for the </blockquote>
159     <blockquote> Default Value: <CODE>->&nbsp;"600"<-</CODE> </blockquote>
160     </TD>
161     </TR>
162     </TABLE>
163     <hr>
164     <!-- =========== VAR INHERITED SUMMARY =========== -->
165     <A NAME='var_inherited_summary'><!-- --></A>
166     <TABLE CELLPADDING='3' CELLSPACING='0' WIDTH='100%' CLASS="border">
167     <TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'>
168     <TD>
169     <span CLASS="font12bold">Inherited Class Variable Summary</span>
170     <A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A>
171     </TD>
172     </TR>
174     </TABLE>
176     <hr>
177     <!-- =========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
178     <A NAME='method_summary'><!-- --></A>
179     <TABLE CELLPADDING='3' CELLSPACING='0' WIDTH='100%' Class="border">
180     <TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'>
181     <TD>
182     <span class="font12bold">Method Summary</span>
183     <A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A>
184     </TD>
185     </TR>
187     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
188     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
189     <TD>
190     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodFormContent'>void constructor FormContent ( [$width = "100%"], [$cancel_action = NULL] )</A></B></CODE>
191     <BR>
192     <blockquote> </blockquote>
193     </TD>
194     </TR>
195     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
196     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
197     <TD>
198     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodadd_action'><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/INPUTtag.html">INPUTtag</a> add_action ( $label, [$disabled = false], [$submit_function = false], [$disable_on_submit = TRUE] )</A></B></CODE>
199     <BR>
200     <blockquote> This function adds a form submit button with the appropriate action. </blockquote>
201     </TD>
202     </TR>
203     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
204     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
205     <TD>
206     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodadd_cancel'>form add_cancel ( )</A></B></CODE>
207     <BR>
208     <blockquote> build a cancel button with a url to go to </blockquote>
209     </TD>
210     </TR>
211     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
212     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
213     <TD>
214     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodadd_element'>void add_element ( &$element )</A></B></CODE>
215     <BR>
216     <blockquote> This method is used to add a form element </blockquote>
217     </TD>
218     </TR>
219     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
220     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
221     <TD>
222     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodadd_error'>void add_error ( $label, $message )</A></B></CODE>
223     <BR>
224     <blockquote> This method is used to create a new error element during the call to form_action(). This enables us to do error handling during a transaction into a DB. </blockquote>
225     </TD>
226     </TR>
227     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
228     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
229     <TD>
230     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodadd_hidden_action'><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/ContainerWidget.html">ContainerWidget</a> add_hidden_action ( $label, $action, [$disable_on_submit = TRUE] )</A></B></CODE>
231     <BR>
232     <blockquote> This function adds a submit button that can have any label. It just makes the _form_action a hidden field. </blockquote>
233     </TD>
234     </TR>
235     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
236     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
237     <TD>
238     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodadd_hidden_element'>void add_hidden_element ( $label, [$value = NULL] )</A></B></CODE>
239     <BR>
240     <blockquote> This method is used to add a hidden form field </blockquote>
241     </TD>
242     </TR>
243     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
244     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
245     <TD>
246     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodadd_image_action'> add_image_action ( $image_name, $action, [$disable_on_submit = TRUE] )</A></B></CODE>
247     <BR>
248     <blockquote> This function adds an action as an image to submit the form. </blockquote>
249     </TD>
250     </TR>
251     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
252     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
253     <TD>
254     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodbuild_confirm_table'>void build_confirm_table ( &$table )</A></B></CODE>
255     <BR>
256     <blockquote> This method allows the child to ovveride the default confirm data. By default the form_confirm() will show ALL FormElements. This is prolly not good in case of a form where a password exists. </blockquote>
257     </TD>
258     </TR>
259     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
260     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
261     <TD>
262     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodelement_form'>Object element_form ( $label )</A></B></CODE>
263     <BR>
264     <blockquote> This method returns the actual form object that renders the form field. </blockquote>
265     </TD>
266     </TR>
267     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
268     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
269     <TD>
270     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodelement_label'>Object element_label ( $label )</A></B></CODE>
271     <BR>
272     <blockquote> This method returns the label object for a visible form element. </blockquote>
273     </TD>
274     </TR>
275     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
276     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
277     <TD>
278     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodform'><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/Container.html">Container</a> form ( )</A></B></CODE>
279     <BR>
280     <blockquote> This method builds the html form. </blockquote>
281     </TD>
282     </TR>
283     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
284     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
285     <TD>
286     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodform_action'>boolean form_action ( )</A></B></CODE>
287     <BR>
288     <blockquote> This method handles the </blockquote>
289     </TD>
290     </TR>
291     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
292     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
293     <TD>
294     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodform_backend_validation'>boolean form_backend_validation ( )</A></B></CODE>
295     <BR>
296     <blockquote> This method is called after the FormElements </blockquote>
297     </TD>
298     </TR>
299     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
300     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
301     <TD>
302     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodform_confirm'>mixed form_confirm ( )</A></B></CODE>
303     <BR>
