$Id: howto-freevsd-vhost-ftpweblog.txt,v 1.1 2002/02/11 03:00:33 cvsbasti Exp $ $Log: howto-freevsd-vhost-ftpweblog.txt,v $ Revision 1.1 2002/02/11 03:00:33 cvsbasti first checkin ( - useradd service ) ( - su service ) - mkdir -p /home/service/bin/ftpweblog bzw. - mkdir -p /home/service/public_html/ftpweblog - copy with 'scp -r' dirs /home/service/bin/ftpweblog sowie /home/service/public_html/ from the 'main-server' (i put the files there) to your vhost - edit (as user service) '/home/service/bin/ftpweblog/ftpstats' and replace ' name="server.webpla.net" ' with 'name="your.domain"' - edit crontab for user sevice (as user service 'crontab -e') add this: */30 * * * * /home/service/bin/ftpweblog/ftpstats > /dev/null