. Pad . Joko-2004-11-04-quepasa
Apache 2 on quepasa
#> pkginstall apache2
#> pkginstall libapache2-mod-perl2
#> pkginstall libapache2-mod-php4
root@quepasa:/etc/apache2/mods-enabled# ln -s ../mods-available/ssl.load .
root@quepasa:/etc/apache2/mods-enabled# ln -s ../mods-available/ssl.conf .
Errors were:
[Fri Nov 05 05:53:40 2004] [error] [client] Invalid method in request \x16\x03\x01
Hint: Must have Port numbers configured inside VirtualHost? directives
Compile linux-2.6.9-um on xukay
[+] tried to compile kernel-2.6.9-um on xukay
#> make menuconfig ARCH=um
#> make vmlinux ARCH=um
#> make modules ARCH=um
#> mount -o loop /home/uml/quepasa/rootfs/root_fs.woody-stable.ext3 mnt/
#> make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=mnt/ ARCH=um
#> umount mnt/
#> /etc/init.d/umlquepasa start
login as: xx
Server refused to allocate pty
bash: no job control in this shell
While booting
/etc/init.d/amavisd-new-milter start
Starting AMaViS Daemons (milter): /etc/init.d/amavisd-new-milter: line 67:
1378 Segmentation fault start-stop-daemon ${START} >/dev/null 2>&1
Cleaning: /etc/network/ifstate.
Loading iptables ruleset: load "active".
Setting up IP spoofing protection: rp_filter.
Configuring network interfaces...userspace - child stopped with signal 28
/etc/network/if-up.d/sendmail: /usr/share/sendmail/dynamic: No such file or directory
run-parts: /etc/network/if-up.d/sendmail exited with return code 1
/etc/network/if-up.d/sendmail: /usr/share/sendmail/dynamic: No such file or directory
run-parts: /etc/network/if-up.d/sendmail exited with return code 1
Starting MySQL database server: mysqld...failed.
Starting Mail Transport Agent: sendmailNET: Registered protocol family 10
Disabled Privacy Extensions on device a02638a0(lo)
IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
Starting network management services: snmpdCannot find module (IPFWCHAINS-MIB):
At line 0 in (none)
process `snmptrapd' is using obsolete setsockopt SO_BSDCOMPAT
process `snmpd' is using obsolete setsockopt SO_BSDCOMPAT
Starting Bacula File daemon: bacula-fd.
Kaboom! bacula-fd, quepasa got signal 11. Attempting traceback.
Calling: /usr/sbin/btraceback /usr/sbin/bacula-fd 474
execv: /usr/sbin/btraceback failed: ERR=No such file or directory
WARNING: X/usr/bin/mimedefang: local socket name /var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock missing
Index of /~kraxel/uml/patches/2.6.9
Why UML often does not build (was: Re: [PATCH] UML: Build fix for TT w/o SKAS)
Index of /~kraxel/uml/patches/2.6.9-rc2
How to apply the various patches you find here.
Tasklist 1
[+] indexer (mnoGoSearch) for
[-] mailto:rabit
[+] replaced "/horde/css.php?app=chora" through "/inc/nfo.css" from TWiki
added "Redirect /horde/css.php" to apache config
[+] does (c64) "ready"-search for IE really work in all browsers?
[-] fix rssreader
[+] new alias: base64[en|de]code
[+] http redirect for:
[+] updated quepasa
#> apt-get update
#> apt-get install ssh
Tasklist 2
[-] announce apache2
- to: mtheile, gonzo, wac, fm, ug, dust, cka, natraj, huba
- php4: register_globals = Off
[-] idea for top: interactive select to "kill", "renice", etc.
[+] fix/enhance phpDocumentIndex
[+] fix
changes due to "register_globals = Off" in php4 coming with apache2
[-] overview about recent growth of knowledge (2004) with janosch and rabit
- sysadmin
- CA & Co. (S/MIME, OpenCA, etc.)
- Apache 2, MIMEDefang, cgi scripts (cvs tools, ...), etc.
- bash programming and scripts
- /dev/tcp
- ansi (->raullib)
- daemon stuff, signals (trap) (->anfud)
- python
- wxWidgets
- xmlrpc
- mirc scripting
[-] reactivate/revamp twingle:
scan/find titles (<title>) from <h3> etc.
[-] reminder for rabit: import raullib & daemon infrastructure to cvs
[/] use SpeedyCGI or mod_perl for more applications
Doesn't seem to be available for Apache 2
[-] review:
purge all email-addresses!
[-] link:
[-] update phpHtmlLib and check dependent projects for malfunction
[/] update ssh on xukay
With "stable", it is already up-to-date.
[+] new software for quepasa
#> pkginstall awstats
[+] Geo::IP: pkginstall libgeo-ipfree-perl
[+] merged and imported all old logfiles from, and using
[+] Installed to crontab:
see awstats & cron:
#> n /home/service/bin/analyze-web
#> crontab -e
[-] alias/redirect
[-] user/pass access restriction (domain based)
[-] combine ff and iselect
[-] analyze logfiles more semantically: which referer to which page which searchstrings
[-] get teamspeak stable again on quepasa
[-] read and write S/MIME encrypted mail with horde
[-] backup occartha to dvd(s)
[-] make TWiki recognize [+] and [-] signs to build ul's
[-] install sue (and other tools?) on quepasa
[+] GermanLinuxResources?
Tasklist 3
[-] mailto:dw MicrosoftWindowsSID
[-] autorotate background header images @ quepasa/twiki
[-] iselect tool to send mails (e.g. awstats announcement, apache2 update,
scheduled downtime, etc.)