304     <blockquote> This function is used to show an intermediary confirmation page. Use this function to show a confirmation of the data that was submitted by the user. </blockquote>
305     </TD>
306     </TR>
307     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
308     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
309     <TD>
310     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodform_errors'><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/TABLEtag.html">TABLEtag</a> form_errors ( )</A></B></CODE>
311     <BR>
312     <blockquote> This function is used to render the error table for the form. The error data comes from the FormProcessor or the FormValidation. </blockquote>
313     </TD>
314     </TR>
315     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
316     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
317     <TD>
318     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodform_init_data'>void form_init_data ( )</A></B></CODE>
319     <BR>
320     <blockquote> This method is called by the </blockquote>
321     </TD>
322     </TR>
323     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
324     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
325     <TD>
326     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodform_init_elements'>void form_init_elements ( )</A></B></CODE>
327     <BR>
328     <blockquote> This method is what is called to build the list of FormElements that will be used by this form. </blockquote>
329     </TD>
330     </TR>
331     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
332     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
333     <TD>
334     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodform_success'>mixed form_success ( )</A></B></CODE>
335     <BR>
336     <blockquote> This method is called when the form_action() was successfull, and the form wants to render some kind of message </blockquote>
337     </TD>
338     </TR>
339     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
340     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
341     <TD>
342     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodget_action'>string get_action ( )</A></B></CODE>
343     <BR>
344     <blockquote> Get the current status of the action. </blockquote>
345     </TD>
346     </TR>
347     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
348     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
349     <TD>
350     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodget_default_css'>string get_default_css ( )</A></B></CODE>
351     <BR>
352     <blockquote> This function returns the default css class used for NON error text. </blockquote>
353     </TD>
354     </TR>
355     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
356     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
357     <TD>
358     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodget_element'>Object &get_element ( $label )</A></B></CODE>
359     <BR>
360     <blockquote> This method returns the FormElement based on the label. </blockquote>
361     </TD>
362     </TR>
363     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
364     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
365     <TD>
366     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodget_element_value'>value get_element_value ( $label )</A></B></CODE>
367     <BR>
368     <blockquote> This method is used to get the value for a non hidden element </blockquote>
369     </TD>
370     </TR>
371     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
372     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
373     <TD>
374     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodget_hidden_element_value'>value get_hidden_element_value ( $label )</A></B></CODE>
375     <BR>
376     <blockquote> This method is used to get the value for a hidden element </blockquote>
377     </TD>
378     </TR>
379     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
380     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
381     <TD>
382     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodget_required_fields_text'>void get_required_fields_text ( )</A></B></CODE>
383     <BR>
384     <blockquote> This returns the required field text </blockquote>
385     </TD>
386     </TR>
387     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
388     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
389     <TD>
390     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodhas_confirm'>boolean has_confirm ( )</A></B></CODE>
391     <BR>
392     <blockquote> This gets the value of the confirmation flag. </blockquote>
393     </TD>
394     </TR>
395     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
396     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
397     <TD>
398     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodpre_confirm'>TRUE pre_confirm ( )</A></B></CODE>
399     <BR>
400     <blockquote> This method allows this class to do any data munging prior to the form_confirm method being called @ render time. </blockquote>
401     </TD>
402     </TR>
403     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
404     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
405     <TD>
406     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodset_action'>void set_action ( $action )</A></B></CODE>
407     <BR>
408     <blockquote> Save the action for the form </blockquote>
409     </TD>
410     </TR>
411     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
412     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
413     <TD>
414     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodset_action_message'>void set_action_message ( $message )</A></B></CODE>
415     <BR>
416     <blockquote> This sets the action message. </blockquote>
417     </TD>
418     </TR>
419     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
420     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
421     <TD>
422     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodset_cancel_action'>void set_cancel_action ( $action )</A></B></CODE>
423     <BR>
424     <blockquote> This method sets the javasript action </blockquote>
425     </TD>
426     </TR>
427     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
428     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
429     <TD>
430     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodset_confirm'>void set_confirm ( [$flag = TRUE] )</A></B></CODE>
431     <BR>
432     <blockquote> This sets the $this-&gt;_has_confirmation </blockquote>
433     </TD>
434     </TR>
435     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
436     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
437     <TD>
438     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodset_default_css'>void set_default_css ( $css )</A></B></CODE>
439     <BR>
440     <blockquote> This function is used to set the </blockquote>
441     </TD>
442     </TR>
443     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
444     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
445     <TD>
446     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodset_element_value'>void set_element_value ( $label, $value )</A></B></CODE>
447     <BR>
448     <blockquote> This method is used to set the value for a non hidden element </blockquote>
449     </TD>
450     </TR>
451     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
452     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
453     <TD>
