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Contents of /nfo/php/libs/com.newsblob.phphtmllib/doc/phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations)
Sat Feb 22 20:56:28 2003 UTC (21 years, 10 months ago) by jonen
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +459 -710 lines
File MIME type: text/html
+ updated whole lib to version 2.2.1 (new FormProcessing since 2.2.0!)

1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd'>
2 <!--NewPage-->
3 <HTML>
4 <HEAD>
5 <!-- Generated by PhpDoc date: 'Thu, 20 Feb 2003 16:22:58 -0800' -->
6 <TITLE>Docs For Class HTMLPageClass</TITLE>
7 <LINK REL ='stylesheet' TYPE='text/css' HREF='../media/stylesheet.css' TITLE='Style'>
8 </HEAD>
9 <BODY style="background-color: #eeeeee; font-family: arial; font-size: .9em;">
10 <!-- Links -->
11 <a NAME="top"></A>
12 <table WIDTH="100%" class="links">
13 <TR>
14 <TD class="font10">
15 Links:
16 <A HREF="#children_summary" class="links" title="Classes extended from HTMLPageClass">Child Classes</A>
17 <A HREF="#var_summary" class="links" title="Class Variable Summary">Variables</A>
18 <A HREF="#var_inherited_summary" class="links" title="Inherited Class Variable Summary">Inherited Variables</A>
19 <A HREF="#functions_inherited" class="links" title="Inherited Method Summary">Inherited Methods</A>
20 <A HREF="#method_summary" class="links" title="Method Summary">Methods</A>
21 <A HREF="#variable_detail" class="links" title="Variable Detail">Variable Detail</A>
22 <A HREF="#method_detail" class="links" title="Method Detail">Method Detail</A>
23 </TD>
24 </TR>
25 </TABLE>
26 <BR>
27 <!-- Start of Class Data -->
28 <H2>
29 Class HTMLPageClass
30 </H2> (line <span class="linenumber">26</span>)
31 <pre>
32 </pre>
33 <SPAN class="type">Classes extended from HTMLPageClass:</SPAN>
34 <dl>
35 <dt><a href="../phpHtmlLib/PageWidget.html">PageWidget</a></dt>
36 <dd>This class is used to build content for an entire page. It uses the HTMLPageClass widget from phphtmllib to render the final output.</dd>
37 </dl>
38 </p>
39 <p>
40 <b><i>Located in File: Program_Root/widgets/HTMLPageClass.inc</i></b><br>
41 </p>
42 <hr>
43 class the constructs and renders an entire HTML/XHTML document.
44 <br />
46 <UL>
47 <LI><b>author</b> - <CODE>Walter A. Boring IV &lt;<a href="mailto:waboring@buildabetterweb.com">mailto:waboring@buildabetterweb.com</a>&gt;</CODE></LI>
48 </UL>
49 <hr>
50 <!-- =========== VAR SUMMARY =========== -->
51 <A NAME='var_summary'><!-- --></A>
53 <TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'>
54 <TD>
55 <span CLASS="font12bold">Class Variable Summary</span>
56 <A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A>
57 </TD>
58 </TR>
60 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
61 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
62 <TD>
63 <CODE><B><A HREF="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#var$_html_attributes">$_html_attributes</A></B></CODE>
64 <BR>
65 <blockquote> This holds the attributes for the &lt;html&gt; tag. </blockquote>
66 <blockquote> Default Value: <CODE>->array()<-</CODE> </blockquote>
67 </TD>
68 </TR>
69 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
70 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
71 <TD>
72 <CODE><B><A HREF="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#var$_indent_style">$_indent_style</A></B></CODE>
73 <BR>
74 <blockquote> Holds the value of the indent style the user wants to render the page w/ </blockquote>
75 <blockquote> Default Value: <CODE>->&nbsp;0<-</CODE> </blockquote>
76 </TD>
77 </TR>
78 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
79 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
80 <TD>
81 <CODE><B><A HREF="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#var$_widget_css_auto">$_widget_css_auto</A></B></CODE>
82 <BR>
83 <blockquote> keeps track of which widgets we have automatically pulled in css for </blockquote>
84 <blockquote> Default Value: <CODE>->array()<-</CODE> </blockquote>
85 </TD>
86 </TR>
87 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
88 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
89 <TD>
90 <CODE><B><A HREF="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#var$_widget_js_auto">$_widget_js_auto</A></B></CODE>
91 <BR>
92 <blockquote> keeps track of which widgets we have automatically pulled in js for </blockquote>
93 <blockquote> Default Value: <CODE>->array()<-</CODE> </blockquote>
94 </TD>
95 </TR>
96 </TABLE>
97 <hr>
98 <!-- =========== VAR INHERITED SUMMARY =========== -->
99 <A NAME='var_inherited_summary'><!-- --></A>
101 <TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'>
102 <TD>
103 <span CLASS="font12bold">Inherited Class Variable Summary</span>
104 <A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A>
105 </TD>
106 </TR>
108 </TABLE>
110 <hr>
