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<HEAD> |
<head> |
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<!-- Generated by PhpDoc date: 'Thu, 20 Feb 2003 16:23:06 -0800' --> |
<!-- template designed by Marco Von Ballmoos --> |
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<TITLE>Docs For Class PageWidget</TITLE> |
<title>Docs For Class PageWidget</title> |
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<LINK REL ='stylesheet' TYPE='text/css' HREF='../media/stylesheet.css' TITLE='Style'> |
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<body> |
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<a NAME="top"></A> |
<div class="page-body"> |
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<table WIDTH="100%" class="links"> |
<h2 class="class-name">Class PageWidget</h2> |
13 |
<TR> |
14 |
<TD class="font10"> |
<a name="sec-description"></a> |
15 |
Links: |
<div class="info-box"> |
16 |
<A HREF="#children_summary" class="links" title="Classes extended from PageWidget">Child Classes</A> |
<div class="info-box-title">Description</div> |
17 |
<A HREF="#var_summary" class="links" title="Class Variable Summary">Variables</A> |
<div class="nav-bar"> |
18 |
<A HREF="#var_inherited_summary" class="links" title="Inherited Class Variable Summary">Inherited Variables</A> |
<span class="disabled">Description</span> | |
19 |
<A HREF="#functions_inherited" class="links" title="Inherited Method Summary">Inherited Methods</A> |
<a href="#sec-descendents">Descendents</a> |
20 |
<A HREF="#method_summary" class="links" title="Method Summary">Methods</A> |
| <a href="#sec-var-summary">Vars</a> (<a href="#sec-vars">details</a>) |
21 |
<A HREF="#variable_detail" class="links" title="Variable Detail">Variable Detail</A> |
| <a href="#sec-method-summary">Methods</a> (<a href="#sec-methods">details</a>) |
22 |
<A HREF="#method_detail" class="links" title="Method Detail">Method Detail</A> |
23 |
</TD> |
</div> |
24 |
</TR> |
<div class="info-box-body"> |
25 |
</TABLE> |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
26 |
<BR> |
<p class="short-description">This class is used to build content for an entire page. It uses the HTMLPageClass widget from phphtmllib to render the final output.</p> |
27 |
<!-- Start of Class Data --> |
<ul class="tags"> |
28 |
<H2> |
<li><span class="field">author:</span> Walter A. Boring IV <<a href="mailto:waboring@buildabetterweb.com">waboring@buildabetterweb.com</a>></li> |
29 |
Class PageWidget |
</ul> |
30 |
</H2> (line <span class="linenumber">25</span>) |
<p class="notes"> |
31 |
<pre> |
Located in <a class="field" href="_widgets_PageWidget_inc.html">/widgets/PageWidget.inc</a> (line <span class="field">34</span>) |
32 |
<a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html">HTMLPageClass</a> |
</p> |
33 |
34 |
35 |
<pre><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html">HTMLPageClass</a> |
36 |
| |
| |
--PageWidget</pre> |
<SPAN class="type">Classes extended from PageWidget:</SPAN> |
<dl> |
<dt><a href="../phpHtmlLib/examples/MyLayoutPage.html">MyLayoutPage</a></dt> |
<dd>This is an example Child of the PageWidget</dd> |
</dl> |
</p> |
<p> |
<b><i>Located in File: Program_Root/widgets/PageWidget.inc</i></b><br> |
</p> |
<hr> |
This class is used to build content for an entire page. It uses the HTMLPageClass widget from phphtmllib to render the final output. |
<br /> |
<UL> |
<LI><b>author</b> - <CODE>Walter A. Boring IV <<a href="mailto:waboring@buildabetterweb.com">mailto:waboring@buildabetterweb.com</a>></CODE></LI> |
</UL> |
<hr> |
<!-- =========== VAR SUMMARY =========== --> |
<A NAME='var_summary'><!-- --></A> |
<TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'> |
<TD> |
<span CLASS="font12bold">Class Variable Summary</span> |
<A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<!-- =========== Summary =========== --> |
<TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'> |
<TD> |
<CODE><B><A HREF="../phpHtmlLib/PageWidget.html#var$_enable_debug">$_enable_debug</A></B></CODE> |
<BR> |
<blockquote> This enables the ability to view the source of a page bu setting debug=1 in the query string. </blockquote> |
<blockquote> Default Value: <CODE>-> FALSE<-</CODE> </blockquote> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<!-- =========== Summary =========== --> |
<TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'> |
<TD> |
<CODE><B><A HREF="../phpHtmlLib/PageWidget.html#var$_title_text">$_title_text</A></B></CODE> |
<BR> |
<blockquote> holds the page title text for </blockquote> |
<blockquote> Default Value: <CODE>-> NULL<-</CODE> </blockquote> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
</TABLE> |
<hr> |
<!-- =========== VAR INHERITED SUMMARY =========== --> |
<A NAME='var_inherited_summary'><!-- --></A> |
<TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'> |
<TD> |
<span CLASS="font12bold">Inherited Class Variable Summary</span> |
<A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<!-- =========== Summary =========== --> |
<TR BGCOLOR='white'> |
<TD> |
<span CLASS="font10bold">Inherited From Class <a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html">HTMLPageClass</a></span> |
<table CELLPADDING='3' CELLSPACING='0' WIDTH='95%' CLASS="border" ALIGN="center"> |
<tr CLASS="tableheadingcolor"> |
<th>Variable</th> |
<th>Default Value</th> |
<th>Description</th> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#var$_html_attributes">HTMLPageClass::$_html_attributes</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10" STYLE="white-space: nowrap">->array()<-</td> |
<td CLASS="font10">This holds the attributes for the <html> tag.</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#var$_indent_style">HTMLPageClass::$_indent_style</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10" STYLE="white-space: nowrap">-> 0<-</td> |
<td CLASS="font10">Holds the value of the indent style the user wants to render the page w/</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#var$_widget_css_auto">HTMLPageClass::$_widget_css_auto</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10" STYLE="white-space: nowrap">->array()<-</td> |
<td CLASS="font10">keeps track of which widgets we have automatically pulled in css for</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#var$_widget_js_auto">HTMLPageClass::$_widget_js_auto</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10" STYLE="white-space: nowrap">->array()<-</td> |
<td CLASS="font10">keeps track of which widgets we have automatically pulled in js for</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<BR> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
</TABLE> |
<hr> |
<!-- =========== METHOD SUMMARY =========== --> |
<A NAME='method_summary'><!-- --></A> |
<TABLE CELLPADDING='3' CELLSPACING='0' WIDTH='100%' Class="border"> |
<TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'> |
<TD> |
<span class="font12bold">Method Summary</span> |
<A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<!-- =========== Summary =========== --> |
<TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'> |
<TD> |
<CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/PageWidget.html#methodPageWidget'>void constructor PageWidget ( $title, [$render_type = HTML], [$indent_style = INDENT_NICE] )</A></B></CODE> |
<BR> |
<blockquote> Constructor: </blockquote> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<!-- =========== Summary =========== --> |
<TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'> |
<TD> |
<CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/PageWidget.html#methodbody_content'>mixed. body_content ( )</A></B></CODE> |