454     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodset_error_css'>void set_error_css ( $css )</A></B></CODE>
455     <BR>
456     <blockquote> This function is used to set the css class that is used on text when an error on that field is detected. </blockquote>
457     </TD>
458     </TR>
459     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
460     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
461     <TD>
462     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodset_form_name'>void set_form_name ( $name )</A></B></CODE>
463     <BR>
464     <blockquote> ************************** </blockquote>
465     </TD>
466     </TR>
467     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
468     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
469     <TD>
470     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodset_form_width'>void set_form_width ( $width )</A></B></CODE>
471     <BR>
472     <blockquote> this method sets the form name </blockquote>
473     </TD>
474     </TR>
475     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
476     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
477     <TD>
478     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodset_hidden_element_value'>void set_hidden_element_value ( $label, $value )</A></B></CODE>
479     <BR>
480     <blockquote> This method is used to set the value for a hidden element </blockquote>
481     </TD>
482     </TR>
483     <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
484     <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
485     <TD>
486     <CODE><B><A HREF='../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormContent.html#methodset_stripslashes'>void set_stripslashes ( [$flag = TRUE] )</A></B></CODE>
487     <BR>
488     <blockquote> This sets the stripslashes flag for this object. </blockquote>
489     </TD>
490     </TR>
491     </TABLE>
492     <!-- =========== INHERITED METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
493     <A NAME='functions_inherited'><!-- --></A>
494     <TABLE CELLPADDING='3' CELLSPACING='0' WIDTH='100%' CLASS="border">
495     <TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'>
496     <TD>
497     <span CLASS="font12bold">Inherited Method Summary</span>
498     <A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A>
499     </TD>
500     </TR>
502     </TABLE>
503     <hr>
504     <!-- ============ VARIABLE DETAIL =========== -->
506     <A NAME='variable_detail'></A>
507     <TABLE CELLPADDING='3' CELLSPACING='0' WIDTH='100%' CLASS="border">
508     <TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'>
509     <TD>
510     <span CLASS="font12bold">Variable Detail</span>
511     <A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A>
512     </TD>
513     </TR>
514     </TABLE>
516     <A NAME='var$_action_message'><!-- --></A><H3>$_action_message</H3> (line <span class="linenumber">136</span>)<br />
517     <b>Data type:</b> mixed<br>The message that is set
518     <br />
519     <p>during the form_action</p>
520     <UL>
521     </UL>
522     <HR>
523     <A NAME='var$_cancel_action'><!-- --></A><H3>$_cancel_action</H3> (line <span class="linenumber">143</span>)<br />
524     <b>Data type:</b> mixed<br>The action to take opon clicking
525     <br />
526     <p>the "Cancel" button</p>
527     <UL>
528     </UL>
529     <HR>
530     <A NAME='var$_default_label_css'><!-- --></A><H3>$_default_label_css</H3> (line <span class="linenumber">106</span>)<br />
531     <b>Data type:</b> mixed<br>This holds the default css class for form field label text.
532     <br />
534     <UL>
535     </UL>
536     <HR>
537     <A NAME='var$_elements'><!-- --></A><H3>$_elements</H3> (line <span class="linenumber">97</span>)<br />
538     <b>Data type:</b> mixed<br>This holds the array of
539     <br />
540     <p>non-hidden elements</p>
541     <UL>
542     </UL>
543     <HR>
544     <A NAME='var$_error_label_css'><!-- --></A><H3>$_error_label_css</H3> (line <span class="linenumber">113</span>)<br />
545     <b>Data type:</b> mixed<br>This is the css class used
546     <br />
547     <p>for fields that have an error</p>
548     <UL>
549     </UL>
550     <HR>
551     <A NAME='var$_form_name'><!-- --></A><H3>$_form_name</H3> (line <span class="linenumber">83</span>)<br />
552     <b>Data type:</b> mixed<br>This holds the name of the form
553     <br />
554     <p>for js that needs it</p>
555     <UL>
556     </UL>
557     <HR>
558     <A NAME='var$_has_confirm'><!-- --></A><H3>$_has_confirm</H3> (line <span class="linenumber">120</span>)<br />
559     <b>Data type:</b> mixed<br>flag to let the FormProcessor
560     <br />
561     <p>object know this form has a confirmation page that is required</p>
562     <UL>
563     </UL>
564     <HR>
565     <A NAME='var$_hidden_elements'><!-- --></A><H3>$_hidden_elements</H3> (line <span class="linenumber">91</span>)<br />
566     <b>Data type:</b> mixed<br>This holds the array of
567     <br />
568     <p>hidden form elements used in this form</p>
569     <UL>
570     </UL>
571     <HR>
572     <A NAME='var$_required_field_marker'><!-- --></A><H3>$_required_field_marker</H3> (line <span class="linenumber">157</span>)<br />
573     <b>Data type:</b> mixed<br>marker for the required field
574     <br />
576     <UL>
577     </UL>
578     <HR>
579     <A NAME='var$_required_field_text'><!-- --></A><H3>$_required_field_text</H3> (line <span class="linenumber">151</span>)<br />
580     <b>Data type:</b> mixed<br>Text to show denoted required fields for the form.
581     <br />
583     <UL>
584     </UL>
585     <HR>
586     <A NAME='var$_width'><!-- --></A><H3>$_width</H3> (line <span class="linenumber">129</span>)<br />
587     <b>Data type:</b> mixed<br>Holds the width to be used for the
588     <br />
589     <p>error table DEFAULT: 95%</p>
590     <UL>
591     </UL>
592     <HR>
593     <hr>
594     <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL =========== -->
596     <A NAME='method_detail'></A>
597     <TABLE CELLPADDING='3' CELLSPACING='0' WIDTH='100%' CLASS="border">
598     <TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'>
599     <TD>
600     <span class="font12bold">Method Detail</span>
601     <A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A>
602     </TD>
603     </TR>
604     </TABLE>
605     <BR>
606     <DIV CLASS="function">
607     <A NAME='methodFormContent'><!-- --></A>
608     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">Constructor FormContent</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">161</span>)
609     <BR>
610     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
611     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
612     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">FormContent(
613     [mixed
614     $width = "100%"], [mixed
615     $cancel_action = NULL])</SPAN>
616     <BR>
618     <BR>
619     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
621     <br />
623     <DL>
625     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
626     </DL>
627     </DIV>
628     <BR>
629     <DIV CLASS="function">
630     <A NAME='methodadd_action'><!-- --></A>
631     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">add_action</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">660</span>)
632     <BR>
633     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
634     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000"><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/INPUTtag.html">INPUTtag</a></SPAN>&nbsp;
