. Pad . Joko-2002-10

- anyRouter
  - cares for ...
     - context (web-session to legacy (unix) app)
     - conversion (content-format)
     - addressing (from -> to)

- javascript-component "one-field-finder" for

- Technotopia scenario, Ecoplosion scenario:
    - Technotopia Inc:
- backup: reversed mechanism: work on network-share, sync this back to client before disconnection
  solution seems just be workable with "multiple-target-action-notify": 
  actions get submitted to local system (fs, daemon) *and* remote system (fs, daemon)

- writing cross-platform-components with python
  - inspired by w2hfax, comes with com-component written in python and ui-app written in vb
  - mimicing com on unix
  - but...  is there a java-com binding? for sure, i believe ...
- large-scale component framework: 
    make standalone installation of single components possible 
    as well as ( name it ;) ) binding into a more complex architecture
    and as easy! both cases should be _easy_ - by the way ....
- tangram + uml, we need it, would be a _huge_ step forward

  Written in 2002: The original estimate done by the C3 team in March 1996 was that the project 
  would be ready to ship in about a year. It launched in about a year. I think it was about two 
  months later than was wanted owing to a late understanding of what the Customer needed for 
  testing. The launch was considered a success by everyone. 
  Subsequent launches of additional pay populations were wanted by top management within a year. 
  The team thought that was possible, though I can't remember why. It doesn't seem that they 
  succumbed to pressure but perhaps they did. After two? more years the next group was ready 
  to ship in the team's opinion but something always got in the way. It wasn't quite like 
  the 90% done syndrome, but there was always another requirement that just had to be done. 
  Communication up and down the chain of command was broken; every manager but one 
  on both the IT side and Finance side was replaced or moved to a new position. 
  Finally the project was terminated. At this writing, C3 is no longer paying any employees, 
  though it did so until the end of 2000. 
  C3 did a lot of great things and it was delivering the features requested at a constant 
  velocity right along. If it was to be terminated, the information existed to have done in sooner. 
  If it was to launch, it could have launched sooner. After termination, the Customer 
  (the second one the project had had) was quoted as saying that he never thought 
  the idea was really to launch the subsequent populations. 
  Was it a process failure? It's hard to say. The things that XP deals with were all chugging along, 
  but it was as if the project had become uninteresting to the high-level stakeholders, 
  and they forgot about it and then one day remembered and turned it off. 
...have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves 
as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, 
which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. 
And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, 
you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer. 
                                                                               Rainer Maria Rilke, in Letters to a Young Poet

Lee Smolin - Life and Light

Carroll Quigley - Tragedy and Hope (Professor of International Relations at Georgetown University)

What data sources do you work with?
  Notes (with attachments) 
  SQL via ODBC 
  Exchange (with attachments) 
  Office formats (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) 
  Adobe PDF 
  Plain text 
  HTML etc. In fact, almost any type of data you would find in your organization 

  IDOL Server functionality
  Many critical processes and tasks traditionally performed manually within the enterprise 
  can now be automated by Autonomy's technology. IDOL Server provides the key functional 
  operations that lead to real business benefits such as increased productivity within the organization, 
  an increase in information retention, a significant reduction in the cost of maintaining data and the 
  eradication of inaccuracies caused by human intervention.
  Whether connecting people to content, content to content or even people to people, 
  Autonomy provides a complete modular range of IDOL Server functionality that enables organizations 
  to integrate the latest in Personalization, collaboration and Retrieval features, including:
    Active Matching 
    Alerting & Information Delivery 
    Automatic Categorization 
    Automatic Clustering 
    Automatic Contextual Summarization 
    Automatic Hyperlinking 
    Automatic Profiling 
    Collaboration & Expertise Networks 
    Dynamic Taxonomy Generation 
    Intelligent XML Handling 
    Metadata Handling 
  Once in place, Autonomy will enhance the performance of the organization, 
  leveraging the existing information assets and allowing users to make faster and better-informed decisions. 
  MOreover, whether implementing an enterprise wide or web-facing solution, 
  Autonomy's infrastructure acts as the catalyst to improve operational efficiency and reducing the cost of 
  manual overhead of managing information.

- mirror

- smarty-like templating system for perl / mod_perl, shouldn't be too hard ....   ;)
   ... but takes time to stabilize
- w2hfax: there should be four transports for transmitting outbound faxes
   - hylafax-socket
   - mail via smtp
   - mail via mapi
   - hylafax-socket via XMLRPC and DAV served by Apache

- recieving/reading faxes:
   - mail via mapi
   - mail via pop3/imap
   - web served by Apache or locally
- notifications for inbound messages:
   - mail via mapi
   - mail via pop3/imap
   - web via RSS served by Apache
- cross-porting for full conveniance(?)
  - Tangram to php
  - smarty to perl
- one-line-js-search-component for selfhtml

- Brian Green - Das elegante Universum

- gone:
  - ... many from
- migrations:
  - off ms
  - off SESAM/SQL-Server
  - [...]
  - off ms-exchange
- cut ms-browsers ;)

- check out Cheetah/MPI (High Performance Remote Method Invocation)

- Crypto AG
- Gretag

- Film: Allan Francovich - "The Maltese Double Cross"

- William Blum - Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II (Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1995)

- Paul Virilio
  Paul Virilio is the emblematic French theorist of technology. 
  His major works include: Pure War, Speed and Politics, and 
  War and Cinema: the Logistics of Perception. 
  Two of his most recent books are Desert Screen and The Art of The Engine.