<BR> |
<blockquote> This function is meant to be overridden by the child class. </blockquote> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<!-- =========== Summary =========== --> |
<TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'> |
<TD> |
<CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/PageWidget.html#methodenable_debug'>void enable_debug ( [$flag = TRUE] )</A></B></CODE> |
<BR> |
<blockquote> This sets the debug option for the HTMLPageClass </blockquote> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<!-- =========== Summary =========== --> |
<TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'> |
<TD> |
<CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/PageWidget.html#methodframeset'>void frameset ( )</A></B></CODE> |
<BR> |
<blockquote> This function is used to save </blockquote> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<!-- =========== Summary =========== --> |
<TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'> |
<TD> |
<CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/PageWidget.html#methodget_title'>string get_title ( )</A></B></CODE> |
<BR> |
<blockquote> gets the current title of the page. </blockquote> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<!-- =========== Summary =========== --> |
<TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'> |
<TD> |
<CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/PageWidget.html#methodhead_content'>mixed. head_content ( )</A></B></CODE> |
<BR> |
<blockquote> This function is used to build addition head content that isn't built by the HTMLPageClass parent class by default. </blockquote> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<!-- =========== Summary =========== --> |
<TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'> |
<TD> |
<CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/PageWidget.html#methodhead_javascript'>string head_javascript ( )</A></B></CODE> |
<BR> |
<blockquote> This function is called to build any JavaScript that is needed in the <HEAD> portion of a document. </blockquote> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<!-- =========== Summary =========== --> |
<TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'> |
<TD> |
<CODE><B><A HREF='../phpHtmlLib/PageWidget.html#methodrender'>string render ( )</A></B></CODE> |
<BR> |
<blockquote> This is the function that renders the HTML for this widget. </blockquote> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
</TABLE> |
<!-- =========== INHERITED METHOD SUMMARY =========== --> |
<A NAME='functions_inherited'><!-- --></A> |
<TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'> |
<TD> |
<span CLASS="font12bold">Inherited Method Summary</span> |
<A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
<!-- =========== Summary =========== --> |
<TR BGCOLOR='white' CLASS='TableRowColor'> |
<TD> |
<span CLASS="font10bold">Inherited From Class <a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html">HTMLPageClass</a></span> |
<tr CLASS="tableheadingcolor"> |
<th>Function</th> |
<th>Description</th> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodHTMLPageClass">HTMLPageClass::HTMLPageClass()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">Class Constructor</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd">HTMLPageClass::add()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">This function adds content to the <body> area of the page.</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd_css_link">HTMLPageClass::add_css_link()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">pushes a css external reference to the head area</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd_head_content">HTMLPageClass::add_head_content()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">this adds content to the head tag of the page</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd_head_css">HTMLPageClass::add_head_css()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">this function adds raw css to the <head> tag. It will automatically be wrapped in a <style type="text/css"></td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd_head_js">HTMLPageClass::add_head_js()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">adds raw javascript to the head which will automatically get wrapped in a <script language="JavaScript"> tag.</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd_reference">HTMLPageClass::add_reference()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">Adds the content reference to the <body> tag for later use.</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodbuild_doctype">HTMLPageClass::build_doctype()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">This function is used to build the DOCTYPE</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodget_html_attributes">HTMLPageClass::get_html_attributes()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">This function returns the attributes to be used for the <html> tag.</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush">HTMLPageClass::push()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">Same as add()</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush_css_link">HTMLPageClass::push_css_link()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">Same ass add_css_link()</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush_head_content">HTMLPageClass::push_head_content()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">Same ass add_head_content()</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush_head_js">HTMLPageClass::push_head_js()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">Same ass add_head_js()</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush_js_link">HTMLPageClass::push_js_link()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">pushes an link to an externally referenced javascript file, which will get rendered in the head.</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush_reference">HTMLPageClass::push_reference()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">Same as add()</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodrender">HTMLPageClass::render()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">render the page.</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_body_attributes">HTMLPageClass::set_body_attributes()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">set attributes of body tag</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_charset">HTMLPageClass::set_charset()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">set the character set</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_frameset">HTMLPageClass::set_frameset()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">This function is used to set the FRAMSETtag object for this page. This automatically sets the output for this page object to be a frameset.</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_html_attributes">HTMLPageClass::set_html_attributes()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">This function sets the attributes for the <html> tag</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_refresh">HTMLPageClass::set_refresh()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">Automatically set a page meta tag refresh</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_text_debug">HTMLPageClass::set_text_debug()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">set the $_text_debug flag</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_title">HTMLPageClass::set_title()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">set the title of the page output.</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#method_build_content_type_tag">HTMLPageClass::_build_content_type_tag()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">this builds the content type meta tag.</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#method_build_head">HTMLPageClass::_build_head()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">builds the head object and its content.</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#method_create_body">HTMLPageClass::_create_body()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">This is responsible for creating the BODYtag object. We only will create a new $this->_body if it doesn't already exist.</td> |