111 <!-- =========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
112 <A NAME='method_summary'><!-- --></A>
113 <TABLE CELLPADDING='3' CELLSPACING='0' WIDTH='100%' Class="border">
114 <TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'>
115 <TD>
116 <span class="font12bold">Method Summary</span>
117 <A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A>
118 </TD>
119 </TR>
121 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
122 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
123 <TD>
124 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodHTMLPageClass'>void constructor HTMLPageClass ( [$title = NULL], [$html_type = HTML], [$indent_style = INDENT_NICE] )</A></B></CODE>
125 <BR>
126 <blockquote> Class Constructor </blockquote>
127 </TD>
128 </TR>
129 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
130 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
131 <TD>
132 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd'>void add ( )</A></B></CODE>
133 <BR>
134 <blockquote> This function adds content to the &lt;body&gt; area of the page. </blockquote>
135 </TD>
136 </TR>
137 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
138 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
139 <TD>
140 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd_css_link'>void add_css_link ( $link )</A></B></CODE>
141 <BR>
142 <blockquote> pushes a css external reference to the head area </blockquote>
143 </TD>
144 </TR>
145 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
146 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
147 <TD>
148 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd_head_content'>void add_head_content ( )</A></B></CODE>
149 <BR>
150 <blockquote> this adds content to the head tag of the page </blockquote>
151 </TD>
152 </TR>
153 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
154 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
155 <TD>
156 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd_head_css'>void add_head_css ( $css )</A></B></CODE>
157 <BR>
158 <blockquote> this function adds raw css to the &lt;head&gt; tag. It will automatically be wrapped in a &lt;style type="text/css"&gt; </blockquote>
159 </TD>
160 </TR>
161 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
162 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
163 <TD>
164 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd_head_js'>void add_head_js ( $content )</A></B></CODE>
165 <BR>
166 <blockquote> adds raw javascript to the head which will automatically get wrapped in a &lt;script language="JavaScript"&gt; tag. </blockquote>
167 </TD>
168 </TR>
169 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
170 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
171 <TD>
172 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd_reference'>void add_reference ( &$content )</A></B></CODE>
173 <BR>
174 <blockquote> Adds the content reference to the &lt;body&gt; tag for later use. </blockquote>
175 </TD>
176 </TR>
177 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
178 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
179 <TD>
180 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodbuild_doctype'>void build_doctype ( $link1, [$link2 = NULL] )</A></B></CODE>
181 <BR>
182 <blockquote> This function is used to build the DOCTYPE </blockquote>
183 </TD>
184 </TR>
185 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
186 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
187 <TD>
188 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodget_html_attributes'>array(); get_html_attributes ( )</A></B></CODE>
189 <BR>
190 <blockquote> This function returns the attributes to be used for the &lt;html&gt; tag. </blockquote>
191 </TD>
192 </TR>
193 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
194 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
195 <TD>
196 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush'>void push ( )</A></B></CODE>
197 <BR>
198 <blockquote> Same as add() </blockquote>
199 </TD>
200 </TR>
201 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
202 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
203 <TD>
204 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush_css_link'>void push_css_link ( $link )</A></B></CODE>
205 <BR>
206 <blockquote> Same ass add_css_link() </blockquote>
207 </TD>
208 </TR>
209 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
210 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
211 <TD>
212 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush_head_content'>void push_head_content ( )</A></B></CODE>
213 <BR>
214 <blockquote> Same ass add_head_content() </blockquote>
215 </TD>
216 </TR>
217 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
218 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
219 <TD>
