. Pad . InterestingDebianPackages

pkgsearch php:
aeromail - Web-based e-mail client
eskuel - A MySQL databases administration interface in PHP-scripts
fibusql - Web based double-entry accounting
freeradius-dialupadmin - set of PHP scripts for administering a FreeRADIUS server
gdancer - Visualization plug-in for xmms
hawxy - a script that makes PHP-enabled webservers to HAWHAW proxies
hddtemp - Utility to monitor the temperature of your hard drive
jffnms - Web-based Network Management System (NMS) for IP networks
mpd - Music Player Daemon, the name says it all
myphpmoney - Finance manager written in PHP
nag - Multiuser Task List Manager
nagat - Nagios Administration Tool
odontolinux - Dental office management software (PHP4 + PostgreSQL)
opendb - A web-based lending database written in php
phpix - A PHP-based web photo album
phpldapadmin - Web based interface for administering LDAP servers
phpsysinfo - PHP Based Host Information
phpwiki - An informal collaborative website manager
rats - Rough Auditing Tool for Security
txt2regex - A Regular Expression "wizard", all written with bash2 builtins
webhttrack - Copy websites to your computer, httrack with a Web interface
websvn - PHP based interface of subversion repositories
wmblob - blobs in a dockapp
wordtrans-web - Multi Language Word Translator for Linux
wwwconfig-common - Debian web auto configuration
zoph - Web based digital image presentation and management system

pkgsearch upload:
cvs-autoreleasedeb - Automatically release/upload debian packages from CVS
debaux - Debian Auxiliary Programs
devscripts - Scripts to make the life of a Debian Package maintainer easier
dpkg-dev - Package building tools for Debian
dpsyco - Debian packages of system configurations
dput - Debian package upload tool
duplicity - encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup
dupload - utility to upload Debian packages
ibackup - Automated backups (even remote) of machine configurations
libapache-miniwiki-perl - Miniature Wiki for Apache
libapache-stage-perl - Manage A Staging Directory
libcgicc1 - A C++ class library for writing CGI applications
libcgicc1-dev - A C++ class library for writing CGI applications
libcommons-fileupload-java - File upload capability to your servlets and web applications
libcpan-distnameinfo-perl - Extract distribution name and version from a distribution filename
libecgi-dev - An ANSI C library for the creation of CGI applications
libecgi0 - An ANSI C library for the creation of CGI applications
lintian - Debian package checker
maint-guide - Debian New Maintainers' Guide
maint-guide-de - German translation of Debian New Maintainers' Guide
pyftpd - ftp daemon with advanced features
sitecopy - A program for managing a WWW site via FTP, DAV or HTTP
smbc - samba-commander - curses based samba network browser
w3c-markup-validator - W3C Markup Validator
wdg-html-validator - WDG HTML Validator
webcam - capture and upload images
webcamd - Capture images from video devices
wondershaper - Easy to use traffic shaping script
scribe - Document Production System

----- Revision r1.1 - 24 Nov 2004 - 13:52 - Main.joko