635     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">add_action(
636     string
637     $label, [bool
638     $disabled = false], [string
639     $submit_function = false], [boolean
640     $disable_on_submit = TRUE])</SPAN>
641     <BR>
643     <BR>
644     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
645     This function adds a form submit button with the appropriate action.
646     <br />
648     <DL>
649     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
650     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$label</SPAN></SPAN> - the labe/action for the submit button.</DD>
651     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">bool</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$disabled</SPAN></SPAN> disable the button</DD>
652     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$submit_function</SPAN></SPAN> - the onSubmit function (if any)</DD>
653     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">boolean</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$disable_on_submit</SPAN></SPAN> - disable opon submit?</DD>
655     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
656     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>return</b> - object</DD>
657     </DL>
658     </DIV>
659     <BR>
660     <DIV CLASS="function">
661     <A NAME='methodadd_cancel'><!-- --></A>
662     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">add_cancel</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">787</span>)
663     <BR>
664     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
665     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">form</SPAN>&nbsp;
666     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">add_cancel(
667     string
668     0)</SPAN>
669     <BR>
671     <BR>
672     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
673     build a cancel button with a url to go to
674     <br />
676     <DL>
677     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
678     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">0</SPAN></SPAN> - the cancel action</DD>
680     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
681     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>return</b> - button</DD>
682     </DL>
683     </DIV>
684     <BR>
685     <DIV CLASS="function">
686     <A NAME='methodadd_element'><!-- --></A>
687     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">add_element</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">394</span>)
688     <BR>
689     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
690     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
691     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">add_element(
692     <a href="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormElement.html">FormElement</a>
693     &$element)</SPAN>
694     <BR>
696     <BR>
697     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
698     This method is used to add a form element
699     <br />
701     <DL>
702     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
703     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;"><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormElement.html">FormElement</a></SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">&$element</SPAN></SPAN> object</DD>
705     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
706     </DL>
707     </DIV>
708     <BR>
709     <DIV CLASS="function">
710     <A NAME='methodadd_error'><!-- --></A>
711     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">add_error</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">499</span>)
712     <BR>
713     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
714     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
715     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">add_error(
716     string
717     $label, string
718     $message)</SPAN>
719     <BR>
721     <BR>
722     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
723     This method is used to create a new error element during the call to form_action(). This enables us to do error handling during a transaction into a DB.
724     <br />
726     <DL>
727     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
728     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$label</SPAN></SPAN> - the label</DD>
729     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$message</SPAN></SPAN> - the error message</DD>
731     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
732     </DL>
733     </DIV>
734     <BR>
735     <DIV CLASS="function">
736     <A NAME='methodadd_hidden_action'><!-- --></A>
737     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">add_hidden_action</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">712</span>)
738     <BR>
739     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
740     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000"><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/ContainerWidget.html">ContainerWidget</a></SPAN>&nbsp;
741     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">add_hidden_action(
742     string
743     $label, string
744     $action, [boolean
745     $disable_on_submit = TRUE])</SPAN>
746     <BR>
748     <BR>
749     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
750     This function adds a submit button that can have any label. It just makes the _form_action a hidden field.
751     <br />
752     <p>NOTE: you can only do this ONCE per form.</p>
753     <DL>
754     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
755     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$label</SPAN></SPAN> - the label of the button.</DD>
756     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$action</SPAN></SPAN> - the action value.</DD>
757     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">boolean</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$disable_on_submit</SPAN></SPAN> - disable opon submit?</DD>
759     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
760     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>return</b> - object</DD>
761     </DL>
762     </DIV>
763     <BR>
764     <DIV CLASS="function">
765     <A NAME='methodadd_hidden_element'><!-- --></A>
766     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">add_hidden_element</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">404</span>)
767     <BR>
768     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
769     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
770     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">add_hidden_element(
771     <a href="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormElement.html">FormElement</a>
772     $label, [mixed
773     $value = NULL])</SPAN>
774     <BR>
776     <BR>
777     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
778     This method is used to add a hidden form field
779     <br />
781     <DL>
782     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
783     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;"><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/FormElement.html">FormElement</a></SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$label</SPAN></SPAN> object</DD>
785     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
786     </DL>
787     </DIV>
788     <BR>
789     <DIV CLASS="function">
790     <A NAME='methodadd_image_action'><!-- --></A>
791     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">add_image_action</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">749</span>)
792     <BR>
793     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
794     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000"></SPAN>&nbsp;
795     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">add_image_action(
796     string
797     $image_name, string
798     $action, [boolean
799     $disable_on_submit = TRUE])</SPAN>
800     <BR>
802     <BR>
803     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
804     This function adds an action as an image to submit the form.
805     <br />
807     <DL>
808     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
809     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$image_name</SPAN></SPAN> - the image name path</DD>
810     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$action</SPAN></SPAN> - the action</DD>
811     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">boolean</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$disable_on_submit</SPAN></SPAN> - disable opon submit?</DD>
813     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
814     </DL>
815     </DIV>
816     <BR>
817     <DIV CLASS="function">
818     <A NAME='methodbuild_confirm_table'><!-- --></A>
819     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">build_confirm_table</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">268</span>)
820     <BR>
821     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
822     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
823     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">build_confirm_table(
824     <a href="../../phpHtmlLib/InfoTable.html">InfoTable</a>
825     &$table)</SPAN>
826     <BR>
828     <BR>
829     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
830     This method allows the child to ovveride the default confirm data. By default the form_confirm() will show ALL FormElements. This is prolly not good in case of a form where a password exists.