<tr> |
<td CLASS="font10bold"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#method_frameset_wrap_body">HTMLPageClass::_frameset_wrap_body()</a></td> |
<td CLASS="font10">This builds a frameset body tag wrapped in a <noframes> tag.</td> |
</table> |
<br> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
</TABLE> |
<hr> |
<!-- ============ VARIABLE DETAIL =========== --> |
<A NAME='variable_detail'></A> |
<TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'> |
<TD> |
<span CLASS="font12bold">Variable Detail</span> |
<A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
</TABLE> |
<A NAME='var$_enable_debug'><!-- --></A><H3>$_enable_debug</H3> (line <span class="linenumber">35</span>)<br /> |
<b>Data type:</b> mixed<br>This enables the ability to view the source of a page bu setting debug=1 in the query string. |
<br /> |
<UL> |
</UL> |
<HR> |
<A NAME='var$_title_text'><!-- --></A><H3>$_title_text</H3> (line <span class="linenumber">43</span>)<br /> |
<b>Data type:</b> mixed<br>holds the page title text for |
<br /> |
<p>a page</p> |
<UL> |
</UL> |
<HR> |
<hr> |
<!-- ============ METHOD DETAIL =========== --> |
<A NAME='method_detail'></A> |
<TR BGCOLOR='#CCCCFF' CLASS='TableHeadingColor'> |
<TD> |
<span class="font12bold">Method Detail</span> |
<A HREF="#top" CLASS="links">^TOP</A> |
</TD> |
</TR> |
</TABLE> |
<BR> |
<DIV CLASS="function"> |
<A NAME='methodPageWidget'><!-- --></A> |
<SPAN CLASS="font12bold">Constructor PageWidget</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">70</span>) |
<BR> |
<SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN> |
<span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN> |
<span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">PageWidget( |
mixed |
$title, [string |
$render_type = HTML], [int |
$indent_style = INDENT_NICE])</SPAN> |
<BR> |
<BR> |
<SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN> |
Constructor: |
<br /> |
<DL> |
<DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT> |
<DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">mixed</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$title</SPAN></SPAN> - $title Title string or TITLEtag object for the page.</DD> |
<DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">string</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$render_type</SPAN></SPAN> - one of 3 types of html to render. Setting this will make the object declare the gobal define which tells all of the tag objects what type of html tags to render. some tags support special features. such as the <IMG> tag. If xhtml is selected, the the IMGtag object and all utility functions will not render "border=0" as a default attribute, since this is not proper xhtml. "html" - HTML 4.0 (default) "xhtml_transitional" - render xhtml instead of html - doctype is XHTML transitional. "xhtml_strict" - render xhtml instead of html 4.0. - doctype is XHTML strict.</DD> |
<DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">int</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$indent_style</SPAN></SPAN> - one of 2 types. INDENT_NICE or INDENT_LEFT_JUSTIFY This tells the page how to render the indenting of the output. By default it is set to INDENT_NICE, which nicely indents each nested tag. You can have all tags rendered left justified (smaller size in output) by using INDENT_LEFT_JUSTIFY</DD> |
<DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT> |
</DL> |
</DIV> |
<BR> |
<DIV CLASS="function"> |
<A NAME='methodbody_content'><!-- --></A> |
<SPAN CLASS="font12bold">body_content</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">130</span>) |
<BR> |
<SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN> |
<span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">mixed.</SPAN> |
<span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">body_content( |
)</SPAN> |
<BR> |
<p>Overridden in child classes as:<br /> |
<dl> |
<dt><a href="../phpHtmlLib/examples/MyLayoutPage.html#methodbody_content">MyLayoutPage::body_content()</a></dt> |
<dd>This builds the main content for the page.</dd> |
</dl> |
</p> |
<BR> |
<SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN> |
This function is meant to be overridden by the child class. |
<br /> |
<p>This provides all of the content for the page. NOTE: You add the content to the body in 1 of 2 ways. 1) return the content from this call. 2) inside the call, you can just call $this->add(); and then return NULL;</p> |
<DL> |
<DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT> |
</DL> |
</DIV> |
<BR> |
<DIV CLASS="function"> |
<A NAME='methodenable_debug'><!-- --></A> |
<SPAN CLASS="font12bold">enable_debug</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">164</span>) |
<BR> |
<SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN> |
<span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN> |
<span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">enable_debug( |
[boolean |
$flag = TRUE])</SPAN> |
<BR> |
<BR> |
<SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN> |
This sets the debug option for the HTMLPageClass |
<br /> |
<DL> |
<DT class="font10bold">Function Parameters:</DT> |
<DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><span STYLE="font-style: italic;">- <span style="color: #FF0000;font-weight:bold;">boolean</SPAN> <span style="color: #0000FF;font-weight:bold">$flag</SPAN></SPAN> TRUE for on, FALSE for off</DD> |
<DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT> |
</DL> |
</DIV> |
<BR> |
<DIV CLASS="function"> |
<A NAME='methodframeset'><!-- --></A> |
<SPAN CLASS="font12bold">frameset</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">141</span>) |
<BR> |
<SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN> |
<span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">void</SPAN> |
<span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">frameset( |
)</SPAN> |
<BR> |
<BR> |
<SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN> |
This function is used to save |
<br /> |
<p>a frameset to the page. This will automatically output a properly formatted</p> |
<DL> |
<DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT> |
</DL> |
</DIV> |
<BR> |
<DIV CLASS="function"> |
<A NAME='methodget_title'><!-- --></A> |
<SPAN CLASS="font12bold">get_title</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">89</span>) |
<BR> |
<SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN> |
<span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">string</SPAN> |
<span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">get_title( |
)</SPAN> |
<BR> |
<BR> |
<SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN> |
gets the current title of the page. |
<br /> |
<DL> |
<DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT> |
</DL> |
</DIV> |
<BR> |
<DIV CLASS="function"> |
<A NAME='methodhead_content'><!-- --></A> |