- Lynn Segal - Dream of Reality

- regularly run "chkrootkit"

- Widgets for Berlin
- corba with perl: cope:

- framework
  - minimize setup-time for automatic rebuild (code & data)
- mmc-plugin!!!

- whfc:

- dict:
  - "Das Rad neu erfinden."
  - "Die Macht der letzten Sekunde."
- intranet-systems: bookmarks & global bookmark view

- make two custom-sample-databases:
  - funny (barny geröllheimer, etc.)
  - boring
    - german (Hermann Schmidt, usw.)
    - english (...)
    - chinese
    - japanese
  - make project from this (or?)
- bugs in TWiki:
  - type existant topic in lowercase... what happens?
  - editing with ie causes sometimes to keep "old" version -> look at bugs at
- Lotus Notes Database Interface for Perl (including sql-style query language + object-oriented api)

- php conference 3-5 nov frankfurt

- "Automated Software Engineering" in Blocks:
  - Message-Transfer in some steps:
    (backend)    - Persistant Storage (mySql-Tangram)
    (backend)        - xmlrpc-server (middleware, cache)
    (frontend)        - mysql-server (middleware, cache)
    (frontend)        - session-variable (middleware, cache)
    (frontend)    - use Object
- orthogonality:
   ... between objects and data structures: (8.3.4. Using Object Methods)
       [...] In return for this civility, you get complete orthogonality between objects and data structures. 
       Any data structure can behave as an object when you want it to. Or not, when you don't. [...]
   ... between objects and the underlying persistent storage

- linux-test?
  - copy a file from one machine to another [...] ;)
  - enable passwordless-login via ssh-keys
- uml: send UP-/DOWN-email from inside(!), too to _really_ monitor what's going on (for this kinda notification type)

- phpChoPro

- publish:
  - useful stuff from*
  - HRControl
  - glimmer-functionlist
    - todo: bugfix with regex? doesn't detect some style of function/sub/method?
    - todo: add recognition for c, c++, java and maybe some other languages
    - todo-V2: think about hierarchical concept in ui component ( e.g. for visualizing classes -> methods relationships )

- publish "collect money for" page ;-)

- refactor

- ip-migration on almost done  ;)
  + introduced "dynamic domains": domains which are not configured yet and point to a specific configurable page
      - make this choosable from these templates
          + "for sale"
          - "just opened"
          - "reserved"
          - "provider logo"

- publish: TWiki-Comment-Plugin

- initial publish: umltools

- mrtg <-> cvs

- "cvs-horde-announce"

- learn classic makefiles and new technologies around that

- get makefile-system started

- learn how to make conformant gnu-packages and related tools (autoconf, automake)

- mrtg:
  - memory-io
  - disk-io
  - current processes
  - current threads

- combine/integrate/think about integrating current proposal with stuff from smbfax

- nagios Administrator

- cvs announce:
    - w2hfax
    - umltools

- YAPBL: Yet Another Perl Boot Loader

- phpChoPro

- continue work on smbfax (on the http-layer, which seems nice to have almost ready with this)

- play around with DIME/TCP and Apache Axis

- refactor phpChoPro
  - phpDoc

- make phpChoPro and w2hfax releases with
  - NSIS ( )
  - normal and ultra setup (including dependencies)
- publish subscribed feeds from FeedReader to webpage

- write GNU YATT

- blogview for TWiki

- code-revisioning:
  - investigate better system than cvs
  - implement missing functionality for cvs:
    - move/remove items (maybe do this on server side)
- write Installer for TWiki/win32

- write chord2html-plugin for TWiki

- check CPAN for LWP::Proxy::DBI, implement functionality of HttpProxy-object, but inherit from LWP::UserAgent or LWP here

- build some kinda development kit

- PEAR::Data::Dumper

- The GUI Loft:

- ArapXML:

- xmms-/WinAmp - ListenTo-Network

- phpChoPro
  - use PEAR::Log:
  - use PEAR::Config:
  - use PEAR::Console_Getopt:
- check out php with inline_c:

- use Perl-Modules:
  - Exception
  - OpenFrame
- build interactive, backtrackable desktop environment for worker-labs (unix & windows)
  - use TWiki
  - use mnoGoSearch
  - build some small GUI Loft(?) win32-apps to handle stuff from user-side, use Perl/Tk with linux
  - build some small native win32-apps and/or -services to get some hooks to the system, use standard tools with linux
  - use Tangram for logging all traceable actions
  - implement IMAP-handler for mnoGoSearch
  - architecture system in which various indexes produced by e.g. mnoGoSearch and located e.g. inside a mysql database
    can be distributed to multi locations by e.g. rsync
- read more about orthogonality and perhaps write about this in simple style:
  - orthogonal inheritance
  - orthogonal orthodoxy <-> relational orthodoxy
  - (perldoc Tangram::Mappings)
- article: LayeredSystemNeeded

- obs3rv3r: KickOnIdle

- obs3rv3r: rename to "jaib" (Jyet Another Irc Bot)

- mnoGoSearch (simple, first install) on grasshopper

- news (nntp) via RSS

  - patch to bw_acct
  - patch to PEAR::Date
  - patch to PEAR::Log
  - new PEAR::Log::dummy
  - PEAR: isValidURL|email

----- Revision r1.1 - 26 Nov 2004 - 02:43 - Main.joko