OEF::Notes::CPAN |
- interesting Perl modules: Mail::Util Mail::Audit::** Alien::Package AptPkg:: Text::CSV XML::CSV ObjStore::CSV Tie::CSV_File Mail::Addressbook::Convert::Csv AnyData::Format::CSV DBIx::(Recordset) Net-Daemon-0.37 PlRPC RPC::PlClient RPC::PlServer DBI::PurePerl DBI:: DBD::Multiplex Tie::DBI Apache::Session::Store::DBI
- perl modules: Getopt::Declare Lingua::EN::Inflect Coy.pm Class::MethodMaker Class::Struct
Parse::RecDescent Class::Multimethods
- design by contract perl-modules: Tie::SecureHash Class::Contract - Design-by-Contract OO in Perl. Model-Driven ArchitectureTM and Web Services design by contract wsdl - wsdl - uddi - also interesting: Attribute::Handlers Attribute::Handlers::Prospective
- Approaches for Aspect-Oriented Programming perl-modules: Aspect
- perl modules JZUCKER/DBD-CSV-0.2002.tar.gz JZUCKER/SQL-Statement-1.005.tar.gz
- Perl Modules (Data::) server: POE-0.24 -- multitasking and networking framework for perl queue: POE-Component-JobQueue-0.53 -- a component to manage queues and worker pools encryption: Crypt-OpenPGP-1.03 -- Pure-Perl OpenPGP implementation ??? transport: RPC::XML
testing: POE-Component-Client-UserAgent-0.05 -- LWP and LWP::Parallel based user agent
worth-to-look-at: - Data-Verify-0.01_15 -- versatile data/type verification, validation and testing - Schedule::Cron - Schedule-Depend-0.31 - File::Flat - Data::Buffer Read/write buffer class - Data::Fallback - Data::MagicTie - Data::DumpXML - Data::Serializer - Data::Reporter - Data::Denter -> YAML - Data::RefQueue - Data::MultiValuedHash - Data::Serializer:: - Data::Dump - Data::DRef !!! (for dereferencing arbitrary nested structures) - Data::JavaScript::LiteObject - Data::Random - Data::CHEF - Data::Types - Data::Stag - Data::Taxi !!! (for serializing objects to xml) - Data::Flow !!! (for feeding-processes) - Data::Reconciliation !!! (for Data::Transport::Sync -> signature comparison) - Data::Locations - Data::Match - IPC::Cache - Data::CompactDump - Data::LineBuffer - Data::PropertyList - Data::Util - Data::Xtab - Data::Grouper - Data::Grove - Graph::ReadWrite - Data::Compare - Data::Verify - Data::Walker !!! (oedit.pl --cli) - Data::Region (schnittoptimierung!?)
- Perl-Modules: - WSDL::Generator - RDBAL::Schema - pqedit.cgi - web based database table editor
- perl modules: (found while searching for "base") - Graph::Base (vertex, etc.) - Set::Scalar (comparing, etc.) - Mail::MboxParser - VRML - Log::Dispatch::Base - Oak::Web (web-development with Perl - component-style) - Metadata::Base (get/set-container) - Oak:: - Filer - Object - Persistent - Pipeline - Kite - WSDL::Generator - LSF::Base - DBIx::Renderer - talk SQL by using Perl data structures - Net::Blogger - Perlbug - Bug, and problem management, tracking system, written in perl. - Digest::Directory::BASE - a base class for creating digests of file and directory sets - Watchdog - File::Butler
- perl modules: (found while searching for "path") - BaseLib - File::VirtualPath - File::Which - rlib manipulate @INC at compile time with relative paths - Apache::Chameleon - Net::APP (stunnel: http://www.stunnel.org/) - XTM XTM::Path - Topic Map management, XPath like retrieval and construction facility -> specs: http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/ -> perl-impl: http://search.cpan.org/author/DRRHO/XTM-0.35/ - Net::Cmd
- perl-modules: (searching CPAN for 'pattern') - String::Pattern - grepmail - Array::PatternMatcher - Proc::ProcessTable - Regexp::Common - Date::Range
- perl-modules: (searching CPAN for 'random') - Math::TrulyRandom - String::Random - AnyData::Format::Fixed - Meta::Utils::File::Match - Math::Random - Crypt::Random - Data::Random - File::Random - SPOPS::Key::Random - Randomize - Data::Random::WordList - Class::Random - Math::RandomOrg - Retrieve random numbers and data from random.org. - Statistics::ChiSquare - Math::Random::MT
- perl-modules: (searching CPAN for 'regexp') - Regexp - Regexp::Common - Regexp::English - Regexp::Copy - Regexp::Storable - Regexp::Shellish - Regexp::IgnoreHTML - Regexp::Ignore - XML::RegExp - Match::Any - Text::DelimMatch - Perl extension to find regexp delimited strings with proper nesting (use this for DBD::AutoCSV?)