<SPAN CLASS="font12bold">head_content</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">110</span>) |
<BR> |
<SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN> |
<span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">mixed.</SPAN> |
<span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">head_content( |
)</SPAN> |
<BR> |
<BR> |
<SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN> |
This function is used to build addition head content that isn't built by the HTMLPageClass parent class by default. |
<br /> |
<p>NOTE: you can add addition content to the head in 1 of 2 ways. 1) inside the call return the addition content in the return $foo; 2) or use the HTMLPageClass' $this->add_head_content() from within the head_content() call.</p> |
<DL> |
<DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT> |
</DL> |
</DIV> |
<BR> |
<DIV CLASS="function"> |
<A NAME='methodhead_javascript'><!-- --></A> |
<SPAN CLASS="font12bold">head_javascript</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">153</span>) |
<BR> |
<SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN> |
<span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">string</SPAN> |
<span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">head_javascript( |
)</SPAN> |
<BR> |
<BR> |
<SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN> |
This function is called to build any JavaScript that is needed in the <HEAD> portion of a document. |
<br /> |
<DL> |
<DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT> |
<DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>return</b> - - the raw JS code to be put inside the <head></DD> |
</DL> |
</DIV> |
<BR> |
<DIV CLASS="function"> |
<A NAME='methodrender'><!-- --></A> |
<SPAN CLASS="font12bold">render</SPAN> (line <span class="linenumber">175</span>) |
<BR> |
<SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Usage : </SPAN> |
<span class="font10bold" style="color: #FF0000">string</SPAN> |
<span class="font10bold" style="color: #0000FF">render( |
)</SPAN> |
<BR> |
<span class="font10bold" style="padding-left: 10px;">Overrides :</span> <a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodrender">HTMLPageClass::render()</a> render the page. |
<BR> |
<SPAN CLASS="font10bold">Description : </SPAN> |
This is the function that renders the HTML for this widget. |
<br /> |
<DL> |
<DT class="font10bold">Function Info:</DT> |
<DD CLASS="font10" STYLE="padding-bottom:5px;"><b>return</b> - - the HTML</DD> |
</DL> |
</DIV> |
<BR> |
<div id="credit"> |
<hr> |
Documention generated on Thu, 20 Feb 2003 16:23:06 -0800 by <a href="http://www.phpdoc.org" target="_blank">phpDocumentor 1.2.0rc1</a> |
</div> |
</body> |
</html> |
37 |
--PageWidget</pre> |
38 |
39 |
</div> |
40 |
</div> |
41 |
42 |
<a name="sec-descendents"></a> |
43 |
<div class="info-box"> |
44 |
<div class="info-box-title">Direct descendents</div> |
45 |
<div class="nav-bar"> |
46 |
<a href="#sec-description">Description</a> | |
47 |
<span class="disabled">Descendents</span> |
48 |
| <a href="#sec-var-summary">Vars</a> (<a href="#sec-vars">details</a>) |
49 |
| <a href="#sec-method-summary">Methods</a> (<a href="#sec-methods">details</a>) |
50 |
51 |
</div> |
52 |
<div class="info-box-body"> |
53 |
<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" class="class-table"> |
54 |
<tr> |
55 |
<th class="class-table-header">Class</th> |
56 |
<th class="class-table-header">Description</th> |
57 |
</tr> |
58 |
<tr> |
59 |
<td style="padding-right: 2em"></td> |
60 |
<td> |
61 |
This class is used to build content for an entire page. It uses the HTMLPageClass widget from phphtmllib to render the final output. |
62 |
</td> |
63 |
</tr> |
64 |
<tr> |
65 |
<td style="padding-right: 2em"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/widget-examples/PermissionsCheckTestPage.html">PermissionsCheckTestPage</a></td> |
66 |
<td> |
67 |
This class is used to build content for an entire page. It uses the HTMLPageClass widget from phphtmllib to render the final output. |
68 |
</td> |
69 |
</tr> |
70 |
<tr> |
71 |
<td style="padding-right: 2em"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/widget-examples/WidgetListPage.html">WidgetListPage</a></td> |
72 |
<td> |
73 |
This class is used to build content for an entire page. It uses the HTMLPageClass widget from phphtmllib to render the final output. |
74 |
</td> |
75 |
</tr> |
76 |
</table> |
77 |
</div> |
78 |
</div> |
79 |
80 |
81 |
<a name="sec-var-summary"></a> |
82 |
<div class="info-box"> |
83 |
<div class="info-box-title">Variable Summary</span></div> |
84 |
<div class="nav-bar"> |
85 |
<a href="#sec-description">Description</a> | |
86 |
<a href="#sec-descendents">Descendents</a> | |
87 |
<span class="disabled">Vars</span> (<a href="#sec-vars">details</a>) |
88 |
| |
89 |
<a href="#sec-method-summary">Methods</a> (<a href="#sec-methods">details</a>) |
90 |
91 |
</div> |
92 |
<div class="info-box-body"> |
93 |
<div class="var-summary"> |
94 |
<div class="var-title"> |
95 |
<span class="var-type">mixed</span> |
96 |
<a href="#$_allow_permissions_checks" title="details" class="var-name">$_allow_permissions_checks</a> |
97 |
</div> |
98 |
<div class="var-title"> |
99 |
<span class="var-type">mixed</span> |
100 |
<a href="#$_enable_debug" title="details" class="var-name">$_enable_debug</a> |
101 |
</div> |
102 |
<div class="var-title"> |
103 |
<span class="var-type">mixed</span> |
104 |
<a href="#$_permissions_error_width" title="details" class="var-name">$_permissions_error_width</a> |
105 |
</div> |
106 |
<div class="var-title"> |
107 |
<span class="var-type">mixed</span> |
108 |
<a href="#$_permission_box" title="details" class="var-name">$_permission_box</a> |
109 |
</div> |
110 |
<div class="var-title"> |
111 |
<span class="var-type">mixed</span> |
112 |
<a href="#$_perm_options" title="details" class="var-name">$_perm_options</a> |
113 |
</div> |
114 |
<div class="var-title"> |
115 |
<span class="var-type">mixed</span> |
116 |
<a href="#$_title_text" title="details" class="var-name">$_title_text</a> |
117 |
</div> |
118 |
</div> |
119 |
</div> |
120 |
</div> |
121 |
122 |
<a name="sec-method-summary"></a> |
123 |
<div class="info-box"> |
124 |
<div class="info-box-title">Method Summary</span></div> |
125 |
<div class="nav-bar"> |
126 |
<a href="#sec-description">Description</a> | |
127 |
<a href="#sec-descendents">Descendents</a> | |
128 |
<a href="#sec-var-summary">Vars</a> (<a href="#sec-vars">details</a>) |
129 |
130 |
| |
131 |
<span class="disabled">Methods</span> (<a href="#sec-methods">details</a>) |
132 |
</div> |
133 |
<div class="info-box-body"> |
134 |
<div class="method-summary"> |
135 |
136 |
<div class="method-definition"> |
137 |
<span class="method-result">PageWidget</span> |
138 |
<a href="#PageWidget" title="details" class="method-name">PageWidget</a> |
139 |
(<span class="var-type">mixed</span> <span class="var-name">$title</span>, [<span class="var-type">string</span> <span class="var-name">$render_type</span> = <span class="var-default">HTML</span>], [<span class="var-type">int</span> <span class="var-name">$indent_style</span> = <span class="var-default">INDENT_NICE</span>]) |
140 |
</div> |
141 |
142 |
<div class="method-definition"> |
143 |
<span class="method-result">void</span> |
144 |
<a href="#allow_permissions_checks" title="details" class="method-name">allow_permissions_checks</a> |
145 |
([<span class="var-type">boolean</span> <span class="var-name">$flag</span> = <span class="var-default">true</span>]) |
146 |
</div> |
147 |
148 |
<div class="method-definition"> |
149 |
<span class="method-result">mixed.</span> |
150 |
