

RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/nfo/perl/libs/DBD/,v

retrieving revision 1.1

diff -r1.1



>     # remember some attributes if scanning starts below

>     $data->{Database}->{_cache}->{csv_tables}->{$table}->{'col_names'} = $data->{Database}->{csv_tables}->{$table}->{'col_names'}

>       if $data->{Database}->{csv_tables}->{$table}->{'col_names'};



>     if ($data->{f_stmt}->{command} eq 'SELECT' && $data->{Database}->{scan}) {

>       # get rules from builtin rulebase if requested

>       $data->{Database}->{'scan'} = _get_rules_autoscan() if $data->{Database}->{'scan'} == 1;

>       delete $data->{Database}->{csv_tables}->{$table};

>       # rules left on stack?

>       if (my $rule = shift @{$data->{Database}->{'scan'}}) {

>         $data->{Database}->{scan_count}++;

>         # merge csv-options to table metadata:

>         # foreach (keys %{$rule}) { $data->{Database}->{csv_tables}->{$table}->{$_} = $rule->{$_}; }

>         # overwrite table metadata, (re-)set csv-options:

>         $data->{Database}->{csv_tables}->{$table} = $rule;

>       } else {

>         die "Missing first row or scanrule not applied";

>       }

>     }



>             $opts{'always_quote'} =

>              exists($meta->{'always_quote'}) ? $meta->{'always_quote'} :

>                      exists($dbh->{'csv_always_quote'}) ? $dbh->{'csv_always_quote'} : 0;


<                          die "Missing first row";


>           if ($data->{Database}->{'scan'}) {

>             # if requested, try to help figuring out delimiters (just with SELECTs)

>             $data->{Database}->{'scan_running'} = 1;

>             goto SCAN;

>           }

>           my $die_msg = '';

>           if ($data->{f_stmt}->{command} ne 'SELECT') {

>             $die_msg = ' - Note: scan does only work with a successful SELECT prior using ' . $data->{f_stmt}->{command};

>           }

>           die "Missing first row" . $die_msg;


>              $tbl->{size} = ($tbl->{fh}->stat)[7];


>         # checkpoint: did we already slurp to the end of the file?

>         # is this correct to be assumed as an error

>         # since it shouldn't occour while mungling with the first line(s)?

>         if ( $tbl->{first_row_pos} == $tbl->{size} ) {

>           $data->{Database}->{'scan_running'} = 1;

>           $tbl->{fh}->setpos(0);

>           goto SCAN;

>         }


>              # scan successful?

>         if ($dbh->{'scan_running'}) {         

>           #print "matched rule: ", $dbh->{scan_count}, "\n";

>           # merge back cached attributes to local metadata

>           foreach (keys %{$dbh->{_cache}->{csv_tables}->{$table}}) {

>             $meta->{col_names} = $dbh->{_cache}->{csv_tables}->{$table}->{$_};

>           }

>           # patch csv options from table metadata into the scope of the Text::CSV_XS object

>           if ($data->{f_stmt}->{command} eq 'INSERT' || $data->{f_stmt}->{command} eq 'UPDATE') {

>             my $rule = $data->{Database}->{csv_tables}->{$table};

>             foreach (keys %{$rule}) { $tbl->{csv_csv} = $rule->{$_}; }

>           }

>         }


>              my $array;



*****CVS exited normally with code 1*****