$Id: howto-ssh-with-rsa-keys-(passwordless-login).txt,v 1.2 2003/03/20 05:57:31 joko Exp $ $Log: howto-ssh-with-rsa-keys-(passwordless-login).txt,v $ Revision 1.2 2003/03/20 05:57:31 joko updated Revision 2002/02/11 01:22:17 cvsjoko first checkin' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. local machine (e.g.: your laptop) (want to login to remote one) THIS METHOD IS a) CLUMSY AND b) DANGEROUS!!! PLEASE USE METHOD 2. TO DO THIS! - check if you can login to the remote machine via "normal" password authentication: - ssh @ - create keys: - rsa-keys: ssh-keygen - dsa-keys: ssh-keygen -d - create authorized_keys: - cd ~/.ssh/ - rsa-keys: cat identity.pub >> authorized_keys - dsa-keys: cat id_dsa.pub >> authorized_keys - take care of proper file-permissions - chmod -R og-rwx ~/.ssh - authorize remote machines / distribute "authorized_keys" - scp authorized_keys @:~/.ssh/ this is dangerous!!! it will overwrite the "authorized_keys" file completely - test login to remote machine - ssh 2. remote machine (e.g.: a backup server) (want to login to this one) which is machine is what? the machine you are working on the machine you want to log in which account is what? is the account on (this one might execute some cronjobs) is the account on [key generation] one-time preparations needed for : x useradd service x su service x ssh-keygen -d [key distribution] to be executed on : x useradd joko_backup x su joko_backup x ssh service@ "cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys the (") with the first (remote) command are important! otherwise your *local* shell would expand the tilde (~) [key distribution] to be executed on : This is an alternative to above if the account on already exists, and it is somehow required not to execute commands actively/manually at the side. Picture this: "the worker works". #> cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub | ssh joko@netfrag.org "cat - >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" If the account at remote side doesn't exists, this shortcut might create it from the side as well: x ssh root@ "useradd joko_backup" [login] test it on : x su service x ssh joko_backup@ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ annotiations ------------------------------------------ - transfer files via ZMODEM-protocol and TeraTerm - on remote machine - sz - in TeraTerm, do - File/Change Directory ... - File/Transfer/ZMODEM/Recieve