<a href="#body_content" title="details" class="method-name">body_content</a> |
151 |
() |
152 |
</div> |
153 |
154 |
<div class="method-definition"> |
155 |
<span class="method-result">void</span> |
156 |
<a href="#enable_debug" title="details" class="method-name">enable_debug</a> |
157 |
([<span class="var-type">boolean</span> <span class="var-name">$flag</span> = <span class="var-default">TRUE</span>]) |
158 |
</div> |
159 |
160 |
<div class="method-definition"> |
161 |
<span class="method-result">void</span> |
162 |
<a href="#frameset" title="details" class="method-name">frameset</a> |
163 |
() |
164 |
</div> |
165 |
166 |
<div class="method-definition"> |
167 |
<span class="method-result">string</span> |
168 |
<a href="#get_title" title="details" class="method-name">get_title</a> |
169 |
() |
170 |
</div> |
171 |
172 |
<div class="method-definition"> |
173 |
<span class="method-result">mixed.</span> |
174 |
<a href="#head_content" title="details" class="method-name">head_content</a> |
175 |
() |
176 |
</div> |
177 |
178 |
<div class="method-definition"> |
179 |
<span class="method-result">string</span> |
180 |
<a href="#head_javascript" title="details" class="method-name">head_javascript</a> |
181 |
() |
182 |
</div> |
183 |
184 |
<div class="method-definition"> |
185 |
<span class="method-result">boolean</span> |
186 |
<a href="#permission" title="details" class="method-name">permission</a> |
187 |
() |
188 |
</div> |
189 |
190 |
<div class="method-definition"> |
191 |
<span class="method-result">string</span> |
192 |
<a href="#render" title="details" class="method-name">render</a> |
193 |
() |
194 |
</div> |
195 |
196 |
<div class="method-definition"> |
197 |
<span class="method-result">void</span> |
198 |
<a href="#set_permissions_message" title="details" class="method-name">set_permissions_message</a> |
199 |
([<span class="var-type">string</span> <span class="var-name">$message</span> = <span class="var-default">NULL</span>], [<span class="var-type">string</span> <span class="var-name">$url</span> = <span class="var-default">NULL</span>]) |
200 |
</div> |
201 |
202 |
<div class="method-definition"> |
203 |
<span class="method-result">none</span> |
204 |
<a href="#_build_permission_box" title="details" class="method-name">_build_permission_box</a> |
205 |
() |
206 |
</div> |
207 |
208 |
<div class="method-definition"> |
209 |
<span class="method-result">void</span> |
210 |
<a href="#_check_permissions" title="details" class="method-name">_check_permissions</a> |
211 |
() |
212 |
</div> |
213 |
214 |
<div class="method-definition"> |
215 |
<span class="method-result">boolean</span> |
216 |
<a href="#_has_permission" title="details" class="method-name">_has_permission</a> |
217 |
() |
218 |
</div> |
219 |
220 |
<div class="method-definition"> |
221 |
<span class="method-result">void</span> |
222 |
<a href="#_set_perms" title="details" class="method-name">_set_perms</a> |
223 |
(<span class="var-type">boolean</span> <span class="var-name">$flag</span>) |
224 |
</div> |
225 |
</div> |
226 |
</div> |
227 |
</div> |
228 |
229 |
<a name="sec-vars"></a> |
230 |
<div class="info-box"> |
231 |
<div class="info-box-title">Variables</div> |
232 |
<div class="nav-bar"> |
233 |
<a href="#sec-description">Description</a> | |
234 |
<a href="#sec-descendents">Descendents</a> | |
235 |
<a href="#sec-var-summary">Vars</a> (<span class="disabled">details</span>) |
236 |
237 |
238 |
| |
239 |
<a href="#sec-method-summary">Methods</a> (<a href="#sec-methods">details</a>) |
240 |
241 |
</div> |
242 |
<div class="info-box-body"> |
243 |
<a name="var$_allow_permissions_checks" id="$_allow_permissions_checks"><!-- --></A> |
244 |
<div class="evenrow"> |
245 |
246 |
<div class="var-header"> |
247 |
<span class="var-title"> |
248 |
<span class="var-type">mixed</span> |
249 |
<span class="var-name">$_allow_permissions_checks</span> |
250 |
= <span class="var-default"> FALSE</span> (line <span class="line-number">73</span>) |
251 |
</span> |
252 |
</div> |
253 |
254 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
255 |
<p class="short-description">This is to enable/disable the permissions checking.</p> |
256 |
<p class="description"><p>By default it is off.</p></p> |
257 |
258 |
259 |
260 |
261 |
262 |
</div> |
263 |
<a name="var$_enable_debug" id="$_enable_debug"><!-- --></A> |
264 |
<div class="oddrow"> |
265 |
266 |
<div class="var-header"> |
267 |
<span class="var-title"> |
268 |
<span class="var-type">mixed</span> |
269 |
<span class="var-name">$_enable_debug</span> |
270 |
= <span class="var-default"> FALSE</span> (line <span class="line-number">44</span>) |
271 |
</span> |
272 |
</div> |
273 |
274 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
275 |
<p class="short-description">This enables the ability to view the source of a page bu setting debug=1 in the query string.</p> |
276 |
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 |
281 |
</div> |
282 |
<a name="var$_permissions_error_width" id="$_permissions_error_width"><!-- --></A> |
283 |
<div class="evenrow"> |
284 |
285 |
<div class="var-header"> |
286 |
<span class="var-title"> |
287 |
<span class="var-type">mixed</span> |
288 |
<span class="var-name">$_permissions_error_width</span> |
289 |
= <span class="var-default"> "50%"</span> (line <span class="line-number">80</span>) |
290 |
</span> |
291 |
</div> |
292 |
293 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
294 |
<p class="short-description">The width of the permissions dialog table.</p> |
295 |
296 |
297 |
298 |
299 |
300 |
</div> |
301 |
<a name="var$_permission_box" id="$_permission_box"><!-- --></A> |
302 |
<div class="oddrow"> |
303 |
304 |
<div class="var-header"> |
305 |
<span class="var-title"> |
306 |
<span class="var-type">mixed</span> |
307 |
<span class="var-name">$_permission_box</span> |
308 |
= <span class="var-default"> NULL</span> (line <span class="line-number">66</span>) |
309 |
</span> |
310 |
</div> |
311 |
312 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
313 |
<p class="short-description">the message box for displaying</p> |
314 |
<p class="description"><p>permissions errors</p></p> |
315 |
316 |
317 |
318 |
319 |
320 |
</div> |
321 |
<a name="var$_perm_options" id="$_perm_options"><!-- --></A> |
322 |
<div class="evenrow"> |
323 |
324 |
<div class="var-header"> |
325 |
<span class="var-title"> |
326 |
<span class="var-type">mixed</span> |
327 |
<span class="var-name">$_perm_options</span> |
328 |
= <span class="var-default">array("allowed" => TRUE,<br /> "message" => "You are not allowed to view this page.",<br /> "url" => NULL)</span> (line <span class="line-number">58</span>) |
329 |
</span> |
330 |
</div> |
331 |
332 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
333 |
<p class="short-description">Does the user have permission</p> |
334 |
<p class="description"><p>to build and view the content?</p></p> |
335 |
336 |
337 |
338 |
339 |
340 |
</div> |
341 |
<a name="var$_title_text" id="$_title_text"><!-- --></A> |
342 |
<div class="oddrow"> |
343 |
344 |
<div class="var-header"> |
345 |
<span class="var-title"> |
346 |
<span class="var-type">mixed</span> |
347 |
<span class="var-name">$_title_text</span> |
348 |
= <span class="var-default"> NULL</span> (line <span class="line-number">52</span>) |
349 |
</span> |
350 |
</div> |
351 |
352 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
353 |
<p class="short-description">holds the page title text for</p> |
354 |
<p class="description"><p>a page</p></p> |
355 |
356 |
357 |
358 |
359 |
360 |
</div> |
361 |
<h4>Inherited Variables</h4> |
362 |
<A NAME='inherited_vars'><!-- --></A> |
363 |
