TWiki expands the following variables enclosed in % percent signs:

Variable: Expanded to:
%WIKIHOMEURL% The base script URL of TWiki, link of Home icon in upper left corner is
%SCRIPTURL% The script URL of TWiki, is
%SCRIPTURLPATH% The path of the script URL of TWiki, is /twiki/bin
%PUBURL% The public URL of TWiki, is
%PUBURLPATH% The path of the public URL of TWiki, is /twiki/pub
%ATTACHURL% The attachment URL of the current topic, is
Example: If you attach a file you can refer to it as %ATTACHURL%/image.gif
%ATTACHURLPATH% The path of the attachment URL of the current topic, is /twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiVariables
%WIKITOOLNAME% Name of wiki tool, is
%WIKIVERSION% Wiki tool version, is 04 Sep 2004 $Rev: 1742 $
%USERNAME% Your login username, is guest
%WIKIUSERNAME% Your Wiki username, if defined in TWikiUsers?. Same as %USERNAME% if not defined. Is Main.TWikiGuest
%WEB% The current web, is TWiki
%TOPIC% The current topic name, is TWikiVariables
%DATE% Todays date, is 18 Jun 2024
%INCLUDE{"file.ext"}% Server side include, includes the text of a file. The default directory is the current Wiki web. Example: %INCLUDE{"../Know/TopicName.txt"}%
%SEARCH{"str" ...}% Inline search, shows a search result embedded in a topic. Parameter is composed of the search string, followed by optional name="value" pairs:
Pair: up Description: Default:
web="Name" Specify Wiki web to search Current web
scope="topic" Search topic name (title) Topic text (body)
regex="on" RegularExpression search Literal search
nototal="on" Do not show number of topics found Show number
nosummary="on" Show topic title only Show topic summary
nosearch="on" Suppress search string Show search string
casesensitive="on" Case sensitive search Ignore case
Example: %SEARCH{"wiki" web="Main" scope="topic"}%

Additional variables are defined in the preferences ( site-level ( SL ) in TWikiPreferences?, web-level ( WL ) in WebPreferences of each web, and user level ( UL ) preferences in individual user topics):

Variable: Level: What:
%WIKIWEBMASTER% SL Webmaster email address (sender of email notifications) , is
%WIKIWEBLIST% SL List of webs (in upper right corner of topics)
%WEBTOPICLIST% WL Common links of web (second line of topics)
%WEBCOPYRIGHT% SL , WL Copyright notice (bottom right corner of topics)
%WEBBGCOLOR% WL Background color of web
%EDITBOXWIDTH% SL , UL Horizontal size of edit box, is 100
%EDITBOXHEIGHT% SL , UL Vertical size of edit box, is 20