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TWikiUsers | 30 Jan 2013 - 08:08 - NEW | ScottRichards? |
Propaganda | 23 Nov 2004 - 16:57 - r1.6 | Main.joko |
Against software patents Förderverein für eine Freie Informationelle Infrastruktur e.V.: Petition for a Software Patent Free Europe: Mehr über Software-Patente: Die ... |
BWACCT | 17 Aug 2004 - 14:40 - NEW | Main.joko |
Email Patch: BW ACCT Better interaction with other firewalls? Old Version (which includes this patch) can be found here: BW ACCT v0.9.4 In the meanwhile, there is ... |
TWikiAdminGroup | 12 Aug 2002 - 01:42 - NEW | Main.admin |
Set GROUP Main.admin Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE Main.TWikiAdminGroup |
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