<p>Inherited from <span class="classname"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html">HTMLPageClass</a></span></p> |
364 |
<blockquote> |
365 |
<span class="var-title"> |
366 |
<span class="var-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#var$_favicon">HTMLPageClass::$_favicon</a></span><br> |
367 |
</span> |
368 |
<span class="var-title"> |
369 |
<span class="var-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#var$_html_attributes">HTMLPageClass::$_html_attributes</a></span><br> |
370 |
</span> |
371 |
<span class="var-title"> |
372 |
<span class="var-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#var$_html_render_type">HTMLPageClass::$_html_render_type</a></span><br> |
373 |
</span> |
374 |
<span class="var-title"> |
375 |
<span class="var-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#var$_indent_style">HTMLPageClass::$_indent_style</a></span><br> |
376 |
</span> |
377 |
<span class="var-title"> |
378 |
<span class="var-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#var$_widget_css_auto">HTMLPageClass::$_widget_css_auto</a></span><br> |
379 |
</span> |
380 |
<span class="var-title"> |
381 |
<span class="var-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#var$_widget_js_auto">HTMLPageClass::$_widget_js_auto</a></span><br> |
382 |
</span> |
383 |
<span class="var-title"> |
384 |
<span class="var-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#var$_xml_encoding">HTMLPageClass::$_xml_encoding</a></span><br> |
385 |
</span> |
386 |
</blockquote> |
387 |
388 |
</div> |
389 |
</div> |
390 |
391 |
<a name="sec-methods"></a> |
392 |
<div class="info-box"> |
393 |
<div class="info-box-title">Methods</div> |
394 |
<div class="nav-bar"> |
395 |
<a href="#sec-description">Description</a> | |
396 |
<a href="#sec-descendents">Descendents</a> | |
397 |
<a href="#sec-var-summary">Vars</a> (<a href="#sec-vars">details</a>) |
398 |
<a href="#sec-method-summary">Methods</a> (<span class="disabled">details</span>) |
399 |
400 |
</div> |
401 |
<div class="info-box-body"> |
402 |
<A NAME='method_detail'></A> |
403 |
<a name="methodPageWidget" id="PageWidget"><!-- --></a> |
404 |
<div class="evenrow"> |
405 |
406 |
<div class="method-header"> |
407 |
<span class="method-title">Constructor PageWidget</span> (line <span class="line-number">107</span>) |
408 |
</div> |
409 |
410 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
411 |
<p class="short-description">Constructor:</p> |
412 |
413 |
<div class="method-signature"> |
414 |
<span class="method-result">PageWidget</span> |
415 |
<span class="method-name"> |
416 |
PageWidget |
417 |
</span> |
418 |
(<span class="var-type">mixed</span> <span class="var-name">$title</span>, [<span class="var-type">string</span> <span class="var-name">$render_type</span> = <span class="var-default">HTML</span>], [<span class="var-type">int</span> <span class="var-name">$indent_style</span> = <span class="var-default">INDENT_NICE</span>]) |
419 |
</div> |
420 |
421 |
<ul class="parameters"> |
422 |
<li> |
423 |
<span class="var-type">mixed</span> |
424 |
<span class="var-name">$title</span><span class="var-description">: - $title Title string or TITLEtag object for the page.</span> </li> |
425 |
<li> |
426 |
<span class="var-type">string</span> |
427 |
<span class="var-name">$render_type</span><span class="var-description">: - one of 3 types of html to render. Setting this will make the object declare the gobal define which tells all of the tag objects what type of html tags to render. some tags support special features. such as the <IMG> tag. If xhtml is selected, the the IMGtag object and all utility functions will not render "border=0" as a default attribute, since this is not proper xhtml. "html" - HTML 4.0 (default) "xhtml_transitional" - render xhtml instead of html <ul><li>doctype is XHTML transitional.</li></ul> "xhtml_strict" - render xhtml instead of html 4.0. <ul><li>doctype is XHTML strict.</li></ul></span> </li> |
428 |
<li> |
429 |
<span class="var-type">int</span> |
430 |
<span class="var-name">$indent_style</span><span class="var-description">: - one of 2 types. INDENT_NICE or INDENT_LEFT_JUSTIFY This tells the page how to render the indenting of the output. By default it is set to INDENT_NICE, which nicely indents each nested tag. You can have all tags rendered left justified (smaller size in output) by using INDENT_LEFT_JUSTIFY</span> </li> |
431 |
</ul> |
432 |
433 |
434 |
</div> |
435 |
<a name="methodallow_permissions_checks" id="allow_permissions_checks"><!-- --></a> |
436 |
<div class="oddrow"> |
437 |
438 |
<div class="method-header"> |
439 |
<span class="method-title">allow_permissions_checks</span> (line <span class="line-number">283</span>) |
440 |
</div> |
441 |
442 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
443 |
<p class="short-description">This method is used to enable or disable the built in permissions checking mechanism.</p> |
444 |
445 |
<div class="method-signature"> |
446 |
<span class="method-result">void</span> |
447 |
<span class="method-name"> |
448 |
allow_permissions_checks |
449 |
</span> |
450 |
([<span class="var-type">boolean</span> <span class="var-name">$flag</span> = <span class="var-default">true</span>]) |
451 |
</div> |
452 |
453 |
<ul class="parameters"> |
454 |
<li> |
455 |
<span class="var-type">boolean</span> |
456 |
<span class="var-name">$flag</span><span class="var-description">: TRUE = enable permissions checks</span> </li> |
457 |
</ul> |
458 |
459 |
460 |
</div> |
461 |
<a name="methodbody_content" id="body_content"><!-- --></a> |
462 |
<div class="evenrow"> |
463 |
464 |
<div class="method-header"> |
465 |
<span class="method-title">body_content</span> (line <span class="line-number">179</span>) |
466 |
</div> |
467 |
468 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
469 |
<p class="short-description">This function is meant to be overridden by the child class.</p> |
470 |
<p class="description"><p>This provides all of the content for the page. NOTE: You add the content to the body in 1 of 2 ways. 1) return the content from this call. 2) inside the call, you can just call $this->add(); and then return NULL;</p></p> |
471 |
472 |
<div class="method-signature"> |
473 |
<span class="method-result">mixed.</span> |
474 |
<span class="method-name"> |
475 |
body_content |
476 |
</span> |
477 |
() |
478 |
</div> |
479 |
480 |
481 |
482 |
<hr class="separator" /> |
483 |
<div class="notes">Redefined in descendants as:</div> |
484 |
<ul class="redefinitions"> |
485 |
<li> |
486 |
<a href="../phpHtmlLib/examples/MyLayoutPage.html#methodbody_content">MyLayoutPage::body_content()</a> |
487 |
: This builds the main content for the page. |
488 |
</li> |
489 |
<li> |
490 |
<a href="../phpHtmlLib/widget-examples/PermissionsCheckTestPage.html#methodbody_content">PermissionsCheckTestPage::body_content()</a> |
491 |
: This will only get called if we have permissions to build and render the content for this page object. |
492 |
</li> |
493 |
<li> |
494 |
<a href="../phpHtmlLib/widget-examples/WidgetListPage.html#methodbody_content">WidgetListPage::body_content()</a> |
495 |
: This will only get called if we have permissions to build and render the content for this page object. |
496 |
</li> |
497 |
</ul> |
498 |
</div> |
499 |
<a name="methodenable_debug" id="enable_debug"><!-- --></a> |
500 |
<div class="oddrow"> |
501 |
502 |
<div class="method-header"> |
503 |
<span class="method-title">enable_debug</span> (line <span class="line-number">213</span>) |
504 |
</div> |
505 |
506 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
507 |
