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FraggleXml 25 Aug 2004 - 17:02 - r1.3 Main.joko
FreeWindowsSoftware 07 Dec 2004 - 16:51 - r1.5 Main.joko
Topics TOC more software ... see also on SecureComputing or at Joko-2004-10-07InternetWin98 or look here: UsefulWindowsSoftware Disk Tools 7-Zip 7-Zip 4.09 beta download ...  
Home 16 Dec 2004 - 12:21 - r1.21 Main.joko
INCLUDE{"jstools"} Welcome to some point of Have fun exploring our site. Development CVS Browser and Tools featuredItem("31/11/2004"); Development Documentation ...  
NFOC 17 Aug 2004 - 08:32 - r1.2 Main.joko
NFOC Netfrag conferencing NFOC consists of two different applications at the moment (heavy development state! ;). The one is the video capture/resize/reformat/compress ...  
NetFragSite 05 Sep 2004 - 17:52 - r1.2 Main.joko
done install some news2rss thingy, e.g. done News2RSS (perl) nntp2rss (php) nntp//rss (java) install RSS-Plugin for TWiki, see: RichSiteSummary WikiRssExtension publish ...  
NetFraggle 13 Sep 2004 - 20:39 - r1.10 Main.joko
NetFraggle A multipurpose collaboration tool TOC Project Summary Keywords Easy NFO User Interfacing 1. "Push" Link-Poster (mail2news, nntp2rss , IRClinkparser, mail2twiki ...  
News 22 Oct 2004 - 18:55 - r1.6 Main.joko
via RSS via Web based RSS reader (MagpieRSS): RSS Channel:'s Main web RSS Channel: Recent Changes @ RSS Channel: nfo.log.cvs RSS Channel: ...  
Projects 29 Aug 2007 - 18:53 - r1.12 Main.joko
INCLUDE{"jstools"} NFO Projektverzeichnis Untenstehend sind bereits einige Projekte aufgeführt. Da die Webseite und deren Grundfunktionen momentan noch geplant werden ...  
WebStatistics 25 Jul 2024 - 21:27 - r1.2 TWikiGuest?
May 2012 4011 0 0 323 165 Syndication 143 108 SerialToIP 106 104 Linux 99 98 NetFraggleDev 98 97 Development 93 FreeWindowsSoftware Jun 2012 4228 0 0 450 139 Syndication ...  
XabbusNotes 24 Aug 2004 - 19:36 - NEW Main.joko
wap f. (skin wap), use hawhaw HTML and WML hybrid adapted Webserver? gui-library for python like QtXML-stuff!  

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