- Log::Detect - Read logfiles to detect error and warning messages - rcsfreeze - PerlIO::via::Include - PerlIO layer for including other files - PerlIO::via - Helper class for PerlIO layers implemented in perl - nnmirror - update an nntp server with respect to another server - Meta::Utils::Text::Counter - Math::Expr::OpperationDB
- perl-modules: (searching CPAN for 'filter') - Filter - source-code filters?! - POE::Filter - Apache::Filter - Servlet::Filter - Filter::Handle - POE::Filter::Stackable - Mail::Filter - Mail::IspMailGate::Filter - POE::Filter::Grep - POE::Filter::Map - POE::Filter::Stream - POE::Filter::Block - Text::Filter & Text::Filter::Chain - HTML::Filter & HTML::Parser - Filter::CBC - XML::Filter - POE::Filter::Line - POE::Filter::Reference - freeze data for sending; thaw data when it arrives (09 Dec 2002 roc) - XML::Filter::XML_Directory_2XHTML - IO::Filter & IO::Filter::External - XML::Filter::Dispatcher::AsStructHandler
- perl-modules: (searching CPAN for 'scan') - Text::Scan - Module::ScanDeps - C::Scan - News::Scan - Nmap::Scanner - HTML::Tree::Scanning - SyslogScan::DeliveryIterator - scans a syslog file for "deliveries", successful transfers of mail to mailboxes or to other machines - File::Same - R3 - Perl object oriented client interface to SAP R/3 using RFCSDK - R3::rfcapi - Perl extension for SAP's rfcsdk - R3::conn - Perl extension for handling connection to a SAP R/3 system - R3::itab - Perl extension for handling ABAP internal tables - R3::func - Perl extension for calling remote functions in a R/3 system - Mail::FilterXML - Filter email based on a rules file written in XML - Crypt::RIPEMD160 - Tie::TieDict -- A Perl tie to a dictionary file - FirstGoodURL - determines first successful URL in list
- File::Scan Perl extension for Scanning files for Viruses - Mail::Summary - scan read your mail!
- DocSet::DocSet - An abstract docset generation class - Data::Describe - Perl extension for scanning/describing a text file or array - ObjStore - Perl Extension For ObjectStore OODBMS - Clamd - Connect to a local clamd service and send commands
- perl-modules: - Data::Walker - File::Data - Data::Buffer
- perl-modules: - Module::Reload - Softref - Symbol::Table - Perl - NEXT (http://search.cpan.org/author/DCONWAY/NEXT-0.50/lib/NEXT.pm) - Resources - Getopt::Simple - AppConfig - App::Manager WARNING: You are not running Linux. Better make sure your system supports dynamic linking, symbol versioning, gnu-binutils, libdl and RTLD_NEXT. glibc-2.1 might also be neccessary until I conditionalize versioning support. - http://search.cpan.org/modlist/Control_Flow_Utilities - Getopt::Attribute - Attribute::Memoize - Memoize - Aspect - Attribute::Util (:Abstract) - Attribute::TieClasses - Text::Forge - ExtUtils::AutoInstall - Tie::Persistent - Cache::FileBackend, Cache::Cache - Pollute::Persistent, Pollute - Notify::NoticePool - Hook::LexWrap - Hook::Scope - Class::Hook - Class::Factory - B::Deparse, B::, Devel::Peek - Class::Loader - Load modules and create objects on demand. (use instead of DesignPattern::Xyz?) - Class::Data::Inheritable - Pipeline - Generic pipeline interface (use for stacked handlers with Data::Storage::Handler::Xyz) - OpenFrame - a framework for network enabled applications
$Id: CPAN.pod,v 1.4 2003/01/28 10:38:38 joko Exp $
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