If you are coming from a version earlier than the 01 May 2000 production release, please see TWikiUpgradeTo01May2000 first.


These are the steps you need to perform to upgrade the 01 May 2000 version to the current Beta version: [ We assume

export TWIKIROOT=/some/dir/

  mkdir -p ~/tmp/
  cd ~/tmp
  unzip ~/TWiki20000818beta.zip

   diff -c wikicfg.pm $TWIKIROOT/bin/wikicfg.pm | less

  cd $TWIKIROOT/data/
  mkdir TWiki
  cp ~/tmp/data/TWiki/* TWiki/

  cd $TWIKIROOT/data/Main
  rm -f BillClinton* GoodStyle* RegularExpression* TextFormattingFAQ*       TextFormattingRules* TWikiAdministration=* TWikiCategoryTable*        TWikiDocumentation* TWikiEnhancementRequests* TWikiHistory*       TWikiImplementationNotes TWikiInstallationNotes* TWikiNotificationOfChanges*       TWikiPlannedFeatures* TWikiPreferences* TWikiUpgradeTo01May2000*        TWikiUsernameVsLoginUsername* TWikiVariables* TWikiWeb* WelcomeGuest*       WikiName* WikiNotation* WikiTopic* WikiWikiClones*

-- PeterThoeny? - 20 Aug 2000