831     <br />
833     <DL>
834     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
835     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;"><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/InfoTable.html">InfoTable</a></SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">&$table</SPAN></SPAN> object</DD>
837     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
838     </DL>
839     </DIV>
840     <BR>
841     <DIV CLASS="function">
842     <A NAME='methodelement_form'><!-- --></A>
843     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">element_form</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">428</span>)
844     <BR>
845     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
846     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">Object</SPAN>&nbsp;
847     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">element_form(
848     string
849     $label)</SPAN>
850     <BR>
852     <BR>
853     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
854     This method returns the actual form object that renders the form field.
855     <br />
856     <p>Such as an INPUTtag object.</p>
857     <DL>
858     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
859     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$label</SPAN></SPAN> - the element's label</DD>
861     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
862     </DL>
863     </DIV>
864     <BR>
865     <DIV CLASS="function">
866     <A NAME='methodelement_label'><!-- --></A>
867     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">element_label</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">416</span>)
868     <BR>
869     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
870     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">Object</SPAN>&nbsp;
871     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">element_label(
872     string
873     $label)</SPAN>
874     <BR>
876     <BR>
877     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
878     This method returns the label object for a visible form element.
879     <br />
881     <DL>
882     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
883     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$label</SPAN></SPAN> - the element's label</DD>
885     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
886     </DL>
887     </DIV>
888     <BR>
889     <DIV CLASS="function">
890     <A NAME='methodform'><!-- --></A>
891     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">form</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">205</span>)
892     <BR>
893     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
894     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000"><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/Container.html">Container</a></SPAN>&nbsp;
895     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">form(
896     )</SPAN>
897     <BR>
898     <p>Overridden in child classes as:<br />
899     <dl>
900     <dt><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/form-examples/AccountForm.html#methodform">AccountForm::form()</a></dt>
901     <dd>This is the method that builds the layout of where the FormElements will live. You can lay it out any way you like.</dd>
902     </dl>
903     <dl>
904     <dt><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/StandardFormContent.html#methodform">StandardFormContent::form()</a></dt>
905     <dd>this builds the main wrapper for the form fields and ads the Save and Cancel buttons</dd>
906     </dl>
907     </p>
909     <BR>
910     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
911     This method builds the html form.
912     <br />
913     <p>It is up to the child class to define the layout of the form and return it in a phpHtmllib container.</p>
914     <DL>
916     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
917     </DL>
918     </DIV>
919     <BR>
920     <DIV CLASS="function">
921     <A NAME='methodform_action'><!-- --></A>
922     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">form_action</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">336</span>)
923     <BR>
924     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
925     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">boolean</SPAN>&nbsp;
926     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">form_action(
927     array
928     0)</SPAN>
929     <BR>
930     <p>Overridden in child classes as:<br />
931     <dl>
932     <dt><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/form-examples/AccountForm.html#methodform_action">AccountForm::form_action()</a></dt>
933     <dd>This method is called ONLY after ALL validation has passed. This is the method that allows you to do something with the data, say insert/update records in the DB.</dd>
934     </dl>
935     <dl>
936     <dt><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/StandardFormContent.html#methodform_action">StandardFormContent::form_action()</a></dt>
937     <dd>This method handles the form action.</dd>
938     </dl>
939     </p>
941     <BR>
942     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
943     This method handles the
944     <br />
945     <p>action (submit button) that was submitted. This method only gets called AFTER all data has been validated. This includes the backend validation. If the form has the confirmation on, then this method will be called after the confirmation has been accepted.</p><p>NOTE : return TRUE if the action was succesfully handled. If FALSE is returned, the form will be displayed again with the error message.</p>
946     <DL>
947     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
948     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">array</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">0</SPAN></SPAN> - array of errors if any</DD>
950     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
951     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>return</b> - TRUE = success FALSE = failed.</DD>
952     </DL>
953     </DIV>
954     <BR>
955     <DIV CLASS="function">
956     <A NAME='methodform_backend_validation'><!-- --></A>
957     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">form_backend_validation</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">308</span>)
958     <BR>
959     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
960     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">boolean</SPAN>&nbsp;
961     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">form_backend_validation(
962     )</SPAN>
963     <BR>
964     <p>Overridden in child classes as:<br />
965     <dl>
966     <dt><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/form-examples/AccountForm.html#methodform_backend_validation">AccountForm::form_backend_validation()</a></dt>
967     <dd>This method gets called after the FormElement data has passed the validation. This enables you to validate the data against some backend mechanism, say a DB.</dd>
968     </dl>
969     </p>
971     <BR>
972     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
973     This method is called after the FormElements
974     <br />
975     <p>have all been validated, and the form_confirm has been confirmed. It enables the form to validate any data against a DB or other backend processing. This will always get called before the form_action method is called to ensure that all form data is valid before form_action() is called.</p>
976     <DL>
978     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
979     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>return</b> - TRUE if successfull FALSE if errors were detected.</DD>
980     </DL>
981     </DIV>
982     <BR>
983     <DIV CLASS="function">
984     <A NAME='methodform_confirm'><!-- --></A>
985     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">form_confirm</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">239</span>)
986     <BR>
987     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
988     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">mixed</SPAN>&nbsp;
989     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">form_confirm(
990     )</SPAN>
991     <BR>
992     <p>Overridden in child classes as:<br />
993     <dl>
994     <dt><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/FormProcessing/StandardFormContent.html#methodform_confirm">StandardFormContent::form_confirm()</a></dt>
995     <dd>This function is used to show an intermediary confirmation page. Use this function to show a confirmation of the data that was submitted by the user.</dd>
996     </dl>
997     </p>
999     <BR>
1000     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1001     This function is used to show an intermediary confirmation page. Use this function to show a confirmation of the data that was submitted by the user.