220 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush_head_js'>void push_head_js ( $content )</A></B></CODE>
221 <BR>
222 <blockquote> Same ass add_head_js() </blockquote>
223 </TD>
224 </TR>
225 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
226 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
227 <TD>
228 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush_js_link'>void push_js_link ( $link )</A></B></CODE>
229 <BR>
230 <blockquote> pushes an link to an externally referenced javascript file, which will get rendered in the head. </blockquote>
231 </TD>
232 </TR>
233 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
234 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
235 <TD>
236 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush_reference'>void push_reference ( &$content )</A></B></CODE>
237 <BR>
238 <blockquote> Same as add() </blockquote>
239 </TD>
240 </TR>
241 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
242 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
243 <TD>
244 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodrender'>string render ( )</A></B></CODE>
245 <BR>
246 <blockquote> render the page. </blockquote>
247 </TD>
248 </TR>
249 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
250 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
251 <TD>
252 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_body_attributes'>void set_body_attributes ( $attributes )</A></B></CODE>
253 <BR>
254 <blockquote> set attributes of body tag </blockquote>
255 </TD>
256 </TR>
257 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
258 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
259 <TD>
260 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_charset'>void set_charset ( $charset )</A></B></CODE>
261 <BR>
262 <blockquote> set the character set </blockquote>
263 </TD>
264 </TR>
265 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
266 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
267 <TD>
268 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_frameset'>void set_frameset ( $frameset )</A></B></CODE>
269 <BR>
270 <blockquote> This function is used to set the FRAMSETtag object for this page. This automatically sets the output for this page object to be a frameset. </blockquote>
271 </TD>
272 </TR>
273 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
274 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
275 <TD>
276 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_html_attributes'>void set_html_attributes ( $attributes )</A></B></CODE>
277 <BR>
278 <blockquote> This function sets the attributes for the &lt;html&gt; tag </blockquote>
279 </TD>
280 </TR>
281 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
282 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
283 <TD>
284 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_refresh'>void set_refresh ( $time, [$url = NULL] )</A></B></CODE>
285 <BR>
286 <blockquote> Automatically set a page meta tag refresh </blockquote>
287 </TD>
288 </TR>
289 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
290 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
291 <TD>
292 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_text_debug'>void set_text_debug ( $flag )</A></B></CODE>
293 <BR>
294 <blockquote> set the $_text_debug flag </blockquote>
295 </TD>
296 </TR>
297 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
298 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
299 <TD>
300 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_title'>void set_title ( $title )</A></B></CODE>
301 <BR>
302 <blockquote> set the title of the page output. </blockquote>
303 </TD>
304 </TR>
305 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
306 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
307 <TD>
308 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#method_build_content_type_tag'>void _build_content_type_tag ( )</A></B></CODE>
309 <BR>
310 <blockquote> this builds the content type meta tag. </blockquote>
311 </TD>
312 </TR>
313 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
314 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
315 <TD>
316 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#method_build_head'>void _build_head ( )</A></B></CODE>
317 <BR>
318 <blockquote> builds the head object and its content. </blockquote>
319 </TD>
320 </TR>
321 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
322 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
323 <TD>
324 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#method_create_body'>void _create_body ( )</A></B></CODE>
325 <BR>
326 <blockquote> This is responsible for creating the BODYtag object. We only will create a new $this-&gt;_body if it doesn't already exist. </blockquote>
327 </TD>
328 </TR>
