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FreeWindowsSoftware 07 Dec 2004 - 16:51 - r1.5 Main.joko
Topics TOC more software ... see also on SecureComputing or at Joko-2004-10-07InternetWin98 or look here: UsefulWindowsSoftware Disk Tools 7-Zip 7-Zip 4.09 beta download ...  
Home 16 Dec 2004 - 12:21 - r1.21 Main.joko
INCLUDE{"jstools"} Welcome to some point of Have fun exploring our site. Development CVS Browser and Tools featuredItem("31/11/2004"); Development Documentation ...  
LinuxAmPOTS 31 Aug 2007 - 13:25 - r1.4 Main.joko
Linux am POTS (Plain old telephone service) von Andreas Motl und Jan Hoffmann Mit POTS ist in diesem Fall abweichend von der offiziellen Bedeutung sowohl das analoge ...  
NetFragSite 05 Sep 2004 - 17:52 - r1.2 Main.joko
done install some news2rss thingy, e.g. done News2RSS (perl) nntp2rss (php) nntp//rss (java) install RSS-Plugin for TWiki, see: RichSiteSummary WikiRssExtension publish ...  
NetFraggle 13 Sep 2004 - 20:39 - r1.10 Main.joko
NetFraggle A multipurpose collaboration tool TOC Project Summary Keywords Easy NFO User Interfacing 1. "Push" Link-Poster (mail2news, nntp2rss , IRClinkparser, mail2twiki ...  
NetFraggleDev 05 Sep 2004 - 13:42 - r1.16 Main.joko
General (backend) infrastructure Program-Flow Startup loadFraggleXml for each Server-profile set in preferences via XML-RPC (by username) from URL (directly) ( display ...  
Propaganda 23 Nov 2004 - 17:01 - r1.6 Main.joko
Against software patents Förderverein für eine Freie Informationelle Infrastruktur e.V.: Petition for a Software Patent Free Europe: Mehr über Software-Patente: Die ...  
PythonModules 05 Sep 2004 - 13:38 - NEW Main.joko
XML-RPC: py-xmlrpc pythonxmlrpc: our choice: XML-RPC for Python: xmlrpclib download here RSS Co.: RssLibraries RSS for ...  
SecureComputing 12 Jun 2005 - 20:30 - r1.7 Main.joko
Speeches S/MIME Some Pointers CrypTool eLearning-Programm für Kryptographie mnot: Bookmarks : Technology Society, Security Tools ...  
SerialToIP 30 Aug 2007 - 13:55 - r1.3 Main.joko
Serielle Schnittstelle via Netzwerk TOC Problemstellung Ein serielles Device unter Linux (/dev/ttySx) soll virtuell unter Windows bereitgestellt werden. Die Übertragung ...  
UsefulWindowsSoftware 20 Oct 2004 - 16:57 - NEW Main.joko
Media Winamp Winamp 5.05 Player download... Homepage  

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