<p class="short-description">This sets the debug option for the HTMLPageClass</p> |
508 |
509 |
<div class="method-signature"> |
510 |
<span class="method-result">void</span> |
511 |
<span class="method-name"> |
512 |
enable_debug |
513 |
</span> |
514 |
([<span class="var-type">boolean</span> <span class="var-name">$flag</span> = <span class="var-default">TRUE</span>]) |
515 |
</div> |
516 |
517 |
<ul class="parameters"> |
518 |
<li> |
519 |
<span class="var-type">boolean</span> |
520 |
<span class="var-name">$flag</span><span class="var-description">: TRUE for on, FALSE for off</span> </li> |
521 |
</ul> |
522 |
523 |
524 |
</div> |
525 |
<a name="methodframeset" id="frameset"><!-- --></a> |
526 |
<div class="evenrow"> |
527 |
528 |
<div class="method-header"> |
529 |
<span class="method-title">frameset</span> (line <span class="line-number">190</span>) |
530 |
</div> |
531 |
532 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
533 |
<p class="short-description">This function is used to save</p> |
534 |
<p class="description"><p>a frameset to the page. This will automatically output a properly formatted</p></p> |
535 |
536 |
<div class="method-signature"> |
537 |
<span class="method-result">void</span> |
538 |
<span class="method-name"> |
539 |
frameset |
540 |
</span> |
541 |
() |
542 |
</div> |
543 |
544 |
545 |
546 |
</div> |
547 |
<a name="methodget_title" id="get_title"><!-- --></a> |
548 |
<div class="oddrow"> |
549 |
550 |
<div class="method-header"> |
551 |
<span class="method-title">get_title</span> (line <span class="line-number">138</span>) |
552 |
</div> |
553 |
554 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
555 |
<p class="short-description">gets the current title of the page.</p> |
556 |
557 |
<div class="method-signature"> |
558 |
<span class="method-result">string</span> |
559 |
<span class="method-name"> |
560 |
get_title |
561 |
</span> |
562 |
() |
563 |
</div> |
564 |
565 |
566 |
567 |
</div> |
568 |
<a name="methodhead_content" id="head_content"><!-- --></a> |
569 |
<div class="evenrow"> |
570 |
571 |
<div class="method-header"> |
572 |
<span class="method-title">head_content</span> (line <span class="line-number">159</span>) |
573 |
</div> |
574 |
575 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
576 |
<p class="short-description">This function is used to build addition head content that isn't built by the HTMLPageClass parent class by default.</p> |
577 |
<p class="description"><p>NOTE: you can add addition content to the head in 1 of 2 ways. 1) inside the call return the addition content in the return $foo; 2) or use the HTMLPageClass' $this->add_head_content() from within the head_content() call.</p></p> |
578 |
579 |
<div class="method-signature"> |
580 |
<span class="method-result">mixed.</span> |
581 |
<span class="method-name"> |
582 |
head_content |
583 |
</span> |
584 |
() |
585 |
</div> |
586 |
587 |
588 |
589 |
</div> |
590 |
<a name="methodhead_javascript" id="head_javascript"><!-- --></a> |
591 |
<div class="oddrow"> |
592 |
593 |
<div class="method-header"> |
594 |
<span class="method-title">head_javascript</span> (line <span class="line-number">202</span>) |
595 |
</div> |
596 |
597 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
598 |
<p class="short-description">This function is called to build any JavaScript that is needed in the <HEAD> portion of a document.</p> |
599 |
<ul class="tags"> |
600 |
<li><span class="field">return:</span> - the raw JS code to be put inside the <head></li> |
601 |
</ul> |
602 |
603 |
<div class="method-signature"> |
604 |
<span class="method-result">string</span> |
605 |
<span class="method-name"> |
606 |
head_javascript |
607 |
</span> |
608 |
() |
609 |
</div> |
610 |
611 |
612 |
613 |
</div> |
614 |
<a name="methodpermission" id="permission"><!-- --></a> |
615 |
<div class="evenrow"> |
616 |
617 |
<div class="method-header"> |
618 |
<span class="method-title">permission</span> (line <span class="line-number">315</span>) |
619 |
</div> |
620 |
621 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
622 |
<p class="short-description">This is meant to be extended by the child class to do any generic permissions checking for access to the content that the child builds</p> |
623 |
<ul class="tags"> |
624 |
<li><span class="field">return:</span> - TRUE = has permissions to build and view content.</li> |
625 |
</ul> |
626 |
627 |
<div class="method-signature"> |
628 |
<span class="method-result">boolean</span> |
629 |
<span class="method-name"> |
630 |
permission |
631 |
</span> |
632 |
() |
633 |
</div> |
634 |
635 |
636 |
637 |
<hr class="separator" /> |
638 |
<div class="notes">Redefined in descendants as:</div> |
639 |
<ul class="redefinitions"> |
640 |
<li> |
641 |
<a href="../phpHtmlLib/widget-examples/PermissionsCheckTestPage.html#methodpermission">PermissionsCheckTestPage::permission()</a> |
642 |
: This method is called during constructor time to check to make sure the page is allowed to build and render any content. |
643 |
</li> |
644 |
</ul> |
645 |
</div> |
646 |
<a name="methodrender" id="render"><!-- --></a> |
647 |
<div class="oddrow"> |
648 |
649 |
<div class="method-header"> |
650 |
<span class="method-title">render</span> (line <span class="line-number">224</span>) |
651 |
</div> |
652 |
653 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
654 |
<p class="short-description">This is the function that renders the HTML for this widget.</p> |
655 |
<ul class="tags"> |
656 |
<li><span class="field">return:</span> - the HTML</li> |
657 |
</ul> |
658 |
659 |
<div class="method-signature"> |
660 |
<span class="method-result">string</span> |
661 |
<span class="method-name"> |
662 |
render |
663 |
</span> |
664 |
() |
665 |
</div> |
666 |
667 |
668 |
<hr class="separator" /> |
669 |
<div class="notes">Redefinition of:</div> |
670 |
<dl> |
671 |
<dt><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodrender">HTMLPageClass::render()</a></dt> |
672 |
<dd>render the page.</dd> |
673 |
</dl> |
674 |
675 |
</div> |
676 |
<a name="methodset_permissions_message" id="set_permissions_message"><!-- --></a> |
677 |
<div class="evenrow"> |
678 |
679 |
<div class="method-header"> |
680 |
<span class="method-title">set_permissions_message</span> (line <span class="line-number">355</span>) |
681 |
</div> |
682 |
683 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
684 |
<p class="short-description">This is used to set the various options for displaying the failed permissions box. This should be called prior to returning false in the permissions() method</p> |
685 |
686 |
<div class="method-signature"> |
687 |
<span class="method-result">void</span> |
688 |
<span class="method-name"> |
689 |
set_permissions_message |
690 |
</span> |
691 |
([<span class="var-type">string</span> <span class="var-name">$message</span> = <span class="var-default">NULL</span>], [<span class="var-type">string</span> <span class="var-name">$url</span> = <span class="var-default">NULL</span>]) |
692 |
</div> |
693 |
694 |
<ul class="parameters"> |
695 |
<li> |
696 |
<span class="var-type">string</span> |
697 |
<span class="var-name">$message</span><span class="var-description">: - the permissions message NOTE: NULL message means use the default.</span> </li> |
698 |
<li> |
699 |
<span class="var-type">string</span> |
700 |
<span class="var-name">$url</span><span class="var-description">: - the url where to go to. NOTE: if NULL, then there will be no button shown</span> </li> |
701 |
</ul> |
702 |
703 |
704 |
</div> |
705 |
<a name="method_build_permission_box" id="_build_permission_box"><!-- --></a> |
706 |
<div class="oddrow"> |
707 |
708 |