329 <!-- =========== Summary =========== -->
330 <TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'>
331 <TD>
332 <CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#method_frameset_wrap_body'><a href="../phpHtmlLib/NOFRAMEStag.html">NOFRAMEStag</a> _frameset_wrap_body ( )</A></B></CODE>
333 <BR>
334 <blockquote> This builds a frameset body tag wrapped in a &lt;noframes&gt; tag. </blockquote>
335 </TD>
336 </TR>
337 </TABLE>
338 <!-- =========== INHERITED METHOD SUMMARY =========== -->
339 <A NAME='functions_inherited'><!-- --></A>
341 <TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'>
342 <TD>
343 <span CLASS="font12bold">Inherited Method Summary</span>
344 <A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A>
345 </TD>
346 </TR>
348 </TABLE>
349 <hr>
350 <!-- ============ VARIABLE DETAIL =========== -->
352 <A NAME='variable_detail'></A>
354 <TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'>
355 <TD>
356 <span CLASS="font12bold">Variable Detail</span>
357 <A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A>
358 </TD>
359 </TR>
360 </TABLE>
362 <A NAME='var$_html_attributes'><!-- --></A><H3>$_html_attributes</H3> (line <span class="linenumber">142</span>)<br />
363 <b>Data type:</b> array<br>This holds the attributes for the &lt;html&gt; tag.
364 <br />
366 <UL>
367 </UL>
368 <HR>
369 <A NAME='var$_indent_style'><!-- --></A><H3>$_indent_style</H3> (line <span class="linenumber">168</span>)<br />
370 <b>Data type:</b> int<br>Holds the value of the indent style the user wants to render the page w/
371 <br />
373 <UL>
374 </UL>
375 <HR>
376 <A NAME='var$_widget_css_auto'><!-- --></A><H3>$_widget_css_auto</H3> (line <span class="linenumber">150</span>)<br />
377 <b>Data type:</b> array<br>keeps track of which widgets we have automatically pulled in css for
378 <br />
380 <UL>
381 </UL>
382 <HR>
383 <A NAME='var$_widget_js_auto'><!-- --></A><H3>$_widget_js_auto</H3> (line <span class="linenumber">158</span>)<br />
384 <b>Data type:</b> array<br>keeps track of which widgets we have automatically pulled in js for
385 <br />
387 <UL>
388 </UL>
389 <HR>
390 <hr>
391 <!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL =========== -->
393 <A NAME='method_detail'></A>
395 <TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'>
396 <TD>
397 <span class="font12bold">Method Detail</span>
398 <A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A>
399 </TD>
400 </TR>
401 </TABLE>
402 <BR>
403 <DIV CLASS="function">
404 <A NAME='methodHTMLPageClass'><!-- --></A>
405 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">Constructor HTMLPageClass</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">196</span>)
406 <BR>
407 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
408 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
409 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">HTMLPageClass(
410 [mixed
411 $title = NULL], [string
412 $html_type = HTML], [int
413 $indent_style = INDENT_NICE])</SPAN>
414 <BR>
416 <BR>
417 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
418 Class Constructor
419 <br />
421 <DL>
422 <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
423 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">mixed</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$title</SPAN></SPAN> - $title Title string or TITLEtag object for the page.</DD>
424 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$html_type</SPAN></SPAN> - one of 3 types of html to render. Setting this will make the object declare the gobal define which tells all of the tag objects what type of html tags to render. some tags support special features. such as the &lt;IMG&gt; tag. If xhtml is selected, the the IMGtag object and all utility functions will not render "border=0" as a default attribute, since this is not proper xhtml. "html" - HTML 4.0 (default) "xhtml_transitional" - render xhtml instead of html - doctype is XHTML transitional. "xhtml_strict" - render xhtml instead of html 4.0. - doctype is XHTML strict.</DD>
425 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">int</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$indent_style</SPAN></SPAN> - one of 2 types. INDENT_NICE or INDENT_LEFT_JUSTIFY This tells the page how to render the indenting of the output. By default it is set to INDENT_NICE, which nicely indents each nested tag. You can have all tags rendered left justified (smaller size in output) by using INDENT_LEFT_JUSTIFY</DD>
427 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
428 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>access</b> - public</DD>
429 </DL>
430 </DIV>
431 <BR>
432 <DIV CLASS="function">
433 <A NAME='methodadd'><!-- --></A>
434 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">add</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">442</span>)