1002     <br />
1003     <p>This will get called after all of the form data was successfully validated. All of the form data will automatically be created as hidden form fields. All you have to do is show the data, and a confirm submit button.</p>
1004     <DL>
1006     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1007     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>return</b> - - either raw html, or some container HTMLTag object.</DD>
1008     </DL>
1009     </DIV>
1010     <BR>
1011     <DIV CLASS="function">
1012     <A NAME='methodform_errors'><!-- --></A>
1013     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">form_errors</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">363</span>)
1014     <BR>
1015     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1016     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000"><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/TABLEtag.html">TABLEtag</a></SPAN>&nbsp;
1017     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">form_errors(
1018     )</SPAN>
1019     <BR>
1021     <BR>
1022     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1023     This function is used to render the error table for the form. The error data comes from the FormProcessor or the FormValidation.
1024     <br />
1025     <p>NOTE: You can override this method to show a customized error message(s)</p>
1026     <DL>
1028     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1029     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>return</b> - object.</DD>
1030     </DL>
1031     </DIV>
1032     <BR>
1033     <DIV CLASS="function">
1034     <A NAME='methodform_init_data'><!-- --></A>
1035     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">form_init_data</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">192</span>)
1036     <BR>
1037     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1038     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
1039     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">form_init_data(
1040     )</SPAN>
1041     <BR>
1042     <p>Overridden in child classes as:<br />
1043     <dl>
1044     <dt><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/form-examples/AccountForm.html#methodform_init_data">AccountForm::form_init_data()</a></dt>
1045     <dd>This method is called only the first time the form page is hit. This enables u to query a DB and pre populate the FormElement objects with data.</dd>
1046     </dl>
1047     </p>
1049     <BR>
1050     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1051     This method is called by the
1052     <br />
1053     <p>Form Processor to allow this class to do any fetching of data to prepopulate the form field values. You typically use this to read data from a DB.</p><p>This method is only called once when the form is first hit.</p><p>NOTE: you should build the data and save it in $this-&gt;_init_data</p>
1054     <DL>
1056     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1057     </DL>
1058     </DIV>
1059     <BR>
1060     <DIV CLASS="function">
1061     <A NAME='methodform_init_elements'><!-- --></A>
1062     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">form_init_elements</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">172</span>)
1063     <BR>
1064     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1065     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
1066     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">form_init_elements(
1067     )</SPAN>
1068     <BR>
1069     <p>Overridden in child classes as:<br />
1070     <dl>
1071     <dt><a href="../../phpHtmlLib/form-examples/AccountForm.html#methodform_init_elements">AccountForm::form_init_elements()</a></dt>
1072     <dd>This method gets called EVERY time the object is created. It is used to build all of the FormElement objects used in this Form.</dd>
1073     </dl>
1074     </p>
1076     <BR>
1077     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1078     This method is what is called to build the list of FormElements that will be used by this form.
1079     <br />
1081     <DL>
1083     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1084     </DL>
1085     </DIV>
1086     <BR>
1087     <DIV CLASS="function">
1088     <A NAME='methodform_success'><!-- --></A>
1089     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">form_success</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">350</span>)
1090     <BR>
1091     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1092     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">mixed</SPAN>&nbsp;
1093     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">form_success(
1094     )</SPAN>
1095     <BR>
1097     <BR>
1098     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1099     This method is called when the form_action() was successfull, and the form wants to render some kind of message
1100     <br />
1102     <DL>
1104     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1105     </DL>
1106     </DIV>
1107     <BR>
1108     <DIV CLASS="function">
1109     <A NAME='methodget_action'><!-- --></A>
1110     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">get_action</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">532</span>)
1111     <BR>
1112     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1113     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">string</SPAN>&nbsp;
1114     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">get_action(
1115     )</SPAN>
1116     <BR>
1118     <BR>
1119     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1120     Get the current status of the action.
1121     <br />
1123     <DL>
1125     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1126     </DL>
1127     </DIV>
1128     <BR>
1129     <DIV CLASS="function">
1130     <A NAME='methodget_default_css'><!-- --></A>
1131     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">get_default_css</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">565</span>)
1132     <BR>
1133     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1134     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">string</SPAN>&nbsp;
1135     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">get_default_css(
1136     )</SPAN>
1137     <BR>
1139     <BR>
1140     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1141     This function returns the default css class used for NON error text.