[-] / caesar:
[+] quepasa:
graphdefang, dpkg-www, iptotal, linkchecker
Interesting Packages
pkgsearch cgi
aspseek - Advanced Internet search engine (Backend programs)
awstats - A powerful and featureful web server log analyzer
backuppc - A high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up PCs
browser-history - User daemon that tracks URLs looked at and logs them
cdindex-client - cdindex is intended to be the open source replacement of cddb(tm)
cgiemail - CGI Form-to-Mail converter
cgiirc - web based irc client
cgilib - Simple CGI Library
cgiwrap - allows ordinary users to run their own CGI scripts
cvstrac - Low-ceremony bug tracker for medium-sized projects under CVS
dpkg-www - WWW Debian package browser
dwww - Read all on-line documentation with a WWW browser
framerd - a scalable knowledge base development and application platform
global - Source code search and browse.
gnatsweb - Web interface to GNU GNATS
gnudip - scripts for dynamic IP to name mappings
graphdefang - create graphs of your mimedefang spam and virus logs
guile-www - Guile WWW module
html2wml - converts HTML pages to WML (WAP) or i-mode pages
ipcalc - Parameter calculator for IPv4 addresses
iptotal - monitor for IP traffic, not requiring SNMP
jitterbug - A cgi-bin tool for problem reporting and tracking
kwiki - A Quickie Wiki that's not too Tricky
libapache-asp-perl - perl Apache::ASP - Active Server Pages for Apache with mod_perl.
libapache-mod-aspseek - Advanced Internet search engine (Apache module)
libapache-mod-cgi-debug - Easier debugging of CGI scripts
libapache2-mod-python - An Apache module that embeds Python within the server
libapache2-mod-python-doc - An Apache module that embeds Python within the server
libapache2-mod-python2.2 - An Apache 2 module that embeds Python 2.2 within the server
libapache2-mod-python2.3 - An Apache 2 module that embeds Python 2.3 within the server
libapache2-mod-ruby - Embedding Ruby in the Apache2 web server
libapache2-mod-scgi - Apache module implementing the SCGI protocol.
libapache2-request-perl - Generic Apache Request Library
libcgi-fast-perl - CGI::Fast Perl module
libfcgi-dev - Header files of FastCGI
libfcgi-perl - FastCGI Perl module
libfcgi-ruby1.6 - FastCGI library for Ruby
libfcgi-ruby1.8 - FastCGI library for Ruby
libfcgi0 - Shared library of FastCGI
linesrv - A server to remotely control the internet connection
linesrv-mysql - A server to remotely control the internet connection
linkchecker - check HTML documents for broken links
lxr - Linux Cross-Reference
mailto - WWW Forms to Mail Gateway
mserv - local centralised multiuser music server
mserv-cgi - CGI scripts for local centralised multiuser music environment
namazu2 - Full text search engine (namazu binary and cgi)
namazu2-common - Full text search engine (Document files)
namazu2-index-tools - Full text search engine (Tools for index handling)
nikto - web server security scanner
nut-cgi - A web interface sub system for the nut - Network UPS Tools
php-cgiwrap - allows ordinary users to run their own CGI scripts and adds support for PHP
poppass-cgi - a CGI script to interact with a poppassd server
postman - High performace web based IMAP and NNTP client
python-albatross - a Toolkit for Stateful Web Applications (default)
python-dhm - Collection of Python utilities
remstats - Remote Statistics System: collectors and presentation-cgis
smokeping - A latency logging and graphing system
snort - Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System
speedy-cgi-perl - speed up perl scripts by making them persistent
squid-cgi - Squid cache manager CGI program
twiki - A Web Based Collaboration Platform
uprecords-cgi - A CGI script to show the world your highest uptimes
usermin - A web interface for user tasks
viewcvs-query - Viewing CVS (viewcvs-query.cgi)
websieve - Web based Cyrus IMAP user admin client
wpp - The Web Preprocessor - a Perl script to preprocess HTML files
libapache-mod-fastcgi - FastCGI module for Apache.
wdg-html-validator - WDG HTML Validator
pkgsearch php
eskuel - A MySQL databases administration interface in PHP-scripts
dacode - Powerful and full-featured news engine written in PHP
pkgsearch libapache2
libapache2-mod-auth-mysql - Apache 2 module for MySQL authentication
libapache2-mod-auth-pam - Module for Apache2 which authenticate using PAM
libapache2-mod-auth-sys-group - Module for Apache2 which checks user against system group
libapache2-mod-layout - Apache2 web page content wrapper
libapache2-mod-ldap-userdir - Apache2 module that provides UserDir lookups via LDAP
libapache2-mod-macro - Create macros inside apache2 config files
libapache2-mod-musicindex - Browse, stream, download and search through MP3/Ogg files
libapache2-mod-security - Tighten the Web application security for Apache 2.x
libapache2-mod-suphp - Apache2 module to run php scripts with the owner permissions
libapache2-mod-xmlrpc2 - XMLRPC Server module for Apache2 web server
libapache2-svn - Apache modules for Subversion (aka. svn)
mod-musicindex-common - Common files for mod-musicindex
Links 1
Linux: In Kernel GUI
Feature: HowTo? Upgrade To The 2.6 Kernel
Linux: Humor In Kernel Code
Linux: Global File System
Replacing TCP in the User Space
Linux: 2.6.9 Released
Using Rsync and SSH
Keys, Validating, and Automation
RSync + SSH tunneling through firewall
Links 2
Cyrus IMAP HOWTO (v1.3, 11 October 2000)
Links - Heise
Schwachstelle macht Webserver Apache für DoS?-Attacken anfällig:
[Full-Disclosure] DoS? in Apache 2.0.52 ?
DoS? in apache httpd 2.0.49, yet still apache much better than windows:
----- Revision r1.4 - 07 Jun 2009 - 22:44 - Main.joko