435 <BR>
436 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
437 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
438 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">add(
439 mixed
440 0)</SPAN>
441 <BR>
443 <BR>
444 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
445 This function adds content to the &lt;body&gt; area of the page.
446 <br />
448 <DL>
449 <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
450 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">mixed</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">0</SPAN></SPAN> - any # of parameters</DD>
452 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
453 </DL>
454 </DIV>
455 <BR>
456 <DIV CLASS="function">
457 <A NAME='methodadd_css_link'><!-- --></A>
458 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">add_css_link</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">326</span>)
459 <BR>
460 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
461 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
462 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">add_css_link(
463 mixed
464 $link)</SPAN>
465 <BR>
467 <BR>
468 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
469 pushes a css external reference to the head area
470 <br />
472 <DL>
473 <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
474 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">mixed</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$link</SPAN></SPAN> - link tag object or $url for a css.</DD>
476 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
477 </DL>
478 </DIV>
479 <BR>
480 <DIV CLASS="function">
481 <A NAME='methodadd_head_content'><!-- --></A>
482 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">add_head_content</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">255</span>)
483 <BR>
484 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
485 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
486 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">add_head_content(
487 mixed
488 0)</SPAN>
489 <BR>
491 <BR>
492 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
493 this adds content to the head tag of the page
494 <br />
496 <DL>
497 <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
498 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">mixed</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">0</SPAN></SPAN> - any content to add</DD>
500 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
501 </DL>
502 </DIV>
503 <BR>
504 <DIV CLASS="function">
505 <A NAME='methodadd_head_css'><!-- --></A>
506 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">add_head_css</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">299</span>)
507 <BR>
508 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
509 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
510 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">add_head_css(
511 string
512 $css)</SPAN>
513 <BR>
515 <BR>
516 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
517 this function adds raw css to the &lt;head&gt; tag. It will automatically be wrapped in a &lt;style type="text/css"&gt;
518 <br />
520 <DL>
521 <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
522 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$css</SPAN></SPAN> - the raw css</DD>
524 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
525 </DL>
526 </DIV>
527 <BR>
528 <DIV CLASS="function">
529 <A NAME='methodadd_head_js'><!-- --></A>
530 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">add_head_js</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">279</span>)
531 <BR>
532 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
533 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
534 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">add_head_js(
535 mixed
536 $content)</SPAN>
537 <BR>
539 <BR>
540 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
541 adds raw javascript to the head which will automatically get wrapped in a &lt;script language="JavaScript"&gt; tag.