1142     <br />
1144     <DL>
1146     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1147     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>return</b> - - the current default css</DD>
1148     </DL>
1149     </DIV>
1150     <BR>
1151     <DIV CLASS="function">
1152     <A NAME='methodget_element'><!-- --></A>
1153     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">get_element</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">439</span>)
1154     <BR>
1155     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1156     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">Object</SPAN>&nbsp;
1157     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">&amp;get_element(
1158     string
1159     $label)</SPAN>
1160     <BR>
1162     <BR>
1163     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1164     This method returns the FormElement based on the label.
1165     <br />
1167     <DL>
1168     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
1169     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$label</SPAN></SPAN> - the element's label</DD>
1171     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1172     </DL>
1173     </DIV>
1174     <BR>
1175     <DIV CLASS="function">
1176     <A NAME='methodget_element_value'><!-- --></A>
1177     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">get_element_value</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">463</span>)
1178     <BR>
1179     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1180     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">value</SPAN>&nbsp;
1181     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">get_element_value(
1182     string
1183     $label)</SPAN>
1184     <BR>
1186     <BR>
1187     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1188     This method is used to get the value for a non hidden element
1189     <br />
1191     <DL>
1192     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
1193     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$label</SPAN></SPAN> - the form label</DD>
1195     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1196     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>return</b> - - the new value</DD>
1197     </DL>
1198     </DIV>
1199     <BR>
1200     <DIV CLASS="function">
1201     <A NAME='methodget_hidden_element_value'><!-- --></A>
1202     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">get_hidden_element_value</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">485</span>)
1203     <BR>
1204     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1205     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">value</SPAN>&nbsp;
1206     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">get_hidden_element_value(
1207     string
1208     $label)</SPAN>
1209     <BR>
1211     <BR>
1212     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1213     This method is used to get the value for a hidden element
1214     <br />
1216     <DL>
1217     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
1218     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$label</SPAN></SPAN> - the form label</DD>
1220     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1221     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>return</b> - - the new value</DD>
1222     </DL>
1223     </DIV>
1224     <BR>
1225     <DIV CLASS="function">
1226     <A NAME='methodget_required_fields_text'><!-- --></A>
1227     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">get_required_fields_text</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">804</span>)
1228     <BR>
1229     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1230     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
1231     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">get_required_fields_text(
1232     )</SPAN>
1233     <BR>
1235     <BR>
1236     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1237     This returns the required field text
1238     <br />
1239     <p>if there are any. otherwise it returns NULL</p>
1240     <DL>
1242     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1243     </DL>
1244     </DIV>
1245     <BR>
1246     <DIV CLASS="function">
1247     <A NAME='methodhas_confirm'><!-- --></A>
1248     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">has_confirm</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">605</span>)
1249     <BR>
1250     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1251     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">boolean</SPAN>&nbsp;
1252     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">has_confirm(
1253     )</SPAN>
1254     <BR>
1256     <BR>
1257     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1258     This gets the value of the confirmation flag.
1259     <br />
1260     <p>which tells the caller that this object has/doesn't have a required confirmation page.</p>
1261     <DL>
1263     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1264     </DL>
1265     </DIV>
1266     <BR>
1267     <DIV CLASS="function">
1268     <A NAME='methodpre_confirm'><!-- --></A>
1269     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">pre_confirm</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">218</span>)
1270     <BR>
1271     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1272     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">TRUE</SPAN>&nbsp;
1273     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">pre_confirm(
1274     )</SPAN>
1275     <BR>
1277     <BR>
1278     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1279     This method allows this class to do any data munging prior to the form_confirm method being called @ render time.
1280     <br />
1282     <DL>
1284     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1285     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>return</b> - = success FALSE if u want to trigger an error</DD>
1286     </DL>
1287     </DIV>
1288     <BR>
1289     <DIV CLASS="function">
1290     <A NAME='methodset_action'><!-- --></A>
1291     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_action</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">522</span>)
1292     <BR>
1293     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1294     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
1295     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_action(
1296     string
1297     $action)</SPAN>
1298     <BR>
1300     <BR>
1301     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1302     Save the action for the form
1303     <br />
1305     <DL>
1306     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
1307     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$action</SPAN></SPAN> - the action from the post.</DD>
1309     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1310     </DL>
1311     </DIV>
1312     <BR>
1313     <DIV CLASS="function">
1314     <A NAME='methodset_action_message'><!-- --></A>
1315     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_action_message</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">627</span>)
1316     <BR>
1317     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1318     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
1319     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_action_message(
1320     string
1321     $message)</SPAN>
1322     <BR>
1324     <BR>
1325     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1326     This sets the action message.