<div class="method-header"> |
709 |
<span class="method-title">_build_permission_box</span> (line <span class="line-number">372</span>) |
710 |
</div> |
711 |
712 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
713 |
<p class="short-description">This is the method used to build the object to display the permissions error.</p> |
714 |
<p class="description"><p>By default it uses either the MessageBoxWidget or the MessageBoxOK widget which both rely on having the InfoTable object's css included in the page.</p></p> |
715 |
716 |
<div class="method-signature"> |
717 |
<span class="method-result">none</span> |
718 |
<span class="method-name"> |
719 |
_build_permission_box |
720 |
</span> |
721 |
() |
722 |
</div> |
723 |
724 |
725 |
726 |
</div> |
727 |
<a name="method_check_permissions" id="_check_permissions"><!-- --></a> |
728 |
<div class="evenrow"> |
729 |
730 |
<div class="method-header"> |
731 |
<span class="method-title">_check_permissions</span> (line <span class="line-number">296</span>) |
732 |
</div> |
733 |
734 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
735 |
<p class="short-description">This method allows all PageWidget children to do any kind of permissions checking before any content methods are called.</p> |
736 |
<p class="description"><p>This allows for a very secure method of building and rendering the page content.</p></p> |
737 |
738 |
<div class="method-signature"> |
739 |
<span class="method-result">void</span> |
740 |
<span class="method-name"> |
741 |
_check_permissions |
742 |
</span> |
743 |
() |
744 |
</div> |
745 |
746 |
747 |
748 |
</div> |
749 |
<a name="method_has_permission" id="_has_permission"><!-- --></a> |
750 |
<div class="oddrow"> |
751 |
752 |
<div class="method-header"> |
753 |
<span class="method-title">_has_permission</span> (line <span class="line-number">334</span>) |
754 |
</div> |
755 |
756 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
757 |
<p class="short-description">do we have permissions to build/view the content?</p> |
758 |
759 |
<div class="method-signature"> |
760 |
<span class="method-result">boolean</span> |
761 |
<span class="method-name"> |
762 |
_has_permission |
763 |
</span> |
764 |
() |
765 |
</div> |
766 |
767 |
768 |
769 |
</div> |
770 |
<a name="method_set_perms" id="_set_perms"><!-- --></a> |
771 |
<div class="evenrow"> |
772 |
773 |
<div class="method-header"> |
774 |
<span class="method-title">_set_perms</span> (line <span class="line-number">325</span>) |
775 |
</div> |
776 |
777 |
<!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= --> |
778 |
<p class="short-description">set the value of the permissions</p> |
779 |
780 |
<div class="method-signature"> |
781 |
<span class="method-result">void</span> |
782 |
<span class="method-name"> |
783 |
_set_perms |
784 |
</span> |
785 |
(<span class="var-type">boolean</span> <span class="var-name">$flag</span>) |
786 |
</div> |
787 |
788 |
<ul class="parameters"> |
789 |
<li> |
790 |
<span class="var-type">boolean</span> |
791 |
<span class="var-name">$flag</span><span class="var-description">: - TRUE = has permission</span> </li> |
792 |
</ul> |
793 |
794 |
795 |
</div> |
796 |
<h4>Inherited Methods</h4> |
797 |
<a name='inherited_methods'><!-- --></a> |
798 |
<!-- =========== Summary =========== --> |
799 |
<p>Inherited From <span class="classname"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html">HTMLPageClass</a></span></p> |
800 |
<blockquote> |
801 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodHTMLPageClass">HTMLPageClass::HTMLPageClass()</a></span><br> |
802 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd">HTMLPageClass::add()</a></span><br> |
803 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd_css_link">HTMLPageClass::add_css_link()</a></span><br> |
804 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd_head_content">HTMLPageClass::add_head_content()</a></span><br> |
805 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd_head_css">HTMLPageClass::add_head_css()</a></span><br> |
806 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd_head_js">HTMLPageClass::add_head_js()</a></span><br> |
807 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd_js_link">HTMLPageClass::add_js_link()</a></span><br> |
808 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodadd_reference">HTMLPageClass::add_reference()</a></span><br> |
809 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodbuild_doctype">HTMLPageClass::build_doctype()</a></span><br> |
810 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodget_html_attributes">HTMLPageClass::get_html_attributes()</a></span><br> |
811 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush">HTMLPageClass::push()</a></span><br> |
812 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush_css_link">HTMLPageClass::push_css_link()</a></span><br> |
813 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush_head_content">HTMLPageClass::push_head_content()</a></span><br> |
814 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush_head_js">HTMLPageClass::push_head_js()</a></span><br> |
815 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush_js_link">HTMLPageClass::push_js_link()</a></span><br> |
816 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodpush_reference">HTMLPageClass::push_reference()</a></span><br> |
817 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodrender">HTMLPageClass::render()</a></span><br> |
818 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_body_attributes">HTMLPageClass::set_body_attributes()</a></span><br> |
819 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_charset">HTMLPageClass::set_charset()</a></span><br> |
820 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_encoding">HTMLPageClass::set_encoding()</a></span><br> |
821 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_favicon">HTMLPageClass::set_favicon()</a></span><br> |
822 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_favicon_flag">HTMLPageClass::set_favicon_flag()</a></span><br> |
823 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_frameset">HTMLPageClass::set_frameset()</a></span><br> |
824 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_html_attributes">HTMLPageClass::set_html_attributes()</a></span><br> |
825 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_language">HTMLPageClass::set_language()</a></span><br> |
826 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_refresh">HTMLPageClass::set_refresh()</a></span><br> |
827 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_text_debug">HTMLPageClass::set_text_debug()</a></span><br> |
828 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#methodset_title">HTMLPageClass::set_title()</a></span><br> |
829 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#method_build_content_type_tag">HTMLPageClass::_build_content_type_tag()</a></span><br> |
830 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#method_build_head">HTMLPageClass::_build_head()</a></span><br> |
831 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#method_create_body">HTMLPageClass::_create_body()</a></span><br> |
832 |
<span class="method-name"><a href="../phpHtmlLib/HTMLPageClass.html#method_frameset_wrap_body">HTMLPageClass::_frameset_wrap_body()</a></span><br> |
833 |
</blockquote> |
834 |
835 |
</div> |
836 |
</div> |
837 |
838 |
839 |
<p class="notes" id="credit"> |
840 |
Documentation generated on Thu, 1 Apr 2004 09:39:08 -0800 by <a href="http://www.phpdoc.org" target="_blank">phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC2</a> |
841 |
</p> |
842 |
</div></body> |
843 |
</html> |