542 <br />
544 <DL>
545 <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
546 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">mixed</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$content</SPAN></SPAN> - raw javascript code to add to the head</DD>
548 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
549 </DL>
550 </DIV>
551 <BR>
552 <DIV CLASS="function">
553 <A NAME='methodadd_reference'><!-- --></A>
554 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">add_reference</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">479</span>)
555 <BR>
556 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
557 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
558 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">add_reference(
559 mixed
560 &$content, mixed
561 $content)</SPAN>
562 <BR>
564 <BR>
565 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
566 Adds the content reference to the &lt;body&gt; tag for later use.
567 <br />
569 <DL>
570 <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
571 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">mixed</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$content</SPAN></SPAN> - content to add</DD>
573 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
574 </DL>
575 </DIV>
576 <BR>
577 <DIV CLASS="function">
578 <A NAME='methodbuild_doctype'><!-- --></A>
579 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">build_doctype</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">528</span>)
580 <BR>
581 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
582 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
583 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">build_doctype(
584 string
585 $link1, [string
586 $link2 = NULL])</SPAN>
587 <BR>
589 <BR>
590 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
591 This function is used to build the DOCTYPE
592 <br />
593 <p>tag for the page. It will automatically create a DOCTYPE with a document_element of "html" and a source of "PUBLIC"</p>
594 <DL>
595 <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
596 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$link1</SPAN></SPAN> - link1</DD>
597 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$link2</SPAN></SPAN> - link2</DD>
599 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
600 </DL>
601 </DIV>
602 <BR>
603 <DIV CLASS="function">
604 <A NAME='methodget_html_attributes'><!-- --></A>
605 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">get_html_attributes</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">405</span>)
606 <BR>
607 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
608 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">array();</SPAN>&nbsp;
609 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">get_html_attributes(
610 )</SPAN>
611 <BR>
613 <BR>
614 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
615 This function returns the attributes to be used for the &lt;html&gt; tag.
616 <br />
618 <DL>
620 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
621 </DL>
622 </DIV>
623 <BR>
624 <DIV CLASS="function">
625 <A NAME='methodpush'><!-- --></A>
626 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">push</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">468</span>)
627 <BR>
628 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
629 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
630 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">push(
631 )</SPAN>
632 <BR>
634 <BR>
635 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
636 Same as add()
637 <br />
639 <DL>
641 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
642 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>deprecated</b> - - use add()</DD>
643 </DL>
644 </DIV>
645 <BR>
646 <DIV CLASS="function">
647 <A NAME='methodpush_css_link'><!-- --></A>
648 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">push_css_link</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">340</span>)
649 <BR>
650 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
651 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
652 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">push_css_link(
653 mixed
654 $link)</SPAN>
655 <BR>
657 <BR>
658 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
659 Same ass add_css_link()
660 <br />
662 <DL>
664 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
665 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>deprecated</b> - - use add_css_link();</DD>
666 </DL>
667 </DIV>
668 <BR>
669 <DIV CLASS="function">
670 <A NAME='methodpush_head_content'><!-- --></A>
671 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">push_head_content</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">267</span>)
672 <BR>
673 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
674 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
675 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">push_head_content(
676 )</SPAN>
677 <BR>
679 <BR>
680 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
681 Same ass add_head_content()
682 <br />
684 <DL>
686 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
687 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>deprecated</b> - - use add_head_content();</DD>
688 </DL>
689 </DIV>
690 <BR>
691 <DIV CLASS="function">
692 <A NAME='methodpush_head_js'><!-- --></A>
693 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">push_head_js</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">288</span>)
694 <BR>
695 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
696 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
697 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">push_head_js(
698 mixed
699 $content)</SPAN>
700 <BR>
702 <BR>
703 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
704 Same ass add_head_js()
705 <br />
707 <DL>
709 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
710 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>deprecated</b> - - use add_head_js();</DD>
711 </DL>
712 </DIV>
713 <BR>
714 <DIV CLASS="function">
715 <A NAME='methodpush_js_link'><!-- --></A>
716 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">push_js_link</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">351</span>)
717 <BR>
718 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
719 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
720 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">push_js_link(
721 mixed
722 $link)</SPAN>
723 <BR>
725 <BR>
726 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
727 pushes an link to an externally referenced javascript file, which will get rendered in the head.