1327     <br />
1328     <p>This is called from withint the form_action() method</p>
1329     <DL>
1330     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
1331     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$message</SPAN></SPAN> - the action message</DD>
1333     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1334     </DL>
1335     </DIV>
1336     <BR>
1337     <DIV CLASS="function">
1338     <A NAME='methodset_cancel_action'><!-- --></A>
1339     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_cancel_action</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">641</span>)
1340     <BR>
1341     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1342     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
1343     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_cancel_action(
1344     string
1345     $action)</SPAN>
1346     <BR>
1348     <BR>
1349     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1350     This method sets the javasript action
1351     <br />
1352     <p>to be taken when the cancel button is clicked. Calling this method w/ a non NULL value automatically enables the Cancel button.</p>
1353     <DL>
1354     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
1355     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$action</SPAN></SPAN> - the javascript cancel action</DD>
1357     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1358     </DL>
1359     </DIV>
1360     <BR>
1361     <DIV CLASS="function">
1362     <A NAME='methodset_confirm'><!-- --></A>
1363     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_confirm</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">593</span>)
1364     <BR>
1365     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1366     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
1367     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_confirm(
1368     [boolean
1369     $flag = TRUE])</SPAN>
1370     <BR>
1372     <BR>
1373     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1374     This sets the $this-&gt;_has_confirmation
1375     <br />
1376     <p>flag. to let the object know it has a required confirmation page, which should get called after the validation is successfull, and before the action is handled on the back-end.</p>
1377     <DL>
1378     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
1379     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">boolean</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$flag</SPAN></SPAN> - the flag value TRUE/FALSE</DD>
1381     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1382     </DL>
1383     </DIV>
1384     <BR>
1385     <DIV CLASS="function">
1386     <A NAME='methodset_default_css'><!-- --></A>
1387     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_default_css</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">554</span>)
1388     <BR>
1389     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1390     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
1391     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_default_css(
1392     string
1393     $css)</SPAN>
1394     <BR>
1396     <BR>
1397     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1398     This function is used to set the
1399     <br />
1400     <p>default CSS class used on form field text when there is no error on that field</p>
1401     <DL>
1402     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
1403     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$css</SPAN></SPAN> - the css class to use</DD>
1405     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1406     </DL>
1407     </DIV>
1408     <BR>
1409     <DIV CLASS="function">
1410     <A NAME='methodset_element_value'><!-- --></A>
1411     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_element_value</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">451</span>)
1412     <BR>
1413     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1414     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
1415     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_element_value(
1416     string
1417     $label, value
1418     $value)</SPAN>
1419     <BR>
1421     <BR>
1422     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1423     This method is used to set the value for a non hidden element
1424     <br />
1426     <DL>
1427     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
1428     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$label</SPAN></SPAN> - the form label</DD>
1429     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">value</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$value</SPAN></SPAN> - the new value</DD>
1431     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1432     </DL>
1433     </DIV>
1434     <BR>
1435     <DIV CLASS="function">
1436     <A NAME='methodset_error_css'><!-- --></A>
1437     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_error_css</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">578</span>)
1438     <BR>
1439     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1440     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
1441     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_error_css(
1442     string
1443     $css)</SPAN>
1444     <BR>
1446     <BR>
1447     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1448     This function is used to set the css class that is used on text when an error on that field is detected.
1449     <br />
1451     <DL>
1452     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
1453     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$css</SPAN></SPAN> - the css class to use.</DD>
1455     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1456     </DL>
1457     </DIV>
1458     <BR>
1459     <DIV CLASS="function">
1460     <A NAME='methodset_form_name'><!-- --></A>
1461     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_form_name</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">512</span>)
1462     <BR>
1463     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1464     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
1465     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_form_name(
1466     mixed
1467     $name)</SPAN>
1468     <BR>
1470     <BR>
1471     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1472     **************************
1473     <br />
1475     <DL>
1477     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1478     </DL>
1479     </DIV>
1480     <BR>
1481     <DIV CLASS="function">
1482     <A NAME='methodset_form_width'><!-- --></A>
1483     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_form_width</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">541</span>)
1484     <BR>
1485     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1486     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
1487     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_form_width(
1488     string
1489     $width)</SPAN>
1490     <BR>
1492     <BR>
1493     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1494     this method sets the form name
1495     <br />
1497     <DL>
1498     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
1499     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$width</SPAN></SPAN> - the form name</DD>
1501     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1502     </DL>
1503     </DIV>
1504     <BR>
1505     <DIV CLASS="function">
1506     <A NAME='methodset_hidden_element_value'><!-- --></A>
1507     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_hidden_element_value</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">474</span>)
1508     <BR>
1509     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1510     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
1511     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_hidden_element_value(
1512     string
1513     $label, value
1514     $value)</SPAN>
1515     <BR>
1517     <BR>
1518     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1519     This method is used to set the value for a hidden element
1520     <br />
1522     <DL>
1523     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
1524     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$label</SPAN></SPAN> - the form label</DD>
1525     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">value</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$value</SPAN></SPAN> - the new value</DD>
1527     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1528     </DL>
1529     </DIV>
1530     <BR>
1531     <DIV CLASS="function">
1532     <A NAME='methodset_stripslashes'><!-- --></A>
1533     <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_stripslashes</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">616</span>)
1534     <BR>
1535     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1536     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
1537     <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_stripslashes(
1538     [boolean
1539     $flag = TRUE])</SPAN>
1540     <BR>
1542     <BR>
1543     <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1544     This sets the stripslashes flag for this object.
1545     <br />
1547     <DL>
1548     <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
1549     <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">boolean</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$flag</SPAN></SPAN> </DD>
1551     <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1552     </DL>
1553     </DIV>
1554     <BR>
1555     <div id="credit">
1556     <hr>
1557     Documention generated on Thu, 20 Feb 2003 16:22:51 -0800 by <a href="http://www.phpdoc.org" target="_blank">phpDocumentor 1.2.0rc1</a>
1558     </div>
1559     </body>
1560     </html>

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