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Contents of /nfo/php/libs/com.newsblob.phphtmllib/doc/phpHtmlLib/_widgets_MessageBoxWidget_inc.html

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations)
Thu May 6 16:57:01 2004 UTC (20 years, 8 months ago) by jonen
Branch: MAIN
File MIME type: text/html
 updated all to v2.4.1 - Apr 01, 2004

1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
3 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
4 <head>
5 <!-- template designed by Marco Von Ballmoos -->
6 <title>Docs for page MessageBoxWidget.inc</title>
7 <link rel="stylesheet" href="../media/stylesheet.css" />
8 <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'/>
9 </head>
10 <body>
11 <div class="page-body">
13 <h2 class="file-name">/widgets/MessageBoxWidget.inc</h2>
15 <a name="sec-description"></a>
16 <div class="info-box">
17 <div class="info-box-title">Description</div>
18 <div class="nav-bar">
19 <span class="disabled">Description</span> |
20 <a href="#sec-classes">Classes</a>
21 | <a href="#sec-includes">Includes</a>
22 </div>
23 <div class="info-box-body">
24 <!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= -->
25 <p class="short-description">This contains the TextNav widget</p>
26 <p class="description"><p>$Id: _widgets_MessageBoxWidget_inc.html,v 1.4 2004/04/01 17:35:42 hemna Exp $</p></p>
27 <ul class="tags">
28 <li><span class="field">author:</span> Walter A. Boring IV &lt;<a href="mailto:waboring@buildabetterweb.com">waboring@buildabetterweb.com</a>&gt;</li>
29 </ul>
31 </div>
32 </div>
34 <a name="sec-classes"></a>
35 <div class="info-box">
36 <div class="info-box-title">Classes</div>
37 <div class="nav-bar">
38 <a href="#sec-description">Description</a> |
39 <span class="disabled">Classes</span>
40 | <a href="#sec-includes">Includes</a>
41 </div>
42 <div class="info-box-body">
43 <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" class="class-table">
44 <tr>
45 <th class="class-table-header">Class</th>
46 <th class="class-table-header">Description</th>
47 </tr>
48 <tr>
49 <td style="padding-right: 2em; vertical-align: top">
50 <a href="../phpHtmlLib/MessageBoxWidget.html">MessageBoxWidget</a>
51 </td>
52 <td>
53 This class is used to build a DialogWidget that can have 'blocks' for messages.
54 </td>
55 </tr>
56 <tr>
57 <td style="padding-right: 2em; vertical-align: top">
58 <a href="../phpHtmlLib/MessageBoxOK.html">MessageBoxOK</a>
59 </td>
60 <td>
61 This is a class for building a MessageBox with an OK button.
62 </td>
63 </tr>
64 <tr>
65 <td style="padding-right: 2em; vertical-align: top">
66 <a href="../phpHtmlLib/MessageBoxOKCancel.html">MessageBoxOKCancel</a>
67 </td>
68 <td>
69 This is a class for building a MessageBox with an OK and Cancel button.
70 </td>
71 </tr>
72 </table>
73 </div>
74 </div>
76 <a name="sec-includes"></a>
77 <div class="info-box">
78 <div class="info-box-title">Includes</div>
79 <div class="nav-bar">
80 <a href="#sec-description">Description</a> |
81 <a href="#sec-classes">Classes</a>
82 | <span class="disabled">Includes</span>
83 </div>
84 <div class="info-box-body">
85 <a name="_$phphtmllib_/widgets/StandardDialogWidget_inc"><!-- --></a>
86 <div class="evenrow">
88 <div>
89 <span class="include-title">
90 <span class="include-type">require_once</span>
91 (<span class="include-name">$phphtmllib."/widgets/StandardDialogWidget.inc"</span>)
92 (line <span class="line-number">15</span>)
93 </span>
94 </div>
96 <!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= -->
97 <p class="short-description">This class requires the StandardDialogWidget</p>
99 </div>
100 </div>
101 </div>
106 <p class="notes" id="credit">
107 Documentation generated on Thu, 1 Apr 2004 09:39:04 -0800 by <a href="http://www.phpdoc.org" target="_blank">phpDocumentor 1.3.0RC2</a>
108 </p>
109 </div></body>
110 </html>

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