728 <br />
730 <DL>
731 <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
732 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">mixed</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$link</SPAN></SPAN> - script tag object or $url of .js file.</DD>
734 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
735 </DL>
736 </DIV>
737 <BR>
738 <DIV CLASS="function">
739 <A NAME='methodpush_reference'><!-- --></A>
740 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">push_reference</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">489</span>)
741 <BR>
742 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
743 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
744 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">push_reference(
745 mixed
746 &$content)</SPAN>
747 <BR>
749 <BR>
750 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
751 Same as add()
752 <br />
754 <DL>
756 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
757 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>deprecated</b> - - use add()</DD>
758 </DL>
759 </DIV>
760 <BR>
761 <DIV CLASS="function">
762 <A NAME='methodrender'><!-- --></A>
763 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">render</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">598</span>)
764 <BR>
765 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
766 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">string</SPAN>&nbsp;
767 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">render(
768 )</SPAN>
769 <BR>
770 <p>Overridden in child classes as:<br />
771 <dl>
772 <dt><a href="../phpHtmlLib/PageWidget.html#methodrender">PageWidget::render()</a></dt>
773 <dd>This is the function that renders the HTML for this widget.</dd>
774 </dl>
775 </p>
777 <BR>
778 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
779 render the page.
780 <br />
782 <DL>
784 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
785 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>return</b> - the raw html output.</DD>
786 </DL>
787 </DIV>
788 <BR>
789 <DIV CLASS="function">
790 <A NAME='methodset_body_attributes'><!-- --></A>
791 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_body_attributes</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">512</span>)
792 <BR>
793 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
794 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
795 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_body_attributes(
796 array
797 $attributes)</SPAN>
798 <BR>
800 <BR>
801 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
802 set attributes of body tag
803 <br />
805 <DL>
806 <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
807 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">array</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$attributes</SPAN></SPAN> the name=&gt;value pairs</DD>
809 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
810 </DL>
811 </DIV>
812 <BR>
813 <DIV CLASS="function">
814 <A NAME='methodset_charset'><!-- --></A>
815 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_charset</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">377</span>)
816 <BR>
817 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
818 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
819 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_charset(
820 string
821 $charset)</SPAN>
822 <BR>
824 <BR>
825 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
826 set the character set
827 <br />
829 <DL>
830 <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
831 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$charset</SPAN></SPAN> - the charset for the meta tag</DD>
833 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
834 </DL>
835 </DIV>
836 <BR>
837 <DIV CLASS="function">
838 <A NAME='methodset_frameset'><!-- --></A>
839 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_frameset</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">389</span>)
840 <BR>
841 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
842 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
843 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_frameset(
844 <a href="../phpHtmlLib/FRAMESETtag.html">FRAMESETtag</a>
845 $frameset)</SPAN>
846 <BR>
848 <BR>
849 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
850 This function is used to set the FRAMSETtag object for this page. This automatically sets the output for this page object to be a frameset.
851 <br />
853 <DL>
854 <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
855 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/FRAMESETtag.html">FRAMESETtag</a></SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$frameset</SPAN></SPAN> object - $frameset</DD>
857 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
858 </DL>
859 </DIV>
860 <BR>
861 <DIV CLASS="function">
862 <A NAME='methodset_html_attributes'><!-- --></A>
863 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_html_attributes</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">417</span>)
864 <BR>
865 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
866 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
867 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_html_attributes(
868 array
869 $attributes)</SPAN>
870 <BR>
872 <BR>
873 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
874 This function sets the attributes for the &lt;html&gt; tag
875 <br />
877 <DL>
878 <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
879 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">array</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$attributes</SPAN></SPAN> - the name=&gt;value pair for the attributes</DD>
881 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
882 </DL>
883 </DIV>
884 <BR>
885 <DIV CLASS="function">
886 <A NAME='methodset_refresh'><!-- --></A>
887 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_refresh</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">365</span>)
888 <BR>
889 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
890 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
891 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_refresh(
892 int
893 $time, [string
894 $url = NULL])</SPAN>
895 <BR>
897 <BR>
898 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
899 Automatically set a page meta tag refresh
900 <br />
902 <DL>
903 <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
904 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">int</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$time</SPAN></SPAN> - time in seconds to refresh</DD>
905 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$url</SPAN></SPAN> - the url to go to.</DD>
907 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
908 </DL>
909 </DIV>
910 <BR>
911 <DIV CLASS="function">
912 <A NAME='methodset_text_debug'><!-- --></A>
913 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_text_debug</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">540</span>)
914 <BR>
915 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
916 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
917 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_text_debug(
918 $flag
919 $flag)</SPAN>
920 <BR>
922 <BR>
923 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
924 set the $_text_debug flag
925 <br />
927 <DL>
928 <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
929 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">$flag</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$flag</SPAN></SPAN> - boolean.</DD>
931 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
932 </DL>
933 </DIV>
934 <BR>
935 <DIV CLASS="function">
936 <A NAME='methodset_title'><!-- --></A>
937 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">set_title</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">309</span>)
938 <BR>
939 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
940 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
941 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">set_title(
942 mixed
943 $title)</SPAN>
944 <BR>
946 <BR>
947 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
948 set the title of the page output.
949 <br />
951 <DL>
952 <DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT>
953 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">mixed</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$title</SPAN></SPAN> - the title of the html page can be TITLEtag object.</DD>
955 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
956 </DL>
957 </DIV>
958 <BR>
959 <DIV CLASS="function">
960 <A NAME='method_build_content_type_tag'><!-- --></A>
961 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">_build_content_type_tag</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">426</span>)
962 <BR>
963 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
964 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
965 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">_build_content_type_tag(
966 )</SPAN>
967 <BR>
969 <BR>
970 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
971 this builds the content type meta tag.
972 <br />
974 <DL>
976 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
977 </DL>
978 </DIV>
979 <BR>
980 <DIV CLASS="function">
981 <A NAME='method_build_head'><!-- --></A>
982 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">_build_head</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">553</span>)
983 <BR>
984 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
985 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
986 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">_build_head(
987 )</SPAN>
988 <BR>
990 <BR>
991 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
992 builds the head object and its content.
993 <br />
995 <DL>
997 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
998 </DL>
999 </DIV>
1000 <BR>
1001 <DIV CLASS="function">
1002 <A NAME='method_create_body'><!-- --></A>
1003 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">_create_body</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">500</span>)
1004 <BR>
1005 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1006 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN>&nbsp;
1007 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">_create_body(
1008 )</SPAN>
1009 <BR>
1011 <BR>
1012 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1013 This is responsible for creating the BODYtag object. We only will create a new $this-&gt;_body if it doesn't already exist.
1014 <br />
1016 <DL>
1018 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1019 </DL>
1020 </DIV>
1021 <BR>
1022 <DIV CLASS="function">
1023 <A NAME='method_frameset_wrap_body'><!-- --></A>
1024 <SPAN CLASS="font12bold">_frameset_wrap_body</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">584</span>)
1025 <BR>
1026 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN>
1027 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/NOFRAMEStag.html">NOFRAMEStag</a></SPAN>&nbsp;
1028 <span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">_frameset_wrap_body(
1029 )</SPAN>
1030 <BR>
1032 <BR>
1033 <SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN>
1034 This builds a frameset body tag wrapped in a &lt;noframes&gt; tag.
1035 <br />
1037 <DL>
1039 <DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT>
1040 <DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>return</b> - object.</DD>
1041 </DL>
1042 </DIV>
1043 <BR>
1044 <div id="credit">
1045 <hr>
1046 Documention generated on Thu, 20 Feb 2003 16:22:58 -0800 by <a href="http://www.phpdoc.org" target="_blank">phpDocumentor 1.2.0rc1</a>
1047 </div>
1048 </body>